University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Karl Reinhard Papers/Publications Natural Resources, School of 2008 Parasite Pathoecology of Salmon Pueblo and Other Chacoan Great Houses: The eH althiest and Wormiest Ancestral Puebloans Karl Reinhard University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/natresreinhard Part of the Archaeological Anthropology Commons, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Commons, Environmental Public Health Commons, Other Public Health Commons, and the Parasitology Commons Reinhard, Karl, "Parasite Pathoecology of Salmon Pueblo and Other Chacoan Great Houses: The eH althiest and Wormiest Ancestral Puebloans" (2008). Karl Reinhard Papers/Publications. 25. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/natresreinhard/25 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Natural Resources, School of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Karl Reinhard Papers/Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Published in: Chaco’s Northern Prodigies: Salmon, Aztec, and the Ascendancy of the Middle San Juan Region after AD 1100, edited by Paul F. Reed (Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 2008), pp. 86-95 & 389-427. Copyright © 2008 The University of Utah Press. 5 Parasite Pathoecology of Salmon Pueblo and Other Chacoan Great Houses The Healthiest and Wormiest Ancestral Puebloans KARL J. REINHARD ARCHAEOPARASITOLOGY AND affected parasitism at Antelope House and Salmon PATHOECOLOGY IN THE SOUTHWEST Ruin is another application ofpathoecology. Two fields of paleopathological investigation orig­ Ancestral Pueblo communities have long been inated in the Southwest. Archaeoparasitology is the focus of archaeoparasitology. Samuels (196S) the study of ancient parasite infection (Reinhard developed the methods for helminth (parasitic 1990, 1992b). It includes comparisons between worm) egg recovery with coprolites from Mesa time periods of single societies as well as compari­ Verde. Subsequently, Stiger (1977) provided the sons of parasitism between different, contempora­ first intersite comparison analysis for sites on Mesa neous cultures. For example, Fry (1980) compared Verde. Fry and his colleagues conducted the first re­ Fremont and Anasazi parasitism, and also Archaic gional comparisons ofparasitism, focusing on Can­ hunter-gatherer and ancestral Pueblo parasit­ yon de Chelly and Glen Canyon (Fry 1977; Fry and ism. All of these studies fall into the definition of Hal1197S, 1986). Fry (1977) also presented the first archaeoparasitology. cross-cultural analysis ofArchaic, ancestral Pueblo, By contrast, pathoecology is the reconstruction and Fremont sites, and pioneered the comparison ofrelationships among behavior, environment, and of parasitism among populations practicing differ­ disease organisms in the development of illness ent subsistence strategies. Building on this previous (Martinson et al. 2003; ReinhardandBuikstra2003; work, I have analyzed the diversity of helminths Reinhardet al. 2003; Santoro et al. 2003).1his field that parasitized ancestral Pueblo peoples (Rein­ developed from the need for fine-grained analysis hard 1985a, 1985b, 198sc, 1990; Reinhard et al. ofprehistoric ecological and behavioral conditions 1987). By 1985, archaeoparsitologists had identi­ to assess factors that affected disease. Pathoecologi­ fied eight species of helminth that infected ances­ cal interpretation depends on archaeological infor­ tral Puebloans (Figure S.I). mation regarding parasitism, community size, trade Aidan Cockburn's insight into the origins of patterns, water sourceS, subsistence practices, envi­ disease influenced the development of pathoecol­ ronment, medicinal use, and many other topics. Al­ ogy in the archaeoparasitology of ancestral Pueblo though the term is new, pathoecology developed sites. Cockburn (1967, 1971) argued that the evolu­ over several decades. I view EI-Naijar et al.'s (1976) tion of infectious diseases followed human evo­ study of ancestral Pueblo anemia as the first patho­ lution and the development of human cultures. ecology study. Perhaps the most advanced exam­ Inspired by Cockburn, Reinhard (198Sa) compared ple ofpathoecology is Stodder and Martin's (1992) the parasitic state of Colorado Plateau Archaic multifactorial perspective on ancestral Pueblo dis­ peoples to ancestral Pueblo an sites. He verified ease. My study (Reinhard 1996) of the factors that Cockburn's hypothesis that occasional infections 86 Parasite Pathoecology ~stercoralis n=3(0.6%) Strongylate worm I n=7(1.4%) FIGURE 5.1. Diagram showing the wide spectrum of parasites that infected ancestral Puebloans. in hunter-gatherers became major health hazards vermicularis) prevalence in coprolites (Reinhard in agricultural populations. Reinhard (1988) pre­ 1988). The pinworm was chosen as an indicator of sented anumberofpathoecological findings regard­ general infectious disease because it is transferred ing the development ofparasitic disease in ancestral by person-to-person and by environmental con­ Puebloans relative to earli~r hunter-gatherers. Para­ tamination (Figure 5.3). sitism was limited in hunter-gatherers due to small Over millions of years of mutual evolution band size, band mobility, diffuse regional popula­ with hominids and modern humans, pinworms tions, and the presence of natural anti-helminthics have evolved multiple routes of infection, includ­ (worm poisons) in hunter-gatherer diets. Hunter­ ing anal-oral, hand-to-hand, and airborne routes. gatherer parasitism was promoted by the consump­ Pinworms are exceptionally remarkable among tion of uncooked meat and insects. Parasitism human parasites because the female worm wrig­ was promoted in ancestral Puebloan communi­ gles out of the anus of her host at night to scatter ties by contaminated water sources, concentrated her eggs. Once outside of the intestine, she dis­ populations, a more sedentary lifestyle, crowded perses eggs by two different mechanisms. Two (apartment-style) living conditions, establishment types of eggs are produced in two parts of the pin­ oflarge latrines, activities centered on water (agri­ worm uterus: light and heavy. Heavy eggs are laid culture), and activities that expanded wetlands (in­ on the perianal folds with an irritant excretion. eluding irrigation ofall types). The resulting itching (pruritis) and nocturnal host By the 1990S, Reinhard (1992a) had identi­ scratching transfers the infective eggs to the host fied wide variation in parasitism among ancestral fingers. Other eggs are distributed by aerosol when Pueblo villages (Figure 5.2). At some settlements, the female's desiccated body bursts, which releases parasitism was controlled, but others were over­ thousands of light eggs into the air. Ultimately, whelmed by their pathogens. This topic was ex­ these light eggs contaminate the environment, plored with a comparison of pinworm (Enterobius settling on food, in water, and throughout the KARL J. REINHARD -----I I I , L- I I Colorado i Utah , 1- __ , 21%• . ,• New I Mexico FIGURE 5.2. Map showing variation in percentages of pinworm parasitism among ancestral Pueblo villages. Eggs are transferred by direct contact between humans and by t­ Inhalation ot eggs in air currents. "" Noctural egg-laying results in retrointection as some eggs hatch and larvae enter the same host used by the mother worm. FIGURE 5.3. Diagram showing modes of pinworm transmission to human hosts. habitation. How long these eggs remain infective perinanal region, and the larvae wriggle back into depends on warmth and humidity. In general, even the host. Hand-to-hand transfer of the eggs occurs in arid environments, human habitations have an when humans interact upon waking. Autoinfec­ elevated humidity. Thus, several infection routes tion occurs when humans eat food contaminated result from the pinworms' nocturnal excursions. with the eggs from their own hands. Airborne in­ Retroinfection occurs when the eggs hatch on the fection occurs when humans inhale the eggs, or 88 Parasite Pathoecology 30 Q) u c Canyon de Chelly Q) • -co Chaco Canyon 20 • Q)> a.... E .. Inscription House 0 10 • C Salmon Ruin -a..• • at 01---~~---P--.-~~-.--~--~~---t 40 50 70 80 90 0/0 Porotic Hyperostosis Prevalence FIGURE 5.4. Graph comparing pinworm parasitism with porotic hyperostosis prevalence for several southwestern locales. The chart shows that the prevalence ofpinworm parasitism covaried with porotic hyperostosis prevalence at ancestral Pueblo sites where both coprolites and skdetons were studied (Reinhard 1992.a). when the air dissemination of eggs results in the sance, but reflects a serious health risk, particu­ contamination offood and water. Ofcourse, other larly when one considers that other pathogens are pathogens follow the same hand-to-hand, hand­ spread by the same means. to-mouth, and aerosol routes as pinworm infec­ Reinhard (1992a) showed that the prevalence of tion. Therefore, high rates of pinworm prevalence pinworm parasitism covaried with porotic hyper­ suggest high rates of infection by other pathogens ostosis prevalence at ancestral Pueblo sites where that are passed through the same modes of infec­ both coprolite and skeletons were studied (Figure tion (see Figure 5.1). 5.4). Porotic hyperostosis is an indicator of gen­ Some ancestral Pueblo communities were ex­ eral skeletal pathology that has been used to assess tremely parasitized. In fact, some
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