PART I GRAMMAR CHAPTER ^HOHOJ^OaT JHONBMICS 1 .1 . phoneale Inventory* The phonemes of Sarly Middle Tamil with apeoial reference to Thevaram and Nalayira Divya Prabandam are of two types. One is Segmental phonemes and the other is Supra-segm«ntal phonemes. The Segmental Phonemes consist of vowels aad consonants and the Supra-segmental Phonemes consist of juncture» terminals and accent. Vowels: 1* ui el ot a* Stops? t o P e Nasals * m n n Flap: Laterals * 1 1 1 Continuants: Junctures* Open*marl£ed with space* Closermariced with a hyphen. 2 1 Teralnals: Simple: , y ailing* . Rising* ? Accent * The scheme represents only in a broad sense the state of affairs regarding articulation. This gross sch ic phonomio inventory does not represent the occasional variations in articulation. One may compare the present phonemic inventory with the one of D r .V .I. Subramoniam's reconstruction t of the allophonea available for Purananuru. 1 1 .2 . Vowels* /i e a 0 u/ /i » e* a* 0 * u*/ There are ten vowel phonemes and all are syllabic. Out of the ten vowels five are short and the rest are long. These vowels exihibit a two way contrast (1) tongue position* Front, Central and Back and (2) degree of the tongue height* High, Mid and iow. Since all front and central vowels are unrounded and adl back vowels are rounded lip position is predictable. 8 2 1.3. Long Vowels: Long 7owel8 are treated as separate phonemes as contrast with their corresponding short vowels. Ihere are two possibilities of treating the long vowels, viz: (1) treating them as unit phonemes, (2) treating them as geminates of the corresponding short vowels like long consonants. If they are treated as unit phonemes according to Jike^ it will add five additional phonemes to the vowel system. On the other hand if they are treated as geminates of short vowels the number of vowels will be reduced to five. The arguement given in the 'Descriptive Analysis of Tulu' holds I * I good all the more in addition to pike's theoretical frame m< reference to above, for treating long vowels as unit phonemes •♦I. There are no vowel clusters in the language and geiflinate vowels create such clusters which are otherwise unwarranted to the vowel system. ”2. There is no syllabic cut in the middle of a long vowel* as we have in the case of long consonants. "3. Long vowels occur both initially and medially where as geminated consonants occur only medially. ”4. Tradition regards (perhaps based on the above facta) long consonprnts as geminates, whilqfLong vowels as separate jdionemes or vowel plus a length." 3 (i) The data we have for the middle Tamil has vowel clusters ( i .e . long vowel and the identical short vov/el). following Prof.O.H. Sankaran's^ interpretation in "p-honenios I of old Tamil^ of alape^ay phenomenon, extra long vowels are 2 3 being made up of as long vowel plus identical short yowel in each case. That means the syllabic cut is after the long vowel and there are. ( i i ) We have no syllabic out in the middle of long consonants are possibly functioning aa the codas for the preceding vowels. ( i i i ) It is perhaps due to the fact that most of the long vowels occur in all positions where as geminated consonants occur only in medial position. Thus the long vowels as stated before are treated as unit phonemes. The treatment of Dipthongs will be disoussed later. 1.4. yowel Oontrastsi The contrasts between vowels in all positions are given belowt Inttial position 1 .5 . / i / is in contrast with /i< t e ,e »,a ta *,o ,o *,u , and u*/ E «g» /i-Ju/ •'giving** /i« t u / "dignity” / i l i / ”one who (is) with- / e l i / ”rat" out" / i l / ♦♦house'* / e * l / ^^if(it iJeoomes)* / i ^ i / •thunder'* /a t i / '‘foot** * y /in ay / **two»» / ^ a y / ^b«d*» 2 4 /ir u / /oru/ ^one” /ilay/ «leaf” /oilay/ *palni leaf'* /lyal/ ''having* /u y al/ •♦the act of being saved” / i l l / ♦’deecendizig*’ /u * l i / ’’aeon'* 1,6. /i»/ i« in contrast with/e,e»,a,a*,o ,o*, u and u*/ B .g . t /iig ^u / ^having produced” /efliu/ ^having said” /I / i *tta/ •'which gave** /e itta / “to praise/ /i»y u / •’end* / aru/ •’six" /i i g / '•sweet'* / a in/ •’cow” / i i r / •’two'* /o r / •'one'* /i i t u / "thiB-it'* /o itu / •’say** /i*n/ ^sweef" /uin/ ’’body" /iiju/ ’'end’* /u iju / ’’sense of touch" 1.7. /e/ is in contrast with /et>afa<»o,oi»u and u*/ E .g . / ey/ ^discharging’' /e *y/ "combining'* /ey il/ •’fortress” /a y il / ” sharpness” /en / "eight'* /a * :^ •’male'* /el/ '^gingUi” / o ^ ”bright^ /eri/ "fire” /oiri/ "jackal" /eifL/ /uXa/ "to plough” /e g / ”my" /u*n/ "body” 2 5 1.8. /e</ Is in contrast with /a»a:»o,oi« u and u</ /e *tu / ’•which” /a t u / '*that-lt*’ /e i k i / *♦ haring mounted” /a *k i/ ’’haying beeoaie" /e ittu / ’•praising" /ottu/ "having reeembled* /em ki/ ^haying pined* /o»mki/ ’’having risen” /•t l u / •’seven” /u lu / ’’ploughing'* /e * r / ’’’beauty’* /u * r / ”village^ 1 .9 . / a / is in contrast with /a *»o ,o i,u and u */ S.G. /a|u/ ’’afflicting* /a*tu/ ’’dancing” /appa/ ”to stlek” /oppa/ ”to resemble” /acay/ ”the act of /oicay/ ”sound” moving” /a|aX/ ” strength” /u-Jal/ ”body” /acal/ ”nelghbourhood* /u ic a l/ ”trepidatlon’* 1.10. /ai/ is in contrast with /o,o*,u and u»/ E .g . / a *11/ ”diBcus weapon” /o ^ i / avoid” /a*tay/ ”g-rment” /o*tay/ ”frontlet* /a*ka/ ”to become” /uka/ ”to die” /a * l / ” deep'* /u * i / ”reguiar order'* 1 .1 1 . /o / is in contrast with /o «,u and u*/ E<g. /ot|i/ ’’having tolerated” /o:|ti/ ’’having driven” /oppu/ ’’resemblance” /uppu/ ”delieiousness” /oQru/ ’♦one* /u*nru/ ’’preosing down" 2 6 1.12 /o*/ is in contrast with /u and u*/ E.g. /ojrua/ '^which will /urum/ •’thunder’* / 6: tt / (>vca V 1.13 /u/ is in contrast with /u»/ B.g I /un/ •your'* /u*n/ ’•flesh” Medial poeition 1.14 /i/ is in contrast with /i<»e>et,a»attO»oi,u and u»/ E.g. /m ig/ ’♦lightning*' /mitg/ ”fish” /gil/ "atop” /n e l/ ”grain of paddy” /tijal/ ’’strength” /teijal/ "honey” /tiru/ "beauty” /taru/ "giving" /ril/ "bow” /v a *l/ "tail** /eil/ ’"few” /c o l/ "word" /e ila y / ’^bow” /coilay/ ’*flower*^‘^'®^‘^*’ * /mig/ ”lightning" /mu^j/ •before** /k i j i / •♦falsehood'” /kutri/ "having said** 1.15 /i*/ is in contrast with /e»eifa»a>»o,ot,u and u*/ E .g . /t i * c / ”sweet” /teg / "beauty” /ci*r/ "excellence” /ce»r/ ’♦existing" /ti*a/ "sweet" /tara/ "them* /vi*l/ "falling down" /va*i/ "living" /kiintu/ ’•having torn” /kentu/ **the act of working" /tiJya/ *’evil” /toiya/ "to touch'** /p i 111/ ’•peacock* s /p u ll/ ** tiger" X CcluXlOX /t liy a / ■•evil*’ /tuiy a/ ••puren 1 .16. / e / Is In contrast with /eita,ai,o,ot ,u and u*/ E.g. /cey/ doing" /cety/ ''distance" /netu/ *long“ /na|u/ **mlddle" y /n»y/ '^polished’* /aa*y/ **dog* /mey/ ** truth'* /moy/ •'crowding" /p «y / '“putting* /p o iy/ "having gone*^ /t e g / ** south” /t u s / '•crowded** / t e ^ **olear" /tu*n/ "pillar" 1.17. /e*/ Is In contrast with /a>a:. o,oa,u and ut/ B«g» /m eil/ '•excellence** /a a l/ "warriors" /ve»r/ •’root" /v a ir / **long*' /pe*y/ *• devil" /poy/ ** untruth** /te il/ ” scorpion** / t o i y "shoulder" /pe "protecting" / p i V '*raw sore*** /ce:l/ **a kind of fish" /c u *l/ " pregnency'" 1.18. /a/ Is In contrast with /a*,o. 0 1 ,u and u*/ E.G. / k a ^ '**eye” / k a i y " seeing" 2 8 •♦haTing /katu/ "exceasive” /kotu/ •^brouipat’* /k a l/ •* stone* /k o * !/ ” stick’* /nam/ '*ua'' *‘your" /n a l/ •'good” /g u *l/ ** thread” 1 .1 9 . /a * / is in contrast with /o ,o :,u and u */ S*g* /kail/ "leg* /kol/ ^killing" /ta*y/ •mother''* /to*y/ "touching* /gam/ “I" /s^s/ '‘your" /ka*n/ "forest” /ku»g/ "hend* 1,2&, /o x / is in contrast with /u and u»/ B.g. ' /k o l/ •’killing" /k o *l/ *stick'* /pog/ "gold" /pun/ •’mean'’ |koy/ "plucking" /ku*y/ '•having killed” 1.21. /oi/ is in contrast with /u and u*/ E .g. /p o ll/ •’resembling*’ /p u i/ •’grass’* /to iy / •’touching*’ /tu iy / ’’purifying” 1,22 /u / is in contrast with /u * / E.g. /pun/ *’raw sore" /p u m / ’•ornament” 2 9 i'inal poaition The Bhort vowel /o / never occurs finally. She vowel / e / and vowel /u i / occur in t ^ ^ w o ^ l % a c h . 1 ,23. / ! / 1b in contraat with /it»e«et»a»at«ot,u and u */ B .g . /a*ti/ ’’having danced* /a*ti*/ '^Bather.'” « /o c i/ ’’breaking” /c e / '^reddiBh" /eiji/ ’’surging” /e:je*/ ”0x?" /kuiti/ "family” /ku|a/ '•west" /o ir i/ ” Jackal'* /o*ra*/ ”whieh(will) not think” /kanni/ ’’chaplet” /kanno*/ ’•is(it)eye?’* /p a * | i / ”village'** /paitu/ "sidt*’ ® /appu/ ’•having stuck” /p u */ ’*flower” © /a*ti/ “beginning” /tu*/ ”purifying’^ 1.24. /i*/ is in contrast with /e»et»a,a<fot,u and u*/ E .g . /vi»/ ”flower” /v e / "hot” /teivi/ •wife” /te iv e */ * V. ”GodI” I I ^ /o it t * / '^Reelterf /oita/ ’'to sa^” /a*ti*/ ”BatherJ* /alta*/ ”whieh(will) I not go” /mati*/ ”MoonI” /matu/ ”honey” 4 /til/ ”fire” /t u i / ”pur ® Subminimal pairs.
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