PSYCHOLOGY OF ADJUSTMENT Program By WM. H. MIKESELL AND GoRDoN C. HANsoN Mrs. AliCe Myers A new text in the Van Nostrand series in psychology­ covering child, adolescent and adult adjustment to social and economic conditions--and presenting a broad view of the average student's problems of ad­ justment with advice and counsel for their solution. American Sociological Society As stated in the author's preface, "Psychology of Adjustment is intended as a lower division introduc­ tion to the challenging field of maladjustment". The authors believe that this field is so difficult and com­ plex that it would be presumptuous to offer the last word on the subject of maladjustment. They have presented, however, an excellent preliminary overview of certain aspects of this important subject, and have sought to discuss the topics in simple, understandable language. 406 pp. - 6 x 9 - Graphs, diagrams - Cloth - $4.50 NEW SECOND EDITION-LANCASTER'S ,. GOVERNMENT IN RURAL AMERICA By LANE w. LANCASTER While the plan· of the new second edition does not differ materially from that in the original edition, many changes have been made to bring the book up to date. • CHAPTER I is entirely new in treatment and attempts to take .. into account the influence of urban and industrial forces on rural life and thought. • Special attention has been given to new f.ederal financial aid programs. • The revised chapter on "Police and Justice" includes the recent recommendations of the Kefauver Crime Committee. • Material has been included on new intergovernmental arrange­ ments and to schemes for reconstruction and reform. • Liberal use has been made of footnotes, referring, primarily to source materials which the author himself has found helpful. 375 pp.- 6.x 9- Charts- Cloth- $3.75 Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting . JUVENILE DELINQUENCY IN MODERN SOCIETY -Martin H. Neumeyer (1949) ........................ $4.50 THE AMBASSADOR HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY SOCIAL CONTROL-Joseph H. Roucek (1947) ........................ $5.50 September 3-5, 1952 SOCIAL SCIENCE (A Problem Approach} Paul Walter, Jr. Also meeting in Atlantic City: (1949) ........ ,................ $4.50 Rural Sociological Society Write Today for E~amination Copies I AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1951-1952 9:00A.M. REGISTRATION· President, DoROTHY SWAINE THoMAs, University of Pennsylvania President-Elect, SAMUEL A. STOUFFER, Harvard University 10:00 A.M. INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH IN MENTAL HEALTH: First Vice-President, CLIFFORD KmKPATRICK, Indiana University Panel Discussion of a Project on Schizophrenia and the Second Vice-President, JoYCE 0. HERTZLER, University of Nebraska Mental Hospital Environment-Room 125 Secretary, JoHN W. fuLEY, JR., Rutgers University Editor, RoBERT E. L. FARIS, University of Washington Executive Officer, MATILDA WHITE RILEY, Rutgers University Chairman, TALCOTT PARSONS, Harvard University COUNCIL Panel Discussion: NICHOLAS J. DEMERATH, University of North DoROTHY SwAINE THOMAS JOYCE 0. HERTZLER Carolina SAMUEL A. STOUFFER JOHN W. fuLEY, JR. RoNALD LIPPITT, University of Michigan CLIFFORD KIRKPATRICK RoBERT E. L. FARIS Other panel members to be announced Former Presidents E. FRANKLIN FRAZIER, Howard University LEoNARD S. CoTTRELL, JR., Russell Sage TALCOTT PARSONS, Harvard University Foundation RoBERT C. ANGELL, University of Michigan THE SOCIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RURAL-URBAN FRINGE (joint session with Rural Sociological Society)­ Elected at Large r Renaissance Room KINGSLEY DAVIS, Columbia University IRA DEA. REID, Haverford College GoRDON W. BLACKWELL, University of RoBIN M. WILLIAMS, JR., Cornell University Chairman, CHARLES E. LIVELY, University of Missouri North Carolina HowARD BECKER, University of Wisconsin LoWRY NELSON, University of Minnesota RoBERT K. MERTON, Columbia University LoGAN WILSON, Newcomb College, Tulane THEODORE M. NEWCOMB, University of STUART A. QuEEN, Washington University, St. Louis University Michigan "From the Urban Point of View" READ BAIN, Miami University CoNRAD TAEUBER, U. S. Bureau of the RoBERT E. L. FARIS, University of Wash­ Census WALTER C. McKAIN and RoBERT C. BuRNIGHT, University of ington Connecticut Elected /rom Affiliated Societies "From the Rural Point of View" GoRDON W. BLACKWELL, Rural KATHARINE JocHER, Southern LEONARD BROOM, Pacific PETER LEJINS, District of Columbia THOMAS D. ELioT, Midwest HARRY E. MooRE, Southwestern Discussion: "From the Urban Point of View" W. FRED COTTRELL, Ohio Valley NATHAN L. WHETTEN, Eastern PAULK. HATT, Northwestern University "From the Rural Point of View" PROGRAM COMMITTEE SAMUEL W. BLIZZARD, JR., Pennsylvania State College DoROTHY SWAINE THOMAS, University of RoBERT E. L. FARIS, University of Wash­ "From the Viewpoint of General Theory" Pennsylvania, Chairman ington RoBERT C. ANGELL, University of Michigan DoNALD J. BoGUE, Scripps Foundation JoHN W. RILEY, Jn., Rutgers University EDMUND H. VoLKART, Harvard University i.OCAL ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS AFFECTING FER­ Chairman, GEORGE H. HuGANIR, JR., Temple University TILITY (a panel on the Indianapolis Study)-Venetian MARVIN BRESSLER, University of Pennsyl- OscAR GLANTZ, University of Pennsylvania Room I vania WILLIAM M. KEPHART, University of Penn­ KENNETH E. BURNHAM, Temple University sylvania Chairman, P. K. WHELPTON, Population Division, United Nations RALPH ENGLAND, University of Pennsyl- MICHAEL LALLI, University of Pennsylvania vania S. L. RrcARDS, University of Pennsylvania Panel Discussion: CLYDE V. KisER, Milbank Memorial Fund J. F. KANTNER, College of William and Mary Executive Office: New York University Washington Square New York 3, N.Y. ,. LEE F. HERRERA, New York University Medical LLOYD FISHER, University of California School "Politics of Age" NATHALIE L. ScHACTER, (Formerly) Milbank Memorial Fund Discussion Leader: ERNEST W. BuRGEss, University of Chicago JEANNE E. CLARE, Milbank Memorial Fund LOis V. PRATT, Bureau of Applied Social Re· search, Columbia University MARIANNE SwAIN, New York University CHARLES F. WEsTOFF, University of Pennsylvania CURRENT RESEARCH: Studies in Social Organization and RoNALD FREEDMAN, University of Michigan Change-Room 125 Chairman, EDMUND H. VoLKART, Yale University 1 :30 P.M. GENERAL SESSION: SOCIOLOGY IN APPLICATION-Renais­ KuRT MAYER, Brown University sance Room "Business Enterprise: Traditional Symbol of Opportunity" Chairman, SAMUEL A. STOUFFER, Harvard University WALTER T. MARTIN, University of Oregon "Some Socio-Psychological Aspects of Adjustment to Resi­ DoNALD R. YouNG, Russell Sage Foundation dence Location in the Rural-Urban Fringe" r "Sociological Research and Social Practice" DAVID 0. MoBERG, Bethel College LEO SIMMONS, Yale University "The Christian Religion and Adjustment in Old Age" "Sociological Research and Medical Care" RoBERT C. STONE, Tulane University RoBIN M. WILLIAMS, JR., Cornell University "Factory Organization and Vertical Mobility" "Sociological Research and Race Relations" ARTHUR L. WOOD, University of Connecticut "Career Patterns in the Practice of Criminal Law" 3:30 P.M. RESEARCH IN AGING-22 Club Chairman, CLARK TIBBITTS, Committee on Aging and Geriatrics, Fed­ SOCIAL STRATIFICATION IN CORPORATION AND COM­ eral Security Agency MUNITY-Venetian Room MILTON L. BARRON, Cornell University Chairman, JosEPH SHISTER, University of Buffalo "A Longitudinal Study of Occupational Retirement" PETER F. DRUCKER, New York University HoMER L. HITT, Louisiana State University "The Employee Society" "The Role of Migration in Population Change Among the Aged" ]AMES McKEE, Oberlin College "A Study of Labor-Management Community Relations in WILLIAM M. SMITH, JR., Pennsylvania State College Lorain, Ohio, as It Bears on Drucker's Thesis" "Family Plans for Later Years'' REINHARD BENDIX, University of California IRVING L. WEBBER, Florida State Improvement Commission "A Study of Managerial Ideologies, as It Bears on Drucker's "Social Participation of the Aged in Florida Communities" Thesis" NELSON N. FoOTE, University of Chicago "A Study of the Professionalization of Labor in Detroit, as MIGRATION AND MOBILITY-Venetian Room It Bears on Drucker's Thesis" Chairman, DoNALD J. BoGUE, Scripps Foundation 6:00 P.M. INFORMAL RECEPTION. Cocktails and other refreshments LORIN A. THOMPSON; University of Virginia available.-Renaissance Room "Differential Migration Patterns in Virginia" DANIEL 0. PRicE, University of North Carolina THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 "Estimates of Internal Migration in the United States, 1870- 1940" 9:00 A.M. SUBSTANTIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN COMMUNITY RESEARCH -Renaissance Room RAY E. WAKELEY and PAUL JEHLIK, Iowa State College "Net Migration in the North Central States, 1940-1950" Chairman, WILLIAM H. SEWELL, University of Wisconsin GLADYS L. PALMER, University of Pennsylvania "Recent Developments in Understanding Labor Mobility" DANIEL E. O'KEEFE, CHARLES N. ELLIOTT, JoHN A. CLAUSEN, Na· tional Institute of Mental Health, Public Health Service Discussion from the floor. "Orientations toward Community Mental Health Problems and Services" RoBERT JoHNSON, Cornell University II :00 A.M. BUSINESS MEETING-Renaissance Room "Comparative Community Patterns of Intergroup Relations" W. SEWARD SALISBURY, New York State Teachers College, Oswego "Community Study of Religious Institutions and Practice" 1:30 P.M. CURRENT RESEARCH: Studies in Interpersonal and Intergroup Relations-Room 125 Discussion: FRED L. STRODTBECK, Yale University Chairman, HARRINGTON C. BREARLEY, George Peabody College STUDIES OF BEHAVIOR IN
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