*6.. _) (2 IV/7< ,"" l-J4,- /06 /l -4 - / YELLOW RIVER DEVELOPMENTPROJECT (YRDP) Taiyuan, Shanxi, PRC E155 Public Disclosure Authorized Volume 2 WANJIAZHAI WATER TRANSFER PROJECT ENVIRONMENTALIMPACT ASSESSMENT MAIN REPORT July 1996 Public Disclosure Authorized FINAL REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized By CIRP for YRDP/World Bank Public Disclosure Authorized FILECOPY PREFACE EIA FORWANJIAZHAI WATER TRANSFER PROJECT TABLEOF CONTENTS (Note: Each Chapter containsits own detailedTable of Contents) Preface Table of Contents Abbreviations Chapters I Introduction 1.1 Project Background 1.2 Basis for Preparation of EIA 1.3 Strategy and Focus for Preparing EIA 1.4 EIA Study Area and Standards 1.5 EIA Team and Work Plan 1.6 EIA Report Organization 1.7 Acknowledgments 2 Project Description 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Need for WWTP 2.3 Project Components 2.4 Project Construction Scheduling 2.5 Project Alternatives 2.6 Project EnvironmentalComponents 3 Environmental Setting 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Environmental Study Area 3.3 Land Uses 3.4 Natural Physical Resources 3.5 Natural Ecological Resources 3.6 Development 3.7 Quality of Life 3.8 Summary and Conclusions 4 Environmental Impact Assessment and EPMs 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Land Use 4.3 Hydrology 4.4 Special Design Issues 4.5 Environmental Review of Resettlement 4.6 Public Health 4.7 Ecology 4.8 ReservoirEIAs Waniiazhai Water Transfer Proiect Final Report 4.9 Erosionand Sedimentation 4.10 Qualityof Life 4.11 ConstructionOperations Constraints 4.12 InterbasinWater TransferFeasibility 4.13 ConnectionWorks 4.14 GlobalEnvironmental Issues 4.15 Surnmaryand Conclusions 5 Water Managementand WaterPollution Control 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Water Supply 5.3 Water PollutionControl 5.4 Water Quality 5.5 IntegratedManagement for Water Supplyand PollutionControl 5.6 EnvironmentalManagement Achievements in TaiyuanCity 5.7 Summaryand Conclusions 6 AdditionalStudies 6.1 Introduction 6.2 PublicParticipation 6.3 Compliancewith EnvironmentalLaws 6.4 EnvironmentalEconomics 6.5 RiskAssessment 7 EnvironmentalMonitoring 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Monitoring SEIs 7.3 SummnarizedMonitoring Programs 7.4 MonitoringParticipants 7.5 MonitoringCosts 7.6 Summaryand Conclusions 3 EnvironmentalTraining 8.1 Purposeof TrainingProgram 8.2 Componentsof SpecializedTraining Requirements 8.3 ProposedTraining Program 8.4 TrainingProgram Costs 8.5 Value of Training Program 8.6 TEPB Training Program 8.7 Summary and Conclusion 9 EnvironmentalManagement Plan(EMP) 9.1 Introduction 9.2 EMNApproach 9.3 EnvironmentalManagement System 9.4 ProjectTime Frame 9.5 SummarizedEMO/EMP Program 9.6 EconomicJustification for EMO 9.7 Summaryand Conclusions - ii - Waniiazhai Water Transfer Proiect Final Report 10 Sumnmaryand Conclusions 10.1 Work Approachby EIA Team 10.2 EIA Reports 10.3 SignificantEnvironmental Issues 10.4 XiaolangdiExperience 10.5 EnvironmentalManagement Plan and Office ANNEXES AnnexA ReferencesUtilized AnnexB TOR for CIRP Annex C TOR for World BankEIA Team AnnexD PublicParticipation Survey AnnexE Noteson Meetingswith OtherGovernmental Agencies AnnexF InterbasinWater TransferFeasibility Study Annex G DetailedInformation of Fauna and Florain WWTP/ESA AnnexH TaiyuanEPB TechnicalAssistance Proposal Waniiazhai Water Transfer Proiect. Final RcDort ABBREVIATIONS ADB AsianDevelopment Bank CC ConstructionContractor CRO CountyResettlement Office CIRP ChinaInstitute for RadiationProtection CW Connectionworks ECI EnvironmentalConstruction Inspector EIA EnvironmentalImpact Assessment ELC Electro Consult,Italy EMO EnvironmentalManagement Office EMP EnvironmentalManagement Plan EPB EnvironmentalProtection Bureau (Province) EPM EnvironmentalProtection Measure ESA EnvironmentalStudy Area GML GeneralMain Line IEE InitialEnvironmental Examination MPI Ministryof Power Industry MRO MunicipalResettlement Office MWR Ministryof Water Resources NEPA NationalEnvironmental Protection Agency NML North MainLine PP PublicParticipation PRC People'sRepublic of China RS ResettlementJResettler SEI SignificantEnviromnental Issue SEPB ShanxiProvincial Environemntal Protection Bureau SML SouthMain Line SPC StatePlanning Commission SPRO ShanxiProvincial Resettlement Office SIDI ShanxiWater Resources Investigation and Design Institute TMEDI TaiyuanMunicipal Engineering Design Institute TOR Terms of Reference TIDI TianjinInvestigation and DesignInstitute TVEs Townshipor VillageEnterprises WB WorldBank WWTP WanjiazhaiWater Transfer Project YRDP YellowRiver Diversion Project Administration Waniiazhai Water Transfer Proiect Final Report CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Waniiazhai Water Transfer Project Final Report TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR CHAPTER I TEXT 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background 1.1.1 Project Concept 1.1.2 Importanceof WWTP 1.1.3 Purpose of EIA 1.2 Basis for Preparationof ELA 1.2.1 History of EIA Studiesfor WWTP 1.2.2 EIA Assignment to CIRP 1.2.3 Laws and Regulationson EnvironmentalProtection 1.2.4 EIA TechnicalGuidelines 1.2.5 References Utilized Listing of References Assessment of References 1.2.6 EIA Methodology 1.3 Strategyand Focusfor PreparingEIA 1.3.1 EIA Strategy 1.3.2 EIA Highlights 1.4 EIA StudyArea and Standards 1.4.1 EIA StudyArea 1.4.2 EIA Standards 1.4.3 EnviromnentalProtection Objectives 1.5 EIA Teamand WorkPlan 1.6 EIA Report Organization 1.7 Acknowledgments FIGURES Figure 1. I.1-1 SchematicDrawing of WWTP Figure 1.1.1-2 Color PlanLayout of WWTP Figure 1.2.5-1 Evaluationof EIA Data Sources Figure 1.5-1 EIA Team Figure 1.5-2 EIA Work Program PHOTOGRAPHS Photo 1 YellowRiver at Wanjiazhai Photo 2 Dam Site of WanjiazhaiReservoir Photo 3 Dam Closureof WanjiazhaiReservoir Photo 4 Inlet of No. 4 Sub-tunnelfor No. 11 Tunnelof GML Photo 5 Land Requisitionedfor ConstructionDisposals from No. 8 Tunnel6ofGML Photo 7 MountainArea of PianguanCounty I-i Waniiazhai Water Transfer Proiecl Final ReDort Photo 8 Outlet of No. 5 Tunnel of SML Photo 9 Constructionof No. 5 Tunnel of SML Photo 10 Fen River Upstreamof Taiyuan Photo 11 ELCIEIATeam Memberswith Officials from Shanxi Provincial EPB and Taiyuan EPB Photo 12 Area of Baimaya,Inlet of HaoshuigoyReservoir Photo 13 Area of Outlet of SML Photo 14 Area of ZhaojiaxiaocunReservoir Photo 15 TemporaryConstruction Site for No. 8 Tunnelof GML 1li Waniiazhai Water Transfer Proiect Final Reonao CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background 1.1.1 Project Concept The overallWanjiazhai Water TransferProject (WWTP),which has been under study for some three decades,is envisionedto comprisethe followingcomponents: (i) GeneralMain Line, for deliveringwater from WanjiazhaiReservoir to the SouthMain Line (included in WWTP/PhaseI) and, in a future phase, to deliverwater to the North MainLine. (ii) SouthMain Line, for deliveringwater to the TaiyuanService Area, includinguse of Fen River to deliverwater to Fen-l reservoir,and ConnectionWorks for deliveryfrom Fen-l reservoirto the TaiyuanService Area. (iii)NorthMain Line, includingsome new reservoirs,for deliveringwater to the Pingshuo and Datong serviceareas. The present PhaseI projectis limitedto Item (i) (ii) and excludesthe North MainLine. Figure 1.1.1-1is a schematicdrawing which illustrates the overallproject conceptand those componentsincluded in Phase I. Figure 1.1.1-2 shows the plan layout of the V,'VTP in color. The Phase I project willtransfer I millionm 3/dayof water to Taiyuan beginingin 2001 and another0.76 millionm 3/dayby 2004. 1.1.2 Importance of WWTP The purpose of overallWWTP is to furnishadditional water supplyfor industrialand municipaluse in Taiyuan, Pingshuo and Datong in Shanxi Province. It is a "life" project of the provinceand also one of the importantdevelopment projects of the State "8thFive-year Plan". As noted above, the Phase I projectis limitedto furnishingwater. to the TaiyuanService Area. Taiyuan is an important energy and chemicalbase of China. As a result of great shortage of water, it is now dependingon groundwaterover-development. At present, the daily water unavailabilityis 425,000 m3. Although 225,000 m3/day is made availableby means of groundwaterover-development, there is still a gap of 200,000 m3. Extensiveover-development of groundwaterhas enlargedthe groundwaterfunnel area in the city from 11.2 km2 in the 1960sto 328 km2 in 1993 and has increasedthe well depth from 50 m to over 300 m. Up to date, more than 800 wells have dried up and abandoned.Water has been long suppliedat a low pressureand even interruptedin a total area of 42 km2, which directlyaffects the livelihoodof 400,000 people.The reconstructionand expansionof a series of large and middle-sizedenterprises are restricted by the shortage of water. At the Lancun water source (a major water source), the water availabilityhas decreasedfrom 460,000 m3/day in the 1970s to 260,000 m3/d in 1993. Extensive groundwater over development has caused deteriorationof groundwaterquality, settlement of ground and surface,unbalance of l-l Waniiazhai Water Transfer Proiect Final Report the eco-enviromnent,which endangers human health and environment.It is, thus, very urgent to seek new water sources for relaxingthe critical water shortage in Taiyuan, and the onlyfeasible solution is to divert water flow fromthe YellowRiver system. The State PlanningCommission (SPC) submittedto the State Councilthe "Submission of Review and Approval of the FeasibilityStudy Report on WanjiazhaiDam and W'aterTransfer Project" (Letter No. JNJ87) on January27, 1993. The submissionwas approvedby the State Councilon February22, 1993. 1.1.3 Purpose of ELA The purpose of the presentstudy is to producean EIA report for the WanjiazhaiWater
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