Please ask for: Nikki Stocks Telephone: 01482 613421 Fax: 01482 613110 Email: [email protected] Text phone: 01482 300349 Date: Friday, 20 December 2013 Dear Councillor, Economy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Commission The next meeting of the Economy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Commission will be held at 14:00 on Thursday, 09 January 2014 in Room 82. The Agenda for the meeting is attached and reports are enclosed where relevant. Please Note: It is likely that the public, (including the Press) will be excluded from the meeting during discussions of exempt items since they involve the possible disclosure of exempt information as describe in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Yours faithfully, Democratic Services Officer for the Chief Executive Page 1 of 76 Economy and Regeneration To: Membership: Councillors S Armstrong, S Chaytor, J Conner, J. Fareham, D Gemmell, E Mann, K E Mathieson, M H O’Mullane, L M Petrini, J Shipley and C Thomas Portfolio Holders: Councillor S Bayes, Portfolio Holder for Visitor Destination Councillor M Mancey, Portfolio Holder for Energy City Officers: Pauline Davis – Corporate Director Regeneration and Partnerships Mark Jones – Head of Economic Development and Regeneration (PA – My Broad) Malcolm Relph – City Economy Manager Fiona Harbord, Scrutiny Officer Nikki Stocks, Democratic Services Officer (x5) For Information: Councillor T McVie, Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee Members’ Information Office (Public Set) Reference Library (Public Set) Alerts: Brendan Arnold – Director of Resources Councillor Brady – Portfolio Holder for Partnerships Chief Executives Office, Kingston upon Hull City Council Trish Dalby, Corporate Director, City Services Councillor A Bell, Leader of the Opposition Sarah Laverack, Legal Services Andy Stankard, Principal Cabinet Support Officer Nathan Turner, Corporate Policy and Research Manager Councillor M Ross, Leader of the Opposition Jane Price, John Bracewell and Mark McEgan, Area Directors Guildhall Reception Press Office Group Secretariats Viking Radio – [email protected] Yorkshire Post – [email protected] & [email protected] & [email protected] Radio Humberside – [email protected] Hull Daily Mail – [email protected] & [email protected] KCFM Radio – [email protected] All Other Elected Members Page 2 of 76 Economy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Commission 14:00 on Thursday, 09 January 2014 Room 82 A G E N D A PROCEDURAL ITEMS 1 Apologies To record the names of any Members sending apologies to this meeting. 2 Declarations of Interest To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any Personal and Discolseable Pecuniary interest in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Member Code of Conduct. Members Code of Conduct - Part D1 of the Constitution) 3 Minutes of the meeting held on 5th December 2013 5 - 14 To agree the minutes as a true and corrent record. NON-EXEMPT ITEMS 4 Outstanding Action List 2013-14 15 - 20 To confirm that the Commission's actions have been implemented and monitor the response. 5 City Plan Progress - Verbal Update To update the Commission on the progress of the City Plan and the projects within it. 6 Hull City of Culture 2017 (December 2013- March 2014) 21 - 26 To provide Members with an overview of how Hull's successful bid to become UK City of Culture in 2017 will be developed in the period December 2013 to March 2014. Page 3 of 76 7 Analysis of Footfall Figures in Whitefriargate and the Old Town 27 - 32 To provide Members with information to enable them to consider further analysis of footfall figures in the City Centre. 8 City Centre Development Briefs for Kingston House and 33 - 74 Queens Gardens To inform the Commission of the development briefs being produced for Council owned City Centre regeneration sites. 9 Greening the City Update 75 - 76 To provide updated information on the progress of identifying and implementing schemes to improve the appearance of the City Centre. 10 Exclusion of the Press and Public To consider the exclusion of the press and public for the items listed as exempt. EXEMPT ITEMS 11 Greening the City OSC Briefing Appendix Information which reveals that the authority proposes (a) to give any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction unde... Page 4 of 76 Economy and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny 5th December 2013 PRESENT:- Councillor E. Mann (Chair), Councillor M.H. O’Mullane (Deputy Chair), Councillor S. Armstrong, Councillor S. Chaytor, Councillor J. Conner, Councillor J. Fareham, Councillor D. Gemmell, Councillor K.E. Mathieson, Councillor L. Petrini, Councillor J. Shipley, Councillor C. Thomas. IN ATTENDANCE:- F. Harbord (Scrutiny Officer), N. Stocks (Democratic Services Officer), M. Relph, Assistant Head of Service (City Economy) – Minute 40, L. West (Joint Managing Director of Garthwest and Platform Expo), D. Keel (Joint Managing Director, Trident), J. Connolly and J. Moss (Co-founders, C4Di) – Minute 41 APOLOGIES:- Minute Description/Decision Action No. By/Deadline 37 DECLARATION OF INTEREST No declarations were made in respect of the following items. 38 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 7th NOVEMBER 2013 Agreed: That the minutes of the meeting of this Commission held on Thursday 7th November, 2013 having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chair. NON EXEMPT ITEMS 39 OUTSTANDING ACTION LIST The Scrutiny Officer presented the outstanding action list and updated the Commission on any action taken. Members discussed: (i) concerns that there had been no further update in relation to city centre properties. Members reiterated that this was not acceptable and stated that ultimately, NPS were directed by the Council and as such, the Authority needed to take ownership of the issue; (ii) concerns that the Portfolio Holder for Visitor Destination has been unable to provide any written response, which outlined the timelines for each of the projects that were relevant to the work of this Commission, withinPage his 5 portf of 76olio. Members requested that the matter be referred to the Leader of the Council in lieu of a formal response; (iii) the absence of a report from the Museums Commerciality Task and Finish Panel. A Member stated that the outcome and explanation provided was factually incorrect, as a report had been completed and signed off. Members requested that the relevant report be provided to enable the Commission to review the recommendations and the potential impact on Museums if Leisure Services became part of a wholly owned Council company; and (iv) concerns that there had been no further progression in relation to the pedestrianisation of Lowgate. Members requested that the scheme was addressed as a matter of urgency. Agreed – (a) That the update be noted; (b) That the Commission are disappointed that the (b-d) Scrutiny Portfolio Holder for Visitor Destination has been Officer – FH unable to provide any written response, outlining the timelines for each of the projects within his portfolio that are relevant to the work of this Commission i.e. the City of Culture Bid, Green Port Hull, redevelopment of the Fruit market area, securing of the aircraft carrier as a visitor attraction, establishment of a cruise terminal, an overall plan for the city centre and how it is managed, including Streetscene and public realm and the priorities for funding within the City Plan, as requested at the meeting of 3 October 2013. As such, Members ask that the matter be referred to the Leader of the Council to determine an appropriate resolution; (c) That the Commission do not accept the outcome or explanation regarding their request to receive the report from the Museums Commerciality Task and Finish Panel and request that the relevant report be provided to enable Members to review the recommendations, whilst considering the potential impact on Museums that would result if Leisure Services were to become part of a wholly owned Council company; and (d) That the outstanding action regarding the Lowgate (d) City Pedestrianisation scheme be progressed as a matter Streetscene of urgency. Manager Reason for decisions (b) To enable the Commission to identify priorities which are relevant to the work of this Commission and to ensure that appropriate issues are included within the Commissions Work Programme; Page 6 of 76 (c) To enable Members to review the recommendations, whilst considering the potential impact on Museums that would result if Leisure Services were to become part of a wholly owned Council company; and (d) To ensure that the scheme is progressed, without further delay. 40 THE CITY’S DIGITAL ECONOMY M. Relph, Assistant Head of Service (City Economy), provided a briefing paper which updated Members on the opportunities and challenges for the City’s Digital Economy. The briefing paper provided background information, which facilitated further discussion within the following agenda item and outlined: (i) the connections and dependencies that needed to be considered as part of any support to the sector by either the Council or partners; (ii) that the use of digital technology was a feature of Hull’s City of Culture 2017 programme; (iii) the barriers to innovation and Hull’s development as a ‘Smart City’; and (iv) the context of the City Plan and the Digital Estuary within the context of the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). Members were advised that: (i) the Authority had historically attempted to use technology as a tool without a clear understanding of its benefits; and (ii) partner agencies had developed a wealth of experience and a clear perception of how the digital economy fitted in, and provided valid representation and insight into Hull’s Digital Economy. Agreed – that the briefing paper be noted 41 DISCUSSION ITEM – HULL’S DIGITAL ECONOMY L.
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