Literature, Medieval Period Miriam Cabré and Sadurní Martí Universitat de Girona (Institut de Llengua i Cultura Catalanes) This survey covers the years 2016 and 2017. rick II as sample case-study is offered. Maria Grazia Capusso, ‘Pour une bibliographie des troubadours d’Italie’, RLaR, 120, 2016:17–38, dis- 1 Research Tools and Reference Works cusses the census of Italian troubadours and those linked to Italy and compiles an updated Narpan: Espai de Literatura i Cultura Medie- bibliography. Gérard Gouiran, Études sur la lit- val, www.narpan.net, offers updated bibli- térature occitane du Moyen Âge, Montpellier, ographic lists of medieval Occitan literat- Lambert-Lucas, 2016, 336 pp., gathers 20 art- ure for 2016–2017. Courtney J. Wells, ‘Biblio- icles, displaying the scope of the author’s con- graphy of Occitan Literature for 2014: Middle tribution to the study of Occitan medieval cul- Ages to 1500’, Tenso, 31, 2016:145–185 and ture. Gianfranco Folena, Culture e lingue nel 32:83–132, classifies 2014 and 2015 publica- Veneto medievale, Padua, libreriauniversitaria tions by topic, which is complemented by .it, 2015, 432 pp., is a reprint with additional his ‘Et aysi trobaretz de las suas chansos: essays by Paolo Trovato and Alfredo Stussi. Occitan Manuscripts Online’, ib., 31, 2016:69– Valeria Bertolucci Pizzorusso, Morfologie del 95, and Nancy Washer, ‘Discography of Occitan testo medievale II. Nuova raccolta di saggi e Recordings Released in 2015’, ib., 32, 1–2:205– articoli, ed. Fabrizio Cigni, Rome, Aracne, 492 211. Robert A. Taylor, Bibliographical Guide to pp., includes four fundamental items about the Study of the Troubadours and Old Occitan troubadours among 31 articles that encompass Literature, Kalamazoo, Western Michigan U.P., the width of the author’s scholarship. Sarah 2015, xxi + 565 pp., is a systematic critical Kay, Philology’s Vomit: An Essay on the Corpor- survey of publications 1975–2011, classified by eality and Immortality of Texts, Zurich, Cro- topic, which updates Taylor’s 1975 guide, and nos, 86 pp., discusses a passage by Martianus offers useful indexes and cross-references. The Capella that prompts a reflection on altern- Repertorio informatizzato dell’antica letteratura ative approaches to textual analysis. Saverio trovadorica e occitanica, www.rialto.unina.it, Guida, ‘Trovatori non censiti o mal censiti nel has added new editions, a substantial part Dizionario Biografico dei Trovatori’, RPh, 70.1, being supplied by two projects, Troubadours, 2016:83–102, offers additions or corrections to Trouvères and the Crusades, www2.warwick.ac the following entries: Estornel, Nompar, Peire .uk/fac/arts/modernlanguages/research/ Bonasa, Pelestort, Porcier, and Rodrigo. Zeno french/crusades/ and L’Italia dei trovatori, Verlato, ‘La traduzionefilologica dei trovatori da www.idt.unina.it/index.html. The latter adds Giulio Bertoni a Martín de Riquer’, Medioevo an interesting historical essay for each poem Europeo. Rivista di filologia ed altra medievalis- in its own site, and is presented in Francesco tica, 1.2:161–184, surveys and analyses academic Saverio Annunziata, Paolo Di Luca, and Marco translations of troubadour lyrics, particularly Grimaldi, ‘L’Italia dei Trovatori: per un nuovo those of Riquer (1975). repertorio delle poesie occitane relative alla storia d’Italia’, AIEO 11, 443–455, where the cri- teria adopted are detailed, and an overview of the poems referring to Emperor Frede- © koninklijke brill nv, leiden, 2019 | doi: 10.1163/22224297-07901011 literature,medievalperiod 199 2 Editions and Textual Criticism Gresti, ‘Aimeric de Pegulhan, Nulhs hom no sap que s’es gautz ni dolors (BdT 10.39)’, ib., Editions 10:27 pp., suggests connections within Aim- Daude de Pradas, Per sen de trobar: l’opera eric’s corpus, and with other troubadours and lirica di Daude de Pradas, ed. Silvio Melani, Italian poets, as well as outlining metrical and Turnhout, Brepols, 2016, 326 pp., is an annot- ecdotic issues. Aniello Fratta, ‘Arnaut Daniel, ated critical edition with French translation Amors e jois e luecs e temps (BdT 29.1)’, ib., 10:24 that reviews attributions in view of the chro- pp., interprets this poem as a hymn to the nological hypothesis and focuses on analys- masochism involved in fina amor. Giuseppe ing MS transmission. Pons de Chaptoil, Poesie, Noto, ‘Paolo Lanfranchi di Pistoia, Valenz sen- ed. Antonella Martorano, Florence, Galluzzo, her, rei dels Aragones (BdT 317.1)’, ib., 10:15 lxiv + 419 pp., proposes a new form for the pp., highlights Lanfranchi’s role in the connec- name thanks to linguistic and archival evid- tion between Tuscany and Catalonia detected ence, gives a new date up to 1220 for Pons’s in MS P. Simone Marcenaro, ‘Marcabru, Dire activity that prompts a new reading of some vos vuoill ses doptanssa (BdT 293.18)’, ib., 10:38 texts, and highlights the role of MSS IK in his pp., reflects on troubadour variants and the transmission. Pietro G. Beltrami, ‘Appunti per role of oral reception. Gerardo Larghi, ‘Guil- una nuova edizione di Giraut de Borneil’, RPh, hem Olivier d’Arles, Sert es qui a mal vezi 70.1, 2016:21–37, suggests several guidelines for (BdT 246.14); Id., Escrig truep ieu en Salomo a new edition of Giraut’s corpus, discussing (BdT 246.22)’, LT, 10:29 pp., focuses on the lit- what poems should be included and advocat- erary adaptation of troubadour concepts to ing for a MS- rather than genre-based order. the culture of the new urban knightly cul- LT, 9 (2016) and 10 gathers new critical edi- ture. tions with commentary, as follows: Alessandro Roberto Antonelli, ‘Ancora Lanquan li jorn Bampa, ‘Bonifacio Calvo, Er quan vei glassatz …, fra struttura (il dobre?), stemmatica e senso’, los rius (BdT 101.3)’, LT, 9, 2016:33 pp., dis- Brea Vol., 75–84, favours Lejeune’s correction cusses the debt to Arnaut Daniel as well as alberc de lonh (l. 16) over Jeanroy’s amor de Bonifacio Calvo’s role in troubadour culture. lonh and explores the possibility of applying Alessio Collura, ‘Guillem Peire de Cazals, D’una the same logic to the first strophe. Paolo Canet- leu chanso ai cor que m’entremeta (BdT 227.8)’, tieri, ‘Qualche appunto su Compaigno, non ib., 9, 2016:43 pp., edits the poem within puosc mudar qu’eo no m’effrei (Guglielmo IX, the parameters of the mala canso. M. Grazia BdT 183.4)’, ib., 185–192, proposing that l. 8 Capusso, ‘Raimon Bistortz d’Arles, Aissi com should read ‘floc’, sees the poem as a placitum arditz entendenz (BdT 416.2)’, ib., 9, 2016:46 and the three guards as belonging to a low pp., discusses some critical passages. Sabrina state. Dominique Billy and Robert Lug, ‘Un Galano, ‘Joyos de Tholoza, L’autrier el dous témoin picard de la vogue du répertoire des temps de pascor (BdT 270.1)’, ib., 9, 2016:21 troubadours dans la première moitié du XIIIe pp., focuses on metrical and musical aspects. siècle: Par vous m’esjau, done del firmament Beatrice Solla, ‘Bartolomeo Zorzi, Atressi cum (PC 461,192a = RS 675a)’, RPh, 70.1, 2016:39–56, lo camel (BdT 74.2)’, ib., 9, 2016:34 pp., lays offer an annotated edition of an Occitan song out the range of sources for the similes. Luca in French MS V, and suggest it is a contrafactum Gatti, ‘Aimeric de Pegulhan, Ja no cujey que·m of a poem by Audefroi le Bâtard. Francesco pogues oblidar (BdT 10.30), Id. (?), S’ieu hanc Carapezza, ‘Un problema di critica testuale nel chantiei alegres ni jauzens (BdT 10.48)’, ib., 10:31 Versus Sancte Marie limosino (BnF, lat. 1139, pp., discusses attribution and the location of c. 49r–50r)’, AIEO 11, 477–493, proposes a solu- these pieces within the planh tradition. Paolo tion to a difficult textual passage based on a.
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