Slovenian American Faith, Family, Freedom: the Foundation Published in Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. of Slovenians $4(US) Volume VIII Issue 1 11 November, 2015 SLOVENSKI AMERIŠKI ČASI Photo: Martina Jakomin ByLLaughter Breda Loncaraughter Slovenian proverb says, “Smeh je pol zdravja“ and the Eng- lish have a similar line, “Laughter is the best medicine.” ALaughter can be described as an instant vacation from stress, a healing without medicine, “carbonated holiness”(Anne Lammott ), “a tranquilizer with no side eff ects” (Arnold Glaslow), “a shock absorber that eases the blows of life” (unknown), “the shortest dis- tance between two people” (Victor Borge), “a sunbeam of the soul” (Thomas Mann). “Laughter is the sound of the soul dancing. My soul probably looks like Fred Astaire,” said humorist Jarod Kintz . Victor Hugo, among the best known French writers, said it very eloquently: “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” Laughter is universal – everybody laughs the same in every language. It is also spontaneous; you can’t deny laughter. When it comes, it barrels out like an unstoppable wave of feelings and emotions. It arises from external or internal stimuli, such as ticking, hearing good joke, seeing a funny happening. Remember when your grandma’s fi nger slid up your arm: Biba leze, biba gre… (The snail crawls, the snail comes) and ended up tickling your sides? Or playing the game Gladež, gladež, bunkaš... which put everyone in hysterics? That is because laughter is also contagious. Try keeping a straight face when everyone around you is bubbling. Laughter brings people together. It is a universal connector. It has been called “social glue” because it bonds us to the people we laugh with. Even the Bible extolls the benefi ts of laughter: “A joyful heart is good medicine…” (Proverbs 17:22); “A time to weep, and a time to laugh…” (Ecclesiastics 3:4); “Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said to himself, ‘Shall a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? Shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?’” (Genesis 17:17) God did create us that we might have joy and share it with others. Very few people can resist telling a good joke. Try not to laugh at these jokes: “I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening. But I’m afraid this wasn’t Smeh it.” (Groucho Marx) Students from St. Vitus Slovenian School. “My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop blood fl owing freely. A doctor claims that 20 seconds of hard laughter gives dying.” (Rodney Dangerfi eld) the heart the same workout as 3 minutes of hard rowing. Laughter alleviates “I don’t feel old. I don’t feel anything until noon. Then it’s time for my nap.” stress, creates a more healthy outlook and “not only adds years to your life, “Welcome to the Academy Awards, or, as it’s called in my home, ‘Passover.’” but adds life to your years; it should be our drug of choice.” (Joseph Addison) (Bob Hope) Through humor, we can bear bett er the sorrows, grief, worries and troubles “Teacher: Raymond, what is the chemical formula for water? that life delivers; it off ers a natural diversion for a short time. When you Raymond: HIJKLMNO. Teacher: What are you talking about? laugh, no other thought can enter your mind. The problem is that we do not Raymond: Yesterday you said it was H to O.” ha-ha-ha or ho-ho-ho and even he-he-he often enough. Children start laughing Did you know that man is the only mammal capable of laughing? We at 3.5 to 4 months of age; they laugh at least 400 times a day. Adults? We are were born with this gift. Friedrich Nietz sche knew the reason: “Perhaps I defi cient; we laugh only about 15 - 17 times a day. The recommendation is that know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suff ers so deeply that “Even when there is nothing to laugh about, laugh on credit.” (Unknown) he had to invent laughter.” Doctors and scientists claim there is a purifying Take this popular Slovenian saying to heart: “Bog ima rad vesele ljudi - God and healing power in laughter. It not only exercises the heart by raising or loves happy people.” So if you can’t laugh, at least smile! Mother Theresa lowering the blood pressure, it also makes the lungs stronger and keeps said: “Peace begins with a smile… Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” Read about amazing Slovenian American inventors and innovators whose accomplishments were applauded in Slovenia, Austria, Trieste, Argentina, and Australia, and were recently highlighted by At a glance... the Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany, plus our letter to John Stossel of Fox News and to other American Fr. Pedro Opeka Visits CLE media pages (14-16) . See page 2-4,19 Happy 7th Birthday Slovenian American Times! Please order your Christmas Card Greetings AMLA Food Collections for early, no later than Dec. 1. Print date is December 9 to assure delivery before the holidays. Don’t the Holidays forget to renew or buy a subscription as a gift for Christmas. Thank you for your support. See page 5 COMING IN DECEMBER: The Star of Bethlehem Thanksgiving Polka Weekend See page 10 Ski Club News Presort STD See page 17 U.S. Postage Paid Mailed From Slo Oven: How to Make a Zip Code 44663 Parkelj - Devil Permit #584 See page 35 Novice Iz Slovenije Stran 20-22 OSMRTNICE/Death Notices Strani 28 Page 2, Issue 1, Volume VIII, 11 November, 2015 Thank you, Good Samaritans! Prisrčna hvala vsem dobrotnikom! The Banquet Committee - St. Mary’s, St. Vitus, Catholic Mission Aid, and the Slovenian American Times - SAT. God’s blessings radiated on Fr. Pedro Opeka and the thousands he represents The committ ee would be remiss if the organizations and individuals who on November 1st at St. Mary’s Parish Hall. The banquet was a huge success contributed signifi cant amounts toward our goal were not acknowledged. and the goal of $100,000 set by the Banquet Committ ee was not only Because of the sheer number of individuals who contributed, only an reached, but surpassed. To date, the Catholic Mission Aid (MZA) reports alphabetical list of donors is included in SAT. Moneys received after that $169,182.90 was raised and checks are still coming daily. The generosity November 6 will be acknowledged by the Catholic Mission Aid in the of the Slovenian people and friends of missionaries is truly astounding. All future. Please be assured that every donation and every dollar given is much workers generously donated their time! appreciated. Your generosity answers the call of Jesus: “I was hungry, and We extend our deepest thanks to: you gave me to eat…” In Opeka’s words: “We are just vessels through whom • St. Mary’s for the use of the banquet hall God works.” Thank you sincerely. • To Fr. Kumse for hosting Fr. Opeka • All who came to the banquet • All who made a donation • To PSR students of Divine Word Parish who had bake sales to raise $1,219.30 • All who sold tickets • All who advertised the event: Slovenian American Times, parish bulletins, and radio announcers – Ed Mejac, Tony Ovsenik, Tony Petkovsek, Paul Lavrisha • All volunteers: Joe Tavcar - head chef; cooks, waiters and waitresses, bar att endants, student dish washers…. • John Plecnik and Big Bouquet for the table fl owers • Program participants – Mojca Slak, Sylvia Pisorn, Peter Turk, Mateja Rudman, Fantje na vasi and Mi Smo Mi • John Hocevar for the beautiful keepsake program and for att ending to a number of details surrounding Fr. Opeka’s visit. • Eric Holmberg for composing the collage of pictures and the comprehensive video of Fr. Opeka’s work • Linda Plecnik and her crew for the reception luncheon Left: Sylvia Pisorn and (right) Mateja Rudman and Peter Turk • Anton Lavrisha and the Catholic Mission Aid Committ ee for participating in the program. (Photos: Anka Žakelj) coordinating donations and much more • The entire staff of SAT for various tasks Left: The bar volunteers were Matt Loncar, Ivan Zupancic, and Steve Vesel. Right: Tony Lavrisha - President of MZA. Folklorna Skupina Kres volunteered their services this noble cause. Left: Padre Pedro Opeka, Barb and John Hocevar. Right: Joe Padre Pedro Opeka and the volunteer kitchen staff. Tavcar and Padre Pedro Opeka. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION OR SUBSCRIBE A FRIEND! As a subscriber, you are an integral part of the success of this newspaper! Your subscription fee and optional contribution go directly to the development of a better newspaper. 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