i The International Space University (ISU), France Host of the 2003 Summer Session Programme 7th July – 6th September 2003 Front Cover: ‘… the Clavius Crater, Tycho, and the surface of the Moon’ Inside Front Cover: Adapted from Apollo 11 image of the Moon Back Cover: ‘… the ISS approaching an orbital sunset’ Source of all Images: NASA Archives International Space University Strasbourg Central Campus Parc d'Innovation 1 rue Jean-Dominique Cassini 67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden France Tel: +33 (0)3 88 65 54 30 Fax: +33 (0)3 88 65 54 47 www.isunet.edu The International Space University, Copyright 2003 ii Dedication For all past, present, and future explorers iii List of Authors Surname Name Country of Origin Current Occupation Abiko Satoko Japan Ph.D. Student in Space Robotics Tohoku University, Japan Amaldi Andrea Italy Project Controller, ESA Human Spaceflight Dir. The Netherlands Barr Yael Israel Medical Doctor Israeli Aerospace Medicine Institute, Israel Belin de Eric France Ph.D. Student Space Cardiovascular Physiology Chantemèle Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France Bonnewijn Sabrina Belgium Mechanical Engineer (Aerospace and Aeronautics) Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Chen Diane Canada Software Product Assurance Engineer MD Robotics, Canada Dewhurst Brian USA Staff Officer, Board on Physics and Astronomy National Research Council, USA Eley Serena USA B.Sc. in Physics California Institute of Technology, USA Englund Dirk Germany/USA Ph.D. Student in Applied Physics Stanford University, USA Faiyetole Ayodele Nigeria Student, Master of Space Studies 2003-2004 International Space University, France Fontaine Sylvie France Design Engineer, Ariane 5 Solid Propellant Booster Systems, EADS Space Transportation, Bordeaux, France Gebic Kemal Turkey Master’s Space Technologies Application, France; Graduate Physics, France; Graduate Astronomy, Turkey Grafe Mathias Germany M.Sc. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Technical University of Dresden, Germany Hales Jan Harry Denmark M.Sc. Student in Electrical Engineering Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Hanratty C. David Ireland MEngSc (Research), B.E. (Mechanical) University College Dublin, Ireland Jones Brandon USA Engineer Titan Corporation, Houston, USA Jones Edward USA Developmental Space Systems Engineer Los Angeles Air Force Base, California, USA Jones Amanda USA GPS Project Engineer Los Angeles Air Force Base, California, USA Klaus Kurt USA M.S. in Planetary Science Adv. Computing, The Boeing Company, USA Laufer René Germany Aerospace Engineer, Institute of Space Systems University of Stuttgart, Germany Li Bin China Propulsion Systems Engineer, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China Lim Dawn Canada Medical Student University of Toronto, Canada Matsumoto Kunihiro Japan ISS Payload Engineer, NASDA, Japan Mayrhofer Florian Austria Student of Molecular Biology University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Müller Francisco Mexico Master Student in Satellite Engineering Sánchez Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany Nangalia Vishal UK Medical Doctor United Kingdom iv Nguyen Hugo Sweden Researcher, The Ångstrom Space Technology Centre Uppsala University, Sweden Nicolini Marco Italy Calculus, Physics, and Astronomy Teacher Science and Technology Reporter, Italy Ó Cuilleanáin Cian Ireland Student Master of Space Studies 03/04, ISU; B.E. (Mechanical) University College Dublin, Ireland Olansen Jon USA Lead Safety Engineer, Space Shuttle Upgrades NASA/Johnson Space Center, Houston, USA Organek Alison Canada Medical Student University of Toronto, Canada O'Rourke Johanna Australia Lawyer Blake Dawson Waldron, Australia Poon Tim Canada M.Sc. Student Electrical and Computer Eng. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Porfiri Katerina Greece Survey Engineer Greek Ministry of Finance, Greece Rico Julio France Master Engineer in Industrial Systems Engineering Master’s Degree in Space Tech. Apps., France Sentenai Alina Germany Master Student in Aerospace Engineering TU Munich, Germany Master Student in General Engineering, EC Paris, France Slane Kenneth USA Director, Business Practices, and Ethics Advisor Rocketdyne Propulsion and Power, USA Smith Leissa Canada Systems Engineer MD Robotics, Brampton, Canada Smith Heather USA Research Assistant SETI Institute/ NASA Ames, USA Takahashi Yuki USA/Japan Ph.D. Student in Astrophysics University of California, Berkeley, USA Tanaka Kentaro Japan International Marketing Section JSAT Corporation, Tokyo, Japan Tripp Timothy USA Senior Manager, Product Engineering The Boeing Company, Huntsville, Alabama, USA Van der List Marco The Netherlands Technical Project Manager Bradford Engineering B.V., The Netherlands Weik Johannes Germany/Bolivia Architect Stuttgart, Germany Zhu Beiyuan China Engineer, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China Zhu Zhichun China Engineer, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China v Authors’ Signatures vi Acknowledgements We, the authors of the METZTLI report, would like to express our sincere thanks to those individuals and organisations that supported us, in particular: Team Project Co-Chairs Dr. Angie Bukley The Aerospace Corporation, USA Dr. Chris Welch Kingston University, UK Team Project Faculty Jim Burke Jet Propulsion Laboratory (ret.), USA Prof. Ignasi Casanova Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain Prof. Ichiro Nakatani Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Kathy Daues NASA Johnson Space Center, USA Larry Toups NASA Johnson Space Center, USA Team Project Teaching Associate Hermen Rehorst Geneva, Switzerland The ISU SSP03 Team, in particular: John Connolly NASA Johnson Space Center, USA Marie Diop ESA-ESTEC, the Netherlands Prof. Nikolai Tolyarenko ISU, France Dr. Walter Peeters ISU, France BGen Pete Worden USAF, USA Dr. Francois Spiero CNES, France Lin Burke ISU, France Philippe Achilleas University of Paris-Sud XI, France Eric Choi MD Robotics, Canada David Wong University of Bath, UK Felipe Hernandez Santiago, Chile External Advisors and Consultants, in particular: George Scoon ESA-ESTEC, the Netherlands Norbert Frischauf ESA-ESTEC, the Netherlands Eric Dahlstrom InternationalSpace.com, USA John Carrico Analytical Graphics Inc., USA Fernando Abilleira Analytical Graphics Inc., USA Heinz-Hermann Koelle Technical University of Berlin, Germany Rob Alexander NASA Johnson Space Center, USA William Atwell The Boeing Company, USA Jeff Jones NASA Johnson Space Center, USA Bill Cooke NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA James Dunn NASA Johnson Space Center, USA Dr. Roman Forster ISMB Forster GmbH, Germany Yihua Tang China Aerospace Corporation, China Gajus Pagel Technical University of Berlin, Germany Klaus Legner ESA European Astronaut Centre, Germany Jian Luo China Aerospace Corporation, China The following Organisations are specifically thanked for their support of this Team Project: vii Student Preface The International Space University (ISU) was founded in 1987 with the vision of developing the world’s future space leaders by fostering creative and professional talent for the advancement of human activities in space. Every year since its foundation, ISU has run an intensive Summer Session Programme (SSP) that facilitates an interdisciplinary and intercultural learning environment. Via a series of core lectures and workshops the realm of space is examined from a range of professional perspectives. The Team Project (TP) is an integral part of the SSP curriculum. By producing a document that aims to be useful to the wider space community, it enables an international contingent of students to develop an invaluable appreciation for stress, sleep-deprivation, and cultural misunderstandings. Limited only by time, and founded on freshly acquired group dynamic and professional skills, the TP teams are actively encouraged to be innovative and thought provoking. This year’s SSP (2003) was located in the newly-built ISU central campus, within a bleary-eyed stroll of the historical French city of Strasbourg. The title of our project, METZTLI, reminds us of the ancient influence of the Moon on the human condition, and inspires us towards further exploration of the lunar environment. We the students, being forty-six in number and from twenty diverse nations, therefore proudly recognise the importance of our project in augmenting international focus on a fresh lunar programme. Looking forward to the full, ‘assembly complete’, configuration of the International Space Station (ISS), our approach was to consider the many ways in which the ISS platform reopens the path to exploration of the lunar surface by humans. In the early stages, our project veered off in a ‘think outside the box’ direction. However, via a process of internal reviews, ballot boxes, and secretly filmed meetings, the team restructured and quickly refocused, despite the increasing pressure of time. The product is a broadly focused document that retains a healthy dose of innovation and detailed technical analysis. For this success, we would like to thank our faculty and internal and external supporters, not to mention ourselves. We hope that our report will reawaken old scientific passions, and generate new interest in the exploration of everybody’s favourite satellite… the Moon! Sincerely, The Authors of Team Project Moon SSP’03, ISU viii Faculty Preface The 2003 International Space University (ISU) Summer Session Programme (SSP) was held at ISU’s new central campus building in Strasbourg, France. A key component of every SSP is the Team Project in which students produce a space project or topic
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