DOCUMENT RESUME ED 055 490 FL 002 554 TITLE Albanian Geography and History. INSTITUTION Defense Language Inst., Washington,D.C. SPONS AGENCY Department of Defense, Washington, D.C. REPORT NO 01/047 PUB DATE Jul 71 NOTE 172p. AVAILABLE FROM Director, Defense Language Institute,Department of the Army, U.S. Naval Station,Anacostia Annex, Washington, D.C. 20390 (With specificpermission) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Albanian; *Cultural Education; *Geography;Indo European Languages; *InstructionalMaterials; Intensive Language Courses; MilitaryPersonnel; Modern Languages; *Reading Materials;Vocabulary Development ABSTRACT This volume supplements lessons1-120 in the "Albanian Basic Course" developed by theDefense Language Institute. New words and idioms are introduced,and historical, political, cultural, and geographic information aboutAlbania focuses on contemporary life. It is suggested that thevork in this text be initiated during the final phase of thebasic course. The section on the geography of Albania discussessize and borders, topography, climate, agriculture and sheep farming,mines and industry, trade, and administrative apportionment.Extensive information on the various districts is proviled. Thehistorical material reviews the origins of Albania and concludes with adiscussion of the Albanian alliance with the People's Republic ofChina. (RL) ALBANIAN Geography and History U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EOUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE..ERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECES- SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY. July 1971 DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE This pamphlet is for use by the faculty, staff and students of theDefense Language Institute solely for official purposes.It is NOT for general distribution. It may NOT be released to other persons, quoted or extracted forpublication, or otherwise copied or distributed without specific permission in each instancefrom the Director, Defense Language kstitute. "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPY- RIGHTED MATERIAL BY MICROFICHE ONLY HAS BEEN GRANTED BY . KESSLER TO ERIC AND ORGA4 TI 5:PERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH E U.S. OFFICE Colonel, USA OF EDUCATION. FURTHER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PE Director MISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER 2 PREFACE This volume of Geography and Historyhas been designed with the following aims: a. to review grammar and vocabularyof Lessons 1-120 of the Basic Course. b. to increase, with practice and thehelp of new words and idioms, the student'sfluency and scope of expression. c. to provide basic historical,political, cultural and geographic information about Albania andcertain areas in which Albanian spoken, with emphasis on the comtemporary scene. Because of the review and development aspectsof the volume, it is introduced in the final phaseof the course (beginning with the 34th week) for one hour a day,approximately one page at a time. The student's task is to read thehomework assignment and be familiarized with the content; throughappropriate questions and answers, the instructor will leadthe student to free conversation. All inquiries concerning these materials,including requests for authorization to reproduce, should beaddressed 'co the Director, DLI, U.S. Naval Station, AnacostiaAnnex, Washington, D.C. 20390. 11- TABLE OF CONTENTS page k SUMMARY OF GEOGRAPHY OF ALBANIA Size and borders 1 Topography: mountains, plains, rivers, lakes 3 Climate 11 Agriculture and sheep farming 13 Mines and industry 15 Trade 18 Administrative apportionment of P.R.A. 21 District of Gjirokastdr 23 District of Sarandd 26 District of Tepelend 28 District of Pdrmet 29 District of Kolonjd 30 District of Skrapar 31 District of Korqd 32 District of Pogradec 36 District of Vlord 37 District of Fier 40 District of Berat 42 District of Lushnjd 46 District of Elbasan 48 iv Page District of Gramsh 51 District of Librazhd 52 City of Tirane 53 District of Tirane 56 District of Durres 58 District of Kruje 63 District of Mat 66 District of Diber 67 District of Kukes 68 District of Tropoje 71 District of Shkoder 73 District of Puke 77 District of Mirdite 78 District of Lezhe 80 Statistic data 81 A SUMMARY OF HISTORY OP ALBANIA The Illyrians 90 Scanderbeg 93 Movements of the 18th Century 110 League of Prizren 117 Ethnic Albania 120 Albanian Independence 123 Page The New State (1920-1939) 125 The Albanian Communist Party 129 The National Front (BalliKombEtar) 132 The Second World War and the Albanianunderground 137 Communist takeover: executions, reforms, elections, socialism,unions, education, russification, youth, religion,forced labor 138 The Sino-Soviet Rift 154 Alliance with P.R. of China 163 vi NJE PERMBLEDHJE E GJEOGRAPISE SE SHQIPERISE Shqiperia ndodhet nE pjesdn perdndimore tE gadishullit bailkanik, i cili pdrbdhet nga kdto shtete: Jugosllavia, Greqia, Bullgaria, Rumania, Shqipdria dhe njd pjesd e Turgisd Europiane. Nga madhesia, ShqipEria dshtd sa shteti i Maryland-it; nE pdrgjithdsi malet e saj i pdrgjajnd natyrds malore td Kentucky-t, kurse faundn, flordn, bregdetin dhe klimdn i ka pak a shumdsi ato tE Kalifornisd Qendrore. MADHESIA E KUFITE. Shqipdria shtrihet nd bregun lindor td Adriatikvt dhe td Jonit, nddrmjet shkalldve td gjatdsisd lindore 19°.202 -21°.32 dhe td gjerdsisd veriore 39°.302 - 420.402 dhe ka njd sipdriage prej 28.748 kilometrash katrord (11.100 mila katrore). Fqinjdt e Shqiperisd jand: Jugosllavia nd veri dhe nE lindje dhe Gregia nd lindje dhe nd jug; uga perdndimi kufizohet me detin Adriatik dhe me detin Jon. Brenda kdtyre shka11nre ndodhet Shqipdria e sotme, kufitd e sE cilds u caktuan padrejtdzisht nga Konferenca e Ambasadordve nE Londdr, mE 1913; por ShqipEria e vertetE, Shqiperia etnike ose Shqipdria e Robdruar -sic eshte zakon td quhet- dshtd edhe njd herd md e madhe dhe shtrihet nddrmjet shkal1dve td gjatdsisd lindore 190.202 - 20°.502 dhe td gjerdsisd veriore 39°.02-43°.02. 1 Gjatesia tokesore e vijes skufirit eshte 577 km., nga te cilët 347 km. me Jugosllavi dhe 230 km. me Greqi, kursegjatesia e bregdetit eshte 472 km. I vetmi ishull i Shqiperise Eshte Sazani qe gjendetkundrejt gjirit te Vlords. TRAJTA B SIPERFAQBS. Drejtimet që marrin lumenjte na japin nje kuptim te plote te siprfaqes se tokave te saja. Lumenjte rrjedhin nga lindja ne perendim dhe kjo do te thote sekrahinat e Shqiperise nga lindja jane te larta dhegradualisht mE te ulta gjer ne breg te detit; Shqiperia ka, pra, male ne lindje dhe fusha ne perendim. MALET. Malet mbulojne tri tE katertat e Shqiperise. Vargjet e maleve, sipas drejtimeve qe marrin, ndahenne pese grupe: (1) Alpet e Shoipe:-isd se Veriut jane vazhdimi i Alpeve Dinarike te Bregdetit te Dalmacise se Jugosllavise Perendimore. Alpet e Shqiperise formojne blocun e maleve me te larte te Shqiperise dhe nuk krijojne nje varg te rregullt. Ato shtrihen ne veri te Drinit te bashkuar dhe mbulojne nje vend prej 50 km. gjatesi dhe 20 k . gjeresi. Fare ne veri gjenden Bjeshket e Namuna, me te lartat e4 ketij grumbulli, me malin Jezerge(2693m.); keto kane ne jug-perendim malet e Hotit dhe te Grudes me majen e Viles (2100 m.); ne perendim te ketyre gjenden bjeshket madheshtore 3 Male t 066; 11010.-r Zoo --wit-,,_ 5hitazons2040 L SLit WittaithinC;Pteirma. enive Vtfeeiktt. "aboestemili,:t Cuitail,S"` 17ZZ 0, 144teetc Mirdais Ko n; R.0004- 4jaNca ""aiLlGO.SLLAVIA Orabi. fix 2751 z e r;cca. L.; OhAt PnabA Rasta:ZS 110 Ihmor Kt.); 2,416 4.1;tia Shrir Ostrov c a SAZA Mo Tees4inct eoz c.lku 46.0.0 24-95 4 te Maldsisd sd Madhe, me malin eVelecikut (1726 m.) dhe malin e Radohinds (2650 m.). Td dyja kdto grupe mbahen si qendra kullotash e stanesh dhe jand tE vidrshkuara nganjd sdri pdrrenjsh e lumenjsh td vegjdl. ME nd jug, nd veri-lindje tE Shkodrds, vijnd vendet malore tE Cukalit, me malin Cukal(1722 m.). NE veri dhe veri-lindje tE kdtyre vijnE njEgrumbull malesh tE ndard prej shumd lumenjsh me dy male td larta: Maja e Hekurave (2600 m.) dhe Shkdlzeni (2460 m.). (2) Vargu Lindor, qd sttshtd gjd tjatdr vegsenjd pjesd e Vargut td Sharit, nis nd Shqipdrind e Robdruar. Pdrmbledh nga veriu nd jug: malin Koritnik (2400 m.) nd lindje td Kukdsit, Gjalicdn e LumEs (2486 m.) nd jug td Koritnikut dheKorabin, qd dshtd mali md i lartd i Shqipdrisd (2751 m.), nd veri td PeshkopisE. Korabi vazhdon me Malet e Deshatit, td cilat futen ne Shqipdrind e Robdruar; keto futen perskri x kufirin shOptar, mes te Ligenit td Ohrit dhe tdLigenit td Prespds, me Malin e Thatd dhe me malin Galigiqa (1740 m.). Vargu Lindor, qd fillon nd Kukds, mbaron nE Fushdn e Korgds me Qafdn eZvezdds. (3) Vargu i Maleve Qendrord shtrihet paralel me Vargun Lindor, nga Dukagjini gjer nd malet e Mokrds afdr Korgds, menjE gjatdsi prej 170 km. Pdrmbledh nga veriu nd jug: Malet e Mirditds me majdn e Runes (1856 m.) nd jug-lindje td Dukagjinit; Malet e cermenikds nd veri-lindje td Elbasanit dhe Malet e A 5 11 Flora Rshi tliS Ah Drithna. oaktenji: Arri Penn -Xs kk Du Linn Rewsk Perni A rre. DETI jjr Dvstik 11 Kshe GU, hi GOSLLAVIA hultd,IN4h4n ADR1ATIK D vSkk risir re Dri4hn Ul nj tenie Pem Gtroa ;6 6;021DLjw`" -Dvshit L.Olwt h Ml5Zrkw's.art. kaki. 52-5"1"e Dokia" r 1.-Ln Dushi. Afei ull;s* F'i45 pes Rr '45 64sktenji Pam. Skater; Drs'an Ind vs. 1:),L4tan, DuSkh- rri Sit-4A >;411ntt I. 4,14.te ass Le kallq RAL5 Ar4 Dasitit OrA Ah VETO )41.1.4 )9`katict Ztra AuwieP641 °I.skteqi JoiN Rr.sk An4 aOkeQ,IA ist Rrt4S h 6 12 JabllanicEs nd jug td D-ibrEs. Malet e MokrEs, qE shtrihen gjatE Licienit te Ohrit gjer afer KorgEs, pErbEjnd fundin e ketij vargu.
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