ESCAP/WMO No. 16 August 2004 T YPHOON COMMITTEE NEWSLETTER water-related disasters continued to Thirty Sixth Session of the Typhoon Committee cause adverse socio-economic impacts in many countries in Asia-Pacific region in recent years even as he called for greater efforts to improve disaster preparedness of the public for a better living with risk for a safer world in the 21st century, as stipu- lated in the Johannesburg Plan of Imple- mentation (JPOI) of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), held in September 2002. Ti also noted the continued increase in support from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) and Infrastructure Development Institute (IDI) of Japan in the implementation of the new RCPIP of TC, and also the plan of the Ministry of Construction and Transporta- tion (MOCT) of South Korea to start a new Delegates to the thirty-sixth session of the Typhoon Committee at Hotel Armada, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia program that would support these (15 to 20 December 2003). common endeavors. Eisa H. Al-Majed, representative of the Commission on Atmospheric Sciences WMO, reported that the World Meteoro- Senior weather officials from Asia- (CAS), Asian Disaster Reduction Center Pacific countries continued efforts to logical Congress in May 2003 established (ADRC), Asian Disaster Preparedness a new WMO major program on natural achieve development goals set by the Center (ADPC), the Russian Federation, ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee to disaster prevention and mitigation aimed and Department of Roshydromet. at enhancing international cooperation in mitigate the adverse effects of tropical cyclones in the Asia-Pacific region. the field of natural disaster activities. Speaking at the session's opening, Malaysian Meteorological Service More than 70 experts from national Al-Majed encouraged the members to Director-General Chow Kok Kee noted that facilitate the transfer of the latest fore- weather agencies of members of TC, the membership of the Committee had namely, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, casting techniques, and to develop and increased and many new activities were organize training courses, even as he Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, carried out to enhance the capacity of the South Korea, Thailand and the United assured the participants that WMO would members in addressing the wide continue to assist NMHSs in their develop- States, convened at the thirty-sixth spectrum of issues related to tropical session of TC, held in Petaling Jaya, ment plans through, among others, storms, disaster prevention and prepared- resource mobilization for the implementa- Malaysia, from 15 to 20 December 2003. ness. He added that the Committee tion of regional projects and programs. demonstrated the pragmatic cooperation The annual session, hosted by the among its members most of which took Government of Malaysia, was also The session, after discussing the part actively in the programs and activi- report of the Interim Working Group (IWG) attended by representatives of the World ties that were organized by the Typhoon Meteorological Organization (WMO), on the Regional Cooperation Program Im- Committee Secretariat. plementation Plan (RCPIP), established Economic and Social Commission in Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Typhoon Commit- the Working Group on the Review of the ESCAP Representative Le-Huu Ti said Operations and Structure of the Typhoon tee Secretariat (TCS), and observers from at the meeting that tropical cyclones and Contents 36th Typhoon Committee Session . 1 Typhoon 2003 Typhoon Committee Natural Disaster Committee WMO Prevention Award . 4 Secretariat T Changes . 4 Manila, Philippines News from TC Members . 5 ESCAP WG ROSTY Meeting . .14 strengthen capacity build- Workshop on Implementation ing on tropical cyclone of the Hydrological Compo- forecasting and other two nent of the New RCPIP and components (hydrology requested TCS, in cooperation and DPP); with the Ministry of Construc- • to continue the TRCG tion and Transportation fellowship scheme; and (MOCT) of South Korea, • to plan a regional work- to organize a 4-day workshop shop in 2005 to stimulate for TC hydrologists on Living joint collaboration among with Risk: Dealing with the meteorology, hydrology Typhoon-related Disasters as and DPP components. Part of Integrated Water Re- source Management, to be At the meeting, the Com- held in Seoul in 2004. In mittee was informed by JMA preparation for the workshop, on the start of the joint the Committee agreed to: Director-General Chow Kok Kee of the Malaysian Meteorological operation of GMS-5/GOES-9 in Service (MMS) welcomes the session participants. May 2003 in collaboration • request Japan and South with NOAA/NESDIS. JMA Korea to provide the Committee (WG ROSTY). The WG ROSTY to submit specific added that the NMHSs of services of experts to WG ROSTY was tasked to results and action-oriented members could now retrieve prepare for the organiza- th conduct further study of the themes for the 37 session satellite imagery either by tion of the workshop, options and proposals of IWG of TC. receiving WEFAX from GMS-5 including holding a pre- related to the operations and or by direct reception of paratory task force meet- structure of TC, and to submit On resource mobilization, GOES GVAR data. China also ing in South Korea at an detailed proposals at the next the Committee appointed a informed the Committee that early stage, to facilitate the session of TC. The options and rapporteur from the Japan its new satellite, FY-2C, was exchange of experiences proposals of IWG were: Meteorological Agency (JMA) set to be launched in 2004. and to prepare program for to prepare a synthesis report follow-up action taking into • changes to the methodo- based on the responses of The Committee noted the account the priority logy and implementation the members to a question- report of the working group on accorded in the RCPIP; of new technologies which naire, and to submit the report a Unified North-West Pacific • request TCS, with assis- may lead to efficiencies of to WG ROSTY for the develop- Tropical Cyclone Best Track tance from ESCAP and TC, TC coordinator and the ment of one or two project Data Set and approved the Japan, to encourage all TCS; proposals on implementing plan to produce a data set focal points for the • new framework of priori- resource mobilization. named Expanded Best Track hydrological component ties for activities of TC; The Committee requested • new reporting formats for its members, TCS and all the the five components of working groups to update the RCPIP of TC together with RCPIP. It also endorsed a new the mechanisms aimed at format of the country report improving the implementa- with only three main compo- tion of RCPIP; nents to be applied at its next • Collaborative activities session. among the five compo- nents of RCPIP; The Committee reorgan- • mobilization of resources ized the Working Group on to achieve the goals and Hydrology (WGH) which will objectives of TC; and oversee the planning and WMO, MMS, ESCAP and TCS top officials • updates to the Statute of promotion of cooperation TC, and Rules and Proce- among the members in carry- Data Set for the Western and DPP and meteorologi- dures of TC. ing out the hydrological North Pacific and the South cal resource persons to component of RCPIP. The China Sea (EBT). The mem- prepare for the workshop; participants were urged to Under the options for bers will produce the EBT in • request ESCAP to assist collaborative activities, the implement the Typhoon cooperation with the RSMC Research Coordination Group TCS and South Korea in Committee agreed that the Tokyo-Typhoon Center which preparing the technical three components (meteo- (TRCG) action plan in the in turn will submit a yearly promotion of research activi- program of the workshop; rology, hydrology, and DPP) progress report (on EBT) to the • should hold their cor- ties, such as: allocate one day of the Committee. 4-day workshop to discuss responding pre-sessions a day before the start of the 37th • to continue the roving detailed proposal on The Committee also follow-up actions; and session, to be followed by a seminars under the visiting noted the report of the plenary pre-session for the lecturer program in order extend, if possible, the pre-session meeting of workshop by one day, three components interaction. to promote research and hydrologists which included The Committee requested the development, and to w i t h o u t f i n a n c i a l the recommendations of the requirements from TCTF, Page 2 August 2004 Typhoon Committee Newsletter No. 16 for the participants' field order to maximize the use of work for the preparation its resources. exercise on flood hazard. The Committee thanked The Committee urged TCS the Korea International Coop- and the members to join the eration Agency (KOICA) for the International Flood Network Training Workshop on (IFNET). The IFNET Secretariat Weather Forecasting for was requested to provide the Operational Meteorologists in members with related infor- Seoul in April/May 2003. The mation on developments of its next KOICA workshop will be projects on the Global Flood held in April or May 2004. Alert System (GFAS). Philippine and Malaysian representatives The Committee also noted ESCAP joined the WMO in Germany), and Partnership Preparedness (DPP) activities the important contribution of supporting the initiative of on Disaster Reduction in among the Meteorological, the National Research Insti- Japan in the establishment of Southeast Asia and the Inter- Hydrological and DPP compo- tute for Earth Science and the International Flood Net- national Flood Network nents. Disaster Prevention (NIED) of work (IFNET), which was for- (IFNET), in cooperation with Japan for the development of mally launched in August WMO on its initiative on GFAS. The Asian Disaster Reduc- prediction method of flood 2003 during the World Water tion Center (ADRC) circulated runoff and inundation Week held in Stockholm.
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