#86 2000 Inuktitut wk4tg5 scoµZ6 tt6bs?5g6 Inuktitut is a cultural magazine Inuktitut uqalimaagaq titiraqtauvaktuq W6fyoE9li r[Z6gwJu5 wk8i5 serving Canadian Inuit. The views piqqusilirilluni kiggaqtuijumit inunnit vNbusbi5. whm0JbsJ5 wkw5 expressed are not necessarily those Kanatamiutanit. Isumajjutaujut Inuit bW‰4n4f8•8Ω8q5g5. gi3DbsymJ5 of the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada. Tapiriiksakkunniinngaanngittut. ttCZ5, si4√5, Wys/5, x0π5 x7m Submissions of articles, stories, poetry, Tunirrutausimajut titiragat, unikkaat, tt6gZ5 g8zhxtbsK5. xro6hw•5, photographs and drawings are invited. pisiujat, ajjiit amma titiqtugat tunngasu- scoµZ6∫c5b3i6 x7ml n6rtbClw5 For rates paid, subscriptions and atitauvut. Akiliqsuiniit, uqalimaagaq- cspQx3F{n6 sKz: advertising, contact: taaqattarniq ammalu saqqititaugaraluit qaujigiarvissat uvunga: Inuktitut Magazine Inuktitut Magazine Inuktitut Magazine Inuit Tapirisat of Canada Inuit Tapirisat of Canada Inuit Tapirisat of Canada 510-170 Laurier Ave. W. 510-170 Laurier Ave. W. 510-170 Laurier Ave. W. Ottawa, ON K1P 5V5 Ottawa, ON K1P 5V5 Ottawa, ON K1P 5V5 sçMs5: (613) 238-8181 Phone: (613) 238-8181 Uqaalaut: (613) 238-8181 gxF6g4f5: (613) 234-1991 Fax: (613) 234-1991 Tuaviqtukkut: (613) 234-1991 2 wk4tg5 86 • 2000 Inuktitut #86 2000 wloq5 Table of Contents Ilulingit scoµ6gk5 3 Dear Readers 3 Uqalimaaqtunut 3 x3ÇAw5 k∫ao6gw5 WQx3iq5 5 A New Millennium 5 Arraaguit Nutaanguliqtuit Pigiarningit 5 Îy wc9oJ6 si4√6g6 13 Interview with Rosie Iqallijuq 13 Rosie Iqallijuq Unikkaaqtuq 13 x4I3F4 bw5hmi 28 A Look Back at Aklavik 28 Ak&arvik Taitsumani 28 s9lw5 çq6ymJ5 yKzibw5 34 Days Gone By 34 Ulluit Qaangiqsimajut /w7{ bwXNs2 si4√3iz 42 James Taipana’s Story 42 Sivunganitait 34 „b x[oDw5©2 si4√3iz 46 Peter Agligoetuk’s Story 46 Jaimes Taipanaup Unikkaarninga 42 W8axZ4n5 scsyo5 53 Word Games 53 Peter Agligoetuup Unikkaarninga 46 scoµZ4n6 si4√6bsJ6 59 Book Review 59 Pinnguagaksat Uqausilit 53 s/Cw5 xsµ˙5 67 Burning Stones 67 Uqalimaagaksaq Unikkaaqtaujuq 59 ˆ7mgw8N6gu4 iec3li Enough is as Good as a Feast 70 Ujarait Aumaasuut 67 Wsi6nsK6 70 Naammatuinnaqtumik Niqiqarluni Piuniqsauvuq 70 xsM5tp: Publication Co-ordinator: Aulattiji: ÷8 †5g John Cheechoo John Cheechoo ≈6r6hwp: Editor: Aaqqiqsuiji: /i Xi5 John Bennett John Bennett wk4t©1Zo6t5tp: Inuktitut Translation: Inuktituungaliqtittiji: ÷N5 mfC Janet McGrath Janet McGrath swÏt©1Zo6t5tp: French Translation: Uiviitituungaliqtittiji: /vø8 ∑SD Jacqueline April Jacqueline April xuhos6t: Design: Amisuliuqti: ß5lx gn6goEπ5 EarthLore Communications Inc. EarthLore Communications Inc. 86 • 2000ISSN 0705-8527 © wkw5 bW‰4n5 INUKTITUT vNbu @))) © Inuit Tapirisat of Canada, 2000 3 scoµ6gk5 DEAR READERS UQALIMAAQTUNUT svo6 wp5yx6 J. Okalik Eegeesiak wk4tA5 iv9l3N6gu4 whm5bwoNh- Our positive outlook has helped us Inuktigut nikallurnaqtumik isumattai- xc5b3i5t8k5 wo5tym5tx6SA5 learn about and accept the chal- linasuaqattarnittinnut ilittisimattiaqpu- w˚i3u4 kNu bEs3ul x7ml lenges of the land and sea and to gut inuunirmik nunami tariurmilu d/o9lb xg6ym/5t8k5 wk9MEsZ5b. be thankful for who we are – Inuit. ammalu qujalilluta atuqsimajattinnut bwmwi5t8k9l W?9oxJ1NMs6SA5 This outlook has also allowed us to inullariugatta. Taimainittinnullu pival- srs5 !()) kao3iq8k5. w˚i5t8i adapt to challenges during the latter liajungnalauqpugut ukiut 1900 nungu- tAuxq8N6ymKA5 x7ml wk4tA5 half of the 20th Century. We have lirninginnut. Inuunittinni tigumian- w˚ctŒ5tx6X4hb — w˚9lb, maintained our identity and unity ginnaqsimavugut ammalu inuktigut kNocctŒ4hb, cb8atŒ4hbl. s9lu as Inuit – as a people, as communi- inuuqatigiittiaqpaksuta – inuulluta, ˙3l5bs6 bw5hmitg5, dFx˙t4nc5- ties and as families. Today, as in all nunaliqaqatigiiksuta, qatanngutigiiksu- tx6SA5 x7ml scoµ6gk5 n6®J- previous times, we have reason to talu. Ullumi suurluttauq taitsumaniti- m9lb wkw5 wo6fyq8i4 xg6ym- celebrate and to bring readers of tut, quviasuutiksaqattiaqpugut ammalu /q8i9l x0pŒ8q5©bs9lt4. Inuktitut Magazine expressions of uqalimaaqtunut saqqiijumalluta inuit bmgmi scoµZoxu dFx˙t4n- Inuit culture and impressions gained iliqqusinginnik atuqsimajanginnillu c6SA5 wk4tA5 xbsysi5t8i, sc- from our diverse experiences. ajjigiinngittuutaullutik. oµZ4ncC5b wkFxl7usbi5, kN- In this issue we celebrate our unity Ta matumani uqalimaagaliami quvia- K7u5, kNF1u5 x7ml ˜SCgxEu5. by presenting articles from the suutiksaqaqpugut inuktigut atausiunit- wkFx¬J6 ∫8N usE √X8g ttC6- Inuvialuit region, from Nunavut, tinni, uqalimaagaksaqaratta Inuvialum- ymK6 whm4n6ys3N5tx6gu4 w7ui4 from Nunavik, and from Labrador. miutanit, Nunavummit, Nunavingmit whmQ/ui4 scsyc6hi wkw5 ck- Inuvialuit writer Mary Carpenter ammalu Labradorimit. Inuvialuujuq w7mΩ b x3ÇAw5 k∫5 moi/7 xgo3- provides a thought-provoking essay taanna Mary Carpenter titiraqsimavuq iq8k5. eu3Dx6bsJ6bs6 sco- by offering her own perspective on isumaksaqsiurnattiaqtumik imminik µZoxz ∫5hm gxt m˙2 w˚y3ui4 Inuit life at the turn of the millen- isumagijaminik uqausiqaqsuni inuit si4√6hi: ƒ0Jxu: xsMp/sJ5 whm- nium. A book review introduces qanuimmangaata arraaguit nutaat mil- Q/sJ9l. scoµZoxzi4 ∫8N gxt Dorothy Mesher’s excellent auto- lennium atulirninginnut. Qimirruaq- sc6ym1m5 w˚yE/y s9lu gry8N3- biography: Kuujjuaq: Memories and taujuqtauq uqalimaagalianga taatsuma i6nsJ1N6S6 bw5hmisMs6gi4 Musings. In her book Dorothy makes Dorothy Mesherup inuusirminik gryNhx6√DF5. the point that it is easier to under- unikkaaqsuni: Kuujjuami: Aulajijaujut xwWo x5nbbs2 si4√6bzi5- stand the present if you understand Isumagijaujullu. Uqalimaagalianganik bs6 scsyc6S6 xg6ymi3ui4 ˜S- the past. taanna Dorothy uqaqsimangmat inu- 4 wk4tg5 86 • 2000 CgxEu bw5hmi m4f4©t9li. w[l- Abel Atsatata’s story portrays his usirijasi ullumi tukisinnarniqsaujung- o1us9l wkgc6 Îy wc9oJ6 si4- life as a young man many years ago naqpuq taitsumaniulauqtunik tukisina- √6S6 w˚yEMs6bui5bs6 m4f4©- in Labrador. Igloolik elder Rosie suaqqaaruvit. t9li scsyc6hil w˚i3u s9lu. Iqallijuq speaks about her early years Abel Atsatataup unikkaaqtanganit- wkw8NsÔ4 wkgc4 m3Î4 /wuy and discusses life today. Inuinnait tauq uqausiqaqpuq atuqsimanirminik bwXNl „b x[oDw5g3l si4√6Í4 elders James Taipana and Peter Labradorimi taitsumani makkuktuutil- w˚ys?Ms6gu4 et3us5 kNz8i. Agligoetuk offer a glimpse of life as luni. Iglulingmiullu inutuqaq Rosie x7ml si4√6gx6bc6S6 wkFxlw5 it used to be in the Kitikmeot. And a Iqallijuq unikkaaqpuq inuusirilauqta- kNzi8Ω6gu4 w˚y3j5 yMg5tx6- legend from the Inuvialuit region minittauq makkuktuutilluni uqausiqaq- gu4 xgdpJu4: ˆ7mQ/3i4 WcDF5, provides a valuable piece of wisdom: sunilu inuunirmik ullumi. Inuinnaujuuk ˆ7mQoD4. if you have what you need, be content. inutuqak marruuk James Taipanalu x4I3F1u x0poxaifi4 bf/4nc- A photo story shows Aklavik as Peter Agligoeturlu unikkaaqpuuk inu- s6S6 x∫b5txK5 xˆN5txK5 xms- it was when our grandparents and usiuvalauqtumik Qitirmiut nunangan- K9l m4f4©t9lQ5. dmz3l si4√6- great grandparents were young. ni. Ammalu unikkaaqtuaqtaqaqpuq ymK6 !(%) xgo~6t9lQ5 xg6y- Komangat’s story about “burning Inuvialuit nunanganinngaaqtumik inu- m/ui4 “s/C1i4 xsµ˙i4”, dz1- stones”, recorded in the early 1950s, usirmut silatuttiaqtumik atuqujijumik: N6©9li scoµ6hA. x7ml5bs6 might make you smile. Finally, naammagijarnik piqaruvit, naammag- W8axZ4ni4 ≈e4hZ6bc6S6 we have some word games so that iliruk. scsy3i4 xg6gi4 ß4gZ4n5y8i4. you can have a little fun with the Ak&arvingmi ajjiliangunikunik scsyc4v8ix3J4Sz xbsy3u4: Inuktitut language. takujaksaqauqpuq ataatattiavut ana- scsyK5 W7mEsi6Ùa1m5 gi3D- I leave you with this thought: Our anattiavut amauvullu makkuktuutil- yxEym/5t8i4. scsy5t8i4 sc- language is one of the great gifts. If lugit. Qumangarlu unikkaaqsimavuq D1ND5b W/4nc6gx¬KA5 hDy5t8k5 we can speak our language, then it 1950 atuliqtillugit atuqsimajaminik scc5b3i3u4 scsygc5t8i4, ∫4fx9l is our responsibility to speak it to “Ujarangnik Aumaasuunik”, qungang- w3abK9l scsy6∫EymixCuQ5bs6. our children so that they and their naqtuulluni uqalimaaqsugu. Amma- children can benefit from this gift. luttauq pinnguagaksanik aaqiksugaq- taqaqpuq uqausirnik atuqtunik uuktu- xwzw gaksatsinnik. svo6 wp5yx6 Aingai Uqausiksaqakkanniarjukpunga J. Okalik Eegeesiak atausirmik: uqausivut pimmariuniqpa- angungmat tunirrusiarisimajattinnik. Uqausittinnik uqarungnarutta pijak- saqaqtualuuvugut surusittinnut uqaqattarnirmik uqausituqattinnik, taakkuallu irngutavullu uqausiqtaari- simaniaramigittauq. Aingai J. Okalik Eegeesiak 86 • 2000 INUKTITUT 5 x3ÇAw5 k∫ao6gw5 WQx3iq5 usE √X8©3 ttC6bz A NEW MILLENNIUM by Mary Carpenter ARRAAGUIT NUTAANGULIQTUIT PIGIARNINGIT Mary Carpenter titiraqtanga w˚ct4v5 wkFxlw5, wo8ixMs6S5 My people, the Inuvialuit, learned to Inuuqatikkat Inuvialuit, ilinnialauqput c9lˆtg5 sc3i3u4 ttC3i3ul hDy- speak and read the English language qallunaatitut uqarnirmik titirarnirmilu st9lz¡ xg6ym5txlx8q5gA5 bm4- in my lifetime! Our interaction with surusiutillunga! fNi4 tt6vi4 ttCc5b3i3ul. w˚- the twentieth-century world of print Atuqsimattialuanngittugut tamakku- ct4v5 w˚J1N6ymw8N6S5 x4hD1N6gu is therefore very recent. My people nanik titiqqanik titiraqattarnirmilu. tu4f5, whm4f9l wMŒAyc5tx6ht4. are physically, socially, and tem- Inuuqatikkat inuujungnaqsimainnaq- ck6 bm8N whµ¬tQ/sJ6 x4gw- peramentally geared to living in a put aksurungnaqtumi timikkut, isu- ic3ix6X s?5t8k5, x3ÇA5 @)))-u harsh environment. makkullu ilagiigusiqattiaqsutik. x4hÎtQ/sJu4 bw/sJ6V wkw5 How is that entirely human mani- Qanuq tamanna isumaaluutigijaujuq cspmw8N6ymK5 bwmzi5 w˚yK5 festation known as the year 2000 aktuiniqarniaqpa
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