Supernaturals by Type Supernatural Title Page NumberCopyright Ananasi Aspect Agere Ananasi 78 2000 Amari Aliquid Ananasi 81 2000 Anomia Ananasi 78 2000 Chymos Ananasi 82 2000 Gaderin Ananasi 77 2000 Kar Ananasi 80 2000 Malum Ananasi 79 2000 Plicare Ananasi 77 2000 Secean Ananasi 76 2000 Bastet Tribe Ajaba Bastet 145 1997 Bagheera Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 140 1998 Bastet 45 1997 Werewolf Players Guide 156 1993 Balam Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 140 1998 Bastet 48 1997 Werewolf Players Guide 156 1993 Bubasti Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 140 1998 Bastet 51 1997 Werewolf Players Guide 156 1993 Ceilican Bastet 54 1997 Khan Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East 67 1998 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 140 1998 Bastet 57 1997 Werewolf Players Guide 156 1993 Pumonca Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 140 1998 Bastet 60 1997 Frontier Secrets 26 1997 Werewolf Players Guide 156 1993 Qualmi Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 141 1998 Wild West Companion 130 1998 Bastet 63 1997 Werewolf Players Guide 157 1993 Simba Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 141 1998 Bastet 66 1997 Werewolf Players Guide 157 1993 Swara Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 141 1998 Bastet 69 1997 Werewolf Players Guide 157 1993 Changeling Kith Aithu Kithbook: Eshu 64 2001 Beastie Shadow Court, The 66 1997 Boggan Changeling: The Dreaming, 2nd Ed. 88 1997 Friday, September 28, 2001 Page 1 of 15 Supernatural Title Page NumberCopyright Boggan Changeling: The Dreaming 136 1995 Boggart Shadow Court, The 68 1997 Bogie Shadow Court, The 70 1997 Clurichaun Immortal Eyes: Court of All Kings 139 1996 Eshu Changeling: The Dreaming, 2nd Ed. 90 1997 Changeling: The Dreaming 138 1995 Ghille Dhu Isle of the Mighty 187 1997 Goblin Shadow Court, The 72 1997 Merfolk World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides 68 1999 Murdhuacha World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides 71 1999 Nocker Changeling: The Dreaming, 2nd Ed. 92 1997 Changeling: The Dreaming 140 1995 Oba Kithbook: Eshu 61 2001 Ogre Shadow Court, The 74 1997 Piskey Fool's Luck: The Way of the Commoner 124 1999 Pooka Changeling: The Dreaming, 2nd Ed. 94 1997 Changeling: The Dreaming 142 1995 Redcap Changeling: The Dreaming, 2nd Ed. 96 1997 Changeling: The Dreaming 144 1995 River Hag Kithbook: Redcaps 58 2000 Satyr Changeling: The Dreaming, 2nd Ed. 98 1997 Changeling: The Dreaming 146 1995 Selkie Immortal Eyes: The Toybox 126 1995 Sidhe Changeling: The Dreaming, 2nd Ed. 100 1997 Changeling: The Dreaming 148 1995 Sluagh Changeling: The Dreaming, 2nd Ed. 102 1997 Changeling: The Dreaming 150 1995 Spriggan Fool's Luck: The Way of the Commoner 126 1999 Troll Changeling: The Dreaming, 2nd Ed. 104 1997 Changeling: The Dreaming 152 1995 Custos Acolyte Ascension's Right Hand 14 1995 Consor Ascension's Right Hand 14 1995 Familiar Ascension's Right Hand 16 1995 Dauntain Doom Apostate Autumn People, The 60 1995 Black Magician Autumn People, The 56 1995 Cursed, The Autumn People, The 54 1995 Lost, The Autumn People, The 52 1995 Nihilist Autumn People, The 58 1995 Typhoid Autumn People, The 62 1995 Denizen Adhene Acheri Denizens of the Dreaming 45 2000 Aonide Denizens of the Dreaming 48 2000 Fir-bholg Denizens of the Dreaming 51 2000 Fuath Denizens of the Dreaming 54 2000 Keremet Denizens of the Dreaming 57 2000 Moiræ Denizens of the Dreaming 60 2000 Friday, September 28, 2001 Page 2 of 15 Supernatural Title Page NumberCopyright Naraka Denizens of the Dreaming 63 2000 Fomorach Breed Colliquator Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 66 1995 Fomorol Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 66 1995 Renitent Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 66 1995 Fomori Breed Bane Child Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 52 1995 Brain Eater Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 52 1995 Enticer Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Ed. 114 1998 Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 52 1995 Book of the Wyrm 84 1992 Ferectoi, the Larvae of the Wyrm Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Ed. 115 1998 Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 53 1995 Book of the Wyrm 86 1992 Fomori Family Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 54 1995 Freakfoot Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 57 1995 Gorehound Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Ed. 116 1998 Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 58 1995 Book of the Wyrm 85 1992 Hollow Man Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 59 1995 Normalite Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 61 1995 Serpent Brother Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 61 1995 Shadowfiend Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 62 1995 Sicklung Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 63 1995 Son of Typhon Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 64 1995 Throwback Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori 65 1995 Toad Book of the Wyrm, 2nd Ed. 116 1998 Gurahl Tribe Forest Walker Gurahl 46 1998 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 155 1998 Ice Stalker Gurahl 49 1998 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 155 1998 Mountain Guardian Gurahl 52 1998 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 155 1998 River Keeper Gurahl 55 1998 Werewolf Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 155 1998 Gypsy Family Lupines World of Darkness: Gypsies 85 1994 Phuri Dae World of Darkness: Gypsies 94 1994 Ravnos World of Darkness: Gypsies 89 1994 Tsurara World of Darkness: Gypsies 101 1994 Urmen World of Darkness: Gypsies 92 1994 Hsien Kwannon-jin Chu Jung Land of Eight Million Dreams 74 1998 Chu-ih-yu Land of Eight Million Dreams 72 1998 Fu Hsi Land of Eight Million Dreams 62 1998 Hanumen Land of Eight Million Dreams 64 1998 Friday, September 28, 2001 Page 3 of 15 Supernatural Title Page NumberCopyright Heng Po Land of Eight Million Dreams 66 1998 Hou-chi Land of Eight Million Dreams 76 1998 Komuko Land of Eight Million Dreams 78 1998 Nyan Land of Eight Million Dreams 68 1998 Suijen Land of Eight Million Dreams 80 1998 Tanuki Land of Eight Million Dreams 70 1998 Hunter Creed Avenger Hunter: The Reckoning 74 1999 Defender Hunter: The Reckoning 64 1999 Hermit Hunter: Players Guide 18 2001 Innocent Hunter: The Reckoning 66 1999 Judge Hunter: The Reckoning 68 1999 Martyr Hunter: The Reckoning 70 1999 Redeemer Hunter: The Reckoning 72 1999 Visionary Hunter: The Reckoning 76 1999 Wayward Hunter: Players Guide 22 2001 Inanimae Phyla Glome Inanimae: The Secret Way 52 1998 Kubera Inanimae: The Secret Way 54 1998 Mannikin Inanimae: The Secret Way 62 1998 Ondine Inanimae: The Secret Way 56 1998 Paroseme Inanimae: The Secret Way 58 1998 Solimond Inanimae: The Secret Way 60 1998 Kitsune Path Doshi Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East 160 1998 Eji Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East 160 1998 Gukutsushi Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East 160 1998 Kataribe Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East 160 1998 Kuei-Jin Dharma Dance of the Thrashing Dragon, The World of Darkness: Blood & Silk 60 2000 Kindred of the East 72 1998 Face of the Gods, The Kindred of the East Companion 54 1998 Flame of the Rising Phoenix, The Kindred of the East Companion 48 1998 Howl of the Devil-Tiger, The World of Darkness: Blood & Silk 52 2000 Kindred of the East 64 1998 Path of a Thousand Whispers, The World of Darkness: Blood & Silk 58 2000 Path of the Thousand Whispers, The Kindred of the East 70 1998 Song of the Shadow, The World of Darkness: Blood & Silk 56 2000 Kindred of the East 68 1998 Spirit of the Living Earth, The Kindred of the East Companion 57 1998 Tempest of Inward Focus, The Kindred of the East Companion 51 1998 Way of the Resplendent Crane, The World of Darkness: Blood & Silk 54 2000 Kindred of the East 66 1998 Mage Craft Ahl-i-Batin Mage Storytellers Companion 27 2000 Book of Shadows, The 90 1994 Bata'a Book of Crafts, The 13 1996 Friday, September 28, 2001 Page 4 of 15 Supernatural Title Page NumberCopyright Children of Knowledge Book of Crafts, The 31 1996 Hem-Ka Sobk Book of Crafts, The 47 1996 Hollow Ones Mage: The Ascension, Revised Ed. 79 2000 Mage: The Ascension, 2nd Ed. 112 1995 Mage: The Ascension 126 1993 Kopa Loei Book of Crafts, The 63 1996 Lions of Zion Sorcerers Crusade Companion 102 1999 Madzimbabwe Sorcerers Crusade Companion 96 1999 Ngoma Sorcerers Crusade Companion 98 1999 Sisters of Hippolyta Mage Storytellers Companion 31 2000 Book of Crafts, The 79 1996 Taftâni Mage Storytellers Companion 35 2000 Sorcerers Crusade Companion 100 1999 Templars Mage Storytellers Companion 38 2000 Book of Crafts, The 93 1996 Wu Lung Sorcerers Crusade Companion 104 1999 Book of Crafts, The 125 1996 Wu-Keng Book of Crafts, The 109 1996 Mage Tradition Ahl-i-Batin (Batini) Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade 122 1998 Akashic Brotherhood Mage: The Ascension, Revised Ed. 47 2000 Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade 124 1998 Mage: The Ascension, 2nd Ed. 94 1995 Mage: The Ascension 116 1993 Celestial Chorus Mage: The Ascension, Revised Ed. 51 2000 Mage: The Ascension, 2nd Ed. 96 1995 Mage: The Ascension 118 1993 Chakravanti (Euthanatoi) Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade 126 1998 Choeur Céleste (Celestial Chorus) Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade 128 1998 Cult of Ecstasy Mage: The Ascension, Revised Ed. 55 2000 Mage: The Ascension, 2nd Ed. 98 1995 Mage: The Ascension 120 1993 Dreamspeakers Mage: The Ascension, Revised Ed. 58 2000 Mage: The Ascension, 2nd Ed. 100 1995 Mage: The Ascension 122 1993 Dream-Speakers Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade 130 1998 Euthanatos Mage: The Ascension, Revised Ed. 61 2000 Mage: The Ascension, 2nd Ed. 102 1995 Mage: The Ascension 124 1993 Order of Hermes Mage: The Ascension, Revised Ed. 65 2000 Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade 132 1998 Mage: The Ascension, 2nd Ed.
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