Join the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People THE NEW YEAR January Crisis 1914 Hereditary Bondsmen! Know Ye Not, Who Would Be Free Themselves Must Strike the Blow? One Dollar a Year Ten Cents a Copy W E WANT $1,500,000 Paid-for Insurance By December 31, 1913 In Policies from $250 to $5,000 Premiums payable Annually, Semi- Annually, Quarterly. Your applica­ tion will help. Send us to-day your name, address, age, occupation. Standard Life Insurance Co. Capital paid in . $100,000.00 OLD LINK LEGAL RESERVE HOME OFFICE: 200 Auburn Avenue Atlanta, Ga. HEMAN E. PERRY, President A. F. HERNDON, Treasurer HARRY H. PACE, Secretary Mention THE CRISIS. THE CRISIS A RECORD OF THE DARKER RACES PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE, AT 26 VESEY STREET, NEW YORK CITY Conducted by W. E. BURGHARDT DU BOIS AUGUSTUS GRANVILLE DILL, Business Manager Contents for January, 1914 Page CARTOON. "In the Saddle!" By Lorenzo Harris 119 ARTICLES THE SONG OF THE SMOKE. A Poem 132 A MAN THEY DIDN'T KNOW. A Story. By James D. Corrothers. Part II 136 A NEW BUSINESS VENTURE. By H. H. Pace 142 DEPARTMENTS ALONG THE COLOR LINE Ill MEN OF THE MONTH 120 OPINION 124 EDITORIAL 133 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE 139 THE BURDEN 146 WHAT TO READ . 147 TEN CENTS A COPY; ONE DOLLAR A YEAR FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS TWENTY-FIVE CENTS EXTRA RENEWALS: When a subscription blank is attached to this page a renewal of your subscription is desired. The date of the expiration of your subscription will be found on the wrapper. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: The address of a subscriber can be changed as often as desired. In ordering a change of address, both the old and the new address must be given. Two weeks' notice is required. MANUSCRIPTS and drawings relating to colored people are desired. They must be accom­ panied by return postage. If found unavailable they will be returned. Entered as Second-class Matter in the Post Office at New York, N. Y. 108 THE CRISIS ADVERTISER "In the Heart of the Healthy Hills" Atlanta University The Agricultural and Is beautifully located in the City of Atlanta, Ga. The courses of study include High School, Nor­ mal School and College, with manual training Mechanical College and domestic science. Among the teachers are NORMAL, ALABAMA graduates of Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, Smith and Wellesley. Forty-two years of successful Makes a special effort to meet the needs of work have been completed. Students come from young people who must work out their own salva­ tion. It gives breadwinners a chance to go to all parts of the South. Graduates are almost school and so puts a first-class English education and universally successful. a trade within the reach of every young person of push and purpose. For further information address Board, lodging and washing cost $9 per month. An entrance fee of $10 covers medicine, hospital President EDWARD T. WARE care and doctor's bill for the year. ATLANTA, GA. School opens the first Monday in October and closes the last Thursday in May. WALTER S. BUCHANAN, President Knoxville College Beautiful Situation. Healthful Location. LINCOLN INSTITUTE The Best Moral and Spiritual Environment. Jefferson City, Missouri A Splendid Intellectual Atmosphere. Founded by the Negro soldiers of Noted for Honest and Thorough Work. the 64th and 65th Regiments. Sup­ Offers full courses in the following departments: ported by the State of Missouri. College, Normal, High School, Grammar School and One of the best-equipped schools Industrial. Good water, steam heat, electric lights, good in the country for the education of drainage. Expenses very reasonable. Negro boys and girls. Normal, Opportunity for Self-help. Collegiate, Agricultural and Indus­ Fall Term Began September, 1913. trial Courses. Normal diplomas carrying with them the degree B. Pd. For information address are life certificates to teach in the President R. W. McGRANAHAN public schools of Missouri. The KNOXVILLE, TENN. degree A. B. conferred upon those who complete the collegiate course. Four teachers of Music: Voice Cul­ ture, Piano. Violin, Band and Orchestra Practice. Elocution and The Agricultural and Athletics. Board $9.50 a month. Tuition $3.00 the year to Missouri students. All others pay Mechanical College $13.00 a year. Catalog free, B. F. ALLEN, A. M., LL. D. President. Maintained by the govern­ ments of North Carolina and of ST. MARY'S SCHOOL the United States. Open all the An Episcopal boarding and day school for girls, under the direction of the Sisters year round. For males only. of St. Mary. Address: Winter term began December 1, THE SISTER-IN-CHARGE 1913. Board, lodging and tuition, 611 N. 43d St. W. Philadelphia, Pa. $7 per month. Best opportunities CARNEGIE COLLEGE-HOME STUDY for Negro youth. Night school "60 PAGE BULLETIN FREE" COURSES BY MAIL for indigent but ambitious young Grammar School Agricultural High School Poultry men. For catalog or further Norma Domestic Science Professiona Civil Service information, address Penmanship Engineering Type-writing Drawing Short-hand English Book-keeping Language Law Real Estate PRESIDENT DUDLEY Reduced rates of tuition to first applicants. For "Free Bulletin" A. & M. College Greensboro, N. C. and "Special Scholarship," apply CARNEGIE COLLEGE Pres. GALBREATH No. 19D St., ROGERS. Ohio. Mention THE CRISIS. THE CRISIS ADVERTISER 109 The National Religious Training School "I cordially commend the school's interest and needs to all who believe in the Negro race and in our obligation to help promote its intellectual, moral and religious uplift." —Rev. Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst, New York City. IT IS MORE THAN A MERE SCHOOL IT IS A COMMUNITY OF SERVICE AND UPLIFT Its influence is destined to be felt in all sections of the country in improved Negro community life wherever our trained workers locate. Settlement workers, missionaries for home and foreign mission fields, Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. secretaries and district nurses receive a compre­ hensive grasp of their studies under a Wellesley graduate and experienced co-workers and actual every-day practice through the school's SOCIAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT. We aim also to create a better qualified ministry. Industrial training, advanced literary branches, business school. Thirty-two acres; ten modern buildings; healthful location. We can accommodate a few more earnest, ambitious students. Communities requiring social workers should write us. For catalog and detailed information address: PRESIDENT JAMES E. SHEPARD National Religious Training School Durham, N. C. The school has no endowment fund and must raise a yearly maintenance fund of $15,000 for running expenses. Won't you help us this year? Atlanta University Negro in American History Studies of the (In Press) Traces status of the Negro from Negro Problems discovery, colonization and settle­ 17 Monographs Sold Separately ment to the close of Revolution. Evolution of citizenship to 20th Address: century. Also biographical sketches ATLANTA UNIVERSITY CONFERENCE of eminent men and women as Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. illuminating side lights. To every instructor of colored youth, every student in secondary The Curse of Race Prejudice schools, every one desirous of making By James F. Morton, Jr., A. M. further researches, this work is com­ An aggressive exposure by an Anglo-Saxon mended by educators, scholars and champion of equal rights. Startling facts and crush­ investigators. ing arguments. Fascinating reading. A necessity for clear understanding and up-to-date propaganda. Full bibliography, chronology and Belongs in the library of every friend of social justice. Price 25 cents. Send orders to comprehensive index. Illustrations. $1.25; by postage, $1.40. Agents JAMES F. MORTON, JR. wanted. Address: 244 West 143d Street - - - New York, N. Y. J. W. CROMWELL 1439 Swann St., N. W. Washington, D. C. J. E. ORMES ACCOUNTANT WANTED—Colored carriage smiths, Audits Systems woodworkers, trimmers and painters. Business information by mail. Open for Sober, experienced men only. Ad­ engagements July and August Box 25, Wilberforce University dress: THE CRISIS, 26 Vesey Wilberforce, O. Street, New York City. Mention THE CRISIS. 110 THE CRISIS ADVERTISER OF INTEREST TO VOCAL STUDENTS WHAT THE WORLD IS SAYING ABOUT TONE-PLACING AND VOICE- DEVELOPMENT Points explained, viz.: Breath "A in Singing, Trying the Voice, the Soprano, the Mezzo-Soprano, the Contralto, Tenor Leggiero or High Little Tenor, the Baritone, the Bass, Parts of the Vocal Apparatus, the Mouth, the Tongue, Position When Practising, Position When Singing, Dreaming" How to Practice, Good Rules for Singing. Comment from the world-renowned conductor of By the Paulist Choir of Chicago, Ill., whose choir has just received the first prize awarded AT the Sing­ FENTON ing Contest held in Paris on May 25, 1912: JOHNSON "Dear Mr. Tinsley: "I take great pleasure in commending YOUR very useful and Who is acclaimed by prominent critics, leading succinctly written book on 'TONE-PLACING AND VOICE-DEVELOP­ MENT.' Tour own appreciation of the psychology of singing authors and the international press as the foremost and the fundamental principles OF the art you have cleverly romantic poet and one of the greatest writers of reduced to A simple system. Cordially yours, African strain. "Father WILLIAM J. FINN, C. S. P.. Director Paulist Choristers of Chicago." "Praiseworthy in the ways of imagination, mys­ From "Musical Courier." N. Y.: "A very practical little ticism and romance."—Chicago "Daily News." book is 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development,' by Pedro T. Tinsley. It contains some very excellent material and vocal Josephine Turck Baker, editor of "Correct Eng­ exercises, and should be In the hands of all vocal students." lish," says: "When the young poet brought his From "Music News," Chicago, Ill.: "Accordingly his verses to me I felt that a new singer had come 'PRACTICAL METHOD OF SINGING' Is A most concise and practical among us, singing of love, of passion, of joy and little manual, containing many valuable vocal exercises.
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