VOL. 28 I997 PAGE NOTES FROM THE EDITOR 2 MEMORIALS Robert Nicholl 6 ,i-2!%!'Tusau Padan 15 Bo~ufacrJarraw &~akSerir I9 RESEARCH NOTES Sara\vak Ceramics Project, 1997: Chris Dolierry, Paul 2 l Reavin, and Kurui Edrnund Cornt~lenlon Early Rice in Borneo, Willlam (; Solhei~n,11 26 Ilav~ngYour Medicme and Eating It Too: a Prcli~n~l~on 28 I Look at Med~cineand Meals 111 Kayan-Mmttlrang, Kallnlal~b~~,hidonesia, Lisa X Gollin 1 A Co~~lilsio~iof Crooksliatdis (sic). Pcrsonalitlcs and Power 42 111 111c 1.ives oftlie Earl). Brookes: .l FI. Walker 7 The laves of I-lugli I.ow, Bob Reece 55 Inrroduc~ion,Spenser St Johll's The Life of Sir 12inic.s 60 Brooke, Rajah of Sanwak, R l1.W Recce The H~storyoTResc.arcli on Tradirio~iulLand 'Te~~urrand 82 1ree Oi~~~ersli~pIn Bonieo, C;.N Appell Vnria~ionand Chang~ngTradit~on 111 lhan land Tenure, Red 08 L. Wadlcy Archlval Sour~esfor Colon~alI-iis~ory, I-Ian K~lapen 109 Co~ltinuityand Change m Sonic Freclue~itly-lJsed Brutlei 117 Mulay Politeness Fonns, Lintla Ails Klrnhall FOURTH BIENNIAL MEETLNG BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS 154 . ANNOUNCEMENTS 166 h BORNEO NEWS 172 I The Borneo Rrsec~rchBulletin is ~)ublishedby the Borneo Research Council. Please adtlress all inquiries and contributions for publication to Clifford Sather, Editor, Borneo Resectrch Bulletin, Department of Anthropology, I Reed College, Portland, Oregon 97202-8199, USA. Single Lw mw11 issues are available at US $20.00. I 1 BORNEO RESEARCH B ULLETIN Clifford Sather, Ph. D., Editor Department of Anthropology Reed College Portland, OR 97202-8199 U.S.A. Borneo Research Council P. 0.Box A Phillips, ME 04966 U.S.A. ~)lr:Pi;& Bicnmial T,;?: IZO~$~I.~!~CC 'Thc Fifh R~crunialConCerence ofrhc Romeo I?.escarch Cou~lc~l~vill be held. as a~ulounccdlast !-car. in !'alangka Ra!.a. I;al~mantan Tengah. Indones~a.Jul!. 13-17. 1998 (sce the announcement beloiv). Fu~.thcrinibrmat~on. as ii is recclved I it does. research notes. brief conl~nunica.tions,and nr:~\ls items in archaeolog\. by the editor. will be mailed to BRC members or posted on the BRC \vcbsite (see belo\\). Our Indonesian hosts havc established a conl'crencc com111itteca~ld those \~isl1111gto present papers, organize confet-ence sessions. or desir~ngi~lforniai~on was held last year at the Un~versitiRnrnei Damssalarn on travel ant1 accommodation arrangements are encouraged to write directly to Since the appearance of the last volumc of the BIW. a number of events .the Conurnitice Secretariat. Fifih Eienn~alConferzncc of the Sol-neo P.esearch have occurred tllai dcsc~venoting. Alcter 23 !ears of sciv~cc.Dr. Peter !Cecl~r Co~~ncil.Jalan Damang Salilah C-1-1. Palanglca Rap 73 1 12. I<al~mantanTci~gah. rct~sedas D~rectoiof cho Sa~.a\~alck4~1scurn and on belialf of the Council. wc Indo~lesia(fas 0536-23322). 1v1sl1Peter well and take this occasion to thank 111111 for 111s Inan!' contribulions 10 the Borneo Research Council. In May oC th~syear (1997), fanib Said ~vas FIFTH BIENNIAL CONFEEEIVCE I appointed as iIle new h4useun1 D~rector.A gifted h~storian.tlic ne\v direclor has OF THE EORNEO RESEAWCI.1 COWICIL Current Status of Social. Mcdical. and Bialogic;ll Rcsearclt: Social Development Council. where he sewed as executi\le secreta.~>-.1-Ie is \veil Furrure hiceds and Policy Implicaiio~~s known to inany of our I-eaders for his challel~gingbook. based on his Uni~/crsicy of Malaya MA thesis, Malnj2 Politics iir .Brnl~ciic,iP46-IY(i(i, published in 1985 b!. Oxford Universitl. Press The new director 1s also a trained archivist. hawng Palangkii Rayn. I(aliuniliutan Tengall. 1ndo11es1;i earned a post-graduate Diploma in Informailon Manage~nentlArcI~rvcs Prr:sldcnt~al S!'~nposium.Susta~nab~litj~. Post-l\ioclr:n~ization Adnlin~stration from the University of New South Wales. Ai'ter receiv~ne,his and rlobalizat~onof Culrure Colnminee Secret;lr~at Sarahalc Museum's archives as a histol.~nn,eminently qualifies 11im to undei-rake Fifth Bie~l~ualCo~tere~~ce the vital task. w111ch he and his staff have now begun, of reorganizing thc Borneo Rescarcl~Co~i~~cil museurn's resources, its collections. and arch~ves.Hlstor~cally, tlie Sarawak Jln. Da~nnngSalilah C-1-1 Museum has stood oul. in Lcrnls of' research and the advance~llentof knowledge. Pnlnngka Rayn 73 112 I<;;li~nnntanTengah as the premier institution of its I<uid in Bollleo, and the Council offcrs its IhIDONESIA congratulations and w~shesDlrecior Sanib Said evenr success in hrther~nqrhls tel. (0536) 2 1-l8-! fas (0536) 23122 The tirn~ngof the FiICth Bic-:nnial Conference allo\vs 111oscwho wish to axtenc! study and local scholars enhanccd facilities foi- I-esearch anc! publiation. and IS the Th~rdititemat~onal :Ccnference on Great Apes of tlie World, to be held JLII>. reflected in the BRC's o\vn bienn~almeetings. the last two of wh~chhave been 3-6, 1998, in Kuching, Sniawak (see Soimeo News). to talte part iii both held on university campuses. at the Un~versitasTanjungpura in I'ontiandc and the conferences. The Orangutan Foundation lntcrnational (OFI) and the fai-a\x~ak Universiti Blunel Danlssalam in Randar Seri Rcgawan. This growth bodes well Development Institute (SDI). the principal organizers of the Great Apes for the future of Borneo studies, and In this light, we are happy to note, too. the conference, have arranged \\lit11 local tour operators for a series of pre- and posr- establishment of a new research center on the campus of the Universiti Malaysia conference tours, including a tour of orangutan rehabilitation stations in Tanlung Sarawak (UNILWAS). the Institute of East Asia~Stud~es, intendcd to promote Put~ngNat~onal Park, I<alinlantan Tengah. \vhich BRC menibers ma); wish to I research in Bonieo and ihc surroundine Asian reelon (sec Regional Klews). join before the start of the Palanglta Rap conference Those wishing furlher Bon~eoRese;~rch Bulletin Vol.-- 28- Vol. 28 -- -- Borneo Research Bulletin infornlatlon regarding the Great Apes conference and tours should contact Dr this prqject and anyone who wishes to assist them should contact either James Gap Shapiro. OF]. 822 S. Wellesle! Ave.. Los Angeles, CA 90049, emall Chi" Cjames chin(&mallcity coni> or hta Armstrong <bungan((30zen1ail,con1. <redape:(!jns.net> au>. On behalf of the Councll. I wish to thank James and Pamela for making A large of people assisted me in putting this volume together. these valuable computer services available to us. Again. I [hank Dr. kck Fidler (Rhode Island College) for his invaluable editorial Member Support llelp. Sander Adelaar. Dee Baer. Don Brown, James Chin. Jayl Langub, Bob Over the last year, our annual fund cai~lpaig~lwas a success. Here we wish Reece. Vlnson Sutl~ve,and John Walker all prov~dedvaluable review support, to acknowledge the follow~ngpersons for their gifts in support of the work of the advice, and critical comments during the year. Dr George Appell, President of Council: Jenn~ferAlexander, Matthew Arnster, G. N. Appell, Laura P. Appell- the RRC has undertaken the daunting task of keeping our membership list ...- Warren. Ralph Arbus. Adele Baer. Martin Baier: Donald E. Brown, Chew Lun current. and anyone w~tha change of address to report should write directly to Chan, R G. P. Claydon. Jay Crain. Otto Doering 111, Amity Doolittle, Michael R. Dr. AppeII, at P.O. Box A. Phillips. ME 04966. USA. as indicated at the back of Dove, Dr. and Mrs. Allen Drake, kchard Fidler, Jud~thHeirnann, Virginia this issue Finally. Dr. Phillip Thomas (National L~braryof Medicine), once Matheson Hooker, Victor T King, Cra~gLockard. Alan MacLachlan, Wolfgang again. ably carried out the computer work necessary for processing the textual Marschall, Clive Marsh, Peter Martin, James McLellan, Peter Metcalf, Awang materials and photographs. Hasmadi Awang Mols, Alastair R. 1. Morrison, Rodney Needham. Carsten The BRB On-Line Niemitz, Harry Arlo Nimmo, Kazunori Oshima. John Pearson, Robert Pringle. The Borneo Research Counc~lhas now entered the electronic age. Dur~ng Ronald Provencher, Robert Reece. Rolf Schlonier, Bernard Sellato. P.G this last year, Dr. James Chili at M~ddlesexUn~versity, London, established a Sercombe. Andrew Smith, Antonia Soriente, Otto Ste~~unayer.Jack Stuster, Anna Counc~l~ebsite. On this slte can now be found general ~nformat~onregarding the Tsing. Reed L. Wadley. Peter Weldon, Jim Welsh, W. D. Wilder, Robert objectives of the BRC. The site also reproduces the table of contents of the Winzeler. and Leigh Wright. If 1 have left any contributor's name off this list, current Borneo Reseorch B1dletin and posts announcements of various Council- please let me kno~f. related events and act~v~ties.The website, originally established by Dr. Ch~nat Middlesex University. has now been moved to a pennaneiit Sarawak locat~on The website address 1s http:Nftp.sarawak.com.~nyiorg/brci.Those with news items they would like to post are invited to contact either Dr. Chin at <~ianies.chin(r~>niailcitycorn> or myself at Ccl~ffordsatker~<$directory.reed.edu> The site has proved popular and James tells me that, so far this year, our pages have rece~vedover 6,000 "hits" or visitors. The site was also recently noted by Gerry van Kl~nkenin a br~efarticle, "Indonesia on the Net" in Inride Indonesia (April-June 1997). The Borneo Research Council Electronic Mailing List was also created last year at the ~nitiativeof Pamela Szeto Llndell, at the University of Nevada, Reno. as a means of fi~rther fostering communicat~on between ~nd~vidualsw~th scholarly interest in Borneo.
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