
ISSN: 0852-0682, EISSN: 2460-3945 )RUXP*HRJUD¿9RO 'HFHPEHU $XWKRU V &&%<1&1'$WWULEXWLRQ/LFHQVH ,QÀXHQFHRI*HRJUDSKLFDO&RQGLWLRQVRQWKH6SDWLDO6WUXFWXUHRI Jayapura City $OÀQL%DKDUXGGLQ1,2,*, B. Hari Wibisono2, Budi Prayitno2, and M. Sani Roychansyah2 1)Department of Architecture and Planning Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Jayapura 2)Department of Architecture and Planning Universitas Gadjah Mada *)&RUUHVSRQGLQJDXWKRU HPDLODOÀQLEDKDUXGGLQ#\DKRRFRP Abstract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Á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¶WZRFLWLHVZLWKLQDFLW\· Keywords:JHRJUDSKLFDOFRQGLWLRQVVSDWLDOVWUXFWXUHLPDJH-D\DSXUD&LW\ Abstrak..RWD-D\DSXUDWHUOHWDNGLXMXQJWLPXU,QGRQHVLDGDQEHUEDWDVDQODQJVXQJGHQJDQ QHJDUDWHWDQJJD3DSXD1HZ*XLQHD 31* .RQGLVLJHRJUDÀV.RWD-D\DSXUD\DQJVDQJDW EHUDJDP \DQJ GLGRPLQDVL ROHK SHUEXNLWDQ PHQJDNLEDWNDQ WHUEHQWXNQ\D ZLOD\DK NRWD \DQJ WHUSLVDKSLVDK6DDWLQLWHUGDSDWGXDEDJLDQEHVDUZLOD\DKNRWD\DQJGLNHQDOGHQJDQVHEXWDQ -D\DSXUDGDQ$EHSXUD6HFDUDKLVWRULV-D\DSXUDGDQ$EHSXUDGDKXOXPHUXSDNDQGXDNRWD ODPD\DLWX+ROODQGLD+DYHQGDQ+ROODQGLD%LQQHQ.HGXDDUHDNHNRWDDQLQLGLSLVDKNDQROHK SHUEXNLWDQ 6N\OLQH VHKLQJJD WLGDN PHPXQJNLQNDQ WHUMDGLQ\D SHOHEXUDQ EDWDVEDWDV NHGXD ZLOD\DK NRWD WHUVHEXW 7HUGDSDWQ\D GXD NRWD \DQJ WHUSLVDK GL GDODP .RWD -D\DSXUD MXJD GLSHUNXDW GHQJDQ LPDJH ZDUJD PDV\DUDNDW \DQJ PDVLK PHPSXQ\DL NHVDQ YLVXDO \DQJ NXDW WHUKDGDSNHEHUDGDDQGXDNRWDWHUVHEXW.RQGLVLLQLPHPXQFXONDQNDUDNWHU\DQJXQLNGDODP VWUXNWXU NHUXDQJDQ .RWD -D\DSXUD 3HQHOLWLDQ LQL PHQJNDML EDJDLPDQD SHQJDUXK NRQGLVL JHRJUDÀVWHUKDGDSVWUXNWXUNHUXDQJDQ.RWD-D\DSXUD3HQJXPSXODQGDWDSHQHOLWLDQGLODNXNDQ PHODOXL SHQJDPDWDQ ODQJVXQJ GDQ ZDZDQFDUD WHUKDGDS UHVSRQGHQ -D\DSXUD GDQ $EHSXUD 3HQJDPDWDQODQJVXQJGLODNXNDQXQWXNPHPSHUROHKGDWDPHQJHQDLSHQJJXQDDQODKDQ\DQJ PHPEHQWXN SRODSROD ODKDQ WHUEDQJXQ GL .RWD -D\DSXUD 6HGDQJNDQ SHQJXPSXODQ GDWD PHODOXLNXHVLRQHUGLODNXNDQXQWXNPHQJHWDKXLLPDJHZDUJD.RWD-D\DSXUDWHUKDGDSVWUXNWXU NHUXDQJDQ NRWD +DVLO SHQHOLWLDQ PHQXQMXNNDQ EDKZD NRQGLVL JHRJUDÀV GL .RWD -D\DSXUD PHQJDNLEDWNDQ WHUEHQWXNQ\D GXD EDJLDQ ZLOD\DK NRWD \DQJ WHUSLVDK .RQGLVL JHRJUDÀV LQL MXJD PHUXSDNDQ HOHPHQ SHPEHQWXN VWUXNWXU NHUXDQJDQ \DQJ NXDW VHEDJDL FLUL NKDV YLVXDO \DQJVHPDNLQPHPSHUNXDWNHVDQDGDQ\DGXDDUHDSHUNRWDDQGLGDODP.RWD-D\DSXUD'DODP SHUNHPEDQJDQQ\D NHEHUDGDDQ NHGXD DUHD SHUNRWDDQ PHQXQMXNNDQ NDUDNWHULVWLN \DQJ WHWDS EHUWDKDQ\DLWXDGDQ\D¶GXDNRWDGLGDODPVHEXDKNRWD· Kata Kunci:NRQGLVLJHRJUDÀVVWUXNWXUNHUXDQJDQLPDJH.RWD-D\DSXUD. $YDLODEOHRQOLQHDWKWWS-RXUQDOVXPVDFLGLQGH[SKSIJDUWLFOHYLHZ 151 ,QÀXHQFHRI*HRJUDSKLFDO&RQGLWLRQVRQ7KH6SDWLDO %DKDUXGGLQet.al) 1. Introduction of Minnesota (USA), while Minneapolis is the capital of Hennepin County and the largest Jayapura City is the provincial capital of city in Minnesota. Minneapolis and St. Paul Papua which is situated on the eastern tip of has a distinctive cultural landscape of ‘Twin Republic of Indonesia and borders the nation City district’, in which those cities are almost of Papua New Guinea (PNG) to the east. It completely separated, not merely politically covers an area of 940 km2 comprising of 5 but geographically, and yet in close contact districts, namely North Jayapura of 5.43%; with each other along one common zone. 6RXWK -D\DSXUD RI $EHSXUD RI The centers of those cities are interdependent +HUDP RI DQG 0XDUD 7DPL RI despite several differences in cultural traits Those districts comprise of 25 villages and of each city. Hartshorne argues that the 14 hamlets. Out of total area, around 53% stability of twin city model is likely due to the is inhabited as it consists of rough terrains, geographical situation. The structure of the swamps, and protected forests (Bappeda Kota highway is a powerful factor of the stability and Jayapura, 2014). The diverse geographical two commercial cores with rapid investment conditions of Jayapura City form separated strengthened by psychological factors will tend urban areas. Currently, the community of WRUHWDLQLWVXQLTXHJHRJUDSKLFDOIRUPRIWZR Jayapura recognizes the cities of Jayapura and cores in different areas. Abepura, even though those two cities are Budapest, the capital of Hungary, is an located in the administrative region of Jayapura example of the city previously consisted of City. The center of Jayapura City is situated two separate cities of Buda and Pest, each lie at Yos Sudarso Bay, while Abepura City is at on both sides of the Danube. Buda was a hilly Abepura Circle. Those two cities are detached area located in the west of Danube, while Pest by hills named Skyline. was a plain area situated in the east of Danube. The well-known two cities within Buda was the royal palace on the hill serving as Jayapura City, namely Jayapura and Abepura, the capital of Hungary. Later, Buda joined Pest are inevitably related to the history of Jayapura which was dominant as the commercial and City. The area of Jayapura and Abepura was an cultural center. The boundary between those old town center established during the reign of two cities was replaced with bridges connecting the Netherlands and the Allies at the beginning them (Morris, 1971 in Hartshorn, 1992). Kostof of the founding of Jayapura City. The area DOVRFRQÀUP7ZLQ&LW\DVWKHFLW\SDLU recently known as Jayapura was previously section which is connected in parallel, for named after Hollandia Haven, while Abepura example between the administrative capital was called Hollandia Binnen. Hollandia Haven with the military base. The link between the or ‘Hollandia’ was precisely in Yos Sudarso city pair section is the main road of military Bay, a narrow strip of land dominated by hills. camp to the administrative capital. Now, this area is the administrative region of In Indonesia, Bandar Lampung as the North Jayapura and South Jayapura. It was provincial capital of Lampung is one of the WKH ÀUVW DUHD ZKHUH &DSWDLQ 6DVFKH EXLOW WKH cities whose the formation process is almost post of a military bivouac and proclaimed similar with Budapest. It is the fusion of two the establishment of Hollandia on March 9, cities of Teluk Betung and Tanjung Karang 1910. In the meantime, Hollandia Binnen was or well-known as Teluk Betung-Tanjung situated in the hinterland of broader plain. It is Karang before named after Bandar Lampung. currently the administrative region of Abepura Both cities were merged into one city, namely District and Heram District. It was also the Bandar Lampung City, by omitting the administrative center of Allied soldiers and indistinct boundaries of those two cities. Teluk later became the central Dutch government after Betung is located in adjacent to the Lampung WKH6HFRQG:RUOG:DULQ+RZHYHU7KH Gulf and Tanjung Karang is situated in higher Dutch government moved the administrative land in the northern part of Betung Gulf, with center to Hollandia Haven in 1958 (Roscoe, approximately 5 km in distance. The absence of 1959; Kambu, dkk., 2009). a natural boundary between those cities makes Harshorne (1938) mentions the there is a framework of the steady city line phenomenon of two cities which he calls (Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2013). as the model of Twin City District of Despite the fact that Jayapura City is Minneapolis–St. Paul, each lies on both sides historically formed from two old cities, the of the Mississippi. St. Paul is the state capital )RUXP*HRJUD¿9RO 'HFHPEHU ,661(,661 ,QÀXHQFHRI*HRJUDSKLFDO&RQGLWLRQVRQ7KH6SDWLDO %DKDUXGGLQet.al) 152 development of Jayapura City is distinguished with the spatial structure of Jayapura City. The from Budapest or Bandar Lampung. respondents were the residents of Jayapura Nevertheless, both of Buda-Pest and Teluk City who selected randomly. The amount of %HWXQJ²7DQMXQJ .DUDQJ ZHUH XQLÀHG LQWR D respondent can be determined using Slovin city by omitting the boundaries, while Jayapura formula (in Sugiyono, 2011): City seems to maintain the dualism of the areas although Jayapura and Abepura have become an administrative area of Jayapura City. The (1) presence of two geographically separated cities within Jayapura City presents the extraordinary Where: character of Jayapura spatial structure attached n = total sample to most of the visual impression. This study N = population H[DPLQHV KRZ WKH LQÁXHQFH RI JHRJUDSKLFDO e = margin of error, e = 0,1 conditions
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