. The Southwestern . Alumni Magazine VOL. VI FEBRUARY-MARCH, 1935 No.4 THE SOUTHWESTERN ALUMNI MAGAZINE Member of the American Alumni Council Published four times during the college year by the Southwestern Alumni Association. Concerned wholly with the affairs of the College and the alumni. Combined membership in the Southwestern Alumni Association and subscription to the Alumni Magazine, contingent upon annual gift of any size to the Southwestern Alumni Fund. All communications should be addressed to the Editor, Southwestern Alumni Magazine, South­ western, l\femphis, Tennessee. M. L. MAcQuEEN, '19 RussELL PERRY, '3 3 Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor and Assistant Alzmuzi Seaetary In This Issue Ashner Gateway . Cover Name Clyde Propst New Athletic Director . 1 College to End Decade of Work in Memphis . 2 College Loses Beloved Athletic Director ...... .... .. .. 3 Jimmy Haygood -Builder of Men . .. .. ... 4 Elect Alumnus National Fraternity Head . 5 Campus Notes . 6 Southwestern to Have Marine Museum . 7 Athletics 8 In Hellenic Circles ..... 9 \~'ith the Classes .. 10 Engagements-Marriages-Births-Deaths . 23 THE SOUTHWESTERN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The Southwestern Alumni Association is an organization of alumni, graduates and non-gradu­ ates, of Southwestern, the object of which is to promote the welfare of Southwestern and to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between the College and the alumni. The office rs of the Association are: WM. A. ALEXANDE R, '15, President, J. F. FRIERSON, '99, Vice-President, Birmingham, Ala. Columbus, Miss. H. S. HENDERSON, '10, Vice-Pres., W. H. LYNN, '20, Rec. Sec'y, Lewisburg, Tenn. Ripley, Tenn. W . J. MILLARD, '20, Vice-President, M. L. MAcQuEEN, '19, Alumni Sec'y, Memphis, Tenn. Memphis, Tenn. THE SOUTHWESTERN ALUMNI MAGAZINE Official Publication of More Than 3,000 Southwesterners VoL. VI FEBRUARY-MARCH, 1935 No. 4 Name Clyde Propst New Athletic Director Former Alabama Star Fills Vacancy Caused by Deaths of Haygood and DeHart. Staff of Three Assistants. Schedule Announced N THE SHOULDERS of He is six feet five inches O Clyde (Shorty) Propst in height and weighs 23 0 rests the responsibility of pounds. H e is 3 6 years old. being Athletic Director and Propst uses a football sys­ head football coach at tem that is a combination Southwestern. Propst suc­ of the Notre D ame and ceeds Jimmy DeHart, who Wade systems. H e has taken died a few weeks after he the strong points of the had been selected as Athletic Rockne system and com­ Director to succeed the late bined them with the best Jimmy Haygood. Propst features of the single win g­ assumed charge of spring back, as taught by W ade. football training on March Jimmy D eH art, whom eleventh. Propst succeeds, was named A staff of three capable A thletic Director after the assistants have been named sudden death of Jimmy to aid Propst. John Miller, H aygood. D eH art was assistant coach since 19 3 1, stricken in Winston-Salem, will serve as line coach and N. C., as he was preparin g first assistant to the new head coach. Harold to depart for Memphis to conduct sprin g High, '34, backfield coach last season, has football practice. An emergency abdominal been named freshman coach. Carroll Dur­ operation was performed, but D eHart failed ham, former Arkansas College player and to rally from the operation. H e died March coach at Benton, Ark., high school last sea­ 4, the second Southwestern A thletic Director son, will serve as assistant freshman coach. to die in less than t wo months. D eH art Propst attended the University of Ala­ formerly coached at W ashington and Lee, bama where he was selected as All-Sou ther.n Duke, and University of Georgia. center on the football and basketball teams. He graduated from Alabama in 1924; be­ came freshman coach at Alabama .in 192 5; 1935 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE and was named assistant varsity line coach Se ptember 28-University of Tennessee, Knoxville the following year. He served five years October 5-University of Mississippi, Memphis under Wallace Wade and two years, 19 3 1 October 12-Millsaps, Memphis and 1933, under Frank Thomas at Alabama. October 18-M ississippi College, Jackson Propst was appointed head football coach at November 2-Howard College, Memphis Howard College, Birmingham, last year and November 9-Birmingham-Southern, Birmingham had a fairly successful season. November 16-University of Chattanooga, Memphis T he new Lynx athletic head is a native November 23-Union University, Memphis of Alabama, having been born in Ohatchee. November 28-Spring Hill, Mobile College to End Decade of Work in Memphis Southwestern to Celebrate Tenth Anniversary of Memphis Residence During Commencement Exercises in June. Marked Progress Made Since 1925 HE CONCLUSION of the The classroom and labora­ T present college session tory equipment has been marks the end of the tenth greatly supplemented. A year that Southwestern has number of exhibits have been in Memphis. A cele­ been placed in the science bration of the first decade building, and a marine of educational work in museum has been started. Memphis will be held during One sorority lodge was built the Commencement exer- ' the first year, and since that cises in June. In addition time, four sororities and two to marking the end of ten fraternities have built cam­ years of Memphis residence, pus lodges. 19 3 5 terminates sixty years The alumni association, of service by Southwestern which was unorganized un­ as a Presbyterian institution. til a few years ago, now has \'V'hile final plans have not an office and equipment. been completed, a gala cele­ A student publication of­ bration is planned for the fice has been established in alumni ,juring Commence­ Palmer Hall. The college ment. The ten-year class, 1925, will hold a campus has been extensively beautified by special reunion, and numerous other classes the addition of shrubbery, trees, flowers, will reune. All Southwestern alumni are and grass. A complete electric li ghting sys­ invited to attend the tenth anniversary cele­ tem for illuminating the campus is now bration. being installed. T wenty-five globular lights It is indeed a different setup that South­ on iron standards are soon to be ready for western presents today in comparison with use, and the number will be raised to sixty the one that greeted students in 19 2 5. A during the summer. number of major and minor improvements The first ten years' stay of Southwestern have been made that have helped no little to in Memphis can be summed up in one word raise Southwestern to the educational level -progress! that she can rightfully claim today. The curriculum of the college has been Cleveland, Miss. greatly advanced. The Tutorial Reading Dear Dr. Diehl : Courses, the honors courses, and the widened When Southwestern opened in 1925 at Memphis, scope of each department have all been fac­ I held my one-year old baby boy in my arms dur­ tors in the development of the college. The in9 the opening service. That boy will be eleven faculty has increased from 18 to 3 0 profes­ years old this year, so I know Southwestern has sors in ten years. been ten years in Memphis. A large number of improvements have With appreciation of your great achievement been made in the buildings and plant. The during these ten years and to help support South­ laying of hard surface drives and concrete western until my ten-year old boy can enter there, walks on the campus were among the first I send you my check for $10.00. improvements made. A dormitory for I ,hope more of the alumni will say it with cash women, as well as an additional men's dormi­ instead of flowers. Why not emphasize at this tory, has been acquired. A women's gym­ Commencement our ten years at Memphis? nasium, a cinder track, and eight tennis With hearty congratulations and best wishes to courts are a few of the forward steps made you and Southwestern. by the athletic department. Richard A. Bolling, '10. 2 College Loses Beloved Athletic Director Jimmy Haygood Dies Suddenly in Little Rock, Ark. Had Been Southwestern Coach Since 1931. His Loss a Severe Blow to College HE FINIS to the fine football shows 18 victories and 13 defeats, T saga of Jimmy Haygood, late but athletics at Southwestern made Athletic Director of Southwestern, marked progress under Jimmy Hay­ was written on the morning of good. He brought outstanding January 18, 193 5, in Little Rock, football teams to Memphis, and Arkansas. Southwestern began .playing "big Death carne with startling sud­ time" grid machines. The Memphis denness while the beloved coach was football public got to see some of on a mission for Southwestern. He the major teams of the South in had risen early in the morning to action. Haygood laid the founda­ drive to a near-by town, and while tion for bigger and better things driving, he became ill and returned to his for Southwestern athletics. hotel. Shortly afterwards, he died from a Everyone who knew Jimmy H aygood feels heart attack. a personal sense of loss now that ht is gone. The career of Jimmy Haygood, who Jimmy was the kind of fellow who made carne to Southwestern as Athletic Director you feel that you had known him for years in 19 31 , started at Vanderbilt University even though you had known him for only and wound through four southern states. five minutes. He was like that-every­ He was born near Waverly, Tennessee, 54 body's friend. Tributes from coaches, years ago and attended Branham and Hughes sportsmen and friends all over the South pre para tory school.
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