City of San Antonio New Employee Process Form WP.icome lo !he City of San Antonio. Ple;ic;e re.:1d each of the following forms and enter ttie requc.51ecl information in the de5igratr:d areas. lnfa<mation lha1 is 1equirt:d is marked wi!h nn asterisk•. You will nol lJe able llJ complete the entirP process unul all REQUIRED FIELDS hilvc been ente;ed --·------- __ ---------------·~ PERSONAL INFORMATION 7 Job Title ,, \ V\"\ ,,,..:_·,- IJob Number Department ·- IEmployment Status Grant Funded : we 1,e...Ci:.t c•--l"-""""' e,s, ~ tf,.l.t;es. I Last Name ll 7,.,.Fi_1rs-~Na-JTI..Le-{----~Mi::.11-=dd"--le->=-~-me f Maiden Name Last 4 tfrnits of SS# I LQ,\c;e. CL /YtC..I\O ~.-;-.,,. , 1 ..... - _ ;a, ,.. I I fhc Public lnformaUoo Act allows employees, publir. officials and former employees and officials to elect whether to keep cer-.ain inlormalion about them confidenUal. Unless you choo~.e lo keep it confidential. the following information about you may be subject to pulllic release if requested under the Texas Public Information AcL Therefore. please designate whether you wish to allow public release or the following information. RELEASE THE FOUOWING INFORMATION • PU~C ACCESS? Home Address • NO v / YES Tel11nhone Number ~ - NO 1.- ,,,,. YES Social Security Number . NO .,. ~ YES ---=:!-~ Information lhal Reveals Whether You Have Fami111 Members NO -.,, ~ YES Emem3nCV Contact Information NO ., ., YES Personal Cell Phone Number (lf not paid for by City) _ . _ _ NO ~ YES --"""L--~ IF. during lhe course or employment or term of office. or if, alter leaving service v~th the City of San Antonio, you wish to change your election. vou mav submit a wriUen request to the City of San Antonio that your inrormalion be ooened or closed as lhc case may b_.,;;e.a..--' APPLICANT PROCESSING, BACKGROUND, AND PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING I UNDERSTAND TW\T: -------------------1 • I should not resign any employment I may have until I am nolffi:d by the Human ResotliCflS Ocpmlment that my cond lional selection has become final, and I should report for work. · • I must agree to submit to a p;e-emplO}'TTlent drug test requ!red by lhe City 01 San Antonio and that ful! completion of prc-empli,ymenl drug testing with n verified negntive result is a condition of employmenL • I will be required to adhere 10 the Municipal Civil Services Rules and personnel policies of lite City of San /~ntonio. • Positions wi!h the City of San Antonio are subject to at-will employmnnt statw,. and can be terminated at any time lor any rea!,On. • A thorough invcstigmion wi!I be conducted to determine my qualifications for Ulis position and that my employment wiH depend 011 information obtained during this backgmund check. If the reasons !or reJection are of a temporary nature whereby you cuutcl be accepted at ;i later date. you will be so notified. • The City of San Antonio provides Work('.fs· Compensation ~•iefits for its ,m1p1oyr.cs, which COIA"'I5 lhu'>c injuries that occur on the job • During the processing. I wil1 be required to provide documents that verify I ;,rn iegally authonzed to work in the United Siales. • II hired for a position which includes a i:m a11ow-dnce, I must present proor or auto liabifity inswancc. • If I fail to provide the necessary inlorma11onldocuments on the day I am scheduled for processing, I will have lhree WOiking days from Ihm day to provide lhe information/documents 10 Murnan Resources. 111 Soledad. • Failure to prn5ent same within lhe tlree working days will resull in my aulomaUc withdrawal from consideration for this position. • I have beer. conditionally selected for this position wilh the City of San Antonio, pending the results of my physical ei;amination. pre­ employmem drug test and pn.iflminary background tnvesligation. I !ulther understand that·cmplnyment v,ith the Cily of San Antonio does not begin until the rirst day th;it I begin actual work in this position. • For positlons lhat require COLJ•full iompleti~ of controlled substance,; testing with a veril,ed negative result is a condition of emolovmenL ," ., , ··---~ ;- / _______ -------1 SignalUre{/17 '; : 1-..... j Date / / Page 1 of 5 ·1tJ11!../k-,l, _1-i:r7 --·- -- I /J.. 1-;;.,>j~Ci}::>...._ I - ..·,, ,I 7 ./ I NEW EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE~ PART I I acknowledge that on 3(..V'\ ;;2~, iD 2013, the following items were reviewed during New Employee Orientation: crCity Mission and Values cr'l:oSA Organizational Structure and Departments c?l",..Goals and Competencies o ....... Laws, Regulations & Policies CJ Role of a Public Servant 0""'-Introduction to Business Networking a""'Employee Management Committee ✓HR Generalists and Specialists Programs O"]lecycling Pledge ✓,Gity Volunteer Opportunities c:f§A Library Programs . ~Employee Benefits (Reminders) Please complete this form and return it to the Facilitator at the end of the program. Department Date Employee's SAP# Facilitator Signature Date Re-.•ised March 13. 2012 CITY OF SAN ANTONIO EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM FOR ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE 7 .9 Mobile Phone Policy Employee: I acknowledge tha_t on /1~,/ //)-i,I,\ , 20 (3, I received a copy of. Administrative Directive 7.9, Mo lie Phone Policy. I understand if I ~hould have any questions I should contact my Human Resources Generalist. ,;/iD{m..r;; C .$ E. F Department /:Jc};)(oQ SAP ID# CITY OF SAN ANTONIO CONVENTION & SPORTS FACILITIES DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM FOR CSF PERSONAL ELECTRONIC COMMtJNICATION DEVICES POLICY Employee: I acknowledge that on Oc..::\Dbe.c c{4VI. 20 [ 7 ,I read copy of CSF Personal Electronic Communication Devices Policy. Department SAP Employee ID Number EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM FOR CITY SAFETY MANUAL Employee: I acknowledge that on b4r.1.C\ J ~ • 20 lK", l received inFonnation on accessing the City's Safety Manual on ORMs website at http://www.sanantonio.2ov1RiskManagement/Safety. I understand that I have a responsibility to become familiar with the content of the safety manual; provide department mnnagemenl with guidance in developing depanmental safety processes and procedures, and ensure supervised employees are made aware of the information pertaining to worlq1lace safety. Departmem Employ~e SAP ID Number Training Acknowledgement I certify that #re ho/r;s -L<Jvfj e( (Q,, - , sAP . · # ( 3 .:2 .1 /!) C) . , participated in Sexuil Harassment and . Other Harassment training 9n 1 1t<tJ _If? . J J Krista Cover Assistant City Attorney ~ .. ' .•.. City of San Antonio Employee Performance Evaluation Human Professional Level and Above Resources •employee Name: Nicholas Lange11a •Employee SAP#: 132260 •nt1e: Alamodome General Manager *Reporting Period: 10/01/14-9/30/15 "Department: Convention Sports and Entertainment Facilities *Division: -------------,Administration *Review Type: OPlannlng (!,Annual *Supervisor or Above? <.Wes O No Rating Descriptions 1 · : ........ , · ._; .• , .,.•• ,. .. \ . •1 . ,•;:: ... -..,,n\i ...W ... ~ .. ..l" ~£ft:ifu~~v;;«g1-~~ic1/ -~ • ~ .•., ..-.~ .•, .. ,,.. I\• :; ~i¥1Ac:hieitfs:1:x)~i!t.1tloris . ,;· .a -•Exc.~eds·~P.e<;.~tl9ns;o1; './ •,. •·4_ ,: 0utstancling ~~•;~· :.a--·. ,\it1.,. ... ~ .... '-· ... , •··· ~ !~... :r.".' ~. -~- ~ -•, .. -:-: ~.. ;-.:"' ' - ... -' ., ~ -~ ....- ...,. ,, ••, ,·_1 :ait••~ ~... :•~ .-:.:,:.e-1t.. ~~-.~-Jt J~C... ~ Does not meet the requirements of Successfully meets the req1Jlrements Exceeds the requirements of the jab, Far exceeds the requlremenu ofthe the job, task or project Improvement of the Job, task or project. wk or project, Performance Is Job, tukor project. Perfonnance lsneeded. Pelformance corulstently meets characte,lzed by corubtent high corulsle11tly shows outstanding standards. achievement achllYl!ment far above eii:pectatlons, Section I: Responsibilities, Goals, and Measures (70% of overall rating; evaluation weight assigned) Rf:~P.'i!~:Sll,;lli~les; .(i,1,~.lst~iid l'i_1~asures1.iE~91-en.try !n tht.s tai11f;con~lri~~- Item~: Ail~ciipti~h of, the tesP.dnslb\lity(gqai,~ti~t•lljcludes'• ,..• •>.:Y; ~ny¾~Uc:.~~!!i:in;n~!ic...e.m~~rlC2..or'j,roj~.ct *~dllne:.~:sP..~clfiil·_w~lght p'ercen~gecompi:!l'.!.~')t;-~·summa;y·orthe actj:?I .1?~i:fop.11~ri~e J t• ~dd:j 0 ~f!sUlts;:cinQ~~e ~atl~g:fqr;il_it_s·entry. ::~.. k". ~: :.: -~~ ,-,~:.:..:: ~ : : •• _ .. ~ ...... , • _.. - • .. ~ .. •. ; =- •.: ~ ,_ 1: .' ~ t.~ l, ·:.! :t: :.:.: .. Entry: 1 I j ttem Evaluation Weight Percentage (total ~fall weights= 100%): 2S I Rating: l!J I~ Responsibility/Goal: Oversee the operations of the Alamoflome and ensure Alamodome Is well-maintained and exceptionally clean The following are minimum standards: 1. Ensures facility compliance with all applicable policies, laws, codes, regulations, ordinances, and directives 2. Complete projects via the Events Trust Fund before July 201 S 3. Ensure deaning contractor maintains the facility to the hTghest standards 4. Identify and present 5-Year Capital Replacement (equipment and Improvements) List by 3/01/2015 5. Complete Purchasing process for a new Event Security contractor by 9/30/2015 and ensure smooth transition If new provider Is chosen The followlng goals exceed minimum st.andards: 1. EstabUsh new quality assurance standards for maintenance and cieanfng of the building by 5/01/2015 2. Work with !TSO and Verizon to add another service provider to the Digital Antenna System (DAS) Summary of actual performance re.suits: •Mr. Langella did an excellent job of maintaining the operations.of the Alamodome. He ensured thatthe facility was well- maintained and exceptlonally clean. • -Nick and staff also ensured that facility was in compliance with all applicable
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