HARRY GOLD Told Hisrother Thathe Wasthe Manto Whcm KLAUSFUCHS Gave the Infon�Ationon Theatomic Bomb.Relative� - 5 to Goldstrip to Santafe,N.M

HARRY GOLD Told Hisrother Thathe Wasthe Manto Whcm KLAUSFUCHS Gave the Infon�Ationon Theatomic Bomb.Relative� - 5 to Goldstrip to Santafe,N.M

FOIA. ROSENBERG ET LE DE 5'6'1?/PT/O/V L T NO 65 I OLUM E N0 wr-'r.---= -.1; 1:."---: A" .- »~=,:i?¢ _-5:.-..' J}--if-8"?1:}. H _ I" !~,,. 4:" "}.:~;.-,-¢*'- ,-=3-T, , . SERIAL -f-4.-*»?'?" '-'-'w-":*.:5..._ 1 .- : &=~~.:* E _._ £6, ~ +501" P"' ./ .Sf 5, ~ - -- . :;.1",{. ..¢_ Y." "'§"'r.. _'--* '41..5'.'§ ._§-1---. ;.~- -~ -1'-'I ' . _ -' 'r N Q LTIQE THE BEST COPIES OBTAINABLE ARE INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THE FILE. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION AND OR COLOR OF THE ORIGINALS A PROVIDED. THESE ARE THE BEST COPIES AVAILABLE. * if i i _* 7 W n FD-503 hmlllry12-1s-11: Imt h . oi File No: Q Re: __ I Date: : I." 7,; i. 7 _L,7,¢=- *7 __ WW jgexv/M We/_<. /eesig; _ - f iinpnth/year! W s i Deecriptiop i 92 Exem|:I_.iona used er. to whogn referred . i Serial *_ Date § i Typeof com:q§gn1cat1on, to, from! W Actual lBelemed92 W ldentxfystetute 1f b!!c1f.ed!_ _ W 7 F I . I I I; /575 ;;31-5» /6//4105' el/?>92 '* W 1//7 19 67¢ é"70W A/Avj '1 . s 7 92//'.-2:? '56 [/rc49- nwnaum/ya Q V Z /W r . i 3 s _ _ _ K 3 ,. A n. t | 5 r'- v 92IuI" L i *_ " 3 0 0 Liv-" D /v~°- /I7 "$' TL Y 1 ...,=,.,, I X W, ,_, __ 92 e _ _ '' ' -...' . ' P I '." - . ':'*" K _ ,= * "_'' '_ - H ' - *, " _. 92 ''...- ""':. ' --f_ .'". .. 0 , '__-_ _ ; __ ..,.-_ . _ ' - ..= .. - 0- -. ...,._.. _.._.... .._,,. ; _ _-3, _ _ . _ - _ U _ 1.. ' ..; 1 _..*" "" --" '.;_ " _, "- - _ '--... -.- - --------¢---= - - --u--no--..i._-. 1 ___,._-.. .-_ I.-._. -.-__... U. ... -.-... .-..-.. '_-J-.- .-...._--92-.-----. - p.---....-.._-..-.. ' ..... -,__. _ .._ _._' __ , . _ r" . .- ' ;;_ __ mma,,§ ¢Q1¢$E * - W "*__, __ _'_- ' nswmzx mironx Fe . 65-we ~ m -'- H" 7;-C71; I. I: : "|:| '5 00 2'11 .100] J-gu: 1| . ./ p ._ . -. has _ mm , ,.. ...__._..._,.-.... ._ t- ' 'f: ' ,,' - "--= ere - I-D;Ia.soHem'yGoHenri, '=- . " S, 0lOdn1t8_-.- ' ESPIOHAEQ I Fra ":4" P:a_L-kgas o lg_r_,_Q.n.u. °'= nd . 5 1 "" . ' ' . _ 1* - p_. numssaowuomsnnlsm" I _ mm com bornin sum-u-mm, 12/12/10. Naturalized - *'Y%' by isedderivation 6/6/22, Certificatethrough no. 1591.271»SAM father, Residcdwho GOLD,6623 - was-naturalp - N Kindred Street, Philadelphia, Pa, and employed at Phila- "-Z: delphia General Hospital since 9/ 20/LB as chemist. Pres- -; ently sorying incapacity ofChief ResearchChmiste ' 't? 7 I Q Brother,:,-'JOSEPiI,an mloyee of l_~IavalAir Supply Depot, .., , , ~92Q Philadelphia, and father,SAM, ca'bd.netmaker, a - * reside ' 6823 Kiixired Street with subject. GOLD attended Public School Systan in Philadelphia, being graduated in 1930. -9 Attended two years at University of Pennsylvania and c 3' _.§ plated work toward dipléama.at Drcxel Institute" of Technology, ° - _ t -- being graduated in 1936. In 19141; tookevening courses at J jg ' _ . * _ St. Joseph's College.Was employed1928 to 1938by Pennsyl»-__ S A i ~ " venia Sugar Canpany asAssistant Chanist and Laboratory _ - Assistsfrtq From193B to Il.9hO subject attended Xavier Urverh * 1" Mn ty "Ginci.Imat:I., Ohio,secmdng degree. a mmwho to . _'_ BarbFm 1/L6 employedby Pennsylvania Sugar Canpsw and afiliates ' . .... w};|ge1;.';chmiste ALI.persons interviewedat that placeof @p $" - - ..' MP1" . ,4 DESTROYED _ .;..|.- , . 1D»-/' J "T/__4 Forwarded:"on I':|l 4 '10"_.___ 1,_ I, 19'is ChargeJ -Z _ I _ - °"=om 1; _ . _ h . ' T3 p I 11*" Q been._, es-saws!1- 2 mpou. - -- _ '1"i _f ,-dew. - .2»;¬u,.£_. 1 - §%°"e"i-'°" " ,|._!YIRECOREI 2 Ba1timors I.n£0¢!5 New m-1; 5-15321;! ' Jun - 1950'_- zmrm2 Boston 2Spring.eld2 Sanirancisco Info-! '- 3 -. ' ' " e.- "ID J] S 2 Gincimati.hicase . h 2 PhiladelphiaWash.|.I8ton Field . S - . , - "- 2 DMD! . I 92 -' ' ' . - _ - -.-. _ II V "I" -'92 i 1 '/ =$-5,,»-:1-5 P 4:-¢=».>¢¢1-l-1%;/i-==¢~¢-»I'?~-r!. ¢ 5-__ ,3 IJ ' __./-',, cc>1=»'»1*fT 5 [/','¢..___j6,»-H/_,i??...., uu/éséil - Waw-F"'~*~ we *3_ S /_ 92 La;/,.»; I ' """"""" ' "' - - II' -- -. -.-.-~ - --,o-».._,....-.... _..- _, - - 1 - - I ----- _ -- .--- - - -; -- ,-.-,.-....--.,..-:---_ - ,,.... _-.-_,., _ ,,.._--._ _ . _.,_ _ ,.___ Z u <1 f " .;.. 1 = 1 4 . l : ;.J Philadelphia_ I H 65-14301 4 _ _ W fileI ~ .. _ . ment unableto furnish aqpinfomation whichwoul corroboratehis espionage activity,with exceptionof payroll records reflectirg -i. .4 that week ending 9/10/mtsubject onwas vacation, and 9/17/L5subject wason vacation. EmployeesPhiladelphia of GeneralHospital, Phila- delphia, Pa.,can xrnishno information pertinent this to inquizy. Philadelphia confidentialinformants reportno knownCcmzunist Party activity onpart ofxtuaaax com.On 5/15',19,21/50'1nte1-etewe of man! GOLD conductedwere Philadelphia in Officeof FBI. Subject requested that interviewscheduled 5/20/50 for postponed be as he was physically ortired. associated Duringwithinitial EIJILinterview,JULIUS GO deniedE£t..tU;>%'CI-IS.Onever 5/22/SO havirgGOLD,known, metafter having givenwritten consent'fora searchof his premises 6323 at Kindred Street,Philadelphia, admittedbeirg the person whomto KLAUS FUCHS passed information. Aftercompletion search of andarrival at the PhiladelphiaOffice _FBI,of GOLDfurnished a ten-page signed state- ment whereinhe admitted his guilt. This statement has been set out verbatim. also Heexecuted a signedstatement expressingwillingness muto rennin detailswithof Aitentss activities. of FBIfor a J¬X3lIP§%G!LD, period of'time whichof subject,furnish into ep- brother peared office.at HARRY GOLD told hisrother thathe wasthe manto whcm KLAUSFUCHS gave the infonationon theatomic bomb.Relative - 5 to GOLD'strip to Santa'Fe,'N.M. Septsnber 191.5, guestin cardsof w-"-'=. J;-._._.- . Palmer House,Chicago, Ills,and theHilton Hotel,Albuquerque, N.ll., 5-. L 4 reflected residenceon 9/16,17/h5 and 9/19/I45,respectively. FBI : Laboratory conductedhandwriting comparisonsand concluded subject. HARRY GOLD signedguest residence cards bothat places.On 5/23/50 a complaintwas swornto before USC,'EDNY, subject charging with violation ofSub4.>ecticn Title A, 32, Title SO,U.S. Code. It hearu 1:»; washeld 5/23/50before FederalJudge J.u11~:s P. McGR.ANERY,EDPa. Sub1ect'attime thisadmitted identity, andin defaultof bail set at ..lO0,000,was remandedto custocw of USE. GOLD duringthe period following hisconfession £5.11-nishedhas informationre hiscontacts with Dr.FUCHS. has Healso lrnished information concernizghis beingespionagesu orssnnzjygmv and has tents.-92NAI'OLI nw. identified two ofthan as , -- " -P-L DETAIIS: - 411- smntmmbP§NNSYLV."d§A_ and thewriter. This isa joint report ofSpecial AgentYEILLIAH B WELTE. ',- JR . §2_ ' I- S :5? __ _ _ 7 are - ___"_ _. e..__-92---=--n-.-92-92--P rm-_'---" ~I"-" " ""' _____r_______f___ ~ L »~***1ta' I I 2', i 3. PH 65-M307 ""' -0- 5 : '' mamorcommns ' ';__92 I mszs FOR Jlwnsrlcurron 5 , 11 mcxmwuun ' OOOIIIOIIIIIOIIIIIO.III.I'OII.OO.I ' ~ 4. nmnmm CITIZENSHIP '5 " B0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1. r Father - S-All GUI-D, '8-R3 SAHSQN GULDNITZKI, ' B . 2- BIOthBl. JOSEPH GOLD; aka YDUSEF 0000000000-0'00 GQLD 0.0.00 109 c. nssmsucss ' " O00IOQIIIQIIOIIOIOIQIIIIUQIIDOICI B 1 D. OCI.UI.OI.IQIIIOIII.OQIIOIIOQOIIOIOIIIIOIIII 10 University Of 000000000000000000 4 2. Drexel Institute of Technology .............. 3. St. Joseph's Colle e 8 000000000000000000000000 E. MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES 16 4 .4 .-0. '.,_ .._ - - F0 000I000l000IIOlIOIIOOIIOll000IIO000OO00000 16 1. P ennsy 1vanla ' Sugar - 'Company and Affillated C0mP¬I-ni8S 00000000000000000000000000000000 . '30 20 ASSQcj-ates 00000000000000000 00000000000000011:0 0. szmcrm ssnvrcs asconns h7-0 HI .Q..I......I.Q.I.I.I........IIlIIU.I...II..IlQIQQIIIIQQ II Q.I..IQIII...'IQIIQIQUIOIIICIIQQII JO IQIIQIQIIOIIIISQO-IIOIOQIOOIIIUIIIQQOIIIIII III nrrznvmws wrrn mam: com PRECEDING mmsr 55 Iv mumas wmr EMIL mms mas FUC 560 A. HARRY GOLD'S VERSION ..........-H" I5 IIIOIIIIUIIIIOIIOUQIQ ' .....'...I....... ' - 2Q 10 Search and Admission Deni-318 0000000 00000o:0:00o0000000:00000 00000000000000 _ -- - 3 - - ~ .0 » S "ET of _ i7 7 gr _ W i i 7;v___:V _ 7 _ W _ _ H __ ___ _-_-=._.__-'_.. __ __ _ _____ _____ ,,_ ..v.f..-.. ,--..-- - .- .._ -.-_. -.-- . - . '_ .- . '.-; 14 .-,. - I -. '~ ~ ' _ - - _ ; ..,.,..-1..-... , ..-. - __, . ... -.., t__.,-..-_-. __ ..-. IIU5d--I0PI--PTIQ.-fl ' .. _ _ . 1 .--"_»- .'- ' I PH 65-1007 ' ' !. H . _'1:_gbIlia_;o£'E_<g1tenti_ Pagg _Continug!_ 92 Bu 000000on|Q0llOOIAOOOlc0f0o00n| U O. PROSINUTIVB ACTION .. QIIQQIUQIIIIIOQOQIOIIOQIOQQQOQII V0 QQQQQQQUOOOOOIOQOQQIQQI000000000 71 - A. PENNSYLVANIA-SUGAR comm ma 71 1. GO]-d.'S Version 0'00-0-0000o00;;::::::::::: 2. C°r'I'°bOIG.t1V'B Evidence QIIOOIIIIIQIIIIO 11 11_ B- UNKNOWN AMERICAN #1 - Syracuée, N.Y., $11I1'Im8I' 19112 to P°5Si-bl? Winter OOIIIOOOQIIOOOIIOOOIIOOIOOIIQ71 C.

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