Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1983-1984 Eastern Progress 3-29-1984 Eastern Progress - 29 Mar 1984 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1983-84 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 29 Mar 1984" (1984). Eastern Progress 1983-1984. Paper 26. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1983-84/26 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1983-1984 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. m Vol. 62/ No. 26 Laboratory Publication of the Dapwtmant of Mats Communications Thursday, March 29. 1984 Eanrn Kentucky University. Richmond. Ky. 40475 12 pages School Student senators reforms take action on receive recent accidents By Lisa Frost A great deal of Tuesday's legislal ion approval News editor surrounded the issue of pedestrian Student Senate passed a bill safety on campus. Pragma staff report requesting that student evaluations of Senator Scott Mandl wrote two lulls As the General Assembly wraps up teachers be made available for public and a resolution in response to a rash its work for the 1984 session, several inspection. of events involving pedestrians being bills concerning education grew closer The bill, which passed without struck by motor vehicles on campus to passage. discussion from the senators, proposes The first bill presented to the •> The House passed the amended that the results from each semester's for approval was the crosswalk mark version of Senate Bill 26 by a 90-8 IDEA Survey Form be placed in a ing proposal, which asks that univi r margin. place on campus where "students can sity crosswalks he "marked with . leal The bill would require students to easily review them." such as the ly visible paint, outlined with not i> attend kidergarten before entering the library or Powell Building. than 10 road-level reflectors first grade beginning on July 1,1986. The IDEA Survey Form was passed designated with 'Yield to Pedestrians The House set aside money for the by Faculty Senate Feb. 6. 1984. It signs for each direction of traffic, be kindergarten program last week in its reinstates student evaluations of adequately lit so as to safely Qluminate budget proposal. teachers beginning in the fall. anyone within and approaching the Another part of SB 26, which was According to the bill, which was crosswalk and that crosswalks l»- odd' sponsored by Ken Gibson, D- authored by Senator Kelli Neal. the ed, where necessary, to facilitati offi- Madisonville, provided for the form will be used "for the improve- ciant pedestrian traffic flow." career-ladder plan for teachers. ment of instruction, promotion and The second bill presented to the Under this plan, teachers would be tenure considerations and merit pay group requests that the speed limit on compensated according to their considerations. all roadways on the main campus if classroom performances. Under the The bill states that since the the university be set at I r> mph. revised bill, the House set aside committees that decide promotion and According to the bills, the action 8100.000 for the implementation of the tenure and other such considerations requested in both has been approved career-ladder plan, to take affect in will be allowed to see the forms, by Thomas Linquist. director of the 1986. students should also be allowed to see Division of Public Safety, and l.an \ Also in the bill, classroom size was them in order to make judgments Westbrook. coordinator of safely ser restricted to 29 students in about which teachers they select for vices, as measures "that will increase kindergarten to third grade and to 31 classes. the safety of all members of the univer- students from fourth to 12th grade. According to the bill, the benefits in sity community.'' SB 26 now goes before the Senate allowing students access to the IDEA The bills will be presented to tin- for approval Survey results will include "pressure senate at its next meeting for disi us On Monday, the House committee for higher quality instruction in the sion and vote. on Appropriations and Revenue classroom; better reinforcement of The resolution, authored by Mandl passed SB 19 and sent it on to the full catalog descriptions of the course; and passed by the senate, supported House. guide students in course and faculty Kentucky Revised Statute 189.570 Under Sen. Nelson Allen's proposal, selection: and an excellent recruitment and urged the Division of Public all teachers certified after January tool for the university." Safety to cite motorists who fail to 1985 would have to pass a written The bill must be passed by the yield the right-of-way to pedestrian-- it exam to get a one-year teaching university's Council on Academic a crosswalk and to cite pedestrian; certificate. Affairs before it receives the final ap- who cross roadways at areas othe» . After serving the one-year proval from university President Dr. than at designated crosswalks internship, all qualified instructors are J.C. Powell and the Board of Regents. According to the bill, KRS 189.57(1 given their full teaching certificates. In other action, the senators voted states that a motorist has the right to Teachers would be required to pay to allow a bill to be placed on next expect that the roadway will b'.' free pi for the written tests. week's agenda requesting the College pedestrians, but also slates thai The House passed SB 169 by a of Business research the possibility of pedestrian in a crosswalk has tin- unanimous 91-0 vote Tuesday which adding an applied calculus course as right- of-way." would set minimum standards for a supporting course requirement for "We are not saying that they students to advance to the next grade. the business administration major. (officers from the Division of Public Under the bill, students would be According to the bill, a calculus class Safety) have to stand on the curb tested in mathematics and reading at with business applications required for giving out tickets to people who don't each grade level beginning by the end the business major would keep the cross at crosswalks. We just wanl of the 1984-85 academic year. university in line with the policies of them to be aware of the situat ion » lien The measure now returns to the the other six univeristies in the state they are on patrol." said Mil Senate for its approval. Pholo by Sean Elkim The bill also states that a survey, "They are most concerned vilh The General Assembly comes to a Laid back conducted by the bill's authors, people who dart into traffic, he dose Friday and will reconvene in senators Kevin Miller and Charlie early April to consider the vetos made Scott Behymer. a graduate student in business administration from Vera Beach, Fla . relaxed on a wall surrounding the flower Sutkamp. shows that out of 15 percent Senator Charlie lien-on whi by Gov. Martha Layne Collins. bed in front of Burman Hall Behymer took advantage of one the few sunny days since the beginning of Spring. of the business majors, 65.7 percent of researched the pedestrian safe! • them support such a class and 88.3 legislation, noted that support of t In- percent of them would remain in the state law could possibly help student -■ program if such a class was required in civil cases. Green discusses population problems for the bachelor's degree in business "If a student gets hit. he usualiv administration. sues the driver. If he is not in th. By Alan White While commenting on abortion and "The Kennedy family has put a lot The bill will be presented to the crosswalk, he will probably lose. II hi Staff writer the Catholic church. Green cited of money into the so-called senate for discussion and vote at the is in the crosswalk, he could win. I > World population is a "loaded Argentina as a prime example of the Georgetown School of Bio-ethics." next meeting. said. freight train" needing miles of track results of ineffective family planning. said Green, "This Georgetown School / to stop, according to Ambassador According to Green, he considers of Bio-ethics is concerned with issues Marshall Green of the Population Catholic theology as an ineffective way just like this. 'What are the acceptable Institute. to control population. forms contraception? How do we avoid Periscope 'Green, was the keynote speaker at "Take Argentina," said Green. abortion?'" the Model International Conference on "Now Argentina is a strongly Catholic Green said family planning and education of third world countries on Population. country. They do not have any family They |ust act started when others are Opinion 2.3.4 The conference, which was held planning program run by the over population is very important. going to bad. Thay are th* right people News 4,12 Tuesday. March 27, was co-sponsered government and by and large family "Nobody is for abortion," said of Richmond. For mere Information Features .*. S by the university and the World planning is badly neglected." said Green. "You can say that people •bout these opposite cycle people and Organizations 6.7 Population Institute in Washington. Green. should have a choice, yes, and I m not their way o( Mfc sec Campus Living on Arts 8.9 Green addressed the university on According to Green, Argentina has arguing with that." PageS. Sports 10.11 third world family planning and one of the highest abortion rates in the (See DIPLOMAT.
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