Spdng 1995 Volume 6 Number I a\ f,s.00 n USE YOUR HEAD THE I NTERNATIONAL USE YOUR HEAD Vol 6 No I Sprint 1995 Editor-in-Chief FESTIVAL Edito.ial aoard CONTENTS Ray Keen€ OBE Sir Brian T*y KCMG FEATURES INTERVIEW wlTH TONY BUZAN The 'Festival of the Mind' celebrates the 2lstanniversary of Tony The Briin Fo"nd2ri.n Buzan's Use Your Heod. We talk to the l.4ind Mapping master. The Harlelord llanor Estate Buckinghamshire S!7 zDX BURTAH ON THE ROAD Burmah Petroleum is the main sponsor of th€ 'F€stival of the Mind'. Tel: (0628) 48276s 10 (inside UK) \r'e spok€ to Managing Director Rikki Hunt about his belief in a +44 67A 4A2765 'thinking orSanisation'. BRAIN OF THE YEAR The ednor r€sms th€ rish! ro The winner of the I 995 Brain of the Year a.,/ard will be annou nc€d at shorten, amend or .hd.Ee any t6 the 'Festiyal of the Mind'. We profile the leading contenderc. con tibution acc ep te d fo r pu bli.aiion. Plesesubmii contiburions on dhk (ASCll or Word are ihe preferred HEAD TO HEAD formB) if possible.lfyou would like Curr€nt and form€r World Memory Champions,Jonathan Hancock ariicles returned, d6s include an 22 and Dominic O'Brien head head ina memory challenge at willgo to theAlb€rtHall. The t€rm dnd conceptMind l.ap referred to in this publi@rjon i5 a P6cub, themrld's tasiest bnin arbonhi is happ/ to poide carioons based on you ideas and 4 Editolial .equesB. All carbons are by Paub, Flashes ex.ept lor paEe 52. which is by 5 Synaptic 27 Amazing llemory Siories Desisn, arMrk and t/pe*rting bt 44 l,'usic for the ind - Ben Zandel 4A fhe Thlee Artistsr Lorraine Gilln Barry llartin and P6cub 50 Getting Ahead - Lana lsrael 5t Successful Juggling - ichael Gelb 52 Looking Forward, Looking Backward - Barry Buzan Deid A$enborcugh, John M4o., Muhammd Ali- Nelbn Mandel: G rt Kspard/Peniium Genius sPora But.ou ln@hdbnol Raymond Keene t6lry 6[er l- The oraanisers would like to thank the followina,all of whom have contributed to OF THE MIND the str.ess of theetrnt: AlphalearninS lnttitute: Admn.ed lrediaGroup; BBC Publithing; British Dyslexia Astociationr Burmah Petrol€um Fuels Ltd: Casile Royle f4ind and Body David Berylasand the lYagic Circle; David Burri Encf clopaedia Eritannlcai Entrepreneu6 Unlimited: RADIANT THINKING: Co@r House Publching; THE TIND TAP TODE 28 lntelliSence lnsft ute, Amsterdaml For many people Tony Buzan's technique ofMind l4apping has revolurionised the way that information can be visualised. Now, with lnternational Chess Writers the development of the KUBUS@System, €ven mor€ is promised. Kat Kwikl COTPUTER GHESS: IS THE GATE UP FOR TAN? 32 Chess playinS programs are getting faster and st.onger. \nr'illthe NACE: advance of the machin€s prove relentless? GnndmasterRaymond llll{D SPORTST PSYCHOLOGY OF THE CHAMPIONS 38 The Academy, Amsterdam; We have recently witnessed an explosion of interest in mental combat. Tha A exandcr Schoo: Tony Buzan examines what makes the bestcompetitors tick- Vanrate Producrions & EEnts Ltdj THE BRAIN CLUBCHARTER A Discovery of ind apping - 54 The Brain ClubMs incorpoated oi I 5 l.lay I t89, and became a reEistered George Hughes charity on 23 Norcmber 1990.lts of' The Of ficiator of the ltemory 55 ficial charter states che Club\formal Championships - David Berglas A. To promote research inlo the Obituary - Paul Collins 56 study of thought processes, and Intelligenceaboutlntelligence 60 into the inestigation of the me- chanics of thinlanga manifested Animal Intelligence 6t in learnlng, 0ndeBtanding, com' A Challenge to Youth - Blian Lee 64 munication, problemiolvint, The Use Your Head Club A 66 creativity and decision-makin8. - History B. To dhseminate the resultsof [r6e Your Head CIub News 67 su(h re*arch and study. C. To promot€ gene.ally education and tEiniog in cotnitire Proc- e$es and rechniques. D. To derelop and exploit new te€h niques in coEniti@ proce$e' USE YOUR HEAD SPRING i 995 USE YOUR HEAD EDITORIAL The Festival Arrives! The editor welcomes A few years ago, the BBC realised that 'comingout of the book and also the birth cont.ibutions to Use there Ms an extraordinary phenomenon in of the conceptof l'4ind l'4apPing.This e\€nt Your Head. Pleaae their worldwide publishing statistics - a has expanded to become the Festival of contact him at 23 book thatwas breakingallthe rules of the Mind' Ditchling Rise, standard educational bookpublishing The A number of people haE worked very B.ighton, Susser irsual characteristicof salesinthismarketis hard to make this happen. Particular thanks for rhere to be an immediate and raPid are due to the followinS: BNI 4QL lor far on of o1273 6754A61, peak, followed bya decline to almost noth- The OrSanisinS Committee consistinS ing- However, one particirlar book was Tony Buzan, Raymond Keene, Vanda and selling more aod North, Sir Brian Tovey, Lady Mary Towy, Boxed in by Life's buckingthe trend years This Samantha Smith,James Lee, Bridget PhilliPs, Compromises? more €opies as the Prosressed book was, ofcourse, Us€ Your Heod As a Lynn Collins and Naomi Moscovic; Step intoa new fram€work resuk of this extraordinary the Kirsty Wright, Eileen Woods and rhat provides an instantso Phenomena BBC and others decided to have a spe l'lichael Woods of Vantnge; lution to your most endur cial2lst birth&y partyto celebrate the Nick Gingellofthe Albert Hall. ingdilemmas. Rosamund Zander, Transformational Therapist to indlviduak, ilission Statement llom the Organising Committee families and organisations .lemonstrates the mind s ca- This dayatthe Albert Hallhas been in the Planningfor manyyears Ever since Tonv pacity to create new reali Buan firstpublished his epoch making book Use YourHeod there has been an im- des by akering the contexts perative to celebrate it and its Slobal€ffect on mentalliteracy in truly aPProPriate through which we experF fashion- Fightyears ago this imPerative crystallised into alirm decision to hire Lon- €nce life. don's premier concertand exhibition centre the RoyalAlbert Hallforthis manifesta- Bringquestions, prob- tion ofthe powers of the human mind.The day has finally come! Enjov it!l lems and dreams to this workshop which willbe Raymond Keene, Committe€ Coordinator held at the'Festivalof the l4ind'. Embark on a voyase ro^l &n* e&'€' Dr Marion Tiniley o3t02t27 - o3to4l95 RIP Use Your Heod is published qoarterly. Please contact the Brain Fo0ndation (address on USE the contents page) to suscribe. Y('UR HEA USE YOUR HEAD SPRINC 995 ' SYNAPTIC FTASHES LaIesI Brain News Trekkie Award bought the manus€ript for personalpleas- After a delay of fou r years, the Brain Trust ure butwillloan itto museums around the wasfinallyable to present it! Posthumous world, beginningwith an ltalian museum Brain of the Y€ar award for l99l to Gene 'r.hich willhave itforthe firstyear, thereby Roddenberry, the oriSinatotoI Stot ftek returning itto its plac€ oforiSin, if onlyfor Befor€ an audienc€ of 5.000 trekkies,Tony Buzan was invit€d by the organisers to present the Leonardo TroPhy to Rick P'€r- Loo6e Bonding man,the producer of sto.Irek. The award Ata recent meeting of the American Physi- cer€mony was Sreeted with raPturousaP- calSoci€ty in Sanlose, California, it was re- pla'rse by the multitudeand Tony seized this realed that scientists in the US have discov- timely opportu nity to announcethe Brain ered a molecul€ composed of iust two heli- Trust's ewnt on 2l Aprilat thesamevenue. um atoms that h both the lonS€stand the .,rcakest chemical bond everfound. Classi- Kitten Brains cal physics would suSSest that two bound Scientists inJapan ar€ developinga brain atoms should sit no morethan l4 thatcan match the thinkinSabilityofa kit- anSstroms apart, but the helium atoms ar€ t€n, itwas announced r€cently. Usinga seperated b/ an apparently enormous av€.- super-computer developed at the l'4as- age 62 angstroms, Roland G€ntry and his sa€husetts lnstitue of T€chnolog/, which team at th€ University of Minnesota have can update 200 million cells persecond, re- discovered. Atoms of most elem€nts, such searchers at KansaiS€ience City, Kyoto, as hydrogen, oxySeo and carbon, form tiSht hope to create an artificial nercus system chemicalbonds by sharing electrons with consistingof 1,000 n€urons. They Plan to their neighbours, but heliumatomsare un- elol\€ netrcrks that can controla robot able to do this because its electrons already with behaviour similarto thatofa kitten- have a stable configuration. Leonardo ReYisited lletting Galaries Regular r€aders willrecallthat in the last A computer program that can classifygal' issue of Use Your H€od magazinew€ carried axies accordinS to their shap€ just as wellas a piece on Leonardo daVinci's CodeY, the a human expen is nowdailable. Galaxies manuscript that pred icted the invention of com€ in a variety of shap€s and sizes, havinS the submarine and the steam engine. The been lormed under different conditions and Codex was purchased for $S0millionatan behave in slightly d ifferent ways. While auction in NewYork by l'4i€rosofCs fou nder som€ are easy to classify, others are more and Chairman BillGates. Recently l'lr Gates difficulr explained his purchase in the 6uo.dion, Ofer Lahav of Cambridge's lnstitut€ of revealing that he has had a keen interest in Astronomy and international collaborators, Leonardo sinc€ the ag€ of l0 and that he haw dev€loped a program that behaves like belie\€s that Leonardo was one of the most i ner,,vork of livingcells. This artificialneu- amazingpeople who ever liv€d, a true ralnetworkcan learn from human expens polymath who excelled in science, painting and then come up with galaxy classifications ofatsown.ln a test inlolving six human ex_ The Codex not€book particularly pertsand 8ll galaxies, the humans w€re fascinates Gites because it contains da unable to performany mor€ successfully Vin€i's speculations on hydraulics, cosmolo$/, astronomy, geolo8y, Over the next f€w years, it is €xPected palaeontoloSy and other topicsand includes that mor€ than a million new Salaxies will more than 300ofhis illustrations made be chined.
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