• u [email protected] April 16, 2003 r in GCAthens Center Iraq What is the GC Community Saying;» GetsNewH e BC Opinion Poll Move 10 Truen McConnell Campus '.... Begins In Summer comm.ntarl~"l'. 2. & 11 See Ihe New Campus Inside: Pa18S2&3 GC SayS Goodbve 10 Sallie Duhling..... IrUa Flltball Comes to Georgia..... Calendar .... II PageZ 1~14r.rEt Parking Deck to Replace Student Center ScIentists PoInt Out DyIng as leading By Blake Duncan This will be the most exten­ Cause of Death News Editor sive rebuilding project GC has [email protected] Wortdwide undertaken since installing the Scientists at the Medical As most students w ill say, underground warehouse under Universtty of Ubya claim parking has become a se rious the soccer field. As for ruition that, after years of re­ problem at Gainesville College. and srudent activity fees, both search, dying has been Campus Security, along with the wi ll go up, the administration proven to cause death in Hall County Zoning ColTlfninee office claims. Tuition for in-state percent of the re­ 100 and the Board of Regents have students will rise from roughly ported cases. Signs of devised a solution to this over­ $700 to around S4,500, and stu­ dying Include: cold body bearing problem. dent activity fees will go from temperature, rigor mortis, "During the summer and fall 539 to $390. lack of responsiveness, semesters of 2003, the Uni ver­ "The parking deck is the most et<:. sity System wi ll be tearing down important thing for us al the the Srudent Center and the Mu­ moment. Once we get that built Franz ferdinand Found sic building in order to erect a we can open up the field on the Alive, Wor1d War I four-story parking deck over the west side of campus for devel­ a Mistake existing parking lot," said a Orange Julius and Sbaffo have contacted the opment. Orange Julius and Historians in the Balkans -­ Sbarro have already contacted Board of Regents spokesper­ school to open up shops once the parking have found Franz son. deck and other new additions are made. us about opening up shops Ferdinand, the famed Other building projects that there," said the same Board of Archduke of Austria, alive are expected to last for two years Regents spokesperson. expanded and t umed into one Campus Security is looking and running a small bed or more wi ll increase GC's stu­ Srudent GovemmenlAssocia­ and breakfast in southwest building with the Administration forward to these changes, stat­ tion and the Campus Activities dent capacity t 0 over 15,000. Offices. The Science Building ing that it will allow the depart­ Serbia. Eastern Europe Academic II will see additions Board wi ll be working hand-in­ apologized for WWI at a wi ll gain three new floors and a ment to expand and add another that will add a second and third hand with the Board of Regents helipad so that helicopters can 45 security personnel to the pay­ news conference in floor, along with a larger court­ to make sure t hat students do transport injured chemistry sru· roll, along with 30 new trucks Belgrade. yard area. Academic IJI will be nOI feel the rise in ruilion and dents to local hospitals. and a van or two. fees is not appreciated. Would You Believe She'sl03? Archaeologists and other Goose Sues Student for Hit and Run assorted scientists have By Blake Duncan PETA member could not be discovered the corpse of News Editor reached for comment, but did re­ singer/actress OIer under [email protected] lease a statement saying that his! roughly 100 years worth her group would be willing to 01 make-up buikl-up. Hol­ During an afternoon news forgive the student who maimed lywood mourned and re­ I conference on Feb. 28, the goose if that person agreed joiced the report. Gainesville College security of- to become a level five vegan and ficers announced that a member not eat anything that casts a Snideness Level ofGC's unofficial mascot group, shadow. Reaches Ail-Time High the Geese, was suing a srudent An unnamed a nd totally un­ The Compass Staff has at the school for pain and suf­ confirmed Oakwood police reported that their own fering inflicted by a hit "ind run source claimed that the srudent accident two weeks before. snideness level har who perpetrated the crime would reached a record high. The incident happert-ed on remain anonymous throughout Feb. 16, at roughly 2:15 p;rn., the course of the investigation, Martha BurkTo Hold when the srudent, driving a four­ after which they would become 'Nude' Protests wheeled unleaded gas-powered the object of mass amounts of Martha Burk held a press vehicle, struck (he goose al the ridicule. conference to announce campus's main entrance. Au­ The goose in question will be that the protests her thorities responded witliin two undergoing therapy and treat­ group would hold during hours of the event. mentat South Hall Veterinary the Masters tournament The investigation began al­ - Clin i~ i~r 'in] uri ~s ranging' fr~m 'NOUld be nude. The press most immediately after the inci­ two broken wings to a fracrured corps fled in terror, chaOS: dent 0 ccurred. A GC Sl udent bill. However, the goose is cur­ ensued. A box of Pop­ who is a member of PETA's mili­ The goose was unable to schedule a rently in an upper-body cast and Tarts was stolen from Au w tant wing phoned the Hall photograph session, so we bring you this confined to a miniarure wheel­ gusta grocery store dur­ County Department of Animal totally unrelated picture of Elmo. But isn1 he chair. The Veterinary Clinic says Affairs, who in tum contacted ing the riot. \ the goose wi ll be in rehabilita­ the Georgia State Department of just so cute and furry. Don1 you just want to tion for at least t he next three Animal Affairs, who in tum con· cuddle him? months, while the student fa ces tacted the Oakwood pol ice. The a fine of$400 and jail time. 16,2003 The New GC Athens Campus .. The Campus Computer Labs Many current GC Athens students The new Athens campus will have complaints regarding provide students with many new parking. This will be much less of computers. Technology will be a problem at the new campus. up-to-date and more accessible to students. Claude P. Smith -- Building The Claude P. Smith Building houses many classrooms and labs. Biology Labs The Library The biology labs, like the one Unlike the current GC Athens pictured above in the Claude P. Center, next fall's GC Athens Smith building, are completely students will have a complete stocked with most things library at their convenience. necessary for all science lab classes. DUSTONIA 0J.lJ Compm swr Student Center There are multiple student seating areas around the new campus. This will give Athens students more of a feel for college life. Pagc4 1~1#~fij April 16. 2003 Emotions Run-High at GC- ~VVar-. Forum By Healher-Hodges tion to better acquaint the au­ back these troops. " MaTlin More took advantage o~ft lie op- ~b Ji c saf~ 0 ffice r Richard Editor-in-Chief - . ~ .""l .. _ dience wilh I raq. She spoke Wilson, professor of history poTtuni ty to have t heir views Thompson. Lambert, >vho has hhod2171 @gc.peachnet.edu about li fe in Iraq, the Iraqi gov­ and English citizen spoke about heard than to ask questions of seen four wars in his lifetime, ernment, fam il y life, Ihe oil in­ support fo r the war in Britain, the panel. _ -said that most people today do Emotions ran high at the dustry, religions of the country saying that support was by no Student Emily Van Dyke ex- - not know wha r~t.c~ Thomp­ March 2 6 Oajnesvill ~ C~ lI ege • and the geography of Iraq. means unanimous. He also pressed her view that, as" -=a3.:r ;Qn- sajd, in an 1!mouonal Iraqi panel discussion, where itrc h~of the panelists then noted that U nited Nations ac ~ strong democratic country, it is speech, iiiil the problem was anti-war sentiments were gave their opening comments tion 12 years earlier would have America's moral obligation to in trying to negotiate with the drowned out by the many voices ex pressing their views 0 nt he prevented much of today 's liberate the people oflraq. Nick UN, echoing what Wilson had of war supporters. war. Kurdish GC student Shilan trouble. Finally, Douglas Tillford, another G C student, said in his opening comments. The Politically Incorrect Club Amedi spoke first, followed by You ng, a ssociate professor 0 f opposed Mosser's arguments Rogers concurred, saying, "The sponsored th e event that her brother, student Butan political sc ience a nd hi story, in a very maller-of-fact manner. mistake was trying 10 get the brought together all of the GC Amedi. Jason Mosser, a ss is­ and advisor of the Politicall y In­ Many supporters of the war UN to agree with us. We don'l community and even some out­ tanl professor of Engli sh, ex­ correct Club, supported the war. expressed c oncerns as 10 the need them now, and we didn'l siders 10 discuss the si tuation pressed his anti-war stance, He He said. "I do finnly believe that effects that protesters will have need them then." in Iraq. GC professors and stu­ said Ihal, while he supports the the risks 0 f us not liberating on the war and on public opin- Very little support came for dents joined the p anc! to d is­ troops, he does nOI support the Iraq are far greater," due to hu­ ion.
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