American Association of Teachers of French NATIONAL BULLETIN VOLUME 30 NO. 1 SEPTEMBER 2004 FROM THE PRESIDENT butions in making this an exemplary con- utility, Vice-President Robert “Tennessee ference. Whether you were in attendance Bob” Peckham has begun to develop a Web physically or vicariously, you can be proud site in response to SOS calls this spring of how our association represented all of and summer from members in New York us and presented American teachers of state, and these serve as models for our French as welcoming hosts to a world of national campaign to reach every state. T- French teachers. Bob is asking each chapter to identify to the Regional Representative an advocacy re- Advocacy, Recruitment, and Leadership source person to work on this project (see Development page 5), since every French program is sup- Before the inaugural session of the con- ported or lost at the local level (see pages 5 ference took center stage, AATF Executive and 7). Council members met to discuss future A second initiative, recruitment of new initiatives of our organization as we strive to members, is linked to a mentoring program respond effectively to the challenges facing to provide support for French teachers, new Atlanta, Host to the Francophone World our profession. We recognize that as teach- teachers, solitary teachers, or teachers ers, we must be as resourceful outside of We were 1100 participants with speak- looking to collaborate. It has been recog- the classroom as we are in the classroom. nized that mentoring is essential if teach- ers representing 118 nations, united in our We want our students to become more pro- passion for the French language in its di- ers are to feel successful and remain in the ficient in the use of French and more knowl- profession. The training of foreign lan- verse literary, pedagogical, and cultural con- edgeable about the Francophone world. We texts, as the AATF and the FIPF (Fédération guage teachers in sufficient numbers to seek new experiences to reinforce our own replace those who are retiring is not keep- internationale des Professeurs de Français) competencies in teaching, in research, and met in Atlanta to hold the 2004 Congrès ing pace and sometimes causes French in global awareness. We want to ensure programs to disappear when the French mondial des professeurs de français. We that the study of French is valued by our may have looked different, dressed differ- teacher retires. We have seen examples of local and national publics, who are the de- the new French teacher not being sup- ently, and spoken with different accents, but cision-makers in extending programs, in we all came together with enthusiasm for ported or mentored and rapidly leaving the maintaining them or, unfortunately, in elimi- profession as well as stories of French pro- our profession, a desire to learn and to nating them. As an association, we are roll- share, and awe of the extent to which French grams just being eliminated in order not to ing up our sleeves and setting the course have to deal with the challenges confronted is the common bond that stretches all for our efforts to support the study of French around the world, visible on every continent. and the work of French teachers across the Inside this issue Page The challenges of this conference were country. To that end, we are directing our tremendous and required focus, negotia- Excellence in Teaching Awards .............. 2 energy simultaneously in three directions, AATF Executive Council .......................... 5 tions, diplomacy, and much correspon- which are not necessarily separate but fre- dence to bring it to a very successful con- Advocacy Workshop at ACTFL ............... 5 quently intertwined. The thrust of these three Call to Arms for Advocacy ........................ 7 clusion. The results were achieved largely initiatives is toward advocacy, recruitment, through the perseverance and commitment AATF Sessions at ACTFL ........................ 7 and leadership development. Our vice- National French Week Contests ............ 9 of our Executive Director Jayne Abrate, presidents and our commissions are weav- whose capacity for work seems indefati- AATF Small Grants ............................... 10 ing these initiatives into the work that is al- Regional Reports ............................ 11-12 gable and whose sense of doing a job well ready in progress or will be integrating them were evident at every turn. She, in turn, was Fund for the Future ............................... 12 into new projects. New Honorary Members ...................... 13 supported by the work of the staff in our At least on an anecdotal level, we are national office: April Walsh, Rosalba Correa, Chapter Checklist ................................. 14 aware of the efforts to eliminate or to Membership Drive ................................ 15 and Amy Hanson. Acknowledgment is also marginalize French programs at elemen- due to the French consular staff in Wash- Mots chassés ........................................ 16 tary, secondary, and post-secondary levels. AATF Commissions ............................. 17 ington, DC and in Atlanta and the Ministry of French-bashing has emboldened some Foreign Affairs in Paris, the FIPF, and oth- AATF Book Club .................................... 17 communities and institutions to claim that Promotion in Motion ............................. 19 ers in AATF: Jean-Pierre Piriou, President French no longer is relevant. The irony, of of the Organizing Committee, and Christo- National French Contest ..... 22, 25-26, 35 course, is that Congress is calling for the Salut les jeunes! .............................. 23-24 pher Pinet, Co-chair, with Alain Braun of the development of citizen expertise in many Program Committee. Those who served Contest Administrators of the Year....... 27 critical languages for reasons of national Chapter News ................................. 29-33 as plenary speakers and session present- security. To provide our members with tools ers are to be commended for their contri- Materials Center ................................... 38 to respond to the charge of dépassé or in- Mentoring Initiative ................................ 39 by a new teacher. We are especially look- sion at the AATF conference next summer. 2005 AATF DOROTHY S. ing to our retired members to serve as Our Charge LUDWIG EXCELLENCE IN mentors, and members currently in the As the new school year begins, let us TEACHING AWARDS classroom are, of course, most welcome focus on the opportunities that AATF mem- The American Association of Teachers to be involved. Through this program, we bership affords us and use the fruits of the of French invites nominations for four hope to meet the challenge of French teach- work being undertaken on our behalf to annual awards for outstanding teachers, ers everywhere, or as the President of the improve the learning and teaching of French one at each level: elementary school, FIPF put it: “Solitaire parfois, solidaire in our classroom, to advocate a place for middle school or junior high school, high toujours!” Suzanne Hendrickson, Chair of French in the curriculum, and to actualize school, and post-secondary (university, the Articulation Commission and Region IX our leadership potential. Let us also think college, or junior college). The purpose of Representative, is directing this program. of ourselves as members of a community the awards is to recognize those teachers She asks that each chapter identify to the ready to support each other and to share who have demonstrated excellence in and Regional Representative (see page 5) a with each other the special insights and commitment to the teaching of French mentoring chair to create one link of the net- experiences that we each embody! Let us language, culture, and literature. work that is required for this initiative to be take the first step toward this sense of unity The award itself will be a framed effective (see page 39). by becoming a community of readers and certificate from the AATF, recognizing the Our third thrust is directed at the devel- setting an example of lifelong learning for recipient for his or her outstanding contri- opment of leaders and the creation of op- our students and our colleagues! Let us butions to the teaching of French and a one- portunities for leadership at local, regional, also prepare to celebrate National French year complimentary membership in the and national levels. Our goal is to find a Week in our communities and remind our AATF for 2006, a cash award, and a one- leader for every task and a task to define public that French is still relevant! We are year subscription to Le Français dans le every leader. Some of us are leaders by in- off to a good start. Have a memorable year! monde. An official presentation will be made clination; others are brought to leadership at the AATF Awards Banquet in Quebec in through necessity, adversity, or passion. We July 2005. advanced this initiative at the chapter level Nominations may be made by an during our week in Atlanta by inviting chap- individual AATF member in good standing ter presidents or their designate to meet Margot M. Steinhart or by an AATF Chapter. All nomination docu- the national AATF leaders: President, Vice- President ments (candidate information and Presidents, Regional Representatives, [[email protected]] recommendations) must be submitted to Editors, and Commission Chairs. We want AATF National Headquarters by the our chapter leaders to recognize their
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