R.C.C.No.13 RAILWAY CONVENTION COMMITTEE, 1973 FIFI'B REPORT (Action taken by Government on the recommendatioDs contained in the Fourth Report of· the RaHway Con- vention Committee, 1971 on Commercial, and Allied Matters, Part-D ) , , LOK SABHA SBCRETARIAT NBW DBLHI December, 1914/Agrahayana, 1896 (Saka) Price: Rs. 2.30 P. I JST OF AUTHORISED AGENT'S FOR THE SALE OF .... ~ SABIiA SBCRBTARIAT PUBLICATIONS . SI. No. Name of Alent SL No. Name of Aleut ANDHRA PRADBSH MAHARASHTRA 10. MI', Sunderdaa Glar.chlDd. t. Andhn UDiYCl'lit:v General Cooperad"e 601. Girllwn Road. Stores Ltd., Wlitair . New Princesl Street. (Vilakhapataam). Bombay-z. n~ The Inlernationll Book Ho... z. G. R. Labhmlpat:v Cheny and Sonl. (Private) LimIted. General Men:hlDtI and N.... Aleutl. 6, Alh I.ane, Newpet. ~. Chinoor Diltrict. Mehaml Gandhi Road, Bomba'-I. 12. The International Book Service, . ASSAM DecclD Gymkhana. POOUl-4. 13. Charlel Lambert & Cbmpauy. ". WesteI'D Book Depot. PID Buu. 10, Mahatma Gandhi Road • . Gauhatl. OppoaJte Clock Tower. Port. Bomba),. BIHAR 14. The Current Book Houee. Manni Laue. 4. Anaar Kitab 0., ,..Boa 7 •• Raahunath Dada;1 Street. D1qoD11 RaId, JlIDIbedpar, BombaY-I. ,. MIl. CrowD Book Depot. Upper 1.5. Deccan Book Stall Bazar. RIDchL PerlUlioD Colleae Road. Poona-40 . GUJARAT 16. M & J: SelvlCCI, PubU.hen RepreaentativCl. Accountl &aL." 6. Viia, Storet. Book Sellen. Station Road. ADand. Babri Road. Bombay-I,. MYSORBI ,. The New Order Boot ComplD),. Bllta Brtdae} 17. People Book HOUle, AluDedablCl~ Opp. Ja,anmohlD Paiaci. Mpore. HARYANA RAJAsTHAN '1. Mis. Prabhu Book Service, 18. Information Centre. Nal Subzi MIDdi. Government ofRajuthlD. Gurpea. TrlpoUa, Jaipur City. 19· Mil. U.be Book Depot, ,8"A, Chitta Bazar. TrlpoUa,fJaipur. MADHYA PRADBSH UTTARPRADBSH p. Modern Book HOUH. ZOo Law Book Company, Shiy Vilu Pllace•. Sardar Patel Mar" IDdcn City. • Allahabad-I. CORRIGENDl~ 5TH REPORT OF THE RAILWj~y CONVE'ITION COr/ltJlITTEE:, 1973 (Presented on 2,;. 12. 1974 ) Page Paru _~ _--1.~_ RC3c.ld 4 14 1 ()f at 5 18 12 ~ction <lctio n tnke n 12 1.57 5 10808 locos 18 1. 59 last consumptions cnnSLlCllpt ion 19 1.60 7 at the at 21 1. 79 21 For Fort 23 1.94 2 to the 24 1.95 ,17 derway action der ,:wy. Action 25 1.107':' 7 releive relieve 1 • 110 27 1.22- 5 from runnng running 1. 25 bottom 33 1.158 2 extent extant 40 2.16 9 cO':1c,he coach 41 2.46 18 hC"Jd have 51 4.30 5 throLlghly thoroughly 54 4.57 1 committee CO~llmitt033 55 4.57 3 wthout without 62 4.97 1 C~S .. N().114 ~S .. Nn.114 66 4.132 9 recognisd recognised 68 5.47 5 from' margine margin bottom i7 5.57 last sylinders cylinders 78 5.59 5 oars bars 82 1.61 4 exles axles 87 2.5·) 11 precised preCise 89 2.53 5 'important illlport:::oce 95 4 5 per annum 5% per annum 99 12 extant extent CONTBNTI P. I Q).\IPOSI'IIOK Ol' TID RAn.WAY CoHvmmoN CoMMlna. 1973' • (iii) .1ln'IODUCTION • • (II) C8APTa l.-Repart I CIrAPTD I1.-Recom"llS"dfiom' which have been :acoeptecl by the Goftm· 1IIeDt. • • • • • • • • • •• 6 ca",l'BIl 1lI-R...... "'""" wbIch the Commktee do DOt claire fA) pursue ill view of Ocm:rameat's npUea •••••• 81 CIIAPTIa IV.-I.......... ill ~ of wblch 00.. _". re .... have DOt bem ICCeJ*Il by the QJaimlttee • • • • • 1»3 CIIA.,.. V.-Recommeadatlone ill reepect or which GoYerIllDlDt". repUeI are of aD interim .aaIUI'e • • • • • • • • 101 2684(E) LS-l LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE RAILWAY CONVENTION COMMITl'EE, 1973 &i B. S. Murthy--ChGinnaR 2. Shri Jagadish BhattacharYa 3. Shri Chandrika Prasad 4. Shri C. Subramaniam- 5. Shri S. A. KAder 8. Shri M. Kalyanasundaram 7.8hri Tha Kiruttman 8. Shri Mukhtiar Singh Malik 9. Shri G. S. Mishra 10. Shri L. N. Mishra 11. Shri Damodar Pandey 12. Shri Chintamani Panigrabl 13. Shri S. B. PaW 14. Shri Virbhadra Singh 16. Shri Lal K. Advani" 16. Dr. It. Nagappa Alva 17. Shri N. C. Buragohain-- 18. Shri Yogendra Makwana 19. 8hri Kota Punnaiah 20. Shrl Nageshwar Prasad Shahi 21. 8hri Gunanand Thakur-· SECRETARIAT Shri Avtar Singh Rikhy-AddUioRCI! 8.crettl'1l. r Shri Jainti Prasad Goel-Senior Fintlndczl Committee Olice,. • Nomiaated on 5th December, 1974"," Sbrl Y. a. Cbav.,.....!rca tbe Membenhip of the Committee . ... Nominated on 9th May. 1974 viCII Dr, Bbai MabavIr redIecl from RIIJa Sabba IIId Sarva.hri H D. Malaviya IUld Mohd, UIIIIID Arif,..",., from the MembenIdp 01 th~ Committee. (iii) ".'Y' ' INTRODUCTION I, the Chairman Railway Convention Committee, 1973 hntq been authorised by the Committee, pl'8I8nt this Fifth Report of the Railway Convention Committee, 1973 on action taken bJ Govern- ment on 'the recommendations contained in the Fourth Report of the Railway Convention Committee, 19'11 on "Commercial " ~lted Matters (Part fi)". ". 2. The Fourth Report of the Railway Convention Committee, 1971 was presented to both the Houses of Parliament on the 25th April, 1973. Government furnished their replies indicating the action taken on the recommendations contained in the Report on the 15th Sep- tember, 1973, 8th July and 27th July, 19'14. At their sitting held on the 20th November, 1974 the Committee considered Government's replies and finalised their comments thereon. The Committee also considered and approved draft Chapter-I of the Report. 3. The Report has been divided into the following Chapters:- I. Report. n. Recommendations which have been accepted by Govern- ment. m. RecommeJldations which the Committee do not desire to pursue in view of Government's reply. IV. RecommeDdattou in respect of which Government's replies have not been accepted by the Committee. V. Recommendations in respect of which final replies of Gov- ernment are still awaited. 4. An analysis of the action taken by Government on the recom- mendations contained in the Fourth Report of the Railway Con- yention Committee, 1971 is given in Appendix. It would be observed therefrom that out of 141 recommendations made in the Report, 112 recommendations i.e. 79:5 percent have been accepted by the Gov- ernment and the Committee do not desire to pursue 18 recommen- dations i.e. 12.7 percent, in view of Government's repUes. The repUes (v) - .......... _0. .'. of the Govermnent in retpeCt of 7 recommendations i.e. 6 percent i have not been accepted by the Committee. Final replies of Gov- emment in 1'eIp8Ct of 4 recommendations i.e. 2.8 percent are still ·awaited ~ . , :D.e"~~t 1m ''B;''s. ~fHY, A91"aMyaM 1~· 1896 (S.) ~, Railway Convmtion Committee. ... .' ~ . "- . (vi) • CIfAPTEBI REPORT bssenger Tratlle (SI. Nos. 2 and 3): In paragraphs 1.18 and 1.19 of their Fourth Report .on "Comr.;AT'- -cial aDd .AlliedM.atters (PlrtH)", ·theRailway .Conventien Com- mittee, 1971 had observed that the provision, of blansport .facilities for passengers had not received as clolle an attention ,of the Railways !is it should have, in view of the dependence of a large number of people on rail transport, particularly: for l~ng distanc~s. WhUe recognising that th~',pontraint on resources could 'be a,liniifu:1g' factor for provision of adequate passenger facUities and amenities, the Committee had pointed out that for that very reason ,there was a .greater need for, perspective and detaned planning so as to allocate I the scarce resources .aPFopriately in the, order of priority. .. 2. The ComIl\ittee ·Pa,d.'~u~h~r. ob~rved that if this careful plan- .~S ~d p~1l40~~ .right ,from the begblning ,of the FU-st Plan, the ~~l\\r~Ys w:o~~d have not ,been faced with, such an acute problem ,of cop',ges~~n on tqlnk x:04tes as w~ll as rail transport for metropo- )iW~.and o~her ca~it:a1 ~ities, ,'.Ole Gommittee had stre~sed that .t,he Working Groul,)S ~~~.tu~ by, ~e ~~g Co~issioD: ,togo mto the requirements of Passenger Traftic for the Fifth Plan should exa- mine the matter in all its aspec~ with ~cial refe~nce to ths back- log which had accumulated in the matter of provision of adequate transport facilities to passengers partieularly on· the trunk routes .so as to suggest a concrete plan of action with proper priorities. ·3. From the reply furnished by the Ministry, ,the,Coqnittee note that an analysis .of Third class (now Sec8l!ld class) DOIHIUburban pusenger trdlc indicates that there had :been 'rapid increase in travel by mail and expresa trains· both in terms of number;(1f origi- nating passengers and passenger Kms. However, there was a lower rate of in~rease -in. travel ,by other pa~~~~er trains. , 4. In a.further replyfu'rnish~ to the Committee, the .Rty: ~d nave stated that planni~g for ~oaches was do~e .on the Indian RaIl- "ways on th~ '-basis of incre!lBe ip "Passenger Knis." al'ld nOt on'ori- ginating passengers'. The increase in passenger ldlornetres was used i~ AevQlop ~diUQJW. \TOb.i.cle., k:p.oJDetrelil .. ;r~~~ts bfiled on ',PfGffl'USivelyi.mp~ovipg nq~ of ~bicle us.. and availability. ,':1)b8 .Railways' original, .Fo1#'th Pl~ ha4 anttc1pJted an increase of 2 23.06 per cent in vehicle kilometres during the Plan period. How- ever, the provision made in the Plan based on the limitation of pro- duction capacity as well as resources, was expected to allow an increase of nearly 19.8 per cent in the non-suburban passenger vehi- cle kilometres. For the suburban traffic the estimates had to be determined by trend projection.
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