Index A slaves from, 142, 631, 632, 633, 634, Albergati, Nicolas, 549 679 Albigensian Crusade, 586 Aarons, G.A., 614 see also specific countries AI-Biruni, 664 Abbass, O.K., as contributor, 234-237, Agatharchides of Cnidus, 259 Albisua Toledo, Marina de, 454 466-468 Agnadello, battle of, 438 Albo, joseph, 289 Abbey, Edward Austin, 324 Agreement of Villafafila, 399 Albumazar, 748 Abrams, Ann Uhry, as contributor, 321- Agricultural tools, 4, 6, 7, Albuquerque, Afonso de, 15, 87, 218, 325 Agriculture, 4-8, 237, 352, 682 219, 373, 531, 562 Abravanel, Isaac, 391, 392 Aztec, 366 Albuquerque, Ant6nia de, 531 Abu Bakari II, 2 changes after 1492, 6-8 Albuquerque, lufs de, as contributor, Abu Ma'shar. See Albumazar of Chibchas, 357 223, 372-374, 438-439, 640-641, Acadie, 150-151 diversity in, 7 642-643, 679-680, 693, 753-754 Acamapichtli, 364 European crops in Americas, 274-276 A/cabala (tax), 675 Acklins, Bight of, 407 Mayan, 361, 363 Alcac;ovas, Treaty of. See Treaty of Acklins Island, 407 New World, 5, 226, 273, 356, 468, 708 Alcac;ovas Acto cultural o Co/6n, Crist6ba/, e/ Old World, 4-5, 273-274 Alcala, Angel, as contributor, 288-290, Genoves alucinado, 432 slave labor, 632, 634 375-377, 390-391, 391-392, 669 Adam of Bremen, 248, 313, 689 and social and economic institutions, Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 341, 345 Adams, Will, 122 635 Alegria, Ricardo E., as contributor, 345- Ad-Din, Khayr. See Barbarossa in Spain, 644 349 Admiral of the Ocean Sea, 404, 491, of Tafnos, 346 Alessandrini, Angelo, 297 598, 715 technological innovations, 638 Alexander Ill, 564 Adoration of the Magi, 340 Agrippa, Henricus Cornelis, 299 Alexander VI, 9-12,43, 53, 54, 187, Adorno, Barnaba, 165 Aguado, juan, 704 196, 384, 397, 414, 423-424, 437, Adrian VI, 116, 555 Aguado, juan de, 261,415,598, 711-712 463, 538, 549, 554, 592, 669, 678, Aeneas Silvius. See Pius II Aguero, Ger6nimo de, 668 704, 743 Aeterni Regis, 678 Agueybana, 346 death of, 12 Afonso (prince of Portugal), 190, 191, Aguiar, jorge de, 452 foreign policy, 10 377, 678 Ahern, Maureen, as contributor, 83-84, propagation of Catholicism, 11 Afonso Ill, 560 210-211 Alexander the Great, 232, 257, 294, 295, AfonsoV, 1, 15,119,120,127,180,182, Ahuitzotl, 485 658-659 286, 308, 379, 396, 398, 423, 539, Ailly, Pierre d', 8-9, 14, 23, 59, 123, Alexandria (Egypt), 3 5611 670, 678 125, 250, 373, 422, 452, 504, 603, Alfonsine Tables, 13 Afonso de Aveiro, joao, 96, 561 651,652, 658, 671, 677, 748-749 Alfonso V, 12, 165, 397, 500, 681 Afonso do Estreito, joao, 181 Ais, 370 Alfonso VI, 492 Africa, 2-4, 253-255, 277, 531 Alaminos, Antonio, 262, 304 Alfonso VIII, 492 and Atlantic Rivalry, 52 AI-Andalus, 492 Alfonso X, 12-14, 36, 49, 389, 492, 665 interior of, 251 Alarc6n, Hernando de, 210 Alfonso XI, 442, 585 Portuguese knowledge of, 191 AI-Ashraf, Sultan, 692 Alfonso of Castile, 398 VOLUME 1: pp. 1-400; VOLUME 2: pp. 401-754. Numbers in boldface refer to the main entry on the subject. Numbers in italic refer to illustrations. 756 INDEX Alfraganus, 14, 50, 123, 125, 228, 671 Anacaona, 528, 533, 534, 726 Arcana del mare, 466 Algarve, 631 Anaphoric clock, 665 Archaeology, 26-36, 225, 345, 735 Algonquins, 5, 151, 371 Anatomy, 458 La lsabela, 610 Alhambra, 381, 492, 494 Anderson, R.C., 600 land, 26-30 Ali, Abu-1-Hasan, 71 Andes mountains, 270-271, 358 landfall controversy, 407 Alidade, 47, 49 Andrea Mini, lisa, 687 in Newfoundland, 689 Aljamas, 388, 391 Andreas, j., 654 Nueva Cadiz, 610, 677 AI-Khazini, 664 Andrew of longjumeau, 252 and population size, 225 Altissimo, Cristofano dell', 317 Andros, Bight of, 407 Sevilla Ia Nueva, 613-614 Almagest, 14,249, 601, 603 Angelus, jacobus, 569 underwater, 30-36, 620-622 Almagro, Diego de, 220, 358, 551, 552 Angevin dynasty, 500 Archimedes, 123 AI-Ma'mun, 125 Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 21-23,56, Architecture. See Art and architecture Almanach of Coimbra, 508 64, 86,215,383,397,427,534,612, Architecture et perspective rudimenta, Almanach perpetuum coelestium 699 730 motium, 51, 62, 640, 693, 753 Anglican Church. See Church of Archives. See Museums and archives AI-Mas'udi, 451 England Archivo de Ia Casa de Alba (Madrid), Almeida, Francisco de, 14-15,218,219, Animals. See Domesticated animals; 490 443, 562 Fauna; Mammals; specific animals Archivo General de lndias (Seville), Almeida, lopo de, 15 Anne of Austria, 541 487 Almeida, lourenc;o de, 373 Anne of Beaujeu, 117, 283, 438 Archivo General de Protocols (Seville), Almojarifazgo (tax), 675 Anne of Bohemia, 454 490 Alonso, Hernando, 393 Anne of Brittany, 284, 438, 450 Archivo Notarile di Stato (Genoa), 488 Alonso, Marfa, 552 Anne of Hereford, 559 Arguin Island, 309, 680 AI-Qipjaqi, Baylak, 205 Antichrist, 23-24, 652, 748, 749 Arias Davila, Pedro. See Avila, Pedro AI-Shatir, 'Ali b., 205 Antilia. See Seven Cities Arias de Altitude-distance method, 16 Antilles, 140, 141 Arias de Avila, Pedro. See Avila, Pedro Altura sailing, 16-17, 222 Antipodes, 448 Arias de Alum, 672, 673 Antoine, Duke, 730 Aristizabal, Gabriel de, 79, 80 Alvar, Manuel, 739 Antonio de Llorente, juan, 392 Aristotle, 123, 294, 296, 457, 601, 602, Alvarado, Diego de, 705 Antonio Muratori, lodovico, 287 603, 604, 605 Alvarado, Hernando de, 210 Antwerp, 639 Armillary sphere, 36-38, 47, 49 Alvarado, Pedro de, 17-18,89,90,137, Apaches, 368 Arms, armor, and armament, 31, 37- 211' 363, 474 Apafalaya, 370 41' 285, 467, 672 Alvares, jorge, 120-121 Apalachee, 370 of Tafnos, 348 AI-Zagal, 71 Apian, Peter, 290, 299, 641 of Tupinambas, 354 Amazon River, 149, 524, 549, 659, 662- Apianus, Petrus. See Apian, Peter Arrom, jose juan, 589 663 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 428 as contributor, 536-537 Ambassadors' Globe, 299, 300, 518 Apologetica historia sumaria, 411 Arsenius, Gualterus, 216 America, 255-256 Apu lllapu, 360 Art and architecture, 41-47, 426, 592- accurate representation of, 342-345 Arag6n, 639, 643 593 allegorical figures of, 341-342 Alfonso V, 12 Maya, 360, 361-362 naming of, 18-21 Fernando, 377-385 Sevilla Ia Nueva, 614 Norse discovery of, 313 Arana, Ana Nunez de, 24 in Venice, 684 slavery in, 631-635 Arana, Beatriz Enriquez de, 24-25, 134, see also specific artists; specific women in, 736-737 135, 762, 194, 209, 583, 751 styles, e.g., Gothic art see also United States Arana, Diego de, 24, 25, 194, 699, 702 Arte de navegar, 511, 642 Americae. See Bry, Theodor de Arana, Pedro de, 25-26, 25, 130, 713, Arthur of Wales, 112 American Indians. See Indians 718 Artillery, 467 Americus Colombus, 429 Arana, Rodrigo Enriquez de, 209 Art of Navigation in Elizabethan and Amerigo, Nastagio, 687 Araucanian Indians, 142 Early Stuart Times, The, 420 Ames, Glenn j., as contributor, 308-309 Arawakan language, 351 Aruacay, 353 Ameyro, 462 Arawaks, 60, 248, 345, 351-353, 469, Aruba, 687 Aminoya, 370 611, 612, 633, 735 Ashikaga shoguns, 121 Ampoletta, 228, 245 Arbues, Pedro, 375 Ashtor, Eliyahu, 673 VOLUME 1: pp. 1-400; VOLUME 2: pp. 401-754. Numbers in boldface refer to the main entry on the subject. Numbers in italic refer to illustrations. INDEX 757 Asia, 188, 191, 192, 197,251-253, 2n, language, 365 Barents, Willem, 216 303 maps, 110-111 Barkham, Selma Huxley, as contributor, see a/so China; Cipangu Motecuhzoma II, 485-486 265-266 Assereto Document, 162-163 religion of, 367, 590 Barlow, Joel, 159, 433 Astrolabe, 16,47-49, 223, 246,291, slavery, 632 Baroque art, 46, 592-593 399, 413, 510, 513, 514, 574 sociopolitical structure, 366-367 Barralet, John James, 321 use of, 230 subsistence, 366 Barros, Jo;io de, 177, 182, 186-187, 223, Astrolabe-quadrant, 574 trade, 361 399 Astrolabon organon, 61 traditional history, 364-365 Barsotti, Carlo, 479 Astrolabos, 36 Triple Alliance empire, 365-366 Bartholdi, Frederic Auguste, 478 Astrology. See Astronomy and astrology writing, 367-368 Bartholomew of Cremona, 252 Astronomy and astrology, 13, 14, 47, Azua, 211 Basin de Sandaucourt, Jean, 18, 19, 729 49-51' 249, 385, 601' 604-605, 748 Bastidas, Rodrigo de, 60, 213, 261, 610 Asunci6n, 454 Batabano, Gulf of, 710 Atahualpa, 51-52, 311, 359, 469, 472, Bataillon, Marcel, 410, 411 551, 552 Bateson, Gregory, 575 Atlantic Ocean, 173, 174, 255-256 B Batey (game), 348 currents in North, 660 Battista Alberti, leon, 592 pilot chart of North, 661 Babeque, 699, 702 Battista Cibo, Giovanni. See Innocent Atlantic Rivalry, 52-55 Bacon, Roger, 23, 59-60, 250, 303, 652, VIII Atlases, 19, 92, 147, 444, 525, 563, 729 748 Battista Ramusio, Giovanni, 345, 558, Atlas Maritimus and Commercia/is, 405 Bade, Josse, 605 642 Aubert, Thomas, 685 Badiano, Juan, 344 Battle of Agnadello, 438 Audiencia, 143 Baer, Yitzak, 392 Battle of Cerignola, 284 Audiencia de los Confines, 363 Baffin, William, 157, 521 Battle of Chaldiran, 526 Audiencia of Mexico, 363 Bahama Channel, 142 Battle of Fornova, 117 Audiencia Real, 682 Bahamas, 27, 60, 194, 267, 326, 402, 407, Battle of Jaquijahuana, 552 Augustine, Saint, 297, 748 663, 693, 695, 740 Battle of las Navas de Tolosa, 492 Augustinians, 472 Bahia, 148 Battle of lepanto, 540, 683 Autiamque, 370 Bahia Bariay, 404 Battle of Nancy, 284, 437 Auto de fe, 375, 376, 391, 393 Bahfa Mujeres wreck, 33 Battle of Novara, 438 Autografos de Co/6n, 487 Bajabonico River, 609 Battle of Pavia, 284, 639 Averroes. See Ibn Rushd Baja California, 264 Battle of Ravenna, 83 Avicenna. See Ibn 5ina Bajamar. See Bahamas Battle of Saint-Quentin, 540 Avila, Pedro Arias de, 55-56, 61, 140, Balboa, Vasco Nunez de, 55, 60-61, Battle of Salinas, 552 141' 224, 271' 272, 418, 474, 528, 107,140,261,418,698 Battle of Toro, 15 641 Balestilha do mouro.
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