LIST OF RECOGNISED NATIONAL SPORTS FEDERATIONS FOR THE YEAR 2019 S.No. Discipline Name of the President Secretary Category Federation / Address for correspondence 1. Athletics Athletic Federation of Elections held on 15.04.2016. Report under High India examination Priority A-90, 2nd Floor, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-1 Main Road, New Delhi-110028 website:- www.indianathletic. org Email: [email protected] 2. Atya Patya Atya Patya Federation Dr. V.D. Patil Dr. A.M. Patil Others of India Nagpur Sharmik Nagpur Sharirik Shikshan, Shikshan, Mahavidyalaya, Mahavidyalaya, Dr. Moonga Marg, Dr. Munje Marg, Dhantoli, Nagpur, Dhantoli, Nagpur, Maharashtra – 440 012 Maharashtra – 440 012 Phone : 2426940 website:- www.atyapatyaindia. org 3. Badminton Badminton Elections held on 03.04.2018. Matter under High Association of India examination. Priority 383/384, Double Story, New Rajendra Nagar, New Delhi- 110060 website:- www.badmintonindi a.org 4. Ball Ball Badminton Sh. C.H. Rajashekhar Sh. Y. Raja Rao Others Badminton Federation of India President General Secretary, Qr. No. M/583, B- Qr. No. M/583, B-Block, Block, Talpuri, Bhilai, Talpuri, Bhilai, Chhatisgarh-490006. Chhatisgarh-490006. website:- ballbadmintonindia. com 5. Baseball Amateur Baseball Sh. Pankaj Election held on Others Federation of India #3, Lochan 18.11.2018. Matter Industrial Estate, Mohanty under examination. Chambaghat, Solan , Himachal Pradesh – 173213 website:-www.abfi.in Ph: 1792 230191 Fax: 1792 230796 6. Basketball Basketball Federation Sh. K . Sh. Chander Mukhi Priority of India Govindraj Sharma, No. 14, Sagar No. 14, Sagar Apartment, Apartment, 6 Tilak 6, Tilak Marg, Opposite Marg, Opposite Tilak Tilak Marg Police Station, Marg Police Station, New Delhi 110001. New Delhi 110001. 011-23071223 ext. 119 011-23071223 ext. basketballfederationindi 119 [email protected] basketballfederationi Mobile No. 09872511166 [email protected] www.basketballfeder ationindia.org S.No. Discipline Name of the President Secretary Category Federation / Address for correspondence 7. Billiards & Billiards & Snookers Capt. P.V.K. Mr.Balasubramania, 5/1, Priority Snookers Federation of India Mohan, Miller Tank Bed Area, 5/1, Miller Tank Jasma Bhawan Build Area, Jasma Ph:-09848098989 Road, Bangalore, Bhawan Road, Karnataka -560052 Mob:- Bangalore, 09886409230 Karnataka-560052 website:- www.bsfi.net Email: [email protected] 8. Body Indian Body Builders Sh. Prem Chand Sh. Chetan Pathare Others Building Federation, Pathare Degra Pathare Gymco, Gymco, 280/A, 280/A, Javalkar Javalkar Mansion, Dr. Mansion, Dr. B.A. Road, B.A. Road, Parel, Parel, Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharshtra Maharshtra-400012. -400012. Ph No.09967971970 website:-www.ibbf.in 9. Boxing Boxing Federation of Shri Ajay Singh Mr. Jay Kowli High India 319, Udyog Vihar, 27, Kashinath Dhuru Priority 319, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, Road, Phase – IV, Gurgaon, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra – Haryana. Haryana. 400 028. Email:- Email:- president@boxingfed president@boxingfede Mob:- 98200 59672 eration.in ration.in 10. Bridge Bridge Federation of Election held on 08.09.2018. Report under Priority India examination. 18 Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003. Ph No.033-2464-2958 website: bfi.net.in email:- anandksbridge@hot mail.com 11. Chess All India Chess Shri P.R. Venketrama Shri Bharat Singh Priority Federation Raja, Chauhan Hall No. 70, Hall No. 70, Jawaharlal Hall No. 70, Jawaharlal Jawaharlal Nehru Nehru Nehru Stadium, Stadium, Periamet, Stadium Periamet, Chennai – 600 003 , Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 044-25368698 Periamet, 600 003. 044-255144966 Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 044-65144966 600 003. website:-www.aicf.in email: Indianchessfed@redi ffmail.com 12. Cycling Cycling Federation of Shri P.S. Shri Onkar Singh Priority India Dhindsa 12, Pandit Pant Marg, 12,Pandit Pant Marg, Mob.9871819388 Near Gol Daak Khana, Near Gol Daak New Delhi - 110001 Khana, New Delhi- 110001. Ph:-23753528 website:- www.cyclingfederati onofindia.org 13. Cycle Polo Cycle Polo Federation Raghuvendra Gajanan Burde Others of India Sing Mobile: 09823274526 Dunold House, Civil h Dundlod, http://www.cyclepolo.co Lines, Hawa Sadak, Dundlod House, Civil m Jaipur Rajasthan- Lines, Jaipur 302019 S.No. Discipline Name of the President Secretary Category Federation / Address for correspondence 302019 (Rajasthan) India India E-Mail: Phone/ Fax: 91-141- [email protected] 2211276 / 2211498 / 2470274 / 09829212176 /09928846074 M ob: 09414208518 E-Mail:[email protected] http://www.cyclepolo .com 14. Deaf Sport All India Sports Sh. R.C. Sathian Sh. M. Walter Priority Council of the Deaf Mob:-+91-9663167357 Fernandez I-B, Institutional Email id- I-B, Institutional Area, Area, Near Janta [email protected] Near Janta Flats, Sarita Flats, Sarita Vihar, Vihar, New Delhi- New Delhi-110076 110076 Mob:-+91-9895044480 Email id:- walter.fernandez60@g mail.com 15. Equestrian Equestrian Lt. Gen. R V Kanikar Col. R. K. Swain Priority Federation of India Mob: 7065266398 C/o B Sqn., 61 9650439839 Cavalry, Cariappa Marg Delhi Cantt, Delhi - 110010 16. Fencing Fencing Association Sh. Rajeev Sh. Bashir Ahmed Khan General of India Mehta Mob: 90399 82262 J -52, 2nd floor, Saket, J -52, 2nd floor, Saket, 94242 82262 New Delhi - 110017 New Delhi -110017 website:- Mob: 98970 59797 Email:- www.fencingassociat 98101 73660 [email protected] ionofindia.com Email:- [email protected] om 17. Football All India Football Elections held on Mr. Kushal Das Priority Federation 21.12.2016. Matter (Paid Employee) Football House, sub- judice. Football House, Sector 19, Phase –I, Sector 19, Phase –I, Dwarka, Dwarka, New Delhi–110 075 New Delhi–110 075 011-25308200 011-25308201 Fax:9111-28041434 website:- www.the- aiff.com email: aiff@the- aiff.com, [email protected] 18. Handball Handball Federation Dr. M. Sh. Anandeshwar Priority of India Ramasubramani Pandey C-1/8, Nirala Nagar C-1/8, Nirala Nagar Lucknow-226020. Mob:- 99404 55455 Lucknow-226020 Website:- Email:- www.handballindia.in [email protected] Mob:- 98390 65211 m Email:- Email:- handballfederationofi [email protected] [email protected] S.No. Discipline Name of the President Secretary Category Federation / Address for correspondence 19. Hockey Hockey India ----- Shri Rajinder Singh, High B1 / E14, Ground B1/ E14, Ground Priority Floor, Floor, Mohan Co-operative Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, New Mathura Road, New Delhi – 110044 Delhi – 110044 Tele/Fax : + 91 11 40519770 64674141 website:- www.hockeyindia.or g 20. Judo Judo Federation of Shri Pratap Shri Manmohan Jaiswal Priority India Singh Jaiswal Bhawan, 13 Tanaji WZ-114, E, 3rd Floor, Bajwa Marg, Shivaji Nagar Hari Singh Complex, WZ-114, E, 3rd Floor, Brahmpuri Road, Jaipur Todapur Main Road, Hari Singh Rajasthan -302002 New Delhi-110012 Complex, Mob: 09314921417, Tel: 25844333, Todapur Main Road, 24844334 New Delhi-110012 0880990888 Email: Tel: E-mail: [email protected] 25844333 [email protected] Website: , www.onlinejfi.org/ 24844334 Email: [email protected] 21. Kabaddi Amateur Kabaddi Hon’ble Justice S.P. Garg Priority Federation of India * (Administrator appointed by Hon’ble Delhi High 2, Aakansha, “Gehlot Court) ka Bangla”, Ajmer Road, JAIPUR-302021 (RAJASTHAN ) (0141-2351983, 2352135 Fax-0141-2351247 website:- www.indiankabaddi. org email:- indiakabaddi@yahoo .com 22. Kayaking & Indian Kayaking & Elections held on 13.03.2018. Report under Priority Canoeing Canoeing Association examination 9-A/1, Flat No.203, 2nd Floor, Channa Market, W.E.A.Karol Bagh, New Delhi. -110005. Ph No.011-25845777 website:- www.ikca.in email:- [email protected] m S.No. Discipline Name of the President Secretary Category Federation / Address for correspondence 23. Karate Karate Association of Elections held on 08.01.2019. Matter under Others India examination. B-2/71, 2nd Floor Janak Puri, New Delhi – 110 058. Phone: 011 2552 0803 Mobile: 98111 44599 www.karateindia.org Email:- karateassociationofi [email protected] 24. Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Federation Shri Sudhanshu Mittal Shri Mahender Singh Others of India, Tyagi, B-1, Basement, Atlanta Hospital, Dhawandeep Sector-14, Vasundhara, Building, 6, Jantar Near Atal Chowk, Mantar Road, New Ghaziabaad (UP) Delhi- 110001 E-mail: Ph: 011-23340017 khokhoindia2017@gm website:- ail.com www.khokhofederati on.in 25. Kudo 408/C, Wing, Amit Shri Mehul Vora Shri Sandeep S Salvi Others International Darshan Society, Federation Dadabhai Cross Road 3, 1st floor, Sohini India Parle West Mumbai - Building, Station Road, 400056 Opp. Avon Arcade, Vile website:- Parle (West), Mumbai- [email protected] 400056. Email: [email protected] Mobile No.9820055730 26. Lawn Tennis All India Tennis Ms. Praveen Sh. Hironmoy High Association Mahajan Chatterjee Priority R.K. Khanna Stadium 1, Africa Ave, Deer R.K. Khanna Stadium Park, Hauz Khas, New 1, Africa Ave, Deer Park, Delhi, Delhi 110029 Hauz Khas, New Delhi- 110029 Mobile No.9830029390 27. Mallakhamb Mallakhamb Dr. Ramesh R. Indoliya Sh. Narayan V. Kurade Others Federation of India Kamala Road, Dhavorlim, Post: B-13, Shanti, Mogal Kuber Navelim, Salcete-Goa Lane, Mahim, Gate, Mobile No.8208580726 Mumbai, Bharatpur Maharashtra -400016 - Rajasthan S.No. Discipline Name of the President Secretary Category Federation / Address for correspondence 28. Motor Sports The Federation of Elections held on 27.11.2018. Matter under Others Motor Sports Clubs of examination. India Krishna Towers-1, 6th Floor, Apt.#25, 50 Sardar Patel Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu- 600113 website:- www.fmsci.co.in email:- [email protected] 29. Netball Netball Federation of Sh. Vagish Pathak Sh. Hari Om Kaushik Others India Block A-2, Office No.-1st Netball Federation of Floor, D.D.A. Market India, Block A-2, (C.S.C.), Paschim Vihar, Office No.-1st Floor, New Delhi-110063. D.D.A. Market Phone No. (C.S.C.), Paschim 09868530540 Vihar, New Delhi- 110063. Phone No. 09868530540 30. Para Sport Paralympic Committee Sh. Rao Inderjit Singh, Sh. J. Chandrashekar, Priority of India 25/1, 9th 6 Lodhi Road, New 25/1, 9th Cross, 2nd Cross, 2nd Phase, Delhi. Phase, J.P. Nagar, J.P. Nagar, Bangalore- Bangalore-560078 560078 Ph No.40503340 31. Pencak Silat Indian Pencak Silat Shri Farooq Ahmed Shri Mufti Hamid Yasin Others Federation, Malla Pora, Mobile No.
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