CD- change to subject 10, Aug 31 Update CD- ew King of Klezmer Clarinet Klezmer of King ew n Yom, Language: Spanish, from from Spanish, Language: 4:14 Palenque) de Tabalá (R.Cassiani/Sexteto Vilda Rosor, Rosor, Vilda 2010 Aito Records, LC 15515, www.aitorecords.com 15515, LC Records, Aito 2010 WOMEX WOMEX Yemen Blues Yemen Candela” es “Esto Palenque de Tabalá Sexteto 10 Language: Swedish, from album: album: from Swedish, Language: 3:30 M.Kalaniemi/E.Grundström) (T.Kärki/L.Huldén/ Fullmånen” “Under Kalaniemi Maria 20 remor t 19 18 17 16 20 www.polenrecords.com 10 10 roup g Spajic Svetlana Language: Spanish, from album: Estalla, Estalla, album: from Spanish, Language: Language: Serbian, Serbian, Language: 2:18 (S.Spajic/trad) 2008 Polen Records, Records, Polen 2008 2010 unreleased 2010 abalá de Palenque de abalá t Sexteto (L.Saumet/S.Mejía) 4:36 (L.Saumet/S.Mejía) Rica” “Cosita Estéreo Bomba 09 Mora” s Krenu Oblaci “Kad Group Spajic Svetlana 19 Samba Chula de São Braz São de Chula Samba Phønix de Lançamento, www.myspace.com/plataformadelancamento Lançamento, de www.grappa.no album: Quando Dou Minha Risada, Ha, Ha... Ha... Ha, Risada, Minha Dou Quando album: Instrumental, from album: Piper on the Roof, Roof, the on Piper album: from Instrumental, 4:23 2009 Plataforma Plataforma 2009 2009 Heilo/Grappa, Heilo/Grappa, 2009 OMFO Language: Brazilian Portuguese, from from Portuguese, Brazilian Language: (edit) 4:12 (J.Saturno) (trad/E.Vatn) (trad/E.Vatn) Erik” Troskari after “Springlek Vatn Elisabeth 18 atiembé n athalie n 08 Samba Chula de São Braz “Samba, Cachaça e Viola” Viola” e Cachaça “Samba, Braz São de Chula Samba 08 osor r Vilda & Kalaniemi Maria www.sakiforecords.com Mamer Language: Creole, from album: Karma, Karma, album: from Creole, Language: Amwin, Amwin, 2010 Cobalt, www.africolor.com Cobalt, 2010 2009 Sakifo Records, Records, Sakifo 2009 11 13 12 14 This edition This –ifnotmentionedotherwise CD- 15 www.womex.com LC LC 07717 Malick Pathé Sow & Maoba & Sow Pathé Malick (N.Natiembé/C.Atef/V.Segal) 3:50 3:50 (N.Natiembé/C.Atef/V.Segal) “Larozwar” Natiembé Nathalie 17 Language: Kreol, from album: Aou Aou album: from Kreol, Language: 4:40 WOMEX LaBrassBanda (D.Waro/T.Robin) (D.Waro/T.Robin) “Veli” Waro Danyèl 07 The womeximizer 10 The womeximizer 10 unreleased Kamel el Harrachi el Kamel Rajasthan, Rajasthan, Language: Yemenite Arabic, from album: Yemen Blues, Blues, Yemen album: from Arabic, Yemenite Language: 2006 Sense World Music, www.indiabazaar.co.uk Music, World Sense 2006 10 2010 nsemble e oof r the on Piper – Vatn lisabeth e & © 2010 Piranha &©2010Piranha from album: Desert Slide - Vishwa Mohan Bhatt & Musicians of of Musicians & Bhatt Mohan Vishwa - Slide Desert album: from (R.Kahalani) 4:28 (edit) 4:28 (R.Kahalani) Yaman” al Min “Um Blues Yemen 16 G Desert Slide Desert em Language: Rajasthani, Rajasthani, Language: (edit) 4:33 (trad) “Hichki” Slide Desert 06 Danyèl Waro Danyèl A from album: Ela Lia, Lia, Ela album: from 2010 Hélico, www.helicomusic.com Hélico, 2010 Danças Ocultas Danças Language: Malagasy, Malagasy, Language: (edit) 4:07 (Damily) “Nahoda” Damily 15 www.zzkrecords.com, www.laldiscos.com www.zzkrecords.com, Instrumental, from album: Viajante, Viajante, album: from Instrumental, 2008 ZZK Records/Los Años Luz, Luz, Años Records/Los ZZK 2008 Damily 07 06 10 09 08 (L.Martinelli/C.Carabajal/A.Goldberg) 3:54 (L.Martinelli/C.Carabajal/A.Goldberg) “Viajante” Tremor 05 publique, www.muziekpublique.be publique, Muziek 2009 stéreo e Bomba Bomba WOMEX Language: Fuula, from album: Maayo Men, Men, Maayo album: from Fuula, Language: 3:57 N.M.Kouyate) turing n i r u at e F (M.P.Sow/M.P.Sow/ Bona” “Jeeri Sow Pathé Malick 14 www.realworldrecords.com AG AG Language: Kazakh, from album: Eagle, Eagle, album: from Kazakh, Language: 2009 Real World Records, Records, World Real 2009 (Mamer/R.Haller/M.Scumaci) 3:11 3:11 (Mamer/R.Haller/M.Scumaci) “Iligai” Mamer 04 LC 09240, www.gofolk.dk 09240, LC Language: Danish, from album: Folk, Folk, album: from Danish, Language: Executive production Executive Artwork Sequencing Mastering Folkmusic, Danish Go‘ 2007 13 Phønix “Ulv, Ræv og Hare” Hare” og Ræv “Ulv, Phønix 13 (trad/K.Mose/Phønix) 2:32 2:32 (trad/K.Mose/Phønix) 2009 Turn Again Music, www.turnagainmusic.com Music, Again Turn 2009 Language: Algerian Arabic, from album: Ghana Fenou, Fenou, Ghana album: from Arabic, Algerian Language: by www.elephant-castle.de by 03 Kamel el Harrachi “Ya Rayah” Rayah” “Ya Harrachi el Kamel 03 (A.Amrani) 4:19 4:19 (A.Amrani) by Traumton Berlin, Aug 10 Berlin, Aug Traumton by www.numerica-multimedia.pt by Alex by Instrumental, from album: Tarab, Tarab, album: from Instrumental, 2009 Numérica, Numérica, 2009 03 02 01 05 04 from album: Übersee, Übersee, album: from 12 Danças Ocultas “Héptimo” Ocultas Danças 12 (Danças Ocultas) 4:34 4:34 Ocultas) (Danças 2009 Trikont, LC 04270, www.trikont.de 04270, LC Trikont, 2009 by Christoph Borkowskyby w Wrage/M.Da Coll/A.Hofmeir/W.Löster) 3:39 3:39 Coll/A.Hofmeir/W.Löster) Wrage/M.Da alter Bavarian, Language: the womeximizer10 the 02 LaBrassBanda “Des konnst glam” glam” konnst “Des LaBrassBanda 02 (S.Dettl/M.Winbeck/O. www.essayrecordings.com from album: Omnipresence, Omnipresence, album: from 2009 Essay Recordings, LC 13404, 13404, LC Recordings, Essay 2009 N N o o 11 OMFO “The Sorcerer” Sorcerer” “The OMFO 11 (G.Popov) 4:25 4:25 (G.Popov) Language: Siberian, Siberian, Language: 2008 Buda Musique, www.budamusique.com Musique, Buda 2008 T F T F Instrumental, from album: Yom, New King of Klezmer Clarinet, Clarinet, Klezmer of King New Yom, album: from Instrumental, OR OR www.omproducciones.com you before Prohibition?” Prohibition?” before you (N.Brandwein/Yom) 2:42 2:42 (N.Brandwein/Yom) SAL SAL album: Con un Solo Pié, Pié, Solo un Con album: 2010 OM Producciones International, International, Producciones OM 2010 were “Where Clarinet Klezmer of King New Yom, 01 e e “WOMEX, a must-see event for world music professionals, offers a unique opportunity to meet, share information, 01 Yom, New King of Klezmer Clarinet (France) French clarinet maestro takes 11 OMFO (Ukraine/The Netherlands) Proposing the inseparable unity of ethnic make contacts, discover new talents and establish business.” UNeSCo Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity on mantle of revered klezmer monarch, Naftule Brandwein. www.myspace.com/ wisdom and electronics as a true 21st century folklore. www.omfo.net klezmerking Contact: DuNose, [email protected], +33 143 610 833 Contact: Essay Recordings, [email protected], +49 69 264 887 85 Titles published by WOMEX is… a Conference, Trade Fair & Showcase for world, roots, folk, ethnic, traditional, alternative world, (copyright collecting society names in brackets), 02 LaBrassBanda (Germany) Never mind the oompahs, here comes the new heavy 12 Danças Ocultas (Portugal) Accomplished accordionistas squeeze out new local and diaspora music. WOMEX is “the principal market for world music”. Le monde if not otherwise mentioned: all rights reserved heavy sound of funky Bavaria. www.labrassbanda.com Contact: Eulenspiegel Booking, sonic textures from concertina quartet concept. www.dancasocultas.com 02 Trikont (GEMA) 03 Delabel Edition (SACEM) [email protected], +49 89 540 426 013 Contact: CultureWorks, [email protected], +43 152 235 22 10 In just 16 years*, WOMEX has grown to include 04 Real World Works (MCPS) 05 ZZK Records/Los Años Luz (SADAIC) 06 (PPL) 07 Cobalt (SACEM) 08 Plataforma de Lançamento (UBC) 09 EMI Music › Over 2700 delegates and 1420 companies from 92 countries. 03 Kamel el Harrachi (Algeria/France) Son of famous father carries the 13 Phønix (Denmark) Celebrating twenty years of inventive interpretation Publishing (SAYCO) 11 Edition Essay (GEMA) 12 (SPA) 13 Go‘ Danish Folkmusic (NCB) › Over 970 concert and festival bookers. chaabi torch for a new generation. www.myspace.com/kamelelharachi of Danish folk music. www.phonixfolk.dk Contact: Phønix, [email protected], 14 Muziekpublique (SABAM) 15 (SACEM) 17 Sakifo (SACEM) 20 Manus (TEOSTO) Contact: Turn Again Music, [email protected], +33 476 426 054 +45 214 338 21 › Over 760 labels, publishers and distributors. › Over 770 managers and 420 producers. 04 Mamer (China) Influential figure of China’s alt-country scene revitalizing his 14 Malick Pathé Sow & Maoba (Senegal/Belgium) Expert hoddu player and long- › Over 400 national and international journalists, including 150 radio broadcasters. Kazakh grassland roots. www.earthbeat.nl Contact: Earth Beat, [email protected], term Baaba Maal sideman now leading own excellent ensemble. www.myspace.com/ › A bustling Trade Fair with 280 stands and over 650 exhibiting companies, organizations, regions and countries. +31 206 279 518 malickpathesow Contact: Muziekpublique, [email protected], +32 221 726 00 › About 60 Showcase acts from more than 40 countries on 6 stages.** › More than 60 speakers in 20 Conference Sessions and 7 special mentors in Mentoring Sessions.** 05 Tremor (Argentina) Plugged-in roots and digital folklore with soul from 15 Damily (Madagascar) Expert exponents of tsapiky rhythms lay down the › New this year! A Matchmaking for publishers and Country Speed Dating.** Buenos Aires power trio. www.tremormusic.com Contact: ZZK Records, grooves and kick up the dust. www.myspace.com/damilytsapiky [email protected], +54 114 587 73 87 Contact: Hélico, [email protected], +33 142 005 133 › The festive Opening event with special performances. › The WOMEX Award for Artists, this year honouring La Réunion’s Danyèl Waro. 06 Desert Slide (India) Inspired meeting of Indian slide guitar pioneer with master 16 Yemen Blues (Israel/USA) Soul-searching singer reunites with Yemeni roots › The WOMEX Award for Professional Excellence, dedicated this year to Ian Anderson and his magazine fRoots. musicians of Rajasthan.
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