CLICK HERE to get our Chinese Learning System! Get your Free Lifetime Account! Create Your TRAVEL TO CHINA FREE Account Conversation Cheat Sheet CLICK MONEY & SHOPPING Is there an ATM nearby ? Fùjìn yǒu zìdòng qǔkuǎnjī ma ? 附近有自动取款机吗? How much is ~ ? one hundred yuan fifty yuan twenty yuan ~duō shǎo qián ? yì bǎi yuán wǔshí yuán èrshí yuán ~多少钱? 一百元 五十元 二十元 ten yuan five yuan one yuan five jiao one jiao shí yuán wǔ yuán yì yuán wǔ jiǎo yì jiǎo 十元 五元 一元 五角 一角 AROUND TOWN Where is ~ ? ~zài nǎlǐ? ~在哪里? I’d like to go to ~. Wǒ xiǎng qù~. 我想去~. Temple of Heaven Mogao Caves Forbidden City Tiāntán mò gāo kū gù gōng 天坛 莫高窟 故宫 Great Wall of China Summer Palace Terracotta Army chángchéng yí hé yuán bīng mǎ yǒng 长城 颐和园 兵马俑 SURVIVAL PHRASES Please take me to ~ Where is the station? Where is the restroom? qǐng dài wǒ qù~. chēzhàn zài nǎlǐ ? xǐshǒujiān zài nǎlǐ? 请带我去~. 车站在哪里? 洗手间在哪里? COMMUNICATION Excuse me. Hello. Excuse me. I'm sorry. Bù hǎo yìsi. Nǐhǎo. Bù hǎo yìsi. Duìbùqǐ. 不好意思。 Hello. 你好。 不好意思。 对不起。 Nǐ hǎo. 你好。 Nice to meet you. Please. Yes. Hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào nǐ. Qǐng. Shì de. 很高兴见到你。 请。 是的。 I am ~ Thank you. No. Wǒ Shì~. Xièxiè. Bù. 我是~。 谢谢。 不。 ASKING QUESTIONS Do you understand? I understand. I don't understand. I don’t understand. Wǒ bù míngbai. Nǐ míngbai ma? Wǒ míngbai. Wǒ bù míngbai. 我不明白。 你明白吗? 我明白。 我不明白。 Do you speak English? Yes, I do. No I don’t. Nǐ huì jiǎng Yīngyǔ ma? Wǒ huìjiǎng. Wǒ búhuì jiǎng. 你会讲英语吗? 我会讲。 我不会讲。 Can you eat sushi? Of course. No, I can’t eat it. Nǐ néng chī shòusī ma? Dāngrán. Wǒ bù néng chī. 你能吃寿司吗? 当然。 我不能吃。 ORDERING FOOD What do you ~ please. recommend? ~, xièxie. Nǐ yǒu shénme ~,谢谢。 tuījiàn de? 你有什么推荐的? Peking duck century egg Chinese buns dumpling Běijīng kǎoyā pídàn bāozi jiǎozi 北京烤鸭 皮蛋 包子 饺子 Kung Pao Chicken mantou moon cake soup dumpling Gōngbào jīdīng mántou yuèbǐng xiǎolóngbāo 宫保鸡丁 馒头 月饼 小笼包 COUNTERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~ please. yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí ~, xièxie. ~,谢谢。 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 COUNTERS LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Essential Chinese Vocabulary S1 #1 National Holidays CONTENTS 2 Simplified Chinese 2 Traditional Chinese 2 Pinyin 3 English 3 Vocabulary 4 Sample Sentences 4 Cultural Insight # 1 COPYRIGHT © 2013 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SIMPLIFIED CHINESE 1. What are the five most important public holidays in China? 2. 1. 春节 3. 2. 端午节 4. 3. 清明节 5. 4. 中秋节 6. 5. 国庆节 TRADITIONAL CHINESE 1. What are the five most important public holidays in China? 2. 1. 春節 3. 2. 端午節 4. 3. 清明節 5. 4. 中秋節 6. 5. 國慶節 PINYIN CONT'D OVER CHINES ECLAS S 101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : ES S ENTI AL CHINES E VOCABULARY S 1 #1 - NATI ONAL HOLI DAYS 2 1. What are the five most important public holidays in China? 2. 1. Chūn jié 3. 2. Du⇥nwǔ jié 4. 3. Q⇤ngmíng jié 5. 4. Zh⌅ngqiū jié 6. 5. Guóqìng jié ENGLISH 1. What are the five most important public holidays in China? 2. 1. Chinese New Year 3. 2. Dragon Boat Festival 4. 3. Tomb-Sweeping Festival 5. 4. Mid-Autumn Festival 6. 5. National Day VOCABULARY Simplied Tr aditional Pinyin English 端午节 端午節 Du⇥nwǔ jié Dragon Boat Festival CHINES ECLAS S 101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : ES S ENTI AL CHINES E VOCABULARY S 1 #1 - NATI ONAL HOLI DAYS 3 春节 春節 Chūn jié Chinese New Year Tomb-Sweeping 清明节 清明節 Q⇤ngmíng jié Festival 中秋节 中秋節 Zh⌅ngqiū jié Mid-Autumn Festival 国庆节 國慶節 Guóqìng jié National Day SAMPLE SENTENCES 端午节要吃粽子。 春节是一个团圆的日子。 Du⇥nwǔjié yào ch⇤ zòngzi. Chūn jié shì yígè tuányuán de rìzi. People eat rice dumplings during the Chinese New Year is a time for family Dragon Boat Festival. gatherings. 清明节去踏青。 中秋节要吃月饼。 Q⇤ngmíng jié qù tàq⇤ng. Zh⌅ngqiū jié yào ch⇤ yuèbǐng. People go outside and enjoy the greenery People eat moon cake during the Mid- during the Tomb-Sweeping Festival. Autumn Festival. 国庆节有焰火表演。 Guóqìng jié yǒu yànhuǒ biǎoyǎn. A fireworks display is held on National Day. CULTURAL INSIGHT 1. Chinese New Year Also known as Spring Festival, Chinese New Year is the most important traditional holiday in China. The celebration lasts from Chinese New Year's Eve, which is the last day of the last lunar month, until the Lantern Festival, which is the 15th day of the first lunar month. CHINES ECLAS S 101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : ES S ENTI AL CHINES E VOCABULARY S 1 #1 - NATI ONAL HOLI DAYS 4 2. Dragon Boat Festival The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, so it's also called the Double Fifth. Celebrations generally include eating rice dumplings, drinking realgar wine, and racing dragon boats. 3. Tomb-Sweeping Festival The Tomb-Sweeping Festival usually occurs around the fifth day of the fourth lunar month. It is a time for people to sweep the tombs of their departed family members. 4. Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn Festival is on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month during a full moon. On this day, family members gather to share mooncakes and gaze at the moon for celebration. 5. National Day The People's Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949, so the Chinese mark this anniversary of this day every year as National Day. The day is also the beginning of Golden Week, which is when most Chinese go shopping or traveling. CHINES ECLAS S 101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : ES S ENTI AL CHINES E VOCABULARY S 1 #1 - NATI ONAL HOLI DAYS 5 LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Essential Chinese Vocabulary S1 #2 Foods CONTENTS 2 Simplified Chinese 2 Traditional Chinese 2 Pinyin 3 English 3 Vocabulary 4 Sample Sentences 4 Cultural Insight # 2 COPYRIGHT © 2013 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SIMPLIFIED CHINESE 1. What are the five most popular foods in China? 2. 1. 饺子 3. 2. 汤圆 4. 3. 粽子 5. 4. 火锅 6. 5. 小笼包 TRADITIONAL CHINESE 1. What are the five most popular foods in China? 2. 1. 餃子 3. 2. 湯圓 4. 3. 粽子 5. 4. 火鍋 6. 5. 小籠包 PINYIN CONT'D OVER CHINES ECLAS S 101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : ES S ENTI AL CHINES E VOCABULARY S 1 #2 - FOODS 2 1. What are the five most popular foods in China? 2. 1. jiǎozi 3. 2. tāngyuán 4. 3. zòngzǐ 5. 4. huǒgu⇥ 6. 5. xiǎolóngbāo ENGLISH 1. What are the five most popular foods in China? 2. 1. Chinese dumpling 3. 2. tangyuan 4. 3. zongzi 5. 4. hot pot 6. 5. xiaolongbao VOCABULARY Simplied Tr aditional Pinyin English 饺子 餃子 jiǎozi Chinese dumpling CHINES ECLAS S 101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : ES S ENTI AL CHINES E VOCABULARY S 1 #2 - FOODS 3 汤圆 湯圓 tāngyuán tangyuan 粽子 粽子 zòngzǐ zongzi 火锅 火鍋 huǒgu⇥ hot pot 小笼包 小籠包 xiǎolóngbāo xiaolongbao SAMPLE SENTENCES 北方过年要吃饺子。 中国有过冬至吃汤圆的习俗。 B⇤ifāng guònián yào ch⌅ jiǎozi. Zh⇥ngguó yǒu guò d⇥ngzhì ch⌅ tāngyuán xísú. In North China, people eat Chinese In China, it is a traditional custom to serve dumplings to celebrate the Chinese New tangyuan during the Winter Solstice Year. Festival. 人们通过吃粽子来纪念诗人屈原。 四川的麻辣火锅非常受欢迎。 Rénmen t⇥ngguò ch⌅ zòngzi lái jìniàn sh⌅rén Q⇧ Sìchuān de málà huǒgu⇥ f⌃icháng shòu Yuán. huānyíng. People eat zongzi to commemorate the The spicy Sichuan hot pot is very popular. death of the poet Qu Yuan. 小笼包是上海著名的小吃。 Xiǎolóngbāo shì Shànghǎi zhùmíng de xiǎoch⌅ . Xiaolongbao is a famous Shanghai snack. CULTURAL INSIGHT 1. Chinese dumpling Chinese dumplings are one of the most popular foods in China, especially in the north. They are made up of a small piece of dough stuffed with ground meat and various vegetables like cabbage, celery, or leek. CHINES ECLAS S 101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : ES S ENTI AL CHINES E VOCABULARY S 1 #2 - FOODS 4 2. Tangyuan Tangyuan is made from glutinous rice flour mixed with water and formed into balls, which are then cooked in boiling water. Usually they are served with several kinds of sweet fillings like sesame, red bean, or chopped peanuts. 3. Zongzi Zongzi is a traditional food also known as a rice dumplings. Zongzi is made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo, reed, or other large flat leaves. 4. Hot Pot A hot pot is a simmering metal pot placed at the center of the dining table. While the hot pot simmers, ingredients like meat, leafy vegetables, wontons, and egg dumplings are placed into it and cooked at the table. 5. Xiaolongbao Xiaolongbao is a popular traditional Chinese food which is steamed in small bamboo baskets. They are traditionally filled with pork, but variations include other meats, seafood, and vegetarian fillings. CHINES ECLAS S 101.COM CULTURE CLAS S : ES S ENTI AL CHINES E VOCABULARY S 1 #2 - FOODS 5 LESSON NOTES Culture Class: Essential Chinese Vocabulary S1 #3 Beverages CONTENTS 2 Simplified Chinese 2 Traditional Chinese 2 Pinyin 3 English 3 Vocabulary 4 Sample Sentences 4 Cultural Insight # 3 COPYRIGHT © 2013 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SIMPLIFIED CHINESE 1. What are the five most popular beverages in China? 2. 1. 乌龙茶 3. 2. 普洱茶 4. 3. 白酒 5. 4. 啤酒 6. 5. 珍珠奶茶 TRADITIONAL CHINESE 1. What are the five most popular beverages in China? 2.
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