March 10, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1349 who voted against the invasion of Iraq. to themselves, but they responded— Sec. 103. Victim-centered child human traf- I never dreamed for one minute of when President Obama went to each of ficking deterrence block grant sending a letter to Saddam Hussein be- them and asked: Will you join us in im- program. fore that vote instructing him about posing sanctions, they agreed. That Sec. 104. Direct services for victims of child por- nography. the politics of America. It turns out made the sanctions far more effective. Sec. 105. Increasing compensation and restitu- that in the history of the Senate that If they think we are not serious, they tion for trafficking victims. has rarely, if ever, occurred. are going to be very tempted to ask: Sec. 106. Streamlining human trafficking inves- I hope now that those 47 Republican Why should we join you in supporting tigations. Senators will reflect on their actions sanctions in the future? If the United Sec. 107. Enhancing human trafficking report- and reflect on the impact it will have. States were alone in supporting sanc- ing. I hope the American people understand Sec. 108. Reducing demand for sex trafficking. tions, no matter what those sanctions Sec. 109. Sense of Congress. the President is embarking on a very are, it would not create any real pres- Sec. 110. Using existing task forces and compo- difficult and delicate mission to try to sure on Iran. nents to target offenders who ex- negotiate a verifiable end to the nu- Have we not made enough mistakes ploit children. clear arms race in the Middle East and in the Middle East? I remember some Sec. 111. Targeting child predators. specifically to end nuclear capability who said we must go to war in Iraq be- Sec. 112. Monitoring all human traffickers as in Iran. He may not achieve it, but I re- cause it would protect Israel or because violent criminals. spect him for trying. He is the Com- they had nuclear weapons or because Sec. 113. Crime victims’ rights. Sec. 114. Combat Human Trafficking Act. mander in Chief of the United States of they had weapons of mass destruction. Sec. 115. Survivors of Human Trafficking Em- America. He is the elected leader of our None of that was true. None of it. I re- powerment Act. Nation. Though many in this Chamber member people stopping me on the Sec. 116. Bringing Missing Children Home Act. cannot accept it, he is the President of street, angry that I voted against the Sec. 117. Grant accountability. the United States, and he deserves our war in Iraq. They said: We heard Vice TITLE II—COMBATING HUMAN respect. President Cheney say they have nu- TRAFFICKING I respected President George W. clear weapons. I said: There are none. Subtitle A—Enhancing Services for Runaway Bush, even when I disagreed with him The senior Senator from Michigan, in and Homeless Victims of Youth Trafficking on his policies on Iraq, and we should quoting Arthur Vandenberg—he was no Sec. 201. Amendments to the Runaway and expect nothing less of the loyal minor- fan of Franklin Roosevelt, quite the Homeless Youth Act. ity when it comes to this President as opposite, but he did say, as we were Subtitle B—Improving the Response to Victims well. going into World War II, ‘‘politics must of Child Sex Trafficking I conclude by saying the Senate has stop at the water’s edge.’’ That has Sec. 211. Response to victims of child sex traf- an important role to play. But the been the view in my own State of both ficking. President’s role, speaking for the Republicans and Democrats. Subtitle C—Interagency Task Force to Monitor United States—trying to avoid a nu- Let’s stop rushing for the cameras and Combat Trafficking clear Iran, trying to avoid a military and potentially hurting the Senate, po- Sec. 221. Victim of trafficking defined. conflict, another war in the Middle tentially hurting the country. Let’s Sec. 222. Interagency task force report on child East—is something that should not be think about what is best for the coun- trafficking primary prevention. undermined for political ambition. try. Sec. 223. GAO Report on intervention. I yield the floor. I see the distinguished chairman of Sec. 224. Provision of housing permitted to pro- tect and assist in the recovery of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the Senate Judiciary Committee on the victims of trafficking. ator from Vermont. floor, so I will yield the floor so he can TITLE III—HERO ACT Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I want to speak. completely align myself with views of Sec. 301. Short title. f Sec. 302. HERO Act. the distinguished Senator from Illinois. This isn’t a case of who can score polit- CONCLUSION OF MORNING TITLE I—JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF TRAFFICKING ical points for the evening news broad- BUSINESS cast. We are talking about potentially The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning SEC. 101. DOMESTIC TRAFFICKING VICTIMS’ business is closed. FUND. the lives of millions of people. We are (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 201 of title 18, talking about the possibility of a cata- f United States Code, is amended by adding at the clysmic mistake that could create JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF end the following: havoc long after any of us has left this TRAFFICKING ACT OF 2015 ‘‘§ 3014. Additional special assessment body. I have had the honor of rep- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Beginning on the date of resenting Vermont in the Senate begin- enactment of the Justice for Victims of Traf- ning at the time when Gerald Ford was the previous order, the Senate will pro- ficking Act of 2015 and ending on September, 30 President. ceed to the consideration of S. 178, 2019, in addition to the assessment imposed We have had Presidents I have agreed which the clerk will report. under section 3013, the court shall assess an with—in fact, with every President The legislative clerk read as follows: amount of $5,000 on any non-indigent person or there have been things I agreed with A bill (S. 178) to provide justice for the vic- entity convicted of an offense under— and with every President, Democratic tims of trafficking. ‘‘(1) chapter 77 (relating to peonage, slavery, Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to and trafficking in persons); or Republican, there have been things I ‘‘(2) chapter 109A (relating to sexual abuse); have disagreed with. But one thing I consider the bill, which had been re- ‘‘(3) chapter 110 (relating to sexual exploi- have always done when there are such ported from the Committee on the Ju- tation and other abuse of children); negotiations going on, I am willing to diciary, with an amendment to strike ‘‘(4) chapter 117 (relating to transportation for talk to the President privately, but I all after the enacting clause and insert illegal sexual activity and related crimes); or am not going to state my position, for in lieu thereof the following: ‘‘(5) section 274 of the Immigration and Na- or against, publicly. We can only have S. 178 tionality Act (8 U.S.C. 1324) (relating to human smuggling), unless the person induced, assisted, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. one person negotiating for the United abetted, or aided only an individual who at the (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as States. Can you imagine if everybody time of such action was the alien’s spouse, par- the ‘‘Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of who wanted to rush to the cable news ent, son, or daughter (and no other individual) 2015’’. shows to get on TV were to say, well, to enter the United States in violation of law. (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- ‘‘(b) SATISFACTION OF OTHER COURT-ORDERED here is our negotiating position—and tents for this Act is as follows: we are going to force the President to OBLIGATIONS.—An assessment under subsection Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. (a) shall not be payable until the person subject leave the negotiating table? What do TITLE I—JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF you think those countries that joined to the assessment has satisfied all outstanding TRAFFICKING court-ordered fines and orders of restitution us in imposing multilateral sanctions Sec. 101. Domestic Trafficking Victims’ Fund. arising from the criminal convictions on which would do? Sec. 102. Clarifying the benefits and protections the special assessment is based. Many of those countries that joined offered to domestic victims of ‘‘(c) ESTABLISHMENT OF DOMESTIC TRAF- us are doing so at great economic cost human trafficking. FICKING VICTIMS’ FUND.—There is established in VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:21 Mar 11, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\G10MR6.016 S10MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S1350 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 10, 2015 the Treasury of the United States a fund, to be ‘‘(F) NO REQUIREMENT OF OFFICIAL CERTIFI- this section shall be not more than the percent- known as the ‘Domestic Trafficking Victims’ CATION FOR UNITED STATES CITIZENS AND LAW- age of the total number of hours worked by the Fund’ (referred to in this section as the ‘Fund’), FUL PERMANENT RESIDENTS.—Nothing in this prosecutor that is spent working on cases in- to be administered by the Attorney General, in section may be construed to require United volving child human trafficking; consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Se- States citizens or lawful permanent residents ‘‘(D) the establishment of child human traf- curity and the Secretary of Health and Human who are victims of severe forms of trafficking to ficking victim witness safety, assistance, and re- Services.
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