~~ This the we mean it Thursd?, Rprill1993 \/o\ %%\/I, Number 42 Mayer to Greek system issue is Miller Hall resident headline getting out of control murders roommate Greenberg, fiats clash in verbal war an assault, the police then imme- ceremony by TAD L. TAIL by FRAT BOY no comment, but Seltzer did say Futile Squabbles Reporter diately went to 123, thereby fur- Racist, Sexist, Homophobic that “this kind of discrimination Last week, Miller resident ther delaying their response to the via seance Following the recent faculty cannot be allowed to happen at Casey Lusanto was accusedofkill- incident at Miller. vote to begin changing the face of Tufts. IfIwanttosubjectmyselfto ing his roommate Peter Listerman TEMS was also called to the by ALL IN FUN the Tufts Greek system, a battle the torture of the DTD pledge pro- by repeatedly smashing soda cans scene of the crime, however, see- Come on, ease up and light bulbs over his head. ingthat no alcohol was involved in The Universityannounced yes- has broken out on campus between gram, then I’ddamn well better be anti-Greek students and the frater- able to. And besides, those pins Lusanto said that his motive the situation, they were clueless as terday that the Iate University was a squabbleover 53 cents which to how to react to the case. President Jan Brady Oscar-Meyer nity men. Although recently pub- match my earrings.” lished reports show that a consis- The issue came to a proverbial both students refused to pay to- The autopsy of the body was will be the main speaker at Com- wards their phone bill. In addition, performed yesterday by a nurse at mencement 1993. Mayer will be tent majority of Tufts students fa- head lastmonth when all sidesmet vor the current system as it is, a in open forum on WBZ-TV Chan- Lusanto commented, “I was driven Health Services. However, they contacted via a campus-wide se- tothis act because I was oppressed were only able to determine that ance, after an initial attempt was powerful minority has spoken out, nel 4. The program, known as and their voices are projecting. “People are Porking,” was a half by the Greeks who stole my soda Listerman was not pregnant, al- successfully made last week con- from my refrigerator. To make though he was kept waiting for tacting the legendary president. Junior Candrew “Dice Clay” hour of yelling and screaming by Greenberg has been at the front of Greenberg and Seltzer, as well as matters worse, they also stole my several hours before being exam- prized bottle cap collection and ined. Listerman was not able to see SPEAKER, page 4 every clash. After rushing a num- Inter Greek Council president ber of fraternities and failing to Kevin Conniptionfitand Zeta Beta ant farm.” pick up his Erythromycin pre- receive a bid, she and her cohorts Tau president Morty Ganz (from “I feel no remorse for what I scribedby Health Services because in crime are seeking legal action the French). Citing that fraterni- did. I think the final straw which he was not able to complete the against the houses. ties are support groups for men, pushedme overtheedgewas when punch card. “I feel as though I fit perfectly Ganz put Greenberg in her place he didn’t replace the empty box of There were a variety of reac- into the houses I rushed,” said when he said, “My dad can beat up tissues with a new one,” said tions to the unfortunate circum- Greenberg. “And it’s unfair that I your dad, we’re not friends any Lusanto. stance from on-campus groups. should be denied access because I more, and you can never have Lusanto added that his only re- However, the RA on duty the night was having a bad hair day.” ‘fiontsies’ in line ever again.” gretwas hisplan for escape. “Fool- of the incident lives in Carpenter Junior Andy Seltzer, an openly The war continued in the pages ishly, I called the safety shuttle to House and couldn’t be reached for gay student, rushed the infamous of the Daily, where columnistNick take me to Davis to get away, but comment from an on-campus DTD house and was also denied a Jehlen wrote 37 consecutive col- it took them two hours to respond phone because it entailed making bid, despite the fact that he was a umns on the issue. That was com- to the call.” a long distance phone call. legacy. Following the exposure of pounded by the mailbag of letters Tufts Police were also slow to Dean of Students Bobbie the despicable“bathroom journal” to the editor, most of which were respond to the distress call made Knable also could not be reached and a handful of skirmishes with written by Greenberg and TCU by a neighbor, as they took 45 for comment, for she was too busy local authorities, this latest scan- senator David Aepi, the latter of minutes to respond, thinking that with the Bridge-Metcalf program. dal has sent the house spiraling which has been one of the Greek the call concerned a student locked On the other hand, Bruce Reitman into hell. out ofhis room. Upon finally com- Former Tufts President Mayer GREEKS, page 4 see MURDER, page 2 DTD President Scott Lint had see prehending that the call dealt with Braker to be renamed Police respond to DTD Primary by PAUL REUBENS then denied that his motivations by MRS. SNYDER by wandering off more than 100 Wessell Whacker on the Senate were to pad his re- Bathroom Journal, Page Four yards from the backyard tree, the Source set The Board of Trustees an- sume oranyotherself-servingrea- Tufts University police re- dog was violating a restraining nouncedyesterdaythatBrakerHal1 sons. According to Daily tabula- sponded to the Delta Tau Delta order imposed by Associate Dean I will be renamed Brinker Hall in tions, Brinker has managed to at- fraternity house late last Saturday of Students Moose Brightman. to host honor of current Tufts Commu- tach his name as co-sponsor to night. According to Officer Bob Last year, Tucker managed to nity Union Senator DavidBrinker. virtually every resolution and by- “Supercopy7Bricker, the Jumbo sneak into a Men Understanding In a nationally televised press law debated on the Senate floor Five-0 answered a call from a Sexuality at Tufts meeting and auction conference, both UniversityPresi- this year. “Hey, what can I say. hysterical freshman woman tele- harassed various members of by AL ZIMERS dent JohnDiBiaggioandChariman There are certain things that I care phoning from the bedroom of a MUST by acting out his various What’s my rank? of the Board of Trustees Nelson deeply about,” said Brinker. fraternity member. sexual escapades. Several mem- The editorial staff of The Pri- Gifford said, “David’s proven Brinker is most known for his Upon arrival to the scene, bers of MUST said they felt inad- nary Source recently announced power-hunger in the Senate, his pro-Greek resolution in which he Supercop reported that he discov- equate, dirty and suffered de- .hat they will be holding an auc- obvious social prowess as an offi- blasted a faculty committee for eredthe caller andthe room’sresi- creased self-confidencefollowing :ion to raise funds for the creation cer of the Inter-Greek Council and being biased because they did no1 dent scantily clad and shaking un- the incident. >fananti-diversity house. member of APE, and his contribu- agree with him. His resolution controllably. According to vari- This latest run-in with Tufts’ One editor described the re- tions to the academic and intellec- touted a one question survey that ous other brothers who were suf- donut-eating finest was certainly pirementsthat studentsmustmeet tual atmosphere at Tufts make it heclaimedmeasuredstudentopin- fering from similarpeculiarsymp- notthe fmt. Even beforetheMUST UI order to live in the house. “Only clear we had to recognize his ion ofthe Greek system. He is also toms, the incident was precipi- incident, the Delts had often been hose studentswho are white Chris- achievements by naming a build- the self-proclaimed“stupidest per- tated by the sudden absence of the the subject of police investiga- :ian males may live there,” said I. ing after him.” son at Tufts.” fraternity dog, Tucker. After their tions. For instance, three brothers M. Racest, the journal’s editor-in- Brinker’s latest claim to fame averageblood alcohol content had were trampledto death one evening :hief. “Also, we don’t want any of Brinker, who apparently had was as the center of the Good and been allowed to fall to .30 percent, when a stranger entered the house hose [expletive]Tufts Democrats, set his sights on the President of Welfare controversy.He objected several brothers reported that the and said he had scratched a BMW ECO freaks, or Greek scum.” the TCU declared following the to the fact that a Senator had bro- house mutt had last been seen in in the driveway. The three deaths Female editors and writers for announcement that he was now ken confidence and described to hot pursuit of a Phi Sigma Sigma occurred as all members of the he Source have been granted per- campaigning for the vacated posi- the Daily his antics once the Sen- pledge and had never returned. fiaternity rushed outside to check nission to live in the house. tion of University Chancellor. ate meeting enters its closed ses- The disappearance of Tucker In response to the announce- “Of course I’m not thinking of sion. was complicated by the fact that seeDTD, page2 nent, the Tufts Community Union myself,” said Brinker, “I just want Other senators expressed re- Senate called an emergency meet- to do what is best for Tufts.” He sentment that they were not cho- ing to discuss future-funding for sen to have buildings named after the Source.
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