The Marine Invertebrates 615 Table 6.28. (Continued) Number of Period and Location Trench/Pail Specimens Species Comments Temple C, below 29A1/22, ws 5 Tonna Sh 3 reused Minoan 2 Mactra Valves, 2 right, Sh 3 stone lamp (Schwab 1 Sepia 1996: 42) 1 Paracentrotus 3 spines Temple C, upper 29A1/25, 26, ws (26 5 Patella floor includes edge of up- 3 Tonna Fragmentary, 44 mm, 62+ per hearth) mm 2 Columbella 1 waterworn, open apex 1 M. trunculus 1 Arcularia Worn apex, hole on ventral side 23 Cerastoderma Fragments, 16 burnt, 3 MNI, from small hearth on south wall 6 Donax Valves, 5 left, 1 right 2 Mactra Valves 2 Lima Valves 1 Barbatia 1 Dosinia 1 Pinna Fragmentary 1 Sepia 1 Paracentrotus 2 test fragments 1 Lepas Plate 29A1/25 (Sh 4A) 14 M. brandaris All small, fresh 3 M. trunculus 1 Tonna 1 Glycymeris 1 Mactra Gastropod-bored 1 Arca Right Temple C, south- 29A1/28, ws 5 Patella 2 burnt eastern upper 3 Monodonta 1 waterworn, 2 burnt hearth 2 Cerithium 1 burnt and small 1 M. trunculus Apex 1 Tonna Fragment, waterworn 1 Thais Fragmentary, burnt Fragments, most burnt, 35+ Hundreds Cerastoderma valves = 25 MNI 12 Donax Valves, 1 gastropod-bored, all worn, 8 left, 4 right 2 Arca Valves, 1 burnt 1 Mactra 1 Dosinia 1 Tellina 1 Paracentrotus 3 spines, 2 test fragments, 1 mouth fragment 1 Lepas 30 plates, some burnt, 1 MNI 616 The Iron Age Fauna Table 6.28. (Continued) Number of Period and Location Trench/Pail Specimens Species Comments Temple C, exterior 34A3/73 1 Patella Burnt enclosure south of doorway Building F, floor 11A/2, 4–6 32 Patella 2 Monodonta 2 M. trunculus 1 Arcularia 9 Glycymeris Valves, 2 holed umbo Building W, floor 50A1/80 1 Glycymeris Holed umbo Building W, below 55A/1–4 20 Patella floor (many shells 5 Arcularia 4 waterworn (1 ring), 1 shown in Pl. 6.13) worn, 1 holed on body 5 Columbella 1 worn, 1 fragment 3 Monodonta 3 Tonna 1 waterworn 2 Euthria 2 holed, 1 waterworn frag- ment missing apex but has nice circular hole on body 1 Conus Apical fragment, waterworn 12 Donax Valves, 1 fresh, 3 waterworn, 3 left, 2 right 3 Glycymeris 3 checkers 3 Acanthocardia Fragments, 1 waterworn 1 Dosinia Fragment 22 Dentalium 1+ waterworn 1 Sepia Building D, fill 14A/4; 20B2/40 2 Patella above walls 4 Glycymeris Valves, 3 holed umbo Building D, above 20B2/54 1 Glycymeris floor Building D, outside 20B2/55, 61, 69 3 Patella to north 1 Monodonta 2 Eriphia Building D, outside 20B2/75 94 Patella to south 1 Pisania Room A1, floor 23A/10, 13, 15, 17– 3 Patella 1 burnt 20, 24 (13 ws) 1 M. trunculus Fragmentary 1 Conus 3 Glycymeris Valves, 1 holed umbo 1 Acanthocardia Fresh 1 Paracentrotus 2 spines Room A1, above 23A/21 1 Tonna Small/medium bench in northeast- ern corner The Marine Invertebrates 617 Table 6.28. (Continued) Number of Period and Location Trench/Pail Specimens Species Comments Room A1, central 23A/25; 46A1/1, ws 19 Patella 4 burnt hearth 4 Monodonta 1 burnt 1 M. trunculus Fragmentary 2 Glycymeris Valves, 1 worn, 1 checker 2 Donax Valves, 1 waterworn, 1 burnt 1 Mactra Waterworn 1 Cerastoderma Fragment, burnt 1 Paracentrotus 6 spines, 1 test fragment Room A1, floor 44B/1 3 Patella contents 1 Bittium Waterworn 1 Glycymeris Holed umbo Building B, western 10A/13, 14 5 Patella room, upper late 1 Monodonta reoccupation level 1 M. trunculus Fragment 1 Arcularia Waterworn, open apex and hole on ventral side 1 Glycymeris Holed umbo Building B, western 10A/15, 16, 20–21 4 Patella room, within level 2 Glycymeris Valves, 1 holed umbo of roof tile collapse 1 Donax Right, rather fresh 1 Mactra Building B, western 10A/35 4 Patella room, soil layer 1 Donax Worn above lower floor, inner room Building B, western 10A/38, 41, 45 20 Patella room, first floor 2 M. trunculus 1 Monodonta 1 Tonna 1 M. brandaris 9 Glycymeris Valves, 3 holed umbo Building B, eastern 10A/12 2 Patella room, upper 1 M. trunculus collapse 1 Tonna Medium 2 Glycymeris 1 holed umbo, 1 checker 1 Mactra Worn Building B, eastern 10A/18, 22, 24 7 Patella room, upper late 1 Barbatia Waterworn reoccupation level 1 Ostrea Waterworn Building B, eastern 10A/52 (ws), 53 3 Patella 1 burnt room, upper floor 1 Monodonta 1 Cerastoderma Fragment, burnt 1 Paracentrotus 1 spine 618 The Iron Age Fauna Table 6.28. (Continued) Number of Period and Location Trench/Pail Specimens Species Comments Building B, eastern 10A/52; 46A2/1 7 Patella 2 burnt room, hearth in 1 Monodonta southeastern corner 1 M. trunculus Small 1 Glycymeris Checker 1 Cerastoderma Fragmentary, burnt 1 Paracentrotus 6 spines Building B, eastern 10A/54, 55 4 Patella room, on lower 2 Glycymeris Valves, 2 holed umbo floor 1 Donax Building B, eastern 10A/63, 64 5 Patella room, lower floor 2 Monodonta 2 M. trunculus 4 Glycymeris Valves, 1 waterworn, 1 burnt Building B, eastern 59A/27, 30–33, 35, 19 Patella dump joining with 36 1 Erosaria 3 Glycymeris Valves, 1 holed umbo, 1 checker, 1 broken Building E, rooftile 20A/23, 24 27 Patella level 5 M. trunculus Fragmentary 1 Monodonta Fragment 2 Glycymeris Valves, 1 holed umbo Building E, middle 20A/10, 14–18, 22, 26 Patella room, on slab floor 29 2 Monodonta 1 M. trunculus Distal end 1 Bittium Rather fresh, open lip 1 Donax Right, waterworn Building E, northern 67A/13 1 Patella room 1 Monodonta Fragment, burnt 1 Tonna Fragment 1 Glycymeris Fragment Building E, southern 67A/10 1 Glycymeris Holed umbo room Period of Temple C Altar C, inside 10A1/23, 27, 31; 26 Patella and on 33A/4, 5 1 Monodonta 1 M. trunculus Altar C, west of 10A1/25, 26 3 Patella 1 Monodonta 1 M. trunculus Waterworn 1 Arcularia Altar C, east of 10A1/29 2 Patella 1 Glycymeris Holed umbo The Marine Invertebrates 619 Table 6.28. (Continued) Number of Period and Location Trench/Pail Specimens Species Comments Ovis/Capra meta- 29A/69; 29A1/46; 1 Erosaria/Luria Waterworn fragment podial collection 63A/12 1 Glycymeris Checker 1 Donax Dump to south 34A/1–16; 34A1/ 15 Patella 2 waterworn 17–24 4 Tonna 3 M. trunculus 1 waterworn 2 Monodonta 1 M. turbinata,1M. articulata 2 Thais 2 Arcularia 2 worn apex 2 Charonia Fragmentary 1 Bittium Distal end, open apex, water- worn 1 Erosaria Lip fragment, waterworn 1 Phalium Open body, waterworn 1 Natica Waterworn, no color, large 72 Glycymeris Valves, 29 holed umbo, 2 gas- tropod-bored, 5 checkers, 2 broken 4 Donax Valves, 2 waterworn, 1 partly gastropod-bored, 3 right 4 Acanthocardia Valves, 1 holed umbo, 1 worn 4 Spondylus Valves, 4 waterworn, 3 up- per (Pl. 6.10), 1 lower 3 Arca Valves, 2 waterworn, 2 right 2 Tellina Valves 1 Mactra Large, waterworn, holed umbo 1 Barbatia Waterworn 1 Sepia General pails above 29A2/9, 13, 17, 33; 6 Patella 1 worn founding level 34A3/66–69, 72, 75; 6 Monodonta outside entrance to 42A/1–11; 62D/37 1 M. trunculus Waterworn Temple C 1 Bittium Waterworn 1 Euthria Broken lip 5 Glycymeris Valves, 3 holed umbo, 1 checker 1 Mactra Worn 1 Spondylus Large, collected dead 1 D. vulgare Upper levels next to 20B/4–19, 21, 22 39 Patella Building D 13 Monodonta Fragmentary 5 Bittium 5 worn 1 M. trunculus Worn, collected dead 1 Thais Worn 620 The Iron Age Fauna Table 6.28. (Continued) Number of Period and Location Trench/Pail Specimens Species Comments 1 Phalium Lip, worn 10 Glycymeris Valves, 4 holed umbo 3 Donax Valves, 3 worn 1 Lima Worn 1 Sepia Levels to southwest 44A/2–6, 21, 22 267 Patella 1 burnt 8 Monodonta 1 M. trunculus Small, vermetids in mouth 1 Tonna Waterworn 1 Bittium Open apex 1 Arcularia Waterworn 1 Erosaria Worn white 1 Phalium Lip, waterworn 2 Glycymeris Valves, 1 checker 1 Dosinia 1 Dentalium Smooth South of temple 50A, 50A1/1–4, 29, 338 Patella 1 burnt, 183 in pail 13 32, 38, 60, 72, 75, 77; 11 Monodonta 51A, 51A1/1–4, 6–8, 1 Tonna 10, 13, 33, 45–46, 49, 1 Bittium Waterworn 51–52, 55, 57 1 Thais Columella 11 Glycymeris Valves, 7 holed umbo 1 Mactra Rather large 1 Cerastoderma Fragmentary Southeast of temple 52A/4–6; 52B/62; 122 Patella 1 burnt and large 53A/2, 3, 12, 13, 17– 10 Monodonta 19, 22, 42, 43, 48, 4 M. trunculus 1 fresh, 1 waterworn frag- 52–55; 56A1/20, 21, ment, 1 small fragment, 1 27–29, 32; 63A/2–8, apex slightly worn 10, 11, 13, 15, 17; 3 Charonia Distal end, siphonal notch 64A/1–8, 44; 64A1 and columella, 1 MNI 10–12; 64A2/62–63; 3 Bittium 1 holed opposite mouth 65A/1–2, 4, 7 (7 (Trench 53A/2), 1 very water- ws); 65A1/12; worn, 1 fresh apex 65A2/21, 48 (48 ws); 2 Thais 1 columella, 1 small 65A5/76–77 2 Erosaria 2 Phalium Waterworn lip, body with worn lip 1 Tonna 1 Cerithium Fresh, open lip 1 Euthria 1 Aporrhais 45 Glycymeris Valves, 16 holed umbo, 3 checkers, 4 broken 4 Donax Valves, 1 rather fresh, 3 waterworn, 3 left The Marine Invertebrates 621 Table 6.28. (Continued) Number of Period and Location Trench/Pail Specimens Species Comments 4 Mactra Valves, 1 waterworn, 1 worn, 1 fragment 4 Spondylus Valves, small upper valve, 2 waterworn upper valves, 1 worn valve collected dead 2 Acanthocardia Valves, 1 fragmentary 2 Barbatia Valves, 1 small, 1 waterworn 1 Pecten 2 fragments 1 Ostrea 1 Sepia 1 Dentalium Waterworn 1 Paracentrotus 1 Eriphia East of altars 54A/2, 3, 12, 13, 17– 132 Patella 1 worn 19, 22, 42, 43, 48, 4 Monodonta 52–55; 54A1/55, 57; 1 M.
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