Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 2014; 4(10): 757-767 757 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/apjtb Document heading doi:10.12980/APJTB.4.2014C742 2014 by the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. All rights reserved. 襃 Bartonella species in small mammals and their potential vectors in Asia 1,4,5,6 2,6 3,7 1 Tawisa Jiyipong , Sathaporn Jittapalapong , Serge Morand , Jean-Marc Rolain * 1Research Unit on Infectious and Emerging Tropical Diseases (URMITE), CNRS-IRD-INSERM UMR 7278, IHU Méditerranée Infection, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Aix-Marseille-University, Marseille, France 2Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand 3Institut Sciences of Evolution, UMR 5554 CNRS-IRD-UM2, CC65, Université de Montpellier 2, F-34095, Montpellier, France 4Center for Agricultural Biotechnology (AG-BIO/PEDRO-CHE), Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen Campus, Nakhon Pathom, 73140, Thailand 5Center of Excellence on Agricultural Biotechnology (AG-BIO/PERDO-CHE), Bangkok 10900, Thailand 6Center of Advanced Studies for Agriculture and Food, KU Institute for Advanced Studies, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand (CASAF, NRU-KU, Thailand) 7Walai Rukhavej Botanical Research Institute, Mahasarakham University, Mahasrakham, Thailand PEER REVIEW ABSTRACT Peer reviewer Bartonella In this article, authors review the current knowledge of infection in small mammals Dr. Hossein Ghalehnoei, University of including rBartonellaodents, insectivores, bats and exotic small mammal pets and their vectors in Asia. Medical Science, Tehran, Iran. Species of are Gram-negative intracellular bacteria that infect erythrocytes of various +989385518026 Tel: , E-mail: hossein. mammalian and non-Bartonellamammalian animals and mainly transmitted by blood sucking arthropod 58 ghalehnoei @gmail.com vectors. The genus inBartonellacludes several species of important human diseases with C M C S o-éreviewers: isael hinchilla, an severe clinical signs. Several new spBartonellaecies were isolated from rodents and other small Jos , Costa Rica, mammals, and from human patients in Asia. species are identified using standard ( A Comments polymerase chain reaction amplification and a sequencing targeting two housekeeping genes glt and rpoB) and the internal transcribed spacer fragment. Authors also discuss the implications in This is a good research about the term of potential emerging zoonotic diseases. pBartonellaresence of various species of and its role at causing different infections. The consideration of authors to various reservoirs of this bacteria in animals that a little have been already surveyed is interesting. KEYWORDS Bartonella Diagnostic tests referred in this article , Small mammals, Rodents, Shrews, Asia are very useful. Details on Page 764 1. Introduction Bartonella bacilliformis B. bacilliformis ( ) is the causative ( ) Bartonella Bartonellaagent of Or oquintanaya fever aB.nd quintanaverruga peruana Peruvian wart ; ( ) Member of the genus are fastidious, Bartonella henselae is tB.he henselaecausative agent hemotropic, Gram-negative and aerobic bacilli bacteria of trench fever; ( ) is the belonging to the class Alphaproteobacteria. Several species causative agent of cat-scratch disease[1-3]. Additionally, have been implicated in causing human diseases, ranging several species have been dBartonellaescribed a salsatica coincid eB.nt alsaticazoonotic ( ) with short-term fever to severe endocarditis. Five species infeBartonellaction agen koehleraets includi nB.g koehlerae Bartonella vinsonii are known to be causative of significant human diseases: [4], ( )[5], C J M R R * orresponding author: ean- arc olain, esearch unit on inféectious anéd emerging Article history: tropical diseases (URMITE) CNRS-IRD-INSERM UMR 7278, IHU M diterran e Infection, Received 28 Dec 2013 Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Aix-Marseille-University, Marseille, France. Received in revised form 20 Feb, 2nd revised form 3 Apr, 3rd revised form 20 Apr 2014 E-mail: [email protected] Accepted 20 May 2014 Foundation Project: Supported by the French ANR CERoPath project (number ANR Available online 14 Sep 2014 07 BDIV 012) and the French ANR BiodivHealthSEA project (number ANR 11 CPEL 002). Tawisa Jiyipong et al./Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 2014; 4(10): 757-767 758 berkhoffii B. vinsonii berkhoffii Bartonella ( )[6,7] tamiaesubsp. B. tamiae Bartonella subs prochalimae. B. ,rochalimae or mild diseases or severe indi svitroeases. Bacteria from this ( )[8] ( ) Bartonella washoensis, B. washoensis Candidatus genus are fastidious to grow . The culture on blood [9], ( )[10] and agar requires 7 to 45 d in primary isolation. Microscopically, Bartonella mayotimonensis[11] Bartonella Bartonella . Bartonellathe species are Gram-B.ne gbacilliformisative bacilli. B.Se vboviseral species parasitize the erythrocytes, endothelial species are flagellate, , [12,13] B. clarridgeiae[22,23] cells, monocyteBartonellas and dendritic cells of mammals . and . Additionally, a species has been described in Table 1 [14] Bartonella Bartonella. loggerhead sea turtle . Bacteria of the genus List of the currently known described species of Bartonella are widespread in domestic and wild animals and are species First detection Country Reference B. alsatica Wild rabbit France [59] transmitted by a great variety of bloodsucking arthropods B. australis [15,16] Gray kangaroo Australia [60] including fleas, mites, sand flies and ticks . Since 1990s, B. bacilliformis Human Europe [61] numerous studies have demonstrated that several mammals B. birtlesii Mouse German [62] such as cats, dogs, rabbits and rodents are potential reservoir B. bovis Bartonella Cow France [62] B. capreoli hosts of . Until now, new host species such as Deer France [63] B. chomelii insectivores, bats and exotic pets are continually added in Domestic cattle France [64] ’ B. clarridgeiae T Cat USA [65] the reservoir hosts list. his review provides an update of B. coopersplainsensis Rat Australia [66] reservoir host species focusing on small mammals, their B. doshiae Bartonella Field vole United Kingdom [67] potential vectors and case reports of infection in B. durdenii S USA Asia, a hotspot of emerging infectious diseases[17,18]. Hosts quirrel unpublished data B. elizabethae Human USA [68] B. grahamii such as cats, dogs, and rabbits have been excluded from Bank vole United Kingdom [67] B. henselae this review since several review articles have been already Cat USA [69] B. japonica written on these reservoir hosts[19,20]. Mouse Japan [70] B. koehlerae Cat USA [71] B. melophagi Sheep unpublished data B merieuxii 2. Taxonomy and bacteriology of Bartonella Canid Irak [72] B. peromysci Mouse [67] B. phoceensis Wild rat France [73] Bartonella B. queenslandensis Bacteria of the genus belong to the Rat Australia [66] B. quintana family Bartonellaceae, order Rhizobiales, class Human [74] Bartonella B. rattaustraliani Rat Australia [66] Alphaproteobacteria, and phylum Proteobacteria. B. rattimassiliensis Brucella Agrobacterium Rat France [73] are closely related with species and B. rochalimae tumefaciens Bartonella Human USA [9] . genus includes a large diversity of B. schoenbuchensis Bartonella Deer German [75] B. silvatica species, which were identified from different Mouse Japan [70] B. silvicola host species. Since the development of more efficient Bat unpublished data B. talpae molecular tools for detection, genetic criteria and species Mole [59] B. tamiae [21] Human Thailand [6] identification are greatly improved , and the description B. taylorii Bartonella Mouse United Kingdom [67] of new species has rapidly increased over the B. tribocorum Rat France [76] last 10 years and is still continually growing. The genus B. vinsonii arupensis subsp. Cattle [77,78] 30 3 B. vinsonii berkhoffii currently contains more than species and subspecies subsp. Dog [79] B. alsatica Bartonella australis B. bacilliformis B vinsonii vinsonii including , , , . subsp. Vole [80] Bartonella birtlesii B. birtlesii Bartonella bovis B. bovis B. volans ( ), ( ), Squirrel USA unpublished data Bartonella capreoli B. capreoli Bartonella chomelii B. washoensis ( ) H USA Bartonella coopersplainsensis B., coopersplainsensis , uman unpublished data ( ) Bartonella clarridgeiae B. clarridgeiae Bartonella, ( ) doshiae B. doshiae Bartonella durdenii, Bartonella ( ) grahamii B. grahamii, B. henselae Bartonella, japonica B. 3. Bartonella genomes ( ) ( japonica B. koehlerae, Bartonella, melophagi Bartonella ) phoceensis, B. phoceensis, Bartonella queenslandensis, Bartonella ( ) B. queenslandensis Bartonella, quintana B. quintana The genome sizes ofBartonella species range froB.m ( ) ( ) 1 5 2 5 Bartonella rattaustraliani, B. rattaustraliani Bartonella, bacilliformis. to . Mb.B. S ebirtlesiiveral B. clarridgeae specieB.s igrahamiincluding B. ( ) rattimassiliensis B. rattimassiliensis B. rochalimae, henselae B. quintana, B. ,rattimassiliensis , B. rattaustraliani, ( ) Bartonella schoenbuchensis Bartonella, silvatica B., B. tribocorum, , , ( silvatica Bartonella silvicola, B. tamiae, Bartonella and B. grahamii were cB.om tribocorumpletely sequenced and two ) ( ) taylorii B., taylorii , Bartonella tribocorum, B. tribocorum , species and coB.n thenselaeain plasmid. ( ) ( ) Bartonella vinsonii arupensis B. vinsonii B.Th equintana first genomes have been described for and ( 1 9 1 6 [24] arupensis , B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii Bartonella vinsoniisubsp.
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