Federal Aviation Administration, DOT Pt. 91, SFAR No. 50–2 91.703 Operations of civil aircraft of U.S. 91.903 Policy and procedures. registry outside of the United States. 91.905 List of rules subject to waivers. 91.705 Operations within airspace des- 91.907–91.999 [Reserved] ignated as Minimum Navigation Per- formance Specification Airspace. APPENDICES TO PART 91 91.706 Operations within airspace designed APPENDIX A TO PART 91—CATEGORY II OPER- as Reduced Vertical Separation Min- ATIONS: MANUAL, INSTRUMENTS, EQUIP- imum Airspace. MENT, AND MAINTENANCE 91.707 Flights between Mexico or Canada APPENDIX B TO PART 91—AUTHORIZATIONS TO and the United States. EXCEED MACH 1 (§ 91.817) 91.709 Operations to Cuba. APPENDIX C TO PART 91—OPERATIONS IN THE 91.711 Special rules for foreign civil air- NORTH ATLANTIC (NAT) MINIMUM NAVIGA- craft. 91.713 Operation of civil aircraft of Cuban TION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS registry. (MNPS) AIRSPACE 91.715 Special flight authorizations for for- APPENDIX D TO PART 91—AIRPORTS/LOCA- eign civil aircraft. TIONS: SPECIAL OPERATING RESTRICTIONS 91.717–91.799 [Reserved] APPENDIX E TO PART 91—AIRPLANE FLIGHT RECORDER SPECIFICATIONS Subpart I—Operating Noise Limits APPENDIX F TO PART 91—HELICOPTER FLIGHT RECORDER SPECIFICATIONS 91.801 Applicability: Relation to part 36. APPENDIX G TO PART 91—OPERATIONS IN RE- 91.803 Part 125 operators: Designation of ap- DUCED VERTICAL SEPARATION MINIMUM plicable regulations. (RVSM) AIRSPACE 91.805 Final compliance: Subsonic airplanes. AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 1155, 40103, 91.807 Phased compliance under parts 121, 40113, 40120, 44101, 44111, 44701, 44709, 44711, 125, and 135: Subsonic airplanes. 44712, 44715, 44716, 44717, 44722, 46306, 46315, 91.809 Replacement airplanes. 46316, 46504, 46506–46507, 47122, 47508, 47528– 91.811 Service to small communities exemp- 47531, articles 12 and 29 of the Convention on tion: Two-engine, subsonic airplanes. International Civil Aviation (61 stat. 1180). 91.813 Compliance plans and status: U.S. op- erations of subsonic airplanes. SPECIAL FEDERAL AVIATION 91.815 Agricultural and fire fighting air- REGULATIONS planes: Noise operating limitations. 91.817 Civil aircraft sonic boom. SFAR NO. 50–2—SPECIAL FLIGHT RULES 91.819 Civil supersonic airplanes that do not comply with part 36. IN THE VICINITY OF THE GRAND CAN- 91.821 Civil supersonic airplanes: Noise lim- YON NATIONAL PARK, AZ its. 91.823–91.849 [Reserved] Section 1. Applicability. This rule prescribes 91.851 Definitions. special operating rules for all persons oper- 91.853 Final compliance: Civil subsonic air- ating aircraft in the following airspace, des- planes. ignated as the Grand Canyon National Park 91.855 Entry and nonaddition rule. Special Flight Rules Area: 91.857 Stage 2 operations outside of the 48 That airspace extending upward from the contiguous United States, and authoriza- surface up to but not including 14,500 feet tion for maintenance. MSL within an area bounded by a line begin- 91.859 Modification to meet Stage 3 noise ning at lat. 36°09′30′ N., long. 114°03′00′ W.; levels. northeast to lat. 36°14′00′ N., long. 113°09′50′ 91.861 Base level. W.; thence northeast along the boundary of 91.863 Transfers of Stage 2 airplanes with the Grand Canyon National Park to lat. base level. 36°24′47′ N., long. 112°52′00′ W.; to lat. 36°30′30′ 91.865 Phased compliance for operators with N., long. 112°36′15′ W. to lat. 36°21′30′ N., long. base level. 112°00′00′ W. to lat. 36°35′30′ N., long. 111°53′10′ 91.867 Phased compliance for new entrants. W., to lat. 36°53′00′ N., long. 111°36′45′ W. to 91.869 Carry-forward compliance. lat. 36°53′00′ N., long. 111°33′00′ W.; to lat. 91.871 Waivers from interim compliance re- 36°19′00′ N., long. 111°50′50′ W.; to lat. 36°17′00′ quirements. N., long. 111°42′00′ W.; to lat. 35°59′30′ N., long. 91.873 Waivers from final compliance. 111°42′00′ W.; to lat. 35°57′30′ N., long. 112°03′55′ 91.875 Annual progress reports. W.; thence counterclockwise via the 5 stat- 91.877 Annual reporting of Hawaiian oper- ute mile radius of the Grand Canyon Airport ations. airport reference point (lat. 35°57′09′ N., long. 91.879–91.899 [Reserved] 112°08′47′ W.) to lat. 35°57′30′ N., long. 112°14′00′ W.; to lat. 35°57′30′ N., long. 113°11′00′ W.; to Subpart J—Waivers lat. 35°42′30′ N., long. 113°11′00′ W.; to 35°38′30′ N.; long. 113°27′30′ W.; thence counter- 91.901 [Reserved] clockwise via the 5 statute mile radius of the 171 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 04:28 Mar 06, 2001 Jkt 194041 PO 00000 Frm 00171 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\194041T.XXX pfrm01 PsN: 194041T Pt. 91, SFAR No. 50–2 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–01 Edition) Peach Springs VORTAC to lat. 35°41′20′ N., (2) On or after November 1, 1988, is con- long. 113°36′00′ W.; to lat. 35°55′25′ N., long. ducted in accordance with a specific author- 113°49′10′ W.; to lat. 35°57′45′ N., 113°45′20′ W.; ization to operate in that airspace incor- thence northwest along the park boundary porated in the operated in the operator’s op- to lat. 36°02′20′ N., long. 113°50′15′ W.; to erations specifications and approved by the 36°00′10′ N., long. 113°53′45′ W.; thence to the Flight Standards District Office in accord- point of beginning. ance with the provisions of SFAR 50–2. Section 3. Aircraft operations: general. Ex- (d) Is a search and rescue mission directed cept in an emergency, no person may operate by the U.S. Air Force Rescue Coordination an aircraft in the Special Flight Rules, Area Center. under VFR on or after September 22, 1988, or (e) Is conducted within 3 nautical miles of under IFR on or after April 6, 1989, unless the Whitmore Airstrip, Pearce Ferry Airstrip, operation—(a) Is conducted in accordance North Rim Airstrip, Cliff Dwellers Airstrip, with the following procedures: or Marble Canyon Airstrip at an altitudes NOTE: The following procedures do not re- less than 3,000 feet above airport elevation, lieve the pilot from see-and-avoid responsi- for the purpose of landing at or taking off bility or compliance with FAR 91.119. from that facility. Or (1) Unless necessary to maintain a safe dis- (f) Is conducted under an IFR clearance and the pilot is acting in accordance with tance from other aircraft or terrain— ATC instructions. An IFR flight plan may (i) Remain clear of the areas described in not be filed on a route or at an altitude that Section 4; and would require operation in an area described (ii) Remain at or above the following alti- in Section 4. tudes in each sector of the canyon: Section 4. Flight-free zones. Except in an Eastern section from Lees Ferry to North emergency or if otherwise necessary for safe- Canyon and North Canyon to Boundary ty of flight, or unless otherwise authorized Ridge: as prescribed in Section 5. by the Flight Standards District Office for a Boundary Ridge to Supai Point purpose listed in Section 3(b), no person may (Yumtheska Point): 10,000 feet MSL. operate an aircraft in the Special Flight Western section from Diamond Creek to Rules Area within the following areas: the Grant Wash Cliffs: 8,000 feet MSL. (a) Desert View Flight-Free Zone. Within (2) Proceed through the four flight cor- an area bounded by a line beginning at Lat. ridors describe in Section 4 at the following 35°59′30′ N., Long. 111°46′20′ W. to 35°59′30′ N., altitudes unless otherwise authorized in Long. 111°52′45′ W.; to Lat. 36°04′50′ N., Long. writing by the Flight Standards District Of- 111°52′00′ W.; to Lat. 36°06′00′ N., Long. fice: 111°46′20′ W.; to the point of origin; but not including the airspace at and above 10,500 Northbound feet MSL within 1 mile of the western bound- 11,500 or ary of the zone. The area between the Desert View and Bright Angel Flight-Free Zones is 13,500 feet MSL designated the ‘‘Zuni Point Corridor.’’ Southbound (b) Bright Angel Flight-Free Zone. Within an area bounded by a line beginning at Lat. >10,500 or 35°59′30′ N., Long. 111°55′30′ W.; to Lat. 35°59′30′ >12,500 feet MSL N., Long. 112°04′00′ W.; thence counter- (b) Is authorized in writing by the Flight clockwise via the 5 statute mile radius of the Standards District Office and is conducted in Grand Canyon Airport point (Lat. 35°57′09′ N., compliance with the conditions contained in Long. 112°08′47′ W.) to Lat. 36°01′30′ N., Long. that authorization. Normally authorization 112°11′00′ W.; to Lat. 36°06′15′ N., Long. will be granted for operation in the areas de- 112°12′50′ W.; to Lat. 36°14′40′ N., Long. scribed in Section 4 or below the altitudes 112°08′50′ W.; to Lat. 36°14′40′ N., Long. listed in Section 5 only for operations of air- 111°57′30′ W.; to Lat. 36°12′30′ N., Long. craft necessary for law enforcement, fire- 111°53′50′ W.; to the point of origin; but not fighting, emergency medical treatment/evac- including the airspace at and above 10,500 uation of persons in the vicinity of the Park; feet MSL within 1 mile of the eastern bound- for support of Park maintenance or activi- ary between the southern boundary and Lat.
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