Volume 47 Association for PSYCHOLOGY TRANSPERSONAL OF THE JOURNAL Number 1, 2015 Transpersonal Psychology Membership Includes: One-year subscription to The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology (two issues) Subscription to the ATP Newsletter Erratum iv Professional Members Listing Editor’s Note v Listings of Schools and Programs Remembering John L. Levy * Membership Dues: Regular—$75 per year November 1, 1921 - January 11, 2015 1 Professional—$95 per year Exploring Holotropic Breathwork: An Empirical Adam J. Rock Student—$55 per year Evaluation of Altered States of Awareness and Patterns Nigel C. Denning of Phenomenological Subsystems with Reference to Kylie P. Harris Supporting—$175 per year Transliminality Gavin I. Clark Dave Misso 3 Further Information: Descriptive brochure and membership forms available Holotropic Discourse: Andean Mysticism and the upon request Transpersonal Paradigm Shaina Levee 25 The Plateau Experience: An Exploration of Its Origins, Association for Transpersonal Psychology Characteristics, and Potential Nicole Gruel 44 P.O. Box 50187 VOLUME 47 VOLUME Palo Alto, California 94303 Of Gods and Stones: Alchemy, Jung, and The Dark Night of St. John of the Cross David M. Odorisio 64 This Association is a Division of the Transpersonal Institute, a Non-Profit Tax-Exempt Organization. Empirical Rationalism and Transpersonal Empiricism: Bridging the Two Epistemic Cultures of Transpersonal Visit the ATP and Journal Web page Psychology Paul Cunningham 83 NUMBER 1 at Book Reviews www.atpweb.org Completing Piaget’s project: Transpersonal philosophy and The website has more detailed information and ordering forms the future of psychology, Edward J. Dale Harry T. Hunt 121 * Two separate reviews Jorge N. Ferrer 124 for membership (including international), subscriptions, 2015 JTP CD Archive, ATP’s other publications, The Creative Artist, Mental Disturbance, and Mental Health, and a chronological list of Journal articles, 1969 to the current volume. Elliot Benjamin Ruth Richards 138 Universal Aspects of the Kabbalah and Judaism, Leo Schaya Samuel Bendeck Sotillos 142 The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali: A Biography, David Gordon White Stuart Sovatsky 148 Books Our Editors Are Reading 158 ISSN: 0022-524X notice to The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology is published subscribers semi-annually beginning with Volume 1, Number 1, 1969 Current year subscriptions—Volume 47, 2015 To individuals: Per year: $ 35 (U.S.); $44 (Canada/Mexico); $50 (Other countries) To libraries and institutions: Per year: $80 (U.S.); $90 (Canada/Mexico); $95 (Other countries) Overseas airmail: Add $ 20 per volume Post Office: Please address corrections to: P.O. Box 50187, Palo Alto, CA 94303 Back Volumes: Back volumes are available in the JTP Online Archive Collection. This Online Collection is priced at $95 for members, $225 for non-members, and $385 for libraries/institutions. Free access to soft-copy archives of every Journal of Transpersonal Psychology article since its inception in 1969 is available online digitally (PDF) to Members of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology. Please submit subscription orders and remittances to: The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, P.O. Box 50187, Palo Alto, CA 94303 The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology is indexed in Psychological Abstracts and listed in: Chicorel Health Sciences Indexes International Bibliography of Periodical Literature International Bibliography of Book Reviews Mental Health Abstract Psychological Reader’s Guide, and beginning in 1982, Current Contents/ Social and Behavioral Sciences Social Science Citation Index Contenta Religionum instructions All manuscripts (10,000 words maximum including references) and an to authors abstract of not more than 150 words can be submitted electronically to [email protected]. Include a separate page with manuscript title, name (s) of author (s), and contact information (postal and e-mail addresses, phone, fax). Author identification should not appear on the manuscript itself. Upon submission, manuscript should be complete with refer- ences and tables (if any), following APA style (6th edition) as closely as possible. Paper copies will also be accepted, in triplicate, double spaced, with diskette (preferably in Microsoft Word). Please mail to: Marcie Boucouvalas, JTP Editor Dept. of Human Development, VA Tech/ National Capital Region 7054 Haycock Road, Falls Church, VA 22043-2368 USA books for Send to Lauren Bracciodieta, JTP Book Review Editor review 2635 Miller Ave #5 Mountain View, CA 94040 The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology and the Association for Transpersonal Psychology are divisions of the Transpersonal Institute, a non-profit organization. The views and opinions presented by authors and reviewers in the Journal do not necessarily represent those of the Editors or the Transpersonal Institute. Copyright © 2015 Transpersonal Institute EDITOR Marcie Boucouvalas ASSOCIATE Douglas A. MacDonald (Research) EDITOR EDITORIAL Linda Morris ASSISTANT BOOK REVIEW Lauren Bracciodieta EDITOR BOARD OF Paul Clemens, Nevada City, California EDITORS Jack Engler, Schiff Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts James Fadiman, Menlo Park, California Jorge Ferrer, California Institute of Integral Studies Daniel Goleman, Williamstown, Massachusetts Elmer Green, Ozawkie, Kansas Stanislav Grof, Mill Valley, California Tobin Hart, State University of West Georgia Michael Hutton, Victoria, British Columbia Stanley Krippner, San Francisco, California Irene Lazarus, Raleigh, North Carolina Lawrence LeShan, New York, New York David Loy, Bunkyo University, Japan Francis G. Lu, San Francisco, California David Lukoff, Petaluma, California Michael Murphy, San Rafael, California Peter L. Nelson, Avoca Beach, NSW, Australia Kaisa Puhakka, Half Moon Bay, California Huston Smith, Berkeley, California To˜nu Soidla, Institute of Cytology, St. Petersburg, Russia Charles T. Tart, Berkeley, California Frances E. Vaughan, Mill Valley, California Miles Vich, Palo Alto, California Jenny Wade, Corte Madera, California Michael Washburn, Indiana University John Welwood, Mill Valley, California PRIOR EDITORS Kaisa Puhakka, 1999–2001 Miles Vich, 1975–1999 Anthony J. Sutich, founding editor, 1969–1976 (1907–1976) BOARD MEMBERS Roberto Assagiolo (1888–1974) Sidney M. Jourard (1926–1974) IN MEMORIAM Hubert Bonner (1901–1970) Arthur Koestler (1905–1983) Medard Boss (1903–1990) John L. Levy (1921–2015) Alister Brass (1937–1987) Michael Mahoney (1946–2006) Jim F. Bugental (1915–2008) Gabriel Margulies (1931–1981) Charlotte Buhler (1893–1974) Sonja Margulies (1931–2013) Viktor Frankl (1905–1997) Abraham Maslow (1908–1970) Alyce Green (1907–1994) Walter N. Pahnke (1931–1971) Herbert Guenther (1917–2006) Chogyam Trungpa (1939–1987) Robert Hartman (1910–1973) Alan Watts (1915–1973) Arthur Hastings (1935–2014) VOLUME 47, NUMBER 1, 2015 THE JOURNAL OF TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY Erratum iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Editor’s Note v Remembering John L. Levy November 1, 1921 - January 11, 2015 1 Exploring Holotropic Breathwork: An Empirical Evaluation of Altered States of Awareness and Patterns of Phenomenological Subsystems with Reference to Transliminality 3 ADAM J. ROCK NIGEL C. DENNING KYLIE P. HARRIS GAVIN I. CLARK DAVE MISSO Holotropic Discourse: Andean Mysticism and the Transper- sonal Paradigm 25 SHAINA LEVEE The Plateau Experience: An Exploration of Its Origins, Characteristics, and Potential 44 NICOLE GRUEL Of Gods and Stones: Alchemy, Jung, and The Dark Night of St. John of the Cross 64 DAVID M. ODORISIO Empirical Rationalism and Transpersonal Empiricism: Bridging the Two Epistemic Cultures of Transpersonal Psychology 83 PAUL CUNNINGHAM Book Reviews Completing Piaget’s project: Transpersonal philosophy HARRY T. HUNT 121 and the future of psychology, Edward J. Dale JORGE N. FERRER 124 Two separate reviews The Creative Artist, Mental Disturbance, and Mental RUTH RICHARDS 138 Health, Elliot Benjamin Universal Aspects of the Kabbalah and Judaism, Leo SAMUEL BENDECK 142 Schaya SOTILLOS The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali: A Biography, David STUART SOVATSKY 148 Gordon White. Books Our Editors are Reading 158 ERRATUM The name of author Diana Raab, whose article appeared in the previous issue of the Journal, was misspelled as Rabb on the cover and Table of Contents. Raab, D. (2014). Creative transcendence: Memoir writing for transformation and empowerment. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 46(2), 187–207. Copyright ’ 2015 Transpersonal Institute iv The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 2015, Vol. 47, No. 1 EDITOR’S NOTE We open this issue remembering John L. Levy, long time Editorial Board member of the Journal, who passed away since the publication of our last issue. In addition to our sympathies, thanks are due Adele Schwarz, his partner and wife, who offered to us for publication the obituary that she wrote, along with friends and family. We express our appreciation and pay tribute, as well, to John--not only for his long tenure on the Board, but also for his early support and contributions to the transpersonal movement in both thinking and action. May his memory serve as an inspiration. As he takes up his place among our In Memoriam Board members, we will welcome in our next issue well known transpersonal researcher, Rosemarie Anderson, to the Editorial Board. Our first two articles present different approaches to a deeper understanding of Holotropic Breathwork (HB), pioneered by Stanislav and the late Christina Grof. First, from Australia, co-authors Adam J. Rock, Nigel C. Denning, Kylie P. Harris, Gavin I. Clark, and
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