<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><entry edition="3" gpc-id="gpc121748"><meta><hw-ref>uchelfraint</hw-ref><hw- sort>uchelfraint</hw-sort><published>2017.10</published></meta><head><headword.grp><headword- form>uchelfraint</headword-form><headword-form>uchel-fraint</headword-form><headword-form etc="&amp;">uchelfrain</headword-form></headword.grp><etymology.grp><i>uchel</i>+<i>braint<sup>1</sup></i>, <i>brain<sup>2</sup></i></etymology.grp><part-of-speech><pos>eb.g.</pos> ll. <i>uchelfreintiau</i>, <i>uchelfreiniau</i>, a hefyd fel <pos>a.</pos> (weithiau gyda grym enwol)</part-of-speech></head><body><sense><welsh>Braint (fawr neu arbennig), rhagorfraint; statws neu safle uchel, urddas (mawr), mawredd</welsh><english>(great or special) privilege, prerogative; high status or position, (great) dignity, majesty</english><citation.grp><citation bib-ref="bib002906"Canolfan cit-skey="13999" siec="s"><date>c. 1400</date><biblio-ref>R</biblio-ref><page>1310</page><line>8</line><quotation>Haỽd amor trysor trỽssyat <w>uchelvreint</w></quotation></citation><citation bib-ref="bib001060"Uwchefrydiau cit-skey="15999" siec="s"><date>16- 17g.</date><biblio-ref>FfH</biblio-ref><page>50</page><quotation>Aed <w>uchel fraint</w> i'ch hael fron / Achos wythiach o Saethon</quotation></citation><citation bib-ref="bib003423" cit-skey="16040" siec="s"><date>1604Cymreig-7</date><biblio a -ref>TW (Pen 228)</biblio-ref><quotation><w>vcheluraint</w> <d.g.>prærogatiua, priuilegium</d.g.></quotation></citation><citation bib-ref="bib003781" cit-skey="16300" siec="s"><date>1630</date><biblio-ref>YDd</biblio- ref><page>154</page><quotation>Llawer o'r rhai a ymgyfodasant eu hunain i <w>vchelfreintiau</w>Cheltaidd (<w>great dignities</w>), a fuasent yn bodloni eu hunain a breintiau îs pa gwybuasent eu mawrion beryglau?</quotation></citation><citation bib- ref="bib000775" cit-skey="16321" siec="s"><date>1632</date><biblio-ref>J. Davies: LlR</biblioPrifysgol- ref><page>394</page><quotation>y mae gantho ysbryd balch i'w osod ef ar binacl chwant i anrhydedd, ac i ddangos iddo oddi yno swyddau, ac <w>vchelfreiniau</w>, a goruchafiaethau'r holl fyd</quotation></citation><citationCymru bib-ref="bib002318"Adroddiad cit- skey="17220" siec="s"><date>1722</date><biblio-ref>Llst 189</biblio-ref><quotation><w>Uchelfraint</w>. m. High advancement, pre-eminence, prerogative: freedom, privilege. p. <w>Uchelfreiniau</w></quotation></citation><citationBlynyddol bib- ref="bib003769" cit-skey="17240" siec="s"><date>[1724]</date><biblio-ref>G. Wynn: YGD</biblio- ref><page>161</page><quotation>Fe fyddai yn <w>Uchel-/fraint</w> mawr (<w>great majesty</w>) mewn Tywysog pan2016–17 fyddai yn dyfod allan o'i Balás yn y Nôs, fôd mîl o weision yn gwilied arno</quotation></citation><citation bib-ref="bib003280" cit- skey="17700" siec="s"><date>1770</date><biblio-ref>TG</biblio-ref><vol>iv.</vol><page>54</page><quotation>Act i ragflaenu yr arfer o beidio talu cyfiawnder trwy honni <w>uchel-fraint</w> aelod o Barliament</quotation></citation><citation bib- ref="bib004669" cit-skey="18700" siec="s"><date>[1870-2]</date><biblio-ref>O. R. Ellis: HPF</biblio- ref><vol>iv.</vol><page>46</page><quotation>sicr yw na fu … amddiffynydd mwy diysgog o <w>uchelfraint</w> y brenin nag efe</quotation></citation><citation bib-ref="bib000862" cit-skey="19170" siec="s"><date>1917</date><biblio-ref>Y Drych</biblio-ref><vol>12 Ebrill</vol><page>2</page><quotation>Colli yr <w>uchelfraint</w> fwyaf gogoneddus; colli ei gyfaddasrwydd i fwynhau Duw am dragwyddoldeb</quotation></citation><citation bib-ref="bib003395" cit-skey="19740" siec="s"><date>1974</date><biblio-ref>Traeth</biblio-ref><page>225</page><quotation>Bydd pawb a gafodd yr <w>uchelfraint</w> o wrando ar un o feistriaid y gynulleidfa … yn falch o gael cyfoeth y pregethwr hynod hwn wedi ei gostrelu yn y sgyrsiau yma</quotation></citation><citation bib-ref="bib000075" cit-skey="20020" siec="s"><date>2002</date><biblio- ref>CCCC</biblio-ref><vol>7 Mawrth</vol><page>78</page><quotation>Gall olygu y gall prif weinidog pwerus fod yn drech nac awdurdod Tŷ'r Cyffredin i raddau, ac y gall rwystro'r Tŷ rhag ymarfer rhai o'i hawliau a'i <w>uchelfreintiau</w></quotation></citation></citation.grp></sense><fel-sect><fel-pos>a.</fel-pos><sense><welsh>Mawr ei fraint, breintiedig iawn, bonheddig, urddasol, mawreddog, mawr; yn perthyn i ragorfraint</welsh><english>of great privilege, highly privileged, noble, dignified, majestic, great; prerogative (adj.)</english><citation.grp><citation bib-ref="bib003180" cit- skey="14999" siec="s"><date>15-16g.</date><biblio-ref>TA</biblio-ref><page>34</page><quotation>Caer Gaint <w>uchelfraint</w>, i chwi, - mwy wyneb / Maenol Dinas Basi</quotation></citation><citation bib-ref="bib001190" cit- skey="15250" siec="s"><date>16g.</date><biblio-ref>GILlV</biblio-ref><page>22</page><quotation>Aethant er moliant am Iôn - <w>uchelfraint</w> / Ir tir hoff enaint ar tair ffynnonn</quotation></citation><citation bib-ref="bib000727" cit-skey="16320" siec="s"><date>1632</date><biblio-ref>D</biblio-ref><quotation> <d.g.>Altus</d.g.></quotation></citation><citation bib- ref="bib003700" cit-skey="16910" siec="s"><date>1691</date><biblio-ref>T. Williams: YB</biblio- ref><page>26</page><quotation>Yn wîr henwau drwg anghynnes, yw uchel-feddwl balchder a chybydddod, etto maer rhain yn dangos amcanion hŷf, <w>uchelfraint</w> mewn calon dyn</quotation></citation><citation bib-ref="bib000482" cit- skey="16960" siec="s"><date>1696</date><biblio-ref>CDD</biblio-ref><page>23</page><quotation>Yn Brophwŷd <w>uchel- frein</w>; yn offeiriad, yn frenin</quotation></citation><citation bib-ref="bib003389" cit-skey="17530" siec="s"><date>1753</date><biblio-ref>TR</biblio-ref><quotation>Cyhydreg … O bydd i ddyn isselfraint gyhydreg a dyn <w>uchelfraint</w>, o gwna yr <w>uchelfraint</w> waed ar yr isselfraint, ni ddyly ei ddiwyn</quotation></citation><citation bib- ref="bib001375" cit-skey="18440" siec="s"><date>1844</date><biblio-ref>Yr Haul</biblio- ref><vol>ix.</vol><page>104</page><quotation>Gorwedd o blith ei geraint,University - a'i anwyl / Rieni of <w>uchelfraint</w></quotation></citation><citation bib-ref="bib000708" cit-skey="18980" siec="s"><date>1898</date><biblio- ref>Y Cymro (Lerpwl a'r Wyddgrug)</biblio-ref><vol>14 Gorffennaf</vol><page>4</page><quotation>rhyfeddWales Centre na fuasai hi [yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol] cyn hyn wedi ei galw i un o drefydd llengar y sir <w>uchelfraint</w> hon</quotation></citation><citation bib-ref="bib000345" cit-skey="19170"for siec="s"><date>1917</date><biblio Advanced -ref>Y Brython (Lerpwl)</biblio-ref><vol>26 Ebrill</vol><page>4</page><quotation>[y] miliwn brithyll ac eog sy'n heigio'r dyfroedd a gedwir gogyfer a'r bobl <w>uchelfraint</w> na wyddant ddim am brinder</quotation></citation><citationWelsh biband-ref="bib002947" cit- skey="20080" siec="s"><date>2008</date><biblio-ref>RhC</biblio-ref><page>211</page><quotation>Yr oedd dicter ymysg aelodau'r Senedd Hir ynghylch gweithredoedd llysoedd <w>uchelfraint</w>Celtic y Studies Annual Frenhiniaeth</quotation></citation></citation.grp></sense></fel-sect></body><tail><variants><variant><variant- headword>uwchelfraint </variant- Report headword></variant><etymology.grp><i>uwchel</i>+<i>braint<sup>1</sup></i></etymology.grp><citation.grp><citation bib- ref="bib001822" cit-skey="15950" siec="s"><date>1595</date><biblio-ref>H. Lewys: PA</biblio- 2016–17 ref><page>113</page><quotation>pann ddigwyddo dim or pethau trancedig hynn i ninau, mal, cyfoeth … anrhyded', ag <w>vwchelfraint</w> (<i>dignity</i>)</quotation></citation></citation.grp></variants><collocation.sect><collocation.grp><collocation>uchelfraint Adroddiad y Cyfarwyddwr Director’s Report Wrth gyflwyno adroddiad ar In presenting this report on a very busy year’s work, I flwyddyn brysur iawn, yr hyn take particular pride in the wide scope of activities and sy’n destun balchder arbennig achievements in fulfilment of our mission as a centre of i mi yw’r amrywiaeth helaeth excellence in Celtic Studies. In terms of core research our o weithgareddau a chyraedd- work encompasses a historical range from the Bronze Age iadau wrth gyflawni ein cen- to the modern period, and engages with a variety of sub- hadaeth fel canolfan ragor­ jects within our broad field, including language, archae- iaeth ym maes Astudiaethau ology, history, literature, religion, place-names, medical Celtaidd. O ran yr ymchwil texts and art. And in order to present the outcomes of our Yr Athro/Professor Dafydd Johnston graidd mae ein gwaith research to the public we have put on numerous events yn cwmpasu rhychwant in collaboration with partners throughout Wales. I am hanesyddol o Oes yr Efydd hyd y cyfnod modern, ac yn very grateful to staff of the Centre for their tireless efforts ymdrin ag ystod o bynciau o fewn ein maes eang, gan once again. gynnwys iaith, archaeoleg, hanes, llenyddiaeth, crefydd, enwau lleoedd, testunau meddygol a chelf. Ac er mwyn A key aspect of the Centre’s research strategy is the rolling cyflwyno ffrwyth ein hymchwil i’r cyhoedd cynhaliwyd programme of projects within the same field which build amryw ddigwyddiadau mewn cydweithrediad â phart- on previous achievements. Before the ‘Cult of Saints in neriaid ar hyd a lled y wlad. Mawr yw fy niolch i staff y Wales’ project came to an end in March a new AHRC- Ganolfan am eu hymroddiad diflino unwaith eto. funded project had already begun work on editing Latin texts about the saints of Wales, which will utilize the same Gwedd bwysig ar strategaeth y Ganolfan yw dilyniant website for online publication. ‘Vitae Sanctorum Cam- prosiectau o fewn yr un maes gan adeiladu ar gyraeddiadau briae’ is led by the University of Cambridge, and we are blaenorol. Cyn i brosiect ‘Cwlt y Seintiau yng Nghymru’ delighted to participate in this new academic partnership.
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