users were warned they risked the Baroness de Dudevant, likely before 1900 1929 CHAPTER nasal cancers. to have been the first woman to Lung cancer was extremely rare. Germany Fritz Lickint of Dresden HISTORY OF TOBACCO smoke in public (in Paris). published the first formal statisti- 32 1769 1901–02 cal evidence of a lung cancer- New Zealand Captain James Cook tobacco link, based on a case series 1847 England Imperial Tobacco Com- arrived smoking a pipe, and was England Philip Morris Esq, a showing that lung cancer sufferers 6000 BCE - 2009 CE pany Limited (ITL) and British promptly doused in case he was a tobacconist and importer of fine were likely to be smokers. American Tobacco (BAT) were demon. cigars, opened a shop in London 6000 BCE 1633 founded. selling hand-rolled Turkish Americas First cultivation of the Turkey Death penalty imposed cigarettes. tobacco plant. for smoking. 1771 1903 France French official was Brazil Tobacco company Souza condemned to be hanged for circa 1 BCE 1634 1854 Cruz founded. admitting foreign tobacco into England Philip Morris began Americas Indigenous Americans China Qing Dynasty decreed the country. making his own cigarettes. Old began smoking and using tobacco a smoking ban during which Bond Street soon became the 1913 enemas. a violator was executed. This center of the retail tobacco USA Birth of the “modern” ciga- was not to protect health, but to 1788 rette: RJ Reynolds introduced the Australia Tobacco arrived with trade. Americas Huron Indian myth: “In address the inequality of trade Camel brand. the First Fleet, eleven ships which ancient times, when the land was with Korea. sailed from England carrying barren and the people were starv- 1858 mostly convicts and crew. China Treaty of Tianjin allowed 1915 ing, the Great Spirit sent forth a 1650s cigarettes to be imported into Japan Cancer was induced in labo- woman to save humanity. As she South Africa China duty-free. ratory animals for the first time by traveled over the world every- European settlers grew tobacco applying coal tar to rabbits’ skin at 1936 where her right hand touched the and used it as a form of currency. Tokyo University. Germany Fritz Lickint first used soil, there grew potatoes. And 1862 the term “Passivrauchen” (passive everywhere her left hand touched 1560 1604 1692 and 1717 USA First federal tobacco tax smoking) in Tabakgenuss und was introduced to help finance the 1921 the soil, there grew corn. And in Africa Portuguese and Spanish England King James I wrote Korea Bans on smoking in Cho- Gesundheit. Civil War. Korea Korea Ginseng Corpora- the place where she had sat, there traders introduced tobacco to A Counterblaste to Tobacco. son introduced to reduce fire risk. grew tobacco.” tion became Korea Tobacco and Africa. “Smoking is a custom loathsome Ginseng (KTG) and a monopoly 1939 to the eye, hateful to the nose, circa 1710 1876 was formed. USA Tobacco companies found 1492 harmful to the brain, dangerous Korea Foreign cigarettes and price-fixing. 1560 Russia Peter the Great to the lungs, and in the black, matches were introduced. Christopher Columbus and his France Diplomat Jean Nicot, Lord encouraged his courtiers to 1924 crew returned to Europe from of Villemain, introduced tobacco stinking fume thereof nearest smoke tobacco and drink coffee, Philip Morris introduced 1939 the Americas with the first from Portugal. Queen Catherine resembling the horrible Stygian 1880s which was seen as fashionable 1795 Marlboro as a women’s cigarette USA Drs. Alton Ochsner and tobacco leaves and seeds ever de Medici used it to treat her smoke of the pit that is bottom- England Richard Benson and and pro-European. Sammuel Thomas von as “mild as May.” Michael DeBakey first reported seen on the continent. A crew migraines. less.” William Hedges opened a tobac- Soemmering reported cancers of the association of smoking and member, Rodrigo de Jerez, was conist shop near Philip Morris in the lip in pipe smokers. lung cancer. seen smoking and imprisoned by 1600s 1700s London. 1924 1577 Africa/Americas African slaves the Inquisition, which believed he China Philosopher Fang Yizhi Reader’s Digest published “Does Europe European doctors recom- forced to work in tobacco fields. 1947 was possessed by the devil. pointed out that long years of 18th century Tobacco Injure the Human Body,” mended tobacco as a cure for 1881 Canada Dr. Norman Delarue smoking “scorches one’s lung.” Snuff was the most popular mode the beginning of a Reader’s Digest toothache, falling fingernails, USA First practical cigarette- compared 50 patients with lung 1719 of tobacco use. campaign to make people think Early 1500s worms, halitosis, lockjaw, and making machine patented by cancer with 50 patients hospital- France Smoking was prohibited before starting to smoke. Middle East Tobacco introduced cancer. 1608–1609 James Bonsack. It could produce ized with other diseases. He in many places. when the Turks took it to Egypt. Japan Ban on smoking intro- 1800 120,000 cigarettes a day, each discovered that over 90 percent of 1592–1598 duced to prevent fires. Canada Tobacco first grown machine doing the work of 48 1929 the first group—but only half of commercially. people. Production costs plum- 1530–1600 Korea The Japanese Army intro- 1753 USA Edward Bernays mounted the second—were smokers, and Sweden Botanist Carolus Lin- meted, and—with the invention China Tobacco introduced via duced tobacco into Korea. 1612 a “freedom march” of smoking confidently predicted that by 1950 naeus named the plant genus of the safety match a few decades Japan or the Philippines. Americas Tobacco first grown 1833 debutantes/fashion models who no one would be smoking. nicotiana and describes two spe- later—cigarette-smoking began walk down Fifth Avenue in New circa 1600 commercially. UK Phosphorus friction matches cies, nicotiana rustica and nicotiana introduced on a commercial scale, its explosive growth. York during the Easter parade 1950 1558 India Tobacco first introduced. tabacum. dressed as Statues of Liberty Europe Tobacco plant brought to making smoking more convenient. USA The link between smoking 1614 and holding aloft their Lucky Europe. Attempts at cultivation circa 1890s and lung cancer was confirmed. A 1603 England 7,000 tobacco shops Strike cigarettes as “torches of failed. 1761 Indonesia Clove cigarette, the landmark article “Tobacco smok- Japan Use of tobacco well- opened with the first sale of 1840 freedom.” England First study of the effects France Frederic Chopin’s mistress, kretek, invented. ing as a possible etiologic factor established. Virginia tobacco. 90 of tobacco by Dr. John Hill; snuff 91 1950-1995 in bronchogenic carcinoma” by E. 1954 1967 1976 Promotions) was formed, 1988 1991 1994 L. Wynder and Evarts Graham re-facing tobacco and alcohol USA The Marlboro cowboy was USA First World Conference on USA Shimp v. New Jersey Bell First WHO World No Tobacco International Network USA Cigarette executives testified was published in The Journal of billboards. created for Philip Morris by Chi- Tobacco or Health held in Telephone Co. filed the world’s Day, subsequently an annual Towards Smoke-free Hospitals before Congress that in their opin- the American Medical Association. cago ad agency Leo Burnett. New York. first lawsuit regarding second- event on May 31, with different inaugurated, aiming to give ion nicotine was not addictive. The same issue featured a full- hand smoke. The office worker 1981 annual themes and awards of healthy environment to hospital page ad for Chesterfields with the 1954 1969 was granted an injunction to Japan Professor Takeshi commemorative medals. staff and patients. 1994 actress Gene Tierney and golfer ensure a smoke-free area in her Hirayama (1923–1995) published USA Tobacco Industry Research USA Surgeon General’s Report Society for Research on Nicotine Ben Hogan; the journal accepted workplace. the first report linking passive Committee (TIRC) placed a confirmed the link between mater- 1989 and Tobacco founded. tobacco ads until 1953. smoking and lung cancer in the nationwide two-page ad: “A frank nal smoking and low birth weight. Asia The Asia Pacific nonsmoking wives of men who statement to cigarette smokers.” 1977 Association for the Control 1994 Italy The Martignacco Project smoked. 1971 of Tobacco (APACT) was USA Confidential internal tobacco community prevention trial 1957 UK ASH UK established the established by Dr. David Yen industry documents leaked to resulted in a reduction of Vatican Pope Pius XII suggested first national tobacco control 1983 of the John Tung Founda- Professor Stan Glantz. that the Jesuit order give up organization. coronary heart disease. Europe ERC Group plc, an inde- tion, Taiwan, China. smoking. pendent market research group, 1977 published first European Tobacco 1994 1971 1990 Austria First TABEXPO held USA First Great American Market Report. 1958 USA Cigarette manufacturers first GLOBALink inaugurated, the in Vienna. TABEXPO stages Smokeout held nationally, during 1992 USA Tobacco Institute formed. agreed to put health warnings on international interactive website exhibitions and congresses for the which smokers quit smoking on Tobacco Control journal founded advertisements. This agreement 1984 and marketplace founded by the international tobacco industry. the third Thursday of November. by the British Medical Journals 1960 was later made law. Nicotine gum was first International Union Against introduced. Cancer for the international group. This was the first 1951 USA Framingham Heart Study international peer-reviewed 1994 found cigarette smoking increased 1978 tobacco-control community. UK Dr. Richard Doll and Prof. 1972 journal on tobacco control, and International Non Governmental the risk of heart disease. Australia The three-year commu- 1985 Austin Bradford Hill conducted Marlboro became the bestselling in 2004, the journal had the Coalition Against Tobacco nity study North Coast Healthy USA Lung cancer surpassed the first large-scale case control cigarette in the world.
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