State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997 Total Emissions of Basic Polluting Substances Emissions of basic polluting substances within the territory of the Slovak Republic are regularly monitored and the results are updated in a database called "The Register of Emissions on Air Pollution Sources (REZZO) ; this data has been recorded since 1985 by SHMU in Bratislava. The register is divided into 4 categories according to ihe output, size and type of the source of the emissions: REZZO 1 - stationary units for fuel combustion with a total thermal output of more than 5 MW (large pollution sources with the heaviest impact on the environment). In addition to these, selected technologies are included. This database comprises continually recorded data since 1985 with 982 facilitators of pollution sources being registered. REZZO 2 - stationary units for fuel combustion with a total thermal output of 0.2 to 5 MW (medium pollution sources with medium impact on the environment. Also include are certain selected technologies. The third data update, completed in 1996, was carried out in co-operation with environmental offices within the period 1993-1996. REZZO 3 - stationary local units for fuel combustion with small pollution sources with a total thermal output of less than 0.2 MW. This database is being annually updated with emissions calculations based on the emission factors and total fuel consumption data. REZZO 4 - mobile units, regardless of their output. The COPERT Method, recommended by 'The Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Geneva 1979) 'for its member states, is used for emission data calculation. Data for 1996 are available. Between 1996 and 1997, emission reductions in all fundamental polluting substances were recorded. Table 5 Emissions of fundamental polluting substances (in thousand tonnes) Polluling 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 substance SO, 569.022 538.977 441.890 377.634 323.175 235.763 236.386 224.199 199.228 NO, 226.622 226.739 21 1.980 191.709 183.863 173.015 180.950 139.551 123.123 SI'M 320.991 299.368 229.608 177.481 143.318 87.301 88.978 66.977 60.290 CO 491.028 488.698 439.110 382.271 408.345 374.682 404.639 373.315 345.975 Source: SI IMU Table 6 Total emissions of fundamental polluting substances (1997) Source category SO2 NOS CO SI'M thous. t % thous. I % thou.s. I % llious. 1 % REZZO 1 176.564 88.7 70.583 57.3 141.636 40.9 36.646 60.8 REZZO 2* 10.577 5.3 3.96 3.2 12.037 3.5 9.478 15.7 REZZO 3 12.087 6 5.177 4.2 38.029 11.0 14.166 23.5 REZZO 4* 43.403 35.3 154.273 44.6 TOTAL 199.228 100.0 123.123 100.0 : 345.975 100.0 60.290 100.0 * tlata from 19% Source: SI IMU 2 Figure 2 Emissions of SO2 Figure 4 Specific territorial emissions of NOX (tonnes per km ) P rt 600 o 500 W 3 O Source: SHMU O 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Note: Following records from The Convention on SO, Emissions Reduction (Helsinki 1985 ; accession of the for- o* mer Czechoslovak Socialist Republic notified in 1986 and succession of the Slovak Republic notified in Oslo 1994) the SR is obliged to reduce emissions of SO2 by 60% (by the year 2000) , by 65% by 2005 and by 72% by 2010 - all values in comparison to 1980 values Source: SHMU oo -a 2 Figure 5 Emissions of NOX Figure 3 Specific territorial emissions of SO2 (tonnes per km ) 250 200 col CO- Source: SHMU 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Note: According to the Protocol of "The Convention on NOX Emissions Reduction (Sofia 1988, accession of the former CSSR in 1988, succession of the SR in 1994) the main aim of the SR is to stabilise NOX emis- sions values by the year 1994, based on 1987 data on NOX emissions Source: SHMU Figure 6 Emissions of SPM Figure 8 Specific territorial emissions of CO (tonnes per km2) l ]1 -5 [5-10 Source: SHMU CO 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Source: SHMU n W Figure 9 Emissions of CO Figure 7 Specific territorial emissions of SPM (tonnes per km2) O 3 J o Source: SHMU cr 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Source: SHMU State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997 Total Emissions of Greenhouse Gases According to the summary for 1996, the total amount of CO2 anthropogenic emissions reached 46 mil tonnes (in 1990 it was 60 mil tonnes, in 1988 more than 61 mil tonnes).The CO2 retained in for- est ecosystems hovers around the level of 6 mil tonnes and since 1990, a moderate increase has been reg- istered. Methane emissions have reached the level of 320 thousand tonnes (in 1990 it was more than 400 thousand tonnes). N2O total emissions have been estimated at 8 thousand tonnes (as opposed to 13 thousand tonnes in 1990). Greenhouse gases emissions peaked at the end of 1980's. Between 1990 and 1994 a 25% decrease was registered. Since 1994, a slight increase in the amount of emissions has been recorded. Figure 10 Individual sources and their percentage contribution to greenhouse gases emissions Source: SHMU Total Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds Based on the summary relating to year 1996, total emis- sions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) reached 104 074 tonnes (compared to 148 724 tonnes in 1990). Table 7 Total emissions of VOC, sectors of their production division Sector Emissions 1990 Emissions 1993 Emissions 1996 tonnes % tonnes % tonnes % Paintings ami adhesive utilisation 3 2X1.1 22.06 1l) 34') 16.59 i<; 122 IS Chemical treatment and degreasing () 650.5 4.47 10 366 2.87 12 108 12 Exploitation, transport and crude oil 22 386 15.05 17313 14.84 12 657 12 refinement Fuel distribution 3 623.9 2.44 3 673,6 3.15 3 808 4 Industrial organic chemistry 6 436.7 4.33 3 51 8,9 3.02 1 386 1 Incineration & combustion processes 1 1 465 7.71 11 317 9.70 3 889 4 Food-processing 4 001.3 2.69 3 541,3 3.04 2 525 2 Industrial production and metal processing 1624 1.09 2 136 1.83 2 108 2 Waste 8 298 5.58 1 572,5 1.35 526 1 Agriculture 651 0.44 436 0.37 436 0 Industrial products 8 278 5.57 8 278 7.10 8 278 8 Transport 42 499 28.58 42 161 36.14 37 231 36 Total 148 724 100 123 663 100 104 074 100 Source: SHMU 10 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997 Table 8 Air quality standards for selected polluting substances Polluting substance Expressed as Air quality standards (flg.m"') AQSV AQS,, AQS,,,, AQSS Particuhite matter 60 150 500 Sulphur dioxide SO, 60 150 500 Sulphur dioxide and particulatc SO2+p.p. 250* matter Nitrogen oxides NO2 80 100 200 Carbon monoxide CO 5 000 10 000 Ozone O.i 110 Lead in participate matter I'b 0.5 Cadmium in particulate matter Cd 0.01 Ma [odours substance nuisl nol occur in concenlra ions to he public nuisance * Caleulaled aridinielic sum of bnlli componenl's daily averages conecnlration F.xplanal ion of symbols: AQS; average annual concentration of the polluting substance Average concentration is a mean concentration level recorded at a designated point within a span of one year. The result is given in the form <>/ an arithmetic mean calculated from average daily concentrations AQSt: average daily concentration of the polluting substance Average daily concentration is a mean concentration level recorded at a designated point within a pan of 24 hours. Average daily concentration is also understood as the mean of at least 12 (periodical) average concentration levels recorded every 30 minutes with- in a span of 24 hours (arithmetic mean) AQSHh: average 8-hour-concentration of the polluting substance Average 8-hour-concentration is a mean concentration level recorded at a designated point within a span of 8 hours AQSj average 30-minute-concentration oj the polluting substance Average 30-minute-concentralion is a mean concentration level recorded at a designated point within a span of 30 minutes Limiting criteria: AQSj and AQSsfor parliculate matter, SO,, NOX and CO cannot be exceeded in the course of the year in more than 5% of cases. -' Local Air Pollution 32 local and 7 regional air pollution monitoring stations were in operation within the territory of the Slovak Republic in 1997. 11 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997 Figure 11 Localization of air pollution monitoring stations Prešov Krompachy * Rudňanv • * Vranov nad • Humenné Handlová» J Topľou • • Bystričany* L.£> Strážske z Lovca** Žiar nad JClsaVd Štúrova » « ..,.,, Hronom í Ida. Galaktická •Milhostov Trnavské mýto Turbínová námestie Mamatevova © Regional stations - HMI.LP - monitoring network i Source: SUMU 0 Other regional stations • Local monitoring stations 1 area of Bratislava 2 area of Košice 3 area of Banská Bystrica 4 area of Žilina 5 area of Ružomberok Sulphur Dioxide Daily ambient air limit of sulphur dioxide (an average daily concentration) was exceeded only in the Horná Nitra region - station Handlová: 2.5% of days within a year. Figure 12 Average annual concentrations of SO2 at the selected monitoring stations 3 (AQS 60 Mg per m ) 60 50 • 1992 40 El 1993 D 1994 30 E! 1995 U 1996 20 • 1997 10 0 Uralisi; Kosii* - Trnavskí PodhraiiiiYii Mýto Source: SHMU Nitrogen oxides 3 AQS(j level of an average daily concentration of 100 mg per m was most frequently exceed i Bratislava 38.5% of days within a year.
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