Q t 56 pages t 7' grl PHOT h)i Th is book is ar graphs look like It is concerned photographic tr hili ties that a work. The inve radically new THl ess based not 0 difference was - constructed schemes and MoMAExh_0741_MasterChecklist graphs, as the. taken. THE PHD photographs In tion that offer tographer's vis landmark in t 72 illustratio extraordinary graph during John Sza 01 The Muse Edward Steic been awarde one in 1954 IDEA OP LOU! graph the Q ern Ontario. many books JACQUES HE RAPI:IER AND and ANDRE TH 11 WEST DISTill PHOTOGRAPHER'S EYE MoMAExh_0741_MasterChecklist BY JOHN SZARKOWSKI THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, NEW YORK DISTRIBUTED BY DOUBLEDAY & CO .. ING. GARDEN CITY. NEW YORK EXH. 741 THEPHOTOGRAPHml'SEYE SC : Departmental Reference Collection ABBOTT,Berenice (American) Hands of an Aesthete, 1927 .- The 11useumof Hodern Art (II-70) 06.42 ALVA'lEZBRAVO,Hanuel (Mexican) Eating Place, c. 1940 .- The 11useumof Hode rn Art (V-l92A) ANDRlJO;SSE,Emmy(Dutch) 1,!hite Fish and Arm, c1950- The Museumof Modern Art (n-6l) ATGST,Eugene (French) St. Cloud, c. 19OO?(print by B. Abbott) / The Museumof Mode rn Art (rrr-i u ) ATGlIT,Eugene (French) Side Show, c. 1910 / The Museumof Hoder'll Art (II-50) AVEDON,Richard (American) Ezra Pound, 1958 Lent by the photographer (1-12) BARN1\RDandGIBSON(American) Detail of "Fortifications on Heights of ,.- Centreville, Virginia" from Gardner1s Photographic Sketch Book of the "lar, 1861-1865. Vol. 1, No.5. The Museum of nodern Art CIV-124) BASS,Dr. Edward E (American) Group along country road, . c. 1910? Courtesy of The State Historical Society of Wisconsin (III-88) BAmmlN,Horst (German) Quality, 1963 (photo-mechanical print)...- The Museumof Modern Art (II-55A) *BONICELLI,Giovanni (Italian) The World of Ch'ldren, No.2, Undated Lent by the photographer (IV-130A) BRADY,HathewB. or one of his cameramen (American) All prints are "Courtesy of the Brady Collection, The Library of Con<;ress" Major General William T. Sherman, Undated (1-24) ~ Conspirator Payne Seated, 1865 (I-32) /" SC Rowof Stacked Rifles, Petersburg, Va., April 3, 1865 (II-4l) - Soldiers with 24 pdr , sMge gun, Fort Corcoran, Arlington, Va., c. 1863 ~ SC ( II-43) SC Gp,aveof J. E. B. Stuart, Richmond, Va., 1865 (II-46) ~ r SC Dead Confederatessoldier "I-lith gun, Petersburg, Va., April 3, 1865 (II-47) SC 11a,azine in Battery Rogers, Arlington, Va., c. 1863 (II-47A}- MoMAExh_0741_MasterChecklist Castle Pinckney, Charleston, S. C. c. 1863 (III-l2l) / Dead Confederate soldier near cheveaux-de-frise, Petersburg, Va.,"--- April 3, 1865 (V-178) 183.62 BRANDT,Bill (Rapho-Guillumette) (English) No. 47 from Perspective of Nudes, . Gift of the photographer (V-17S) 1957 64.139 BR~lmT,Bill (Rapho-Guillumette) (English) Child Resting, c. 1950 . Lent by the photographer (V-182) l ~C _BRAC~AI(Rapho-nuillumette) (French) Graffiti, Late 1930 s to 1950's The Museumof Hode"!) Art (II-63) BUCKMI,Peter (American) The Bull Attacks, 1951, Bilbao, from Bullfight (Simonand Schuster, 1958). Lent by the photograoher (II-6).) BUCKLEY,Peter (American) Nanoletina Pass, 1957, °ilbao, from Bullfi,,:ht (Simon and Schuster, 1958). Lent by the ph.otographer (IV-145) BUC1(1E,'I,Peter (American) Matador Circling the Ring in Triumph, 1956, Bilbao, from Bullfight (Simon and Schuster, 195B). Lent by the photogra:pher (V-lB1) BTJCKLEY,Peter (American) Bullfight Critic, 19511, Logrono, from Bullfi'}ht {Simon and SChuster, 195B). Lent by the pho\.,,~apher (V-l92) * BELLOC(?) (American) New Orleans, c. 1905. (girl) Lent by Lee Friedlander (I-33A) 2 ·114 BURCHAllTZ,Hax(German) Sye of Lotte, 1930 Lent by Dr. Otto Steinert (II.6lA) h.l44 BURRI, Rene (Magnum) (Swiss) Shadow of a Tree, 1963 Lent by the photographer (V,J;l:90) C -CALLAHAN,Harry(American) Detroit, 1943 ' The Museumof Modern Art (IV-129) .62 CALLAHAN,Harry(American) Heroic Figure, 1961, Chicago ,..-- The l1useumof Modern Art (V-174) i .89 CA!1ERON,Julia Margaret (English) Portrait of Thomas Carlyle, c. 1867 Lent by The Royal Photographic Society, Permanent Collection, London (I-3l) 92 v• CMERON,Julia Margaret (English) Casseopea, 1856 Lent by the Science Huseum, London (I-25A) CAPA, Robert (Hagnum) (American) Normandy, 1944 / The Museumof Modern Art (II-hh) 5 CAPONFlRO,Paul (American) Untitled (Tree stump), 1957 Lent anonymous.Iy (III-1l7) CARTI\H-BRESSON,Henri (Magnum)(French) Callejon of the Valencia Arena, 1933 Lent by the photogr-apher (III-I03) CARTIER-BRESSON,denri (Ha,;num)(French) Children Playing in Ruins, Seville, Spain, 1933. The l'Iuseum of Modem Art. (IV-158) CARTn"-BR~SSON,Henri (Hagnum)(French) ~ladrid, Spain, 1933 The Museum of I"lodern Art (IV-159) CAHTI":'!-BR"BsnN,Henri (Nagnum) (French) Behind Gare St. Lazare, 1932 Lent by the photographer (IV-l00) COBURNAlvin Langdon (American) The Octopus, Ne~1York, 1912 Lent b§- the George Eastman House (v-165) CORSINI, Haro.Ld (American) Erie Canal, NewYork 1946 Courtesy of the Standard 9i:l- Companyof NewJersey (II-65) COSTA,Joe (American) Bruno Hauptmann's casket carried from Trenton State Prison, 1936. Courtesy of the NewYork Daily News (v-169) DECARI,VA,Roy(American) Untitled (Hands and briefcase) 1959 Lent by the ph'Jtographer (II-76) DOISNBAU,Rohert (Rapho-Guillumette) (French) M~nin front of Notre Dame, 1956 LentMoMAExh_0741_MasterChecklist by the photographer (1-5) -- DOISN~U, Robert (Rapho-Oufl Iuroet.t.e) (French) Untitled (Policeman and lovers along the Seine), c. 195h. Lent by the photozraphe r (III-96A.) DOISNV,AU,Robert(Ra,..,ho-Guillumette) (French) Untitled (Photographer shooting group in farmyard), 1957-8. Lent b'J the phvtographez- (IV-139) DOISNEPU,Robert (Rapho-Guillumette) (French) Untitled (Photographer shooting 1"arrnyard), 1957-8. Lent by the phot.crrrapher- (rvo-lho) nu CAl1P,Haxime (French) Temple of Kardassy, Nubia, 1850 (From calotype negative:by Blanquart-Evrard for the album Egypte, Nubie, Palestine et SITie, Paris 1852). Lent by the Georo~eEastman House (I-II) DUNCAN,DavidDouglas (American) Korea, 1950, from This Is ).Jar Gift of the photographer (II-h8) EDGE'1TON,Dr. Harold E., K. J. Germeshausen and H. E. Grier (American) Swirls and Eddies of a Tennis Stroke, 1939~ Gift of the photographers (IV-127) 6h.160 BRlnTT, Elliott (Hagnum) (American) Yale I s Oldest Living Graduate, 1956 Lent by the photographer (III-86) 6h.159 ERHITT..Elliott (Magnum) (American) Swirling Room, Fontainebleau Hotel, Miami Beach, 1962. Lent by the photographer (I-20) E'i'ltlITT, Elliott (1'lagnum) (American) San Francisco, c. 1955. (woman) Lent by the photogra°pher (V-l91B) / 3 292.63 - 8V1'.NS,vlalker (American) Penny Picture Display, Sal3.nnah, 1936 / The Museumof Modern Art (1-3) EVANS,Walker (American) Cotton Tenant Farmer's Wife, Alabama, 1936 The Huseumof Modern Art (1-30) 64.1621'. 8VANS,Walker (American) Torn Movie Poster, 1930 Lent by the photographer (II-59) 64.161 EVANS,Halker (American) Interior of W. Va. Coal Miner I s House, 1935 Lent by the photographer (II-nO) 396.56 '"VANS, Halker (American) Kitchen Wall in B. F.'s House, Alabama, 1936 The uuseumof IJJodern Art (II-60A) 64.93 - FRNTON,Roger(English) The Valley of The Shadowof Death, 1855, Crimea Lent by the Science Museum,Landon (11-45) 64.163 - FlUNK, Robert (Swiss) Covered Car, Long Beach, California, 1955-7, from The Americans. Lent by the ph0 tClR;rapher (I-L3) 64.164 FRA!.lK,Robert (Swiss) Luncheonette, Butte, 11ontana, 1955-7, from The Americans. Lent by the photographer (III-84) FRA'JK,Robert (Swiss) US90, Texas, 1955, from The Americans. The Museumof Nod.ern Art (III-I05) 411.59 FRANK,Robert (&wiss) Parade, Hoboken, N. J., 1955, from The Americans The Museumof i"1odern Art (V_lOt,) 64.165 FRA"K,Robert (Swiss) Political Rally, Chical;o, 1955-7, from The Americans Lent by the photographer ('1-193) 64.162B FRANK,Robert (SWiss) Barber shop seen through screen door, McClellanville, S. Carolina,1955-7, from TheAmericans. Lent by the photograp her (v-lab) 64.166 - FRIEDLAND\R,Lee(American) (TV in bedr-oom}, 19113 Lent by the photographer (1-2) 64.167 F1USDLANDSR,Lee(American) (Dog in ..ri.ndotc}, 1963 Lent by the photographer (II-67) 64.168 F'RmDLA~mS",Lee(American) ('ged in store Hindow), 1963 Lent bv the photographer (V-18S) 64.298 GARN'ITT,irJillil!llll(American) Untitled (Aerial vieH), 1951, Lent by the photographer ('1-1901'.) 64.173 GIPCOMBLLI,Hario (Italian) Scanno, 1963 MoMAExh_0741_MasterChecklist Lent by tho photographer (1'1-11)2) --- 64.178 '}ROSBLI,Rene (German) NudeDressing, undated Lent by the photographer (I'l-lSS) 64.176 HAl-lAYA,Hiroshi (l1agnum) (Japanese) A Paddy Planting Homan, Toyama, Japan 1955; Lent by the photographer (II-62) 64.177 HANAYA, Hiroshi (Magnum) (Japanese) The Child of the F=er's Family, Aomori Japan, 1957. Lent by the photographer ('1-188) 64.190 HAUN,Declan (American) Justice, 1963 Lent by the photoq,rapher (II-57) SC BAMM, Clarence (1unerican) Cavemen Initiate Dewey, 1948 Courtesy of The Associated Press (IV-133) 190.63 HBYMAN,Ken(American) Untitled (Laught.nz girl), 1962, for Alliance for Pro- gress. The l1useum of l10dernArt (IV-148) _ SC H08rY;:RSTlffi10(Anerican) AnonymousPortrait Courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society (1-11) 64.179 HU'3llANN,Franz(German) (Waiter in coffee hause), Undated Lent by the photographer (1'1-153) 64.180 JOS"1)HS~N,Ken(American) Season IS I}reetings, 1963 Lent by the photographer ('1-189) 4 64.85 - KEITH, Dr. Thomas(1827-95) (Scottish) (Ivy wall), 1852-6, calotype Lent by Andre Jammes (II-49) 64.18]; K'<;RTESZ,Andre(American) Tudor City, 1962 Lent by the photogr-apher- ( III-83) 64.182- KERTESZ;Andre (American) (Billboard), 1962 Lent by -the photographer (III-97) 64.183 KERTESZ,Andre (ltmerican) ThomasJefferson, Munson-1;hlliams-Proctor Huseum,1961> Lent by the photographer (III-99) 64.184-KERTESZ,Andre {American (Railroad station), 1937 Lent by the photographer (III-IO?) 64.185 Kl\RTESZ,Andre (American) (Brick walls), 1961 Lent by the phot.ogr-aohe'r (III-122) 64.186-KERTESZ,Andre ("'merican) (Chagall family, 1933) Lent by the photographer (V.164) 64.18} KERTESZ,Andre' (American) St.
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