Book Talk (ate Millet's controversial Bloodmobile iook, "Sexual Politics." will Want to donate some blood? w discussed in the weekly The Bloodmobile will be in acuity book talk today by the C.U. Almaden Room /r. Sybil Weir, professor of today and tomorrow from Inglish. All students and 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is spon- acuity are invited to attend artan Dail sored by the Air Force he noon discussion in room ROTC. and B of the Spartan Cafe- eria. Serving the San Jose State College Community Since 1934 No 39 Vol. 58 `->AN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 18, ID/O Bunzel Asks Lashes Gilbaugh Critics SJS Jury Probe An investigation of SJS by the Santa right time." College President John H. Bunzel Clara County Grand Jury has been re- If the grand jury takes up the investi- dgorously defended his positions on quested by Dr. John Gilbaugh, gation, it will indicate that it feels there enure and the power of department professor of elementary education, and is sufficient merit in the documentation tairman yesterday in an apparent former SJS dean. Dr. Gilbaugh will present to warrant ebuttal to faculty criticism branding The Grand Jury will meet later this sueh an investigation. dm a political usurper." week to determine if an investigation is In a speech to 150 School of Education warranted, according to A. Gordon * * * 'acuity members, Dr. Bunzel proposed Adams of the jury criminal investi- rxtension of the three-year tenure gation committee. robationary period to seven years, Those involved in the action either Gilbaugh riding that tenure should be available would not comment or were unavail- mly to associate and full professors. able for comment about grounds for the He also proposed granting depart- investigation. ;nent chairman tenure decision power Ernest Renzel, jury foreman, 'Key Man' equal to that of tenure committees. received a letter requesting the investi- Dr. Bunzel commented that some gation from Dr. Gilbaugh. Renzel in faculty members have accused him of turn handed over the letter to the jury's dying to usurp traditional faculty roles criminal investigation committee In SJS Suit in tenure decisions, of a power grab and headed by Leonard Winston. Edward A. Blaine said yesterday that f trying to make department chairmen Winston said the letter was "dumped Dr. John Gilbaugh, professor of nstruments of the chancellor. back" to Dr. Gilbaugh and it is "hard to elementary education, is directly He denounced all such charges as say" whether an investigation would be involved in Blabie's lawsuit to mini- 'fanciful," untrue, ’verbal overkill" member of the I2-man Re- the SJS center to area plants for recycling beginning today. MOVING OUTBill Davilla. undertaken. mize political activity at SJS. and misinterpretation of his true inten- moving out some of the materials A.S. President Bill Langan yesterday urged support for the cycling Center staff, begins SJS President John H. Bunzel, who "There is no question of Dr. ions. collected by the center. Materials will be transported from ('enter, urging them to become involved in the center. also received a copy of the letter, said -Daily photo by Ron Burda Gilbaugh's involvement in the The four year probationary period is any information concerning the matter lawsuit," Blaine asserted. "Dr. the president. oo short," contended would have to come from Dr. Gilbaugh. Gilbaugh will present quite a bit of 'You really have in practice a three- The education professor underwent Landlord Serves Writs evidence" in answer to the demurrer by 'ear period.... A seven-year period is knee surgery yesterday and was Donald B. Day, deputy attorr ), ouch more useful and much more unavailable for comment. general. "I will also present evidence," grofessional.' Edward A. Blaine, plaintiff in a civil Blaine added. Tenure power for department suit ( as opposed to a criminal action) The evidence will attempt to secure barman, according to Dr. Bunzel, is Strikers Steadfast; Face Court against SJS to minimize political the action in court. Day's demurrer lot a question of power but rather a activity, said he could not comment on seeks to eliminate Blaine's lawsuit excellence. Dr. Gilbaugh's letter. mestion of By RAY TESSLER hand. presently being prepared to the com- the content of from court altogether. indicated sharp The president also Daily Political Writer The envelopes contained writs of plaints alleged in the writ. However, BlaMe said that Dr. Gil- Tuesday is set as the court date for lisrespect of tenure committees, unlawful detainera complaint that a Grievances cited by the striking units baugh's move was part of the initial BlaMe's answer to the demurrer, but he erming the vote of each member as Time is testing the solidarity of a rent piece of property is being held illegally. include claims that some tenants were action that he ( Blaine) wanted to bring indicated that since Dr. Gilbaugh is an iaving little or no importance. strike at 425 S. Ninth St., as the owner of PANDAMONIUM paying more than others for identical last May when Blaine entered his first essential witness and the professor "Some students were so concerned the 25-unit apartment complex "Pandamonium broke loose, people facilities. Although occupants decided complaint. "Dr. Gilbaugh and I dis- underwent knee surgery yesterday, a teaching they were not getting, threatens court action to halt non- vith the were jumping out the window so they on $140 as a fair rent, the owner cussed a grand jury investigation," postponement of the court date would their own payment of rent. hey formed wouldn't be served," recalled Lanspa. rejected the proposal. Blaine said, "and we waited for the be sought. mmmittee...Their report was more Late last month 21units decided to pay a common rent of $140. Dilapidated Later several tenants, all strike ring mpressive than the tenure leaders, were served. mmmittee's." conditions and excessive rents, tenants maintained, justified the demand that -What he's trying to do is show the their payments be lowered. rest of the people that he means They argued that their rents were business by serving the ring leaders of the strike." Recall Council paid up until early December and re- Leaders Claim solved to negotiate their grievances "People have indicated a willingness with the owner. to go all the way. The people ar united in opposition to his policies," continued Considers LANDLORD MEETING Lanspa. "We asked him ( the landlord) out so WRITS SERVED Misdirection of Funds he could explain certain discrepancies Although some writs have been in rent and dilapidated conditions and served, "I'm sure that everyone at this Coordinators of the movement to removed." 1ohn Merz, who was Under the heading of "administrative Allocations why apartments weren't kept up," said point is being cautious, Nit I don't recall A.S. President Bill Langan have defeated by Langan last May, is one of incompetence and malfeasance," the With approximately $10,000 remain- Joe Lanspa, a strike organizer. think people are being scared or inti- charged Langan with misdirection of the organizers of the recall. leaflet lists the "purge" ot former vice Sal Ruiz, the landlord, ng in the A.S. general fund through the seemed willing midated...." A.S. and work-study funds including FUNDS president Jim Self; "intimidation" of to come to a meeting and talk, Lanspa The night following the meeting with nd of the semester, A.S. Council will an $800 salary to be paid this semester Besides Miss Rueben, the flyer lists SCIP, Experimental College, draft said. Ruiz the striking tenants formed a ;onsider more than $2,500 worth of allo- to I.angan's fiancee, Mary Ellen Executive Vice President Steve counseling, and the office of academic "The meeting got kind of hectic. negotiating committee to hopefully .ation requests at today's 3:30 p.m. Rueben. Brennan, Executive Assistant Rick fairness; the administration's poor There were heated arguments on both settle the dispute out of court. fleeting in the council chambers. Although he admitted that Miss Blackman, Director of Community record of attending "vital meetings:" sides." Then a tenant asked Ruiz what The committee contacted an attorney A request of 82,150 by the Iranian Rueben has been on the payroll, RelationsJim Ferryman and former and the "executive's refusal to bargain, was in a group of envelopes held in his who represents SJS. Responses are students' Association for Persian Langan yesterday said that most of the Entertainment and Cultural Events debate or compromise with the legis- 'Meek, and $300 to the Housing Corn- allegations made in a handout prepared Board interim chairman Beth Nicolai lative branch." nittee for operating and printing by recall forces are "half-truths" and as receiving work study funds. axpenses will be recommended by the Seminar Topic: Chile's Allende **misrepresentations." Langan said the use of the work study "Special Allocations Committee. In the handout, backers of the recall figures is a "misrepresentation." accused Also to be considered will be a $266 A forum to discuss the recent election ing the forum, will present Dr. Fer- the Langan administration of A.S. Treasurer Mike Buckley, SCIP Leader request from the Recycling Center of Salvador Allende of Chile, the first nando Alegria, professor of modern "malfeasance" and "political reached at his home, said that Miss tecause the Spartan Daily advertising Marxist president in the Americas, will languages at Stanford University, and favoritism" in paid appointments and Nicolai has never received any funds staff has not cooperated in supplying be held today at 12:30 p.m. in the C.U. Dr. Carlos I.opez, chairman of the de- allocation of work study funds.
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