Supplement to the Denver Catholic Register N a tio n a l N a tio n a l Catholic President Would Section Section THE As Free to Act as Any Other REGISTER NO PRESSURE FROM CHURCH, SAYS VETERAN LEGISLATOR (Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) MSMaia os AUDIT aUtlAU os eiaCULATIONt Thli PiDcr li ConMcwd with NCWC Wuhlnctos N»w» Hwdquirten by lU Own L**Md WU». O*® Washington.—Stretching Papal infallibility to aSyii N#*i rid*. »*rvle., Mlnloii Servk**, lUUflou* mean more than it actually includes is leading N tm Photo* sad NCWC Pklure S«rvlc* many to conclude that a CaUiolic President would THURSDAY, JUNE 11. 1959 3 New Causes be bound in a special way to an outside authority, a Catholic Senator said. Are Introduced The legislator, Senator Eugene J. McCarthy Vatican City.—The causes of of Minnesota, was interviewed for the June 8 issue the founder of the Xaverian MLstiofury Fathers and of two of the New Republic by Gilbert A. Harrison, editor Spanish martyrs have been and publisher of Uie weekly truth and of supernatural per taken under consideration by journal. the Sacred Congregation of The legislator, a (^tholic and fection." The doctrine, however, he Riles. formerly professor at the Col­ Subjects o f consideration are lege of S t Thomas, S t Paul, added, also applies "to certain actions and decisions which are Guido Maria Conforti, Arcb- said he thinks those who feel a part of the temporal and poll bisbop-Bishop of Parma whose there is a "Catholic issue” in tical order, which involve in Xaverian priests are found in politics make “an assumption the U.S. in the Archdioceses of that the do^matisra of Catholi­ terpretatioD and application of Boston and Milwaukee and in cism is incompatible with the ethical conclusions." But, he pointed out. “Protestants, too, the Diocese of Worcester, philosophy of democracy," or pass judgment on the temporal Mass. what is called Americanism. Also examined were the srrit- Applies fo Moral, scene." ings relating to Dominican Fa Asked for his comment on ther Domenico fbsgci de Er- Religions Teaching what Harrison called "a wide­ Infallibility, be told the editor, quida and eight companions XfillMna Dominique Pire (center) spread feeling that the Cath­ Anne rranK Vlliagc of Belgium, Nobel prize winner, rather than applying in detail who were martyred at Nagasaki olic Church— clergy and laymen is shown performing the symbolic brick-laying ceremony for to decisions in the practical on Aug. 14,1633, and those con- —Is ruled by a few at the top order, "applies primarily to re- cem iog the cause o f Maria di the new village of Anne Frank near Wuppertal, (jermgny. Otto and that, therefore, no Cath Lgious and moral teachings be­ San Giuseppe Parra, a Daughter Frank (left), father of Anne Frank, the now famous Jewish girl olic is really fr e e ’ in the sense yond those dictated by a natural of Mary, who was kidnapped by who died in a Nazi concentration camp, watches the ceremony. that other Americana are free,' law or obtainable by human soldiers in 1910 at DegoUado. This is the sixth European village that Father Pire has built for the legislator replied that the reason—questions of revealed Spain. She and a companion war refugees. answer requires a distinction were burned to death when they between strict religious sanc­ refused the soldiers' demands. LAWYER ANTICIPATED MAINE RULING tions applied within the Church Archbishop Conforti was or­ on her members and the use of dained for the Diocese of Parma Icivil action to sustain thq in 1888 and in 1695 founded the State Laws W ay to Bus Rides 'church's position. missionary society under the Individual Must patronage of St. Francis Xavier. Brooklyn, N.Y.— (Special)— Icipated the Maine decision. Kentucky provides payment (or In 1007 be was named Bishop An article pointing to action by which on May 26 ruled that a the rides from general funds, Make /udgment of Psrma where be served for state legislatures as the best city ordinance of Augusta, thus avoiding danger of illegal­ In the area of civil acUon, he 24 years while at the same time way to insure bus rides for Me., granting rides to non-pub­ ity when there are laws limit­ said, "the individual Catholic fulfilling the duties of Superior parochial school children ap­ lic school children is not valid ing school appropriations to legislator or office holder is the General of bis religious insti­ peared in The Catholic Lawyer, without enabling legislation by public school use. one who must make the final In the parables of the Lost for the sinner to that of a shepherd for hia tute. In 1928 he visited the published shortly before the the state lawmakers. The author also warned that prudent judgment. L O n S O lQ T IO n sheep, the Lost Coin, and sheep, who, losing ,one of them, leaves the 99 bouses of his congregation in Maine Supreme Court said sub­ 18 STATES HAVE those who believe "all children “He may acknowledge that the Prodigal Son, which are in the desert and goes after the one wbldh is China and died in 1931. stantially the same thing. BUS-RIDE LAWS belong in public schools" invari­ h 1 s Church authorities are rOr )in n c iS recounted one after U>e other lost; or to the woman who has 10 drachmas and, ably intervene when such laws losing one. UghU a lamp and searches carefully Regular diocesan processes in­ In the article, (George E The article points out that strongly opposed to such and in Luke i t . 1-32, Jeaus expreaaes God'a love for are attempted. until she finds it; or, finilly. to the father of vestigating his cause were be­ Reed, associate director of the 18 states now have such laws: such practice, but the legislator tinnen and ready forgivenesa when they repent Against them he cites the the prodigal son, who welcomed him home with gun in 1941 and his writings National Catholic Welfare Con­ Alaska, California, Connecticut, himself hu to make the practl The parablet were told as the result of the Everson case, in which the U. S. gladness after be bad wandered astray in riotous were approved in 1946. ference Legal Department, anti- Illinois, Indiana. Kansas, Ken­ cal Judgment whether it is con­ murmuring of the Scribes and Phariaees. “ Now Supreme Court upheld New tucky, Louisiana, Maryland. ducive to the common good or the publicans and sinners were drawing near to living. Jersey's buarides-for-all statute. There is but one thing to remember m all Michigan, Mississippi. N e w not to make a law in a specl Him to listen to Kim. And the Pharisees and The true strength o f the Ever­ fic area." these parables— the repentance of the sinner is Hampshire, New Jersey, New Scribes murmured, saying. This man welcomes son case, he writes, is rooted in presupposed. Catholics N ot Trying Mexico, New York, Oregon, In reply to the publisher, the sinners and eats with them'." the part of the First Amend­ Rhode Island, and West Vir­ lawmaker assured him that in Then Jeaus proceeded to liken Cod’s love ment that prohibits states from his 10 years in Congress he hai ginia. interfering in citizens' free exer­ To Subvert Protestants Mr. Reed writes that, “ al­ never been pressured by cise of their religion. When Bishop favoring a certain courae though the legislative road is states want to pass laws mak­ New York City.— “Protestants any other conceivable adminis­ of action and that be has never PRIESTLY SANCTITY IS CITED frequently a long one, it af­ ing it possible for parents to should try to recognize that tration.’* Any Catholic Presi­ bad a legislative recommenda­ fords the best prospect of ulti­ exercise their right of sending POPE CALLS IT CHIEF STRENGTH OF CHURCH American Roman Catholics are dent would “lean over beck- tion from any Bishop in his own mate inccess, especially if children to schools of their no threat to them nor do they ward to avoid even the sngges state. the sheep may heed Ibe. voice the legislation is carefully choice, such laws are valid Vatican City,— “Truly the Drat obeyed bis request to refrain try to be.” tion of influence." Most U.8. Catholics who of the Shepheri and follow Him, drafted." under the Everson ruling, Mr. and principal atrength of the from cheering. This was the advice given by have given serious attention and thus result in the one fold- He warns that opponents of Reed argues. • Church" is the sanctity of the The Holy Father and 18 Card­ the Rev. Gustave Weigel, SJ., to the matter, he said, would which the Heart of Jesus ar­ Initiol Plans Node such bus rides consistently at­ The Catholic la w yer is pub­ priesthood. Pope John XXUl inals assisted at Benediction. professor of theology at Wood- be opposed to a union of dently desires.” For World Council tack the laws on the grounds of lished by the SL John's Uni­ made this assertion at a Holy Before the Holy Hour began, the stock College, in an article ap­ Church and State abonJd Cath­ In the form of a prayer, the the separation of Church and versity School of Law. Hour service in St. Peter's Bas­ Pope outlined the projects for pearing in Christtonity and Vatican City. — Under the olics constitute a majority in Pope asked God to “end hatreds, State, in spite of the fact that ilica marking the F eu t of the which be asked aU to pray.
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