y p o c e e r F WED 3RD AUGUST - SUN 14TH AUGUST 2016 WWW.FEILEBELFAST.COM Ireland’s Biggest Community Arts Festival and Summer school Clár FÉile an Phobail Funders and Sponsors Principal funders Language Partner Community Partner Pouring Partnesr ONTENTS CLÁR Funders C Music and Fun 08 Craic agus Ceol Partners Tickets available at 22 Scribes and Féile an Phobail WoUlD ORTUS www.ticketmaster.ie and all Drama liKe To ThanK all The ticketmaster outlets Scríobhaithe agus GRoUPS ThaT haVe Drámaí PaRTiCiPaTeD in anD Beidh ticéid ar fáil ag Ticketmaster.ie SUPPoRTeD iTS CoMMUniTY nó ag ticéadlanna go léir enGaGeMenT PRoGRaMMe Ticketmaster Discussion and FRoM aCRoSS belFaST 36 Debate inClUDinG The aShTon Plé agus Diospoireachtaí CoMMUniTY TRUST, neW loDGe aRTS, Colin neiGhboURhooD PaRTneRShiP, aCTiVe CoMMUniTieS neTWoRK, Direct Furniture Ltd Visual Arts aRTSeKTa, eaST belFaST 66 Na hAmharcealaíona aRTS PaRTneRShiP, noRTheRn iRelanD MUSliM Family, Children & FaMilY aSSoCiaTion, The 80 Youth UPPeR SPRinGFielD Teaghlach, Paisti & Óige DeVeloPMenT TRUST anD The UPPeR SPRinGFielD WhiTeRoCK inTeGRaTeD (028) Sport PaRTneRShiP, anD WiSh Spóirt 90 80 90 80 102 TheM all The beST FoR TheiR FoRThCoMinG Tours and Walks PRoGRaMMe oF eVenTS. 106 Turais agus Siúlóidí An Chult Úrlann 114 Venue Partners Map 116 Léarscáil 3 BeLFAST iS A riCher PLACe For FéiLe FACiNG hAViNG SuCh AN eNGAGiNG AND weLCoMiNG MuLTi-ArTS ForwArD FeSTiVAL. Féile an Phobail plays a leadership role in the Tá ról ceannasaíochta ag Féile an Phobail smaointe a The annual Féile an Phobail has, for longer most bhí Féile an Phobail bhliantúil ríthábhachtach i gcur transfer of ideas across cultures and time. We are at mhalartú ar fud cultúr agus ama. Tá muid ag croílár care to remember, been instrumental in chun cinn chlú dearfach cultúrtha agus cruthaitheach the heart of modern belfast, where our bhéal Feirste nua-aimseartha, mar a bhfuil ár bpobail promoting the positive cultural and creative iarthar bhéal Feirste le blianta anuas. bhí ról communities are increasingly multi lingual and níos ilteangaí agus ilchultúrtha. Tá comhoibriú ag croílár reputation of west belfast. it has played a key tábhachtach aici pobail a thabhairt níos dlúithe dá multi cultural. Collaboration is at the core of our ár gcuid oibre – léiríonn sé dea-chaidreamh i bhfeidhm role in bringing communities closer together chéile trí chomhcheiliúradh a dhéanamh ar na work - showcasing good relations in action, agus meallann sé níos mó turasóireachta agus attracting more tourism and visitor spend and cuairteoirí agus forbraíonn sé níos mó caipitil shóisialta through a shared celebration of the arts, healaíona agus tríd na cineálacha eispéireas building increased social and cultural capital. agus chultúrtha. providing people of all ages, backgrounds and cuimsitheach agus spreagúil dá bhfuil na healaíona interests with the kinds of inclusive and inspiring iontach a chur ar fáil do dhaoine de gach aois, cúlra our programme is about exchange, its about baineann ár gclár le malartú, baineann sé lenár gcultúir experiences that the arts excel at. agus suim. opening one's own culture to another, expanding it, féin a oscailt dá chéile, iad a fhorbairt móide iad a but also in a way enfolding it within your own and ghlacadh taobh le do chultúr féin. The arts Council, as long term principal funder, is Tá bród ar an Chomhairle ealaíon, mar phríomh- making it yours too. proud to be associated with all that the Féile has mhaoinitheoir fadtéarmach, bheith bainteach le Tá ár n-ollphuball do 5,000 duine mar thoilleadh, suite i achieved. belfast is a richer place for having such gach dár bhain an Fhéile amach. Mar gheall ar an our main 5,000 capacity marquee, based in the bPáirc na bhFál a bhfuil duaiseanna bainte aici, ag croílár an engaging and welcoming multi-arts festival. fhéile tharraingteach, fháiltiúil, ilealaíon seo tá béal award-winning Falls Park is the heart of our ár bhFéile nuálaí. Cosúil leis an Cheathrú Ghaeltachta innovative Festival. like the wider Gaeltacht Quarter bíonn sé inrochtana agus fáiltiúil roimh shaoránaigh ár as the Féile has grown from a small community Feirste níos luachmhaire mar áit. agus Féile ag fás ó it is accessible, and welcoming to all the citizens of gcathrach agus roimh an chuid mhór cuairteoirí a bhíonn event into one of europe’s major festivals, it has imeacht pobail beag go ceann de na príomhfhéilte is our city and our many visitors. againn. reflected the growing confidence of a mó san eoraip, léirigh sí muinín níos mó an phobail a community that is aware of its own voice and of bhfuil eolas aige ar a ghuth féin agus aige féin a léiriú 2016 brings an exciting line-up! everything from beidh clár corraitheach againn in 2016. beidh gach sórt how to express itself positively and creatively. it ar bhealach dhearfach agus chruthaitheach. is foinse street theatre, children’s events, parties in the Park, rudaí ann ó amharclannaíocht sráide, imeachtaí do provides a potent source of local pride and an mhór bróid áitiúil í agus tugann sí deis fáilte mhór concerts, sports, discussions, debates, exhibitions, pháistí, fleánna sa Pháirc, ceolchoirmeacha, spóirt, plé, opportunity to extend a hand of welcome right chroíúil a chur roimh gach duine ó fud fad na cathrach dramas and readings in what is the largest díospóireachtaí, taispeántais, drámaí agus léamha san across the city and further. agus ó níos faide anonn. community festival and summer school in ireland! fhéile pobail agus sa scoil samhraidh is mó in éirinn! i would like to thank our local community; the ba mhaith liom buíochas a ghabháil lenár pobal áitiúil; This year’s festival is as full of colour and beidh féile na bliana seo lán de dhathanna agus de Department for Communities, belfast City Council an Roinn Pobal, Comhairle Cathrach bhéal Feirste dá character as ever and lives up to Féile’s charachtair, mar a bhíonn sí i gcónaí agus tá dea- for its ongoing support for Féile, Tourism ni, the arts tacaíocht leanúnach do Féile, Tourism ni, an Chomhairle reputation for offering a programme with broad cháil na Féile tuillte aici as clár a mbeidh tóir leathan Council, Foras na Gaeilge, all our sponsors and ealaíon, Foras na Gaeilge, lenár n-urraí agus appeal, sprinkled as liberally as ever with air agus ina mbeidh pléisiúir iontacha agus nach funders, especially Diageo northern ireland, our maoinitheoirí go léir, go háirithe Diageo northern surprising and unexpected pleasures. The mbeidh aon choinne againn leis, a chur ar fáil. is friends in Cork lifelong learning Festival (with ireland, ár gcairde i bhFéile Foghlaim Fadsaoil Chorcaí breadth of the programme is an important factor fachtóir tábhachtach é fairsinge an chláir le luchtaí which we are twinned), Visit belfast, our venue (lena bhfuil muid ceangailte), Visit belfast, lenár in attracting new audiences to the arts and éisteachta agus féachana nua a mhealladh chuig na partners and, of course, the wonderful bpáirtnéirí ionaid agus le foireann bainistíochta iontach encouraging people to stray from the familiar. healaíona agus le daoine a spreagadh. Tig libh bheith management of St Mary’s University College for Cholaiste ollscoile naomh Muire leoga, as cead a You can always be confident to try new muiníneach i gcónaí triail a bhaint as eispéiris nua allowing us to take over their campus every august! thabhairt dúinn a gcampas a úsáid gach lúnasa! experiences here, secure in the knowledge that, anseo agus an t-eolas agaibh go riarfaidh Féile go So, enjoy yourselves and the work we put into Mar sin de, bainigí sult aisti agus as an obair a rinne muid with Feile, you are in good hands. maith oraibh. showcasing the West to the World! chun an tiarthar a léiriú don Domhan! roisín McDonough roisín McDonough Chief executive Príomhfheidhmeannach Kevin Gamble Kevin Gamble Arts Council of Northern ireland Comhairle ealaíon Thuaisceart éireann Director, Féile an Phobail Stiúrthóir, Féile an Phobail 4 5 on behalf of Diageo northern ireland, i ar son Diageo northern ireland, tá áthas orm go mbeidh am delighted that harp lager is returning harp lager ar ais arís mar phríomhpháirtnéir oifigiúil dí as the official pouring partner of Féile an Féile an Phobail, an fhéile ealaíon pobail is mó in éirinn. Phobail, ireland’s largest community arts bhí an fhéile iontach ar bhealaí éagsúla anuraidh agus tá festival. last year was amazing in so many muid ag súil go mór leis an rath a bhí againn anuraidh a Slán ways and we are looking forward to bhaint amach arís in 2016. emulating this success again in 2016. Féile an Phobail is mór an borradh a chuir Féile faoin phobal i gcoitinne www.feilebelfast.com The august Féile has provided a wonderful boost for the agus faoi thionscal an fháilteachais áitiúil le beagnach trí community as a whole and the local hospitality industry for dheichniúr anuas. Tá clár na bliana seo fíoriontach agus Abhaile almost three decades now. This year’s line-up is truly forbróidh sé an fhéile chun cinn. Tá áthas ar harp a exceptional and will take the festival to the next level and rannpháirt a ghlacadh in eispéireas fhoriomlán na féile harp is delighted to be playing its part in the overall agus sna tithe tábhairne. experience both at the festival and in the pub. Féile wishes everyone a great time at this year’s events Tá muid tiomanta do thacaíocht a thabhairt do and get home safe with our festival transport partners We are committed to supporting publicans across belfast in thábhairneoirí ar fud béal Feirste agus iad ag iarraidh a helping them to make the most of the hospitality mhéad deiseanna fáilteachais agus is féidir a thapú ina Value Cabs, Belfast Taxis CiC and Translink Metro. opportunities that come hand in hand with a festival of this leithéid seo d’fhéile mhór, le meon Féile an Phobail a chur scale and in bringing the spirit of Féile an Phobail to the local chun cinn sa cheantar áitiúil.
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