J <>ÿ/yy/////A-ÿy/yy/A>:>yyA<\ù<^v:<^y//A<<^ ■- . Afcnrf 2-TOWNSHIPS WEEK—FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1985 The rich wines of Spain’s Navarra Ifm ht jBtauarra The Basque province of Navar­ ted to red wine, with the claretes ra in Northern Spain has a long of Peralta, Salces and Olite being tradition of fierce independence. Wine some of the best. As a matter of As a matter of fact, it wasn’t until fact, the one offering from Na­ approximately the year 1512 that varra available in the local So­ lüng Ferdinand of Aragon mana­ Bits ciété des Alcool outlets is a Castil­ ged to conquer the region. Even lo de Olite. after “the conquest”, Navarra re­ By TIMOTHY It is a cherry red wine, bright mained relatively independent and clear with an exceptionally until 1841 when it took on the sta­ BELFORD fruity bouquet that belies the re­ Castilfode tus of a province. latively strong (12%) alcoholic M + Throughout its existence, this content. I found it both warm and fer* mountain nation acted as both a ling winds. In short, ideal grape full bodied, an excellent buy for UJ buffer and a conduit between country. the money — $4.80 per bottle. #~¥ï TTC X- XT France and Spain. By controlling The southern portion of the re­ Be forwamed however, my as­ cr the Roncesvalles pass, the people gion produces the best and most sistant taster caUed it too fruity Jl JlL o of Navarra controlled much of consistent wines and thus has with not enough substance. But i\fb ü>tnrl>m ftougr * " V ' * « V y''"» the commerce between their lar­ been given an appellation-like ra­ then again, what do assistants /trt rit /n e/z-toptw . /rumua ger neighbours. ting guaranteeing the region of know? It is not surprising therefore, origin. Here the predominant The Castillo de Olite is produ­ ! /h/r is JH/tmn/ d.) ms/At-afcj that the people of Navarra also grapes are the Garnacha, Tem- ced by the Vinicola Navarra, a r/ n/ Af tj-ftrtss/trr frnAnattr learned a great deal about the pranillo, Graciano and Mazuelo. company that Spanish wine pro­ production and consumption of These are also the main grapes of ducer and expert Miguel Torres Éfinicola jBauarra wine. the Rioja region directly to the calls “a name to look out for.” No Geographically, Navarra west which produces the best matter your opinion, it’s worth Pamplona (JKauarra) stretches along the southern wines in Spain. It is no accident the price to try this inexpensive NM ilf-NA MAISON FONDEE EN Î88Û slopes of the Pyrenees. It is a re­ therefore, that at their best, the import if for no other reason than «Si 3BÎX2-NA gion of fertile valleys and wines of Navarra resemble if not to increase your exposure to a southern exposures. A land of equal those of the Rioja. distinctly different part of PRODUIT D'ESPAGNE-PRODUCE OF SPAIN sun, sheltered from the prevai- Much of the production is devo­ Spain’s wine world. Cheers! Shaw’s new season welcomes back old friends By James Nelson include John Bull’s Other Island versity together through the NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE, and the rarely seen Inca of Peru- breakup of the British Empire, Ont. (CP) — Heath Lamberts and salem. from the Boer War to the 1930s. Irene Hogan, two of the craziest The season also includes Noel NO MEN APPEAR clowns on stage anywhere, re­ Coward’s Cavalcade, Agatha The Women, with no men ap­ turn to the Shaw Festival this sea­ Christie’s Murder on the Nile, pearing on stage, is a revealing son for rollicking looks at time­ Clare Booth Luce's The Women, account of the lives and thoughts less problems in generation-old and the Victor Herbert musical of Park Avenue socialites in an settings. Naughty Marietta, adapted for age when women’s liberation had Lamberts, who was a member the tiny Royal George Theatre by not yet become a public issue. of the Shaw company for 10 sea­ Christopher Newton, the festi­ Wendy Toye, a British free­ sons before taking a year off, hea­ val’s artistic director. lance director and theatre vete- dlines this year’s English farce, This season’s budget is $6 mil­ ran, returns to direct The One for the Pot, playing a man lion and ticket sales are already Madwoman. She did last year’s trying to lay hands on a family ahead of last year, said festival highly successful French farce, fortune in competition with three producer Paul Reynolds. The fes­ Celimare, which appeared on te­ identical brothers. tival, which began in 1962, has an levision as Friends of a Feather, Hogan, a veteran of six seasons accumulated deficit of only starring Tom Wood. delighting audiences with cameo $100,000, which is “pretty mana­ Toye said she has added mo­ portrayals of middle-aged geable.” Reynolds said the festi­ dern electronic music and other vamps, eccentric mediums, and val is now trying to build up a effects to the play, which she other strange women, has the substantial endowment fund to fi­ feels certain Giraudoux would title role in The Madwoman of nance future seasons. have used if they had been avai­ Chaillot. The festival seems determined lable to him in the early 1940s. They are joined by more than to spread out beyond Niagara-on- “There’s a lot of fantasy mixed 60 players, including stars Dou­ the-Lake. All sets this season are with reality.” glas Rain, Mari Maraden, Fiona being built solidly enough to tra­ Another British freelance di­ Reid, Andrew Gillies, Jennifer vel. Heartbreak House, at least, rector returning this season is Phipps, Susan Wright, Tom will play in Ottawa in the fall, and Denise Coffey, an acknowledged Wood, Nora McLellan, Barry another production may go to the expert on Shaw even though her MacGregor, Jack Medley and United States. approach to him is often as irre­ Geraint Wyn Davies. Cameron Porteous, head of de­ verent as the great Irish-born cri­ OPENS MAY 22 sign, said the old technique of tic and playwright could be about The 12-production season opens building sets of painted canvas politics, religion and medicine. May 22 after three weeks of pre­ stretched on wooden frames is Coffey is directing John Bull’s view performances, and runs to long gone. He has built the Other Island, featuring Jim Me- mid-October, occupying three Madwoman set of metal framing zon, Barry MacGregor and Herb theatres in this former colonial to represent a Parisian sidewalk Foster. It’s one of two festival capital of Upper Canada. cafe set inside the Eiffel Tower. productions offered to CBC-TV George Bernard Shaw’s Heart­ Giraudoux wrote The Madwo­ for taping. break House opens the festival’s man toward the end of the Second The festival is making its first 24th season, with Rain and Mara­ World War but did not live to see venture into the murder mystery den as the leading players in this its first production in 1945 in Pa­ genre with Christie’s play Mur­ parable of Europe at the end of ris. In it he warns of the dangers der on the Nile at the Royal the First World War. Hogan’s of industrial exploitation, pictu­ George Theatre. If it is as succes­ portrayal of a strange but deter­ ring what would happen if oil sful as the festival’s mini­ mined rag-picker in the streets of were discovered under the musicals, a mystery may be­ Paris is in Jean Giraudoux’s pa­ streets of Paris. come an annual feature. rable of the world after the Se­ Cavalcade is another festival Ticket prices this season range cond World War. blockbuster, drawing on nearly Attreisspusan Wright is one of many Canadian stars who’ll be trouping from $15 to $24.50, higher on wee­ In addition, to Heartbreak the full company. It is Coward’s kends, and $5 a seat for lunchtime. f&lr'tke ShaW this year. 4 House, this season's Shaw plays epic story of a family facing ad­ productions. TOWNSHIPS WEEK—FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1985—3 Les 4-Temps — show biz for the pure love of it By Michael McDevitt Since 1982, Les 4-Temps has performed over 50 concerts and ; SHERBROOKE — In an age reached an audience in excess of SMm i: when wholesome family enter­ 66,000 in concerts in places ran­ ■H. - tainment is becoming increasin­ ging from Sherbrooke’s Jacques gly difficult to uncover, Sher­ Cartier Park to the Quebec City brooke’s Les 4-Temps is a rare Hilton. find indeed. Now numbering over 90 perfor­ Made up of over 100 amateur mers from virtually every age music and theatre lovers from group and walk of life imagi­ Z..1? around the Sherbrooke area, Les nable, assisted by an additional 4-Temps offer energetic, spirited dozen or so volunteers, the troupe and colorful entertainment based is getting ready to present its 1985 on the old show business stand-by show and what a show it is ! combination of music, dance and Les 4-Temps are noted for their comedy in a whirlwind of stage bright, colorful costumes, ener­ activity guaranteed to leave all getic song and dance routines and but the most hearty breathless. light, easy comedy, and this Les 4-Temps had its beginning year’s spectacle is no exception in 1975 when about a dozen paris­ to this highly successful rule. In­ hioners of the Immaculate cluding songs by such diverse ar­ Conception Catholic Church in tists as Michael Jackson, Lionel Sherbrooke decided to form a Richie, Manhattan Transfer, Ro­ chorus devoted to religious mu­ bert Charlebois, Gilles Vi- sic.
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