MERKEZ ANADOLU MÜHENDİSLİK LTD.ŞTİ. MA ENGİNEERİNG CO. LTD. www.ma.com.tr / www.mae.aero Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. MA ENGİNEERİNG ABOUT US MA Engineering is one of the main solution providers within CNS/ATM and Airport Electronics Systems Sector since 2007. We are specializing in the project management, customs processes, logistic, site survey, integration, installation, training, commissioning and through life support of air traffic systems including Air NAVAID, and air traffic control, management, surveillance and safety systems. MA Engineering has extensive experience in the integration and installation of ILS/DME (24 projects), NDB (23 projects), DVOR (14 projects), VDGS (1 project), ANMS (4 project), Bird Detection System (1 project) in Turkey for last 11 years. MA Engineering is preferred as a local partner by global manufacturers because of our reliability, capability, and high quality service and bringing up to best local knowledge to succeed in targeted projects. Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. MA ENGİNEERİNG ORGANİZATİON CHART Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. MA ENGİNEERİNG SCOPE OF WORK Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. MA ENGİNEERİNG Project Management Tender Proposal Tender Preparation Including All Paper Works Representing Our Partners As A Local Agent In Tenders Customs Process, Shipments And Local Arrangements Arranging All Necessary Meetings And Training Schedule With Clients Providing All Necessary Local Supply Equipment Local Technical Works Including Installation, Cabling And Civil Works Managing All Red Tape Between Our Global Partner And Local Clients From The Acceptance Until The Warranty Expiration, And The Later Point Of Contact And Local Support For Onsite Technical Issues After System Commissioning Updating For Future Business Opportunities We Are Teamed Up With Experienced Staffs Having All Qualifications For The Above Tasks To Run Dedicated Projects. Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. MA ENGİNEERİNG SCOPE OF OUR TECHNİCAL WORK Civil works including construction of concrete base for antennas Installing and integration of antennas for NAVAID systems Construction and installing of counterpoise for DVOR Providing and placement of shelters, inside equipment installation Indoor and outdoor cabling and installation System calibration Flight check and commissioning Technical training for the engineers/technicians of the client On-site technical support and point of contact after system commissioning Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. MA ENGİNEERİNG SOLUTİONS COMMUNICATION NAVIGATION SURVELLIANCE (CNS) SYSTEMS AIR TRAFIC CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Instrument Landing System (ILS) Air Trafic Management (ATM) Doppler VHF Omni-directional Range (DVOR Voice Communications Sys (VCS) & Digital Voice Recording Sys. (DVRS) Distance Measurement Equipment (DME) Aeronautical Voice Communication (HF/VHF Radios) Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) Flight Procedure and Air Space Design Non Directional Beacon (NDB) ATC Monitor NavAidDrone/Drone-Flight-Check Arrival Manager & Departure Manager (AMAN & DMAN) Approach Lighting System (ALS) Visual Docking Guidance System (VDGS) Airport Noise Monitoring System (ANMS) Mobil ATC Tower Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. MA ENGİNEERİNG SOLUTİONS SURVAILANCE SYSTEMS PSR/SSR Radar Systems Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Sys. (A-SMGCS) WEATHER SYSTEMS Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) Low Level Wind Shear Alert System (LLWAS) SAFETY, SECURITY AND RESCUE SYSTEMS Detection Systems-LED, EDS, ETD Anti-Drone System Bird Radar Search And Rescue-Cospas Sarsat Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. MA ENGİNEERİNG COMMUNICATION NAVIGATION SURVELLIANCE (CNS) SYSTEMS Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. ILS (INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM) An Instrument Landing System (ILS) is a radio signal navigation aid for aircraft landings. This system provides aircrafts to be landed safely and comfortably in low visibility conditions such as in low cloud ceiling, foggy, rainy, snowy weathers. Instrument Landing System Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. DVOR (DOPPLER VHF OMNI-DIRECTIONAL RANGE) DVOR operates on the measurement of the phase angle difference of two 30 Hz signals radiated by the station at the same time. One signal (reference signal) is radiated with the same phase in all directions. For the second 30 Hz signal (variable signal), the phase of signal is variable. The phase angle measured in the airborne receiver to identify the azimuth angle. This bearing (azimuth) angle also known as RADIALS will be displayed on DVOR indicator inside the cockpit. (C) all right reserved by MA. DME (DISTANCE MEASUREMENT EQIPMENT) DME provides distance information from ground station to aircraft and broadcasting in the UHF band. It is generally used as adjoint with VOR/ILS. Therefore, pilot is able to get direction and distance informations simultaneously. Selecting the VOR/ILS frequency enables the DME frequency automatically in such system. Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. TACAN (TACTİCAL AİR NAVİGATİON) Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) system is used by military aircraft. It is a more accurate version of the VOR/DME system that provides bearing and range information for civil aviation. The DME portion of the TACAN system is available for civil use; at VORTAC facilities where a VOR is combined with a TACAN, civil aircraft can receive VOR/DME readings. Aircraft equipped with TACAN avionics can use this system for en route navigation as well as non-precision approaches to landing fields. Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. NAVAİD DRONE/DRONE-FLİGHT-CHECK NavAidDrone is a unique and revolutionary tool to carry out specialized field measurements Required for commissioning and regular maintenance of ILS of all categories and DVOR. It is especially designed for use by ANSP’s maintenance staff. NavAidDrone provides measurement data for areas that cannot be easily accessed by vehicles or conventional telescopic masts or for which measurement was previously not possible. Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. APPROACH LİGHTİNG SYSTEM (ALS) ALS provides lights to airplane pilots that will penetrate the atmosphere far enough from touchdown to give directional, distance, and glidepath information for safe visual transition. ALS is installed on the approach end of an airport runway and consisting of a series of light-bars, strobe lights, or a combination of the two that extends outward from the runway end. ALS usually serves a runway that has an instrument approach procedure (IAP) associated with it and allows the pilot to visually identify the runway environment and align the aircraft with the runway upon arriving at a prescribed point on an approach. Modern approach lighting systems are highly complex in their design and significantly enhance the safety of aircraft operations, particularly in conditions of reduced visibility. Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. MA ENGİNEERİNG AIR TRAFIC CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. MA ENGİNEERİNG ATM system is designed for radar and/or procedural control and planning of air traffic at any level of air traffic services provided by air traffic control centers for civil, military or joint operations. The system supports Area Control Center (ACC), Approach Control (APP) and Tower (TWR). General Capabilities: Surveillance Data , Track capacity , Flight planning, support for procedural Control , Flight data, Recording and replay, Meteo-data inputs. Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. MA ENGİNEERİNG VOİCE COMMUNİCATİONS SYSTEMS (VCS) & DIGITAL VOICE RECORDING SYSTEMS (DVRS) Voice Communication System (VCS) is a control room system for integrating voice and data communications systems into a touchscreen operator console. It is used internally for communication between air traffic controllers in the control center and the tower and externally for communication with other airports and control centers in neighboring countries. Based on voice-over-ip technology, it allows effective interconnection of multiple communication systems including UHF and HF radios, telephones, and intercoms. Digital Voice Recording Systems (DVRS) are strictest legal requirements and regulations for Air Traffic Control, since recorded information has direct impact on incident analysis, both for liability attribution and in search for mitigation procedures. Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. AERONAUTİCAL VOİCE COMMUNİCATİON (HF/VHF RADİOS) Aeronautical voice communication uses Radio Frequencies (HF, and VHF bands) for ground to air and ground to ground voice communications in airports. The system includes Transmitters, Receivers, Transceivers, Portable Transceivers, Antennas, Remote Control Unit and accessories. Copyright ©MA Engineering(R) All rights reserved. AMAN & DMAN Arrival Manager(AMAN) is planning tool to provide automated sequencing support for the handling traffic arriving at an airport, continuously calculating arrival sequences and times for flights, taking into account the locally defined landing rate, the required spacing for flights arriving to the runway and other criteria. Departure Manager (DMAN) is a planning system to improve departure flows at airports by calculating the Target Take Off Time (TTOT) and Target Start-up Approval Time
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