Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-5-1996 The BG News April 5, 1996 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 5, 1996" (1996). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5997. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5997 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Inside the News Opinion City • Local group represents interest of local businesses * ! c Nation* Officials question plane crash 4 Joe Peiffer wonders why we bleep the boobs and keep the killing. Sports • Softball hosts two doubleheaders with Kent 5 \V S Page 2 Friday, April 5,1996 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 82, Issue 110 The News' Briefs Faculty proposes salary increase Dimwimock all have to understand that we're ulty. One goal of the resolution is some concern about the increase crease to faculty and a 2 percent NL Scores The BC News not dipping into an unlimited pot to move the University up to the in faculty salary because there is Increase to our other col- of resources... it's the same pot" 60th percent lie level among doc- not an increase in the budget to leagues," Thlbault said. "It would A resolution passed Tuesday Currently, the University toral-level institutions. However, allow for it. He explained the in- be for all workers at the Univer- Baltimore 5 by the Faculty Senate favoring a ranks last among the eight state to reach that goal, an eight per- crease in salary would go into ef- sity." Kansas City 3 six and one half percent salary institutions in Ohio for the aver- cent annual increase would be fect for faculty only, leaving Thlbault said the Increase Increase for continuing faculty age all-rank salary at $50,549, necessary. A six and a half per- classified and administrative would cost the University $4.1 was disputed by members of the which is. nearly $9,000 less than cent Increase would be necessary staffs without the increase. Detroit 10 million dollars. He :iei<l with that Senate, causing part of the reso- the top-ranking Ohio State. to move the University up to the 'We don't have a six and a half much of an Increase, many other Oakland 9 lution to be tabled until the next Ribeau said the reason for the 50th percentile, while a five per- percent Increase in the educa- programs would need to be cut, meeting. low rating in the all-rank catego- cent Increase would allow it to tional budget," Stoner said. "The such as scholarships or the li- ry was due to the uneven disbur- remain the same. real problem is the political prob- Montreal 10 President Sidney Ribeau dis- brary budget. cussed the Issue In his report, sement of levels in faculty posi- Some discussion took place at lem." Roger Thlbault, chairman "There are certain costs that Cinncinati 2 claiming the faculty should have tions. He said it was caused by the Faculty Senate meeting be- of the Faculty Senate Budget are fixed, such as utilities," Thl- the best benefits, but should also retirements throughout the de- cause of some concerns that too Committee, said the increase, if bault said. "And $4.1 million dol- AL Scores remember there Is a limited partments and the hiring in of much money would be used for effective for faculty, must also lars Is a lot of money." amount of money. new faculty. the raise, taking away other be installed for other staff at the According to Ribeau, if too Florida 6 "I will always advocate for the The Faculty Welfare Commit- areas of concern. University. much money is taken out of the tee submitted the report docu- Ron Stoner, professor of phys- "I dont think It would be very Pittsburgh 2 best possible faculty compensa- tion package," Ribeau said. "We menting the salary status of f ac- ics and astronomy, said there is good to offer a 6.5 percent in- See SALARY, page four. New York 10 St. Louis 9 Ribeau evaluates Chicago 9 Los Angeles 4 project standing Philidelphia 7 Colorado 4 Jay Young Senate Chairwoman, said tran- The BG News scribing the tapes took a lot of time. San Francisco 7 University President Sidney "It's a big job, but it's so re- Atlanta 1 Ribeau honored Focus on Febru- warding to hear the positive feel- ary volunteers and discussed the ings and the warmth that stu- future of the Building Communi- dents and faculty, classified staff ty project Thursday in Olscamp and administrators have for Students participate Hall. Bowling Green," Mackinnon-S- in kindness event Ribeau spoke to employees and laney said. "There's also a reali- Students will be on the students who facilitated and par- zation that some of the structures step* of the Education ticipated in organizing campus- and processes need to change." building today as part of the wide discussions in February. The president said the next second random acts of Numerous topics were explored move will be to put the input into kindness event at the Uni- by members of the University action. versity. community over a week's period. "The next step is very clear to The members will have Each discussion was recorded me. It is, 'Let's look at the Is- tables set up with coffee, and has been transcribed by sues,'" Ribeau said. "What we cookies and crafts. Mem- bers of the group will also members of the committee. need to do is collectively look at hand out bags to students Ribeau told the volunteers he those things and say, 'OK, what walking by for the students believes they played a crucial seems to be the driving force be- to help pick up trash on role In the first part of the hind all of these initiatives?'" their way to class to help project. Ribeau said a leadership team clean up campus. "I see a connection between will be developed to help faculty. what you're doing In the context "What the faculty needs is on- Amy Johnioi/Th« BGNcwi of facilitators and what we need going training," Ribeau said. Deadline for police Sara Bishop, left, and Sandra Welnmann, both Junior social work majors, dig a trench along an 83-year- to do with out students," Ribeau division positions The committee will be meeting old man's trailer In Vanceburg, Ky. The trench will enable a pipe to be run from the well to the trailer so said. "We need to demonstrate In In the next few weeks to prepare the man can have running water. Applications and dead- every aspect of our University a final report, which is scheduled lines for the Bowling Green police division positions are life what in fact it means to be a to be given to the president by quickly approaching. Can- true learning community. I think April 30. Committee members didates will be scheduled to we can do that, and you all have have stated that the committee take the test on Saturday, taken a quantum leap In that will be made available to the Appalachia trip allows May 18 with the possibility direction." campus community before the of testing on May 19, de- Fiona Macklnnon-Slaney, president makes final decisions pending on the number of committee member and Faculty on what suggestions to carry out. applicants. To be eligible, candidates real-world experiences must apply In person at the Personnel Office of the City cold winter, Zak said. Administrative Building, Dawn Killer Explosives found The BC News The students gutted the "You could see how 304 North Church Street be- trailer, and then Insulated It tween 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Those applicants who Editors note: This is the first and sealed the roof, according happy the people pass the physical agility part in a two-part series about to Michael Viet, sophomore were to talk to us in suspect's cabin the annual spring break trip to computer art major. He said test will then be eligible to take the written exam on Appalachia. they also ran a pipe from the because they didn't June 1. Nicholas K. Ginnios zynskl's hand-built, 10-by-12-foot Twenty area residents and well to the trailer so the man get visitors very The deadline for applying The Associated Press cabin Thursday. Federal officials students had the chance to help could have running water. for the test is Friday, May said the search could last several repair a trailer, build a cabin, "It was worth It to be able to often. It was written 10. The minimum education HELENA, Mont. -• In- days. visit nursing homes and fami- help him," he said. all over their faces." requirement is an associate vestigators found a partially as- "It's going very slowly because lies and experience a different Sara Bishop, junior social degree. Compiled from staff and sembled pipe bomb, chemicals we're not sure if it's booby- culture In Kentucky during work major, said the trailer wire repot ts. and meticulous notes on making trapped," said a federal agent spring break. looked a lot better when they Michael Veit explosives In the mountain cabin speaking on condition of anonym- As an alternate spring break left sophomore computer art major of the former Berkeley math ity.
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