Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84581-6 - Ockham and Political Discourse in the Late Middle Ages Takashi Shogimen Index More information INDEX acts Anacletus, St 221 in accordance with right reason (licit) 70 on Tu es Petrus 220, 225 classification of 51–3 Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica 160 external and internal 250, 252, 253 Anastasius II, Pope 105 indifferent 128 angelic hierarchy, Dionysian 98 object of 124, 127 anti-rationalism 19 of perfection 54 apostates, as heretics 92 power as set of 169 apostolic power 175–80, 213 Ad conditorem canonum (papal bull, 1322) 1, 47 equality of 207, 208 Chatton’s response to 73 and papal power 174–5 admonition Aquinas, Thomas 57 fraternal correction by laymen as 107 apostolic power 213 of heretics 93, 95 Contra doctrinam retrahentium a religione 53, 56 Albert I of Hapsburg, Emperor 3 Contra impugnantes Dei cultum et Alberti de Prato, Nicholas, Dominican religionem 53, 56 cardinal of Ostia 40 De perfectione spiritualis vitae 53, 55 Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great), on explicit Catholic truth 98, 100 Dominican theologian on fraternal correction 108–9, 110–11, 120 on correction 107 on heresy 79, 84, 95 and knowledge of explicit faith 100 on implicit faith 137 and obligations of conscience 126–7 and interpretation of Matthew 163 papal primacy 218 and literal sense 201 Alexander of Hales and meaning of justice 69 definition of heretic 90, 91 on monarchy 177 on fraternal correction 107–8, 109, 112 and obligations of conscience 127–9 on heresy 79, 94 Ockham’s references to 53–5 and knowledge of explicit faith 100 papal power of jurisdiction 223–4 and problem of conscience 124–5 Quaestiones disputatae de veritate 128 Summa theologica 91 Summa theologiae 128, 129 Almain, Jacques, commentary on superiority of theology to canon law 66 Octo quaestiones 6 on Tu es Petrus 217, 223 Alvarus Pelagius, Franciscan canonist use of Aristotelian logic 168 and Franciscan poverty debate 74 Aristotle papal primacy 186, 213, 219 Ockham’s use of 168, 177–8, 184, 185, 228 treatise on heresy 78 Politics 177, 178 Ambrose, St 217 and structural change 184 De officiis ministrorum 139 assertions defence of Christian fellowship 135–44, 238 by heretics 94 An princeps treatise 156, 243 modes of belief in 196 289 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84581-6 - Ockham and Political Discourse in the Late Middle Ages Takashi Shogimen Index More information Index Augustine, St Acts 15:28–29 173, 174, 189, 192, 227 apostolic power 212 James 1:25 171, 173 Decretum 91 John 20:21–23 207, 224 on heresy 78, 91 John 21:17: Pasce oves meas (feed my sheep) pertinacity as essential characteristic 175, 210, 211–16, 229 of heresy 89 Luke 6:3–4 182 on punishment 150 Luke 22:25–27 179 Augustinus Triumphus of Ancona Luke 22:32 210 and authority of Church to define heresy 84 Matthew 12:3–4 182 on fraternal correction of papal Matthew 16:18: Tu es Petrus (You are Peter heresy 116–18 and on this rock ...) 210, 216–25 papal primacy and interpretation of Matthew 16:19 167, 207, 224, 225 Matthew 164, 223 Ockham’s interpretation 163–7 and possibility of papal heresy 102, 190 Matthew 18:18 207, 224 Summa de ecclesiastica potestate 116 Matthew 20:25–27 167 on theology 67 Matthew 28:20 190, 192 authority and divine revelation 200 and morality 250–6 and literal interpretation of Holy Writ 226 see also ecclesiastical authority; papal authority Ockham’s method (cross-referencing) 167–8, Avignon, William of Ockham at 1, 2, 101, 102 174, 203, 225–6 and papal power 159–70 Bacon, Roger, on superiority of theology to ‘primary’ true meaning in 201–3 canon law 66 use of, to reinterpret doctrine of Baconthorpe, John, Carmelite theologian 66 necessity 182–3 definition of heretic 90 biblicism 20 interpretation of Matthew 164 Black, Antony, Political Thought in Europe 7, 9 on papal primacy 186, 211, 214 Bleakley, Holly Hamilton 31, 251 on Tu es Petrus 219, 222 Boehner, Philotheus, view of baptism, and heresy 89 Ockham 15–16, 28 Bartholomaeus of Brescia, on fraternal Bonagratia of Bergamo, Franciscan correction 108 canonist 2, 42 Bartolus of Sassoferrato, on tyranny 256 Appellatio 59 Baudry, Le´on 209 and dispute on Franciscan poverty 49 Bayley, C. C. 17 and problem of Judas’s purse 46–7 Bede, commentary on Matthew and Luke 182 and theory of ownership 62 Beguin Order, Catalonia 40 Tractatus de paupertate Christi et belief (in assertion), ‘with conviction’ apostolorum 42 and ‘firm’ 196 Bonaventure, St Benedict XII, Pope 5, 156 Apologia pauperum 41, 43–5 definition of papal power 238 apostolic power 213, 218 heresy of 157 Christian law as law of liberty 171 Redemptor noster constitution 157, 158 condescension to the imperfect 45, Berengar of Tours 116 46, 47, 48, 50 Berlin, Isaiah, negative concept of liberty 249 and definitions of plenitudo potestatis 161 Bernard of Parma, on fraternal correction 108 and discourse on Franciscan poverty Bible 38, 44–5, 48 contradictions in teachings on poverty 55, 61 doctrine of Christian faith 97 and extra-scriptural sources 196, 205 exterior and interior acts 45 as source of Christian faith 159, 188–9 on heretics 91, 94 textual sources for conscience 130 on monarchy 184 biblical exegesis obligations of conscience 125–6 II Corinthians 173 papal primacy 218, 226 II Corinthians 13:8 and 10 174 Petrine Commission 163, 176 II Corinthians 13:10 175 on superiority of theology to canon law 65 II Timothy 2:4 167, 171 Brampton, C. K. 37 Acts 15:19–31 174 Brett, Annabel S. 31, 37, 235, 249 290 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84581-6 - Ockham and Political Discourse in the Late Middle Ages Takashi Shogimen Index More information Index Breviloquium de principatu tyrannico (A Short nature of Petrine Commission 176, Discourse on Tyrannical Government) 186, 206, 229 5, 18, 63, 156, 159, 257 teachings on poverty 55 and ignorance of rights and liberties 260 Christian faith 97, 98 on papal rulership 179 certitude in knowledge of 122 Burr, David 123 explicit 98–100, 193 explicit knowledge of 135–6, 193 Canning, Joseph, A History of Medieval implicit, for ordinary believers 136 Political Thought 1, 9 and logical necessity of historical canon law fact 194–206 and burden of proof 147 sources of 159, 188–9 and constitutional change in Church 181 see also Catholic truth growing popularity of 64–8 Christian fellowship 154, 262 interpretation of Matthew 16:19 165 Ambrosian defence of 135–44, 238 move from accusatorial to inquisitorial defence of 251–2 procedure 107, 148–9 see also community Ockham’s disdain for 63–4 Christian law, as law of liberty 170–5 and presumption of innocence 147, 148 Christology 21 see also Christian law; divine law; Roman law Chronicle of Nicholas the Minorite 40, 41 canonists Church, the 11, 180, 208 discussion of heretics 78, 88–9 and authority of pope to define heresy 84–5 distinction between power of order and of and Christian faith 97 jurisdiction 222 as community of believers 192, 238 theological debate with on poverty 58–71 crisis in 186, 233, 262 view of crime 110 expectation of explicit knowledge of view of offences by popes 115 office-holders 136, 140 Carlyle, R. W. and Carlyle, A. J., A History of Franciscan Spiritualists’ view of as Mediaeval Political Theory in the West 7 ecclesia carnalis 39 Cathars, heresies of 79 infallibility of 190 Catholic truth irreformability of decisions 42 defence of 238 juridical relation of Roman church to degree of knowledge of 100–1 others 160, 207 and expert knowledge 193 Ockham’s criticism of structure, 12, 13–14 explicit belief in 95–6 Ockham’s defence of institution of 238 and explicit faith 98–100, 193 and problem of determination of heresy 83–4 five types of 82 and republicanism 256–61 heresy defined as denial of 95–8 see also ecclesiastical authority; general single-source theory 82 councils; papacy threatened by Benedict XII’s Redemptor Cicero noster 158, 238 De officiis 140 two-sources theory (Ockham) 82, 196–7 and mutual aid 143 see also Christian faith; knowledge notion of injustice 140–2 charity 43, 118 Clement V, Pope, succession to 39 and absolute perfection 43, 47 coercion fraternal correction as act of 107, by ecclesiastical authority 149, 150–3, 258 112, 114, 118 and freedom of will 246, 253 and poverty 47, 50 paternal correction as 107 superiority over poverty (Ockham) 52 and pertinacity 151 charity, poverty and perfection, cognition triangle of 44, 48, 50 of historical fact 199, 228 Ockham’s attempt to restore 51, 53, 58, 62 intuitive 200, 203 Christ power of individuals 256 absolute poverty of 41, 42, 43, 62 see also knowledge imperfection in exterior acts 45, 46 Coleman, Janet, A History of Political and Judas’ possession of common Thought from the Middle Ages to purse 44–5, 47 the Renaissance 8 291 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84581-6 - Ockham and Political Discourse in the Late Middle Ages Takashi Shogimen Index More information Index common good d’Ailly, Pierre, use of Dialogus 6 concept of 108, 110, 154 Damasus, Pope 210 implications of papal heresy for 117 Dante Alighieri individual duty of service to 246, 250, De monarchia 67 251, 252, 256, 257 Divine Comedy 67 mutual aid for 143 on monarchy 67, 184 papal rule for 176 on papal monarchy 167 and preservation of orthodox faith 139 De imperatorum et pontificum potestate (On priority of in case of necessity 181 the Power of Emperors and community Popes) 5, 37, 157 active personal involvement in 28 on nature and purpose of power 159 and mutual aid 153–5
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