Determination of Hg as a pollutant in Marine culture of Karachi's coastal waters by cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy SHA||(H MoHtuDDtN M_ 5c Disseiation submitted to the University of KaEchi for the award of degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Chemistry University of Karac$i 2009 Dedicated to:- Anni, Abbu(My pdrents) fianls to All.h-eobh.nahut rh the mort nercltul, eto e.abled n. !o @mplele thls t8L I k jun bs@ of Hlr klndns a.d .sn,A th.i | @uH 6ndud. thb nody. I owe rpel.l Srattude to ny rupedisor Pbl Dr lftilh.. ham N.qvl, romer D.a F.clltv of lclence .nd Chakm.n Depanment of Chehistry, unlv.Eliv of K.rachi. Hls 8uld..@, sg8lit-btr' sqpporl .nd Esdr mor. tta had h€.n th. m.jo. $urc. ot inselr.rbn lofa.ds .cconplbhir€nt ot rh. t ft!t, I am abo thanktul to Prot, 0r. Z.hld. T, Maqlood, Ch.lrper5on oep.rlnent of Chemistry Uriv€r!|ry ol |(.r&hl for prcvldl.g me hcilhl.s .n.l lsurces. 'ftev In $. l.nt l(s ny pt|!11.8! to th{r my hmlly mnbs, @ll..8ss ..d niEndr . p6y€d ior m.luslon of thls study thar I del.yed due to mv lau 1..33, I offer tpecr.l Er.thod. to 8.rhe* bh.l io, l.Ddl.8 a helptul h.nd l Total mercury (rcgadtess of irs foftn) is inv€srigaled as a polturanr in ihe marine system of coastal €gions ot Karachi for rhe pedod between 2006-2008. seawaler ssdiment, fish sea@d and ,itr€l Hers have bs€n focused tof rorat mefcury c4ntent (THg). Seven sites wers setected for anatysss. Sires have b€6n @t€onzed into polluted and eG aro6s. Po uled area haooens to be near tie city and safe area is beyond the civit activitiss. Manora is ide.tified 6s most pollll€d slalion. Industfial and domestio €fllu€nts havs b66n identiti€d to b€ a majo. sourc€ ofpollution. lndust,iatwast€ goi idenriied to b6 the majorpoltuiio. conlibutor in consequenc€ of cohpaBtjvs seawater anatyses of samptes @llecled n weekdays and a€ek€nds. Bioaocumutation and bio-amltific:rion in ecosystem has also b€€n monito€d tnrcugh anatyses on ssdiment and tittsr ieeder (bamacles, oFter, and mlssets). For a pedod ot the years seasonal vanalons have also bee. marked. Monsoon 6nd non-monsoon metat load was specitically €corded and cornparcd. po ution toad is estimaled by anatysis of seawater n nalw channets having difeEnc€s jn tjdes. Anatvses ot sudace water s.mpl€s cottected trom d,stanes in d€ep sea estabtish that ihe polturion goes towards deep sea lrom Karachi's coaslal paramere.s. Furure THg ievets ale arso being pedicred as an ourcome p€d.qining to lhree yea6 data. In tish sampres THg va.ied with diftecnces in ags a.d size. Liver is noried to b€.r the highest THg load among various oqans ot the same tish. Seatood samptes arc also invesligaled tor THg and they arc found ro b€ wlhin Oo ,ecomdended limits. Selected samptes of seawe€d ano no Drominent i.ado||!tip of THg I rflh ned tEgbo, re.cl o. lotnon Ddf. Col n o. AAS b ltlpbFd €s a rflo. -atdcst boa thb bonq€ a .dntrrd b yriorrl anJyllc.t FE ralt a td * dst|&{ tfitasE dr b 9r€actca of !.*r!tcatio.B aE rlin . tibrr|6 nun Cl., CA, tg, Cut ]d bdtd. ftt F!.elce d MnO.) *r b.hg ,tporlod, Ar lnofter bd?€.rhrn .|brfc.l bdnhr t|. rnodtc .ttpi,rg vof€nm.ny (AaU war .rnpby.d b !!c.lbh h-. |! u|lt. ftytlcodbmhat panlrrb,r lbo .Wpm in€ TH! en.r|€! oulcoml.. s.vlrat.H.!cd poq bst !k AtErvA.nd hrv. b..i dnptoy€d ior compar.on and deta tlducuol! 'Wv'F Jr',!'JL'l d,'p,!- t,f 1t,.c J' ttt L ql tur' t( t li,!,)t V t i ilr,,t , l!tJ,,/ -+ s- r,y, " 1 -/L,tt it,,( firLa L* Ovt|J,fi/,ti,t +{.)e ..t /-w-v-t/tra i 664;,1G, zit ot rtj z elJl"nr.-tL -v,1,- ik,!, t Jtt'L J e' arv - )L j ;Fo d,!1 ! Ltit,t, ri 6 t a o' -{y i. I, t - ^tetv "' i { f .*-{!t "i,!t- y.Jvftil -4 z_g,.-,.tt /7ai L,tti4.q,rL i Ltd.r ,?4d, rl,i,,:arn \i!JL/ r'- z- a ii L& o;-4. Lf v.r,t M,-P,,,,.1,1,,t 4 ;, L gtt,.r 4t, i?4 1 L.i 4 hr ht.i t.t--t'.,r/ c|^t,jl t'at f 1)a. I 2, i ((Bic.nctfr.arioA)ivttt'"b/Ltlr!,ttLrvJV"tnltr,!,ti+,1(Bioe@murarion) o A! ib L jcJl ^!v,t,fi ;/'o.!l iv Gt it tLt, L, 4lniL et;\t/L e,D,Jv G J, 6/.e,t'Lt /-tLt' r.4z tV{(,n -{fu'/tt,bL 4} p6ht (ro/,!,,1-,1 P6 ;L y!. y' - ! &, )a& |/L,.!--fl,J {t_tn/1,tAt+ i L e 1,-tv -,.t"t j17 Z -,', fi-'-.tu- - a s. r,r d,/-- f- ! * uL qL4, r-i,.i.r * b \!{,-h. tG Hg)r p ir'L 6 Jt!-, tt o tF- d,!| h,!*'lz -,9.r,1 t t 7 z sdy - q, i L dc t ,f; L! !! y r, -,,,,!,t,w'r aL E/.1 I tvL ) sr, 1 "!' - -tli" ^,1,t {pE 7 tt' - lh L, +,t ) t i4t tt 6laa Oy,J', i-V,J!+t I uL e,tJlt iLrt dlJ E L,i( ,!t', Ut,!,tr n 1 o ] r'Lt L 9 6s - - ; u 1 1,:,h,,<-( JtL !2 r.J z i o E 6,,--1- -L'Vj4t )t{. ,1,1,t >'!-,!/ tcoa ardnic abGoarion specrro6.op, Jg-l4"t1J,,v, "zpor Jy &,f J{-.v,!-g t k'.+ /,/ v,04iL r -, Jtli-es5/ -{dp' $,t,v ,i'trL-4,'/"iilt lE N., co, d.rE{*C/,d/.tr,t '{ "2li'<,tct), t 6':j rJ! Lt 4 fv- yf -t Ll t)!il+ -t.,1 Ltat,t !'!,,o - L n rv L Jr4 :h L | | ? / +,1,r - I J. 4), i! i,!,a r,J',,'q z n i't,,,rvt_,, {,.; te Jq L tp,t r t'5' ,lZ,,.a { 4 a -'-u t S12 C,,, t , lrt't z-vt /t v i -,9 - l{ f J.* o -,1 &i t I , y',j, ( - f' a {- L /,t,b {.o,t i,ti. z t -{t! * vlz + t,t,lty'o td,t J i!, 1, g ^ al ta i {2, i L ( v 4 / rJt tL 4{.z t-,y4r,.t y it i,. t Lcv r.^s. q L jrL(,/y' ^6ry). " rc"ain"a n"r"-n* Mat,i"t {L|hh!,t6ur{zily.r-t 4972 e -.{,t;i a!,Q L t r !. ' } i! i,t"t 4v,J6o ! - -,itL r' &[ J *,:],{u !- t / . { e raijve, } Ja - I 1,?' {. i; vL 6o t,. Lf,,l,eca,, *ov a - "t: 4 4 i i4,e * .f ia',,r.- zv,t-i* zg,/-rc, nt /,o! t. LE el 1,t i,,J-tt, J, o r e{-w1E - 6 n -,w rAt! t /,v L,A ) iL I ol r r_t, o e,,it, ;t,,r,!, tilJ Th. n6|E ud.n*6 ro cEc qudny ot 6k lh6i, N Th. eti-pdSlris p.lStris sonM6 ViFr rrxt find6 t.2.0 Crri.t v.dio.) h!rc ber dploy.d ro va rh. conrds ofrlE $6is. 150690 styl..vrilblc ir Mic{lrn wod q.200? hr! b@r usd ro pe*nl dc Qu.li9 @ftd p.r|fucB tt 3y!r.mic.nd nndoh .r|orq EFodsibilry. tinit ofd.Grior ctc, hrE bdrrt6csof. AU polsibl. chatcrt bcfc.?l.6 ir 0r a$tlrjc.t r.crD{!6 r{v. b..n TIE .ntltdcd @ttt hrE b..n comp6&d drcurh l*o itrd.Fnd.nr Drlrtic.l reoFdr cvAAs rnd ASV, Qultiry couiol i. $ndiry hs djo b€r6eu!4 R6ult! h!v. h.6 irr.rpEcd by BinA fli3ticrt loots tilc ANOVA, rcA dc, Cqifi.d cfcic. mrqid/h.v. b€, Ed. Trbl. ofcotrrort l.! M.Eury .! rh €Nthhm.nr,o ut nr r.4 sou@s of i.dry i. rh..NtmD.hr 1.5 cncmk.l rr..t.don ot hedry h .tulonn.nr r.5 MeEurydh.thurbntn.nvtonh.nt r.5.4 Medry i. mnrne or3inis: r.t ch€hinry ot Ht h rh. ENidm.,{: r 7r chenirr4 ro,.qdrbnumof Nsr"*d,;;e;;; 1.3 sioa.onur.tton ot n.(ury: 1.3.1 f,.lds:tfqdi.Sbio..unuhljon: 1l.2 Bi€@mutaJo. In 6rhsi r.9 Tdid4ofM.tury r,10 Guld.lin.r tor h.EUrY r.r1 Hiltory of n.Eury pohontng: l.1r Hi5bry or M.Gvry mnitonna 1,14 Pr.vention lr.n m.Eury po ud.. 1,14 t€sdaron torc.nrro 4 m.rurypo ldoi, r.id.r r4ur.tiod by @mmunitis: n.Rry h.nh.r,.s " T,,,^-TFj:T*:"i:iltTnm.dr' I 15 r Abh( Abrop'hn spe.hehdomdr,r (rd5lr Aront.ml$on/,[email protected]: chrohdosrph . ndhod3: t|dodemio|n{ho&.fAe|86: vtpor Atomic Ab.orptlor sp..rrdopy (CvAAsl. r. €rvlbnm.nl.rrit mo.ftonnt h 6.tt tEdon of g.kErrn LI9 S.op.
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