BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID LAS VEGAS, NV PERMIT #2162 .. CONTENTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Meet Alex and Jane Nakatani ot Maui who have learned t.o carry F E ATU R E S S LA N D I-l OPP N G 011 after losing one son to murder p age 10 and two to aids; legendary singer Auntie Irmgard Aluli , who inspires her daughters Focus: and grandchild ren to carry 0/1 their heritage; Keali'i Reichel -­ and Amy Hanaiali'i and Willie K. Giving Las Vegas folks (Na Hoku Award winners) who n"'npl'"n," the great tradition their "Hawaiian Fix" of Hawaiian by Mel Ozeki 20 Music. Sep tembe r, th e harvest m a ll til . s umme r is over a ll d a utumn IlIusrrarioll h as arrived. by Leilelllw }flle ll 0 Cynt h ia W ickha m D E PA R T ME N T S 'Aukake -- A ugust Join Hawaii's television $29.95 each (includes shipping & handling) send check or money ordcl" to: Ke pake mapa -- Sep tembe r ALO HA FR O M SUNNY personality, Emme Tomimbang, CALIFORNIA EMME INC. by A lo h a J oe , 13 as she brings you the music, c/o Chris tine Biaggi Fo ur Ukulele the people and the culture that makes P.O. Box 90024 • Henderson, Nevada 89009 W ahines o f JO Y, C ALENDA R .7 1-702-565-4388 a "Jo y t o Beho ld" 5 Hawai'i unique and special. " payable to EMME INC. C LA SSIFIED .39 " The Envelo p e, Ple a se" D R. LO -LO .38 M e rri e M o narc h r-------------------------------~(~~, -------------------------------, EM ME 'S ISLA N D M O MENTS ,8 -n" ' .... ~ & Na Hoku W inners 12 FR O M THE EDITO R ., .4 No rthern California DYeaJM£ Mold HaMJ-ai/~ GASA -GASA GOSSIP Steel Guitar Instrument al, . Haw aiian Events 14 by Steven Lum . 16 Eight different Steel Artists romance the Songs o f H awai'i Tamuras in Waiana e -- HA W A II A N MUSIC RE V IEW "Alo ha Spirit" at its Best 18 by Aloh a J oe .13 ". POftcafcU fYO/1/V HaUJ--aj/~ KAU KA U KITC H EN Islande r " Ninth Island" by L e i /eh ua Yuen ,22 A one-hour Story and Song Tour o f Music Places in Waikik i Business Li stings 26 and Honolulu, featuring eight Local Entert ainel-s l LAS V EGAS: W HA T'S NEW & HOT Family "Things t o Do b )' Deke Cas/ /c m a n .3 1 and See" in Las Vegas 27 SOlUff Of HaM)~U/~ SolUf FoUo LAS VEGAS GOLF by Stephanie H oI/an d 36 H awaiian and hapa haole annotated m usic sheet s of the recorded M cCarr a n A irport O p e n s .32 songs of Vic "Lanakila" Rittenband and Nancy Gustafsson, w ith lyrics an d $200 M " D-Gates" 28 LE TTE RS TO TH E EDITO R ,6 ukulele chords. Includes stories, pictul-es and I-eferences to t h e H awaiian SHOWS & SPE C IA L artists who I-ecorded them, plus pages of guitar and ukulele fi ngeringsl Las Vega s G aming 30 EVE NTS IN LAS VEGAS ,26 Spiral bound to lie nat. Send check o r m o ne y o rde r t o: Imp losio n s M a ke Way SUMO CD's $15.00 • Cassettes $10.0 0 • Fo lios $20.00 KOKUA RECORDS fo r M ega -Resorts 36 hy M illo H all .24 All Postpaid! P. O . Box 8100, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96830 <If OI"dering Folio + C D, discount $5.00 off total) (Questio ns? Call 8 0 8 -923 · 1644) 2 'O HANA ' AUKAKE/KEPAKEMAPA 1998 3 !Toea 'evliatete [15~ 'OI-fANA A Note front the Editor IH e.a ~, S "fa ll'\'' 1Y " Publisher I Edi tor Mel Ozeki. Ph.D. M EL OZEKI, PI I.D . !lJ~9k efomzdof cY@)/" Associate Publisher Man y good things continue to come ' OHANA by Aloha Joe & Mel Ozeki & Editor / Account s Emily Ozeki Magazine's way. A few not so good things. too. Producers Roy & Kathy Sakuma Art Director I Design Diana Barclay-Crane I Praise th e Lord , howe ver. man y. lllall Y more kn ow talent. You can tell from the Graph icArtist I Design Kath y Miya-Revuelto goods. In the extreme frenzy of dai ly acti vit y it names of the mu sical artists wilh Photography Brian Janisl Photolcchnik was espec iall y delightful to realize that whom Ih ey work. In Roy Sakuma Roy Ogata ' OHANA comple ted two yea rs of publishin g in Productions catalog, you find The Accountant August, and with th is iss ue. starts Year #3. Stephani e GOla Ka ' au Crater Boys, Palolo, The ACl:ounI Executives Chri stine Biaggi Eve n though sponsors an d adverti sers "carry" 'OHANA th e readers also play Valley Boys, Lyle Ritz, Ohta San, Sann Wright an extreme ly critical role in sli staining it s growth and l!t:vc loplllcnt. 'OHANA Canoe Club and JOY. Contributing Writers Aloha Joe Sei ter was founded to bring ent ert ainment and informati on . Accordingl y. Mahala for Dckc Castleman your wo rd s of prai se and encouragement. They are indeed appreciated! The Roy & Kath y's newest act, JOY, Rita Dc Silva number of subscribers is mu shroomin g! showed everybody what they can Milch Fox Some high li ghts: do. JOY performed at th e UNLV Kimberly Fu Lu ' au and wowed th e audience ! • Pat Morita. This gem of a hum an being ha s becn hornc onl y a fe w da ys of r"lina Hall The fou r young women who per­ each montll since January because of new ro l e~ in tel evision shows and Stephanie Holland form under the name of JOY are mo vies. He's traversed th e U.S .. including one trip 10 Ha wai' j 10 promote ~h e Kalina Johnson ultra talented. Each plays 'ukulele Bank that says "Yes," enough tim es to fl y fr ee a longtimc! You can henr 111m, Patrick Ka"ano"j as well as sings. We watched the Steven Lum along with Eddie Murphy in the Di sney-an im ated movie:. " rvlulan.-· He's also contin uin g hi s "Karate- Kid" exploit s wi th anoth er kar4l te movie entitled faces of Ihe Las Vegas crowd and Donna Manz th ey were smiling. The applause Pal Morita "Inferno" with Jean Claude van Dammc. was endless and JOY deli g hted Emmc Tomimbang • The growing numbers of ex pmri atcd islanders hen: in L a~ Vegas. estimated everyone with several hana-hous Lcilc hua Yucn at 18. 000 - 24,000. or 1.5 - 21/'0 of 1. 2 million re~idcnts) has spawned marc (encores). ( Computer Tec hnician Chris Reiman businesses that, as ' OHA NA' s ni ckname. ha ve "The Aloha COl1l1ef/ioll. OJ - Film Output I Printer Sou thwest Color Graphi <.:s Steven LUI11 & Louis Wai . whose law firm include .... associates in Ca liforni a, JOY actuall y began a long time ago Nevada & Ha wa i' i: P~l t Lee's CN H Funding help~ 101'::1]..; w ho so ~n e tilll :s under a different name, The Super Web page: www.o ha namagaz in c.co lll would otherwise not qual ify for mortgages: Brian .Janis' PholOtecillll!\:: LV s Ke iki. T he Super Ke iki were a EmaiL ohaIlLlmag@vcg a s.quik .co l1l prem ier pholOg rapher who also "shool!-." many of th e islillld class reu1110 1 ~S '.11 group of very young ukule le per­ 'OBANA ("f"'"ily" ) (lSSN 1090-5 189) for the Cn l & Fremont and local s hol ~ for ·OHANA . Ahhou1!h nol local. JiI111 S IS August/Septe mber publi shed bi -monthly by formers who played to audiences all around Hawai ' i. The Hawaiian at-hea rt. Lum al so is OWner of L a~ VC1!a~ N~ Ka Oi Realty. and O HANA Maga.dnc. -I57J Po rtadown Lane. Las group featured youngs.ters from age 4. Kathy te ll s us th at Vc!!a:-.. NV R9 12 1-5756. Ph 702-434-0544: Fax Stan Nagatil owns Rain bow Rea lt y. Be it legal. pllO lOgraphy. or rea l estat e, about age 12 some children wanted to do "other things." 701· ..J- J:1-X5 61 . A nnual subscriptions <Ire $20.00. th e~e is land busin essmen have th e "tri-state conll ecti on." S uch was not th e case wi th Lili Sma, Nell y Toyama, l aena POSTMASTER: plca:-oc send address chan ges to • Be side th e busi nesses mentioned ~lbo\'e. A ~pcc ial Tip of th e Coconut :apale Shlmabuku and Cand yce Narimatsu. They loved to play O l-IANA. 4573 Ponadown Lane. Las Vegas. NV to Steven & .Judy Nitura of Beef Jerky Store in La s Vcgi1~. Both arc Htl oans. ROY SLlKUMLl ' ukulele and sing. They didn' l want to SlOp. XI) 12 1-5756. " ' lUTE-INS: Materials sent for COIl ­ as my self. It was Sleven'!-. s u gge~ ti o n th at ' OI'IA NA wa:o. horll t· ! PRODUCTIONS .... idcrali o n or puhl icati on mu ~ l incl ude SASE.
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