Club Newsletter – SEPTEMBER 2018 Print Post Approved – PP00100002883 Inc. Assoc No: A0002694L The vehicle depicted on the Club emblem is the Ziegler steam powered horseless carriage built at Allansford, near Warrnambool, around 1900. 1964 Chevrolet Impala – Owner Fred Serra Mail Address: Email Address: Web Page https://wdhvc.com.au W&D HVC [email protected] P.O. Box 560 Warrnambool Club Room Address: Victoria, 3280 134 Ziegler Parade, Allansford. Court,[email protected] Member Club Club Office Bearers for 2017/2018 Position Name(s) President Ian Chislett Vice President Ken Perrett Secretary Natalie Serra Assistant Secretary Ian Rees Treasurer Annette Cuolahan - Phone After Hours Only Assistant Treasurer Neville McRae Prop Officer – Club Room Ted Drake Prop. Officer - CheeseWorld Graham Conn General Committee Murray Murfett, Peter Carter, Damian Lane, Graham Conn, John Welch, Geoff Houston, Ted Drake, Max Baudinette Newsletter Editor Miriam Welton ([email protected]) Assistant Newsletter Editor John Nicholson ([email protected]) Comm Service Co ordinator Ken Perrett Club Captains Max Dumesny Jos Beks Mid Week Captain Ray Farley Promotions Officer Murray Murfett ([email protected]) Membership Officer John Welch Safety Officers Roy Begelhole Terry Mansbridge Peter Carter Daryl Jago Jason Hinkley Jacob Hinkley Librarian Roy Begelhole Engine Committee Graham Conn, Syd Sharpe, David Crowe-Owen, Kelvin Boyle, Adam Edge. Rambler Committee Ken Perrett, Ray Smith, Ian Rees Federation Reps Jack Brittain, John Welch, Ashley Wright. Club Permit Officers Max Dumesny Natalie Serra Rob Donohue Ken Perrett Ian Chislett Jason Hinkley Jacob Hinkley CONTENTS Office Bearers 2 Presidents Report 3 Proposed Geelong Revival Excursion 3 Event Calendar 4 Humour & Recent Club Events 5 Disclaimer: Any opinion expressed in articles or features published in this journal should not be regarded as necessarily being the opinion of Definition of Patience 6 the Club or Committee, which cannot accept responsibility for the General Meeting Minutes 6 accuracy of material in the journal which is published in good faith as Committee Meeting Minutes 7 supplied to the Editor(s). Minutes 2017 AGM 8 Clubroom Progress 9 1905 Rally & Rob Roy 10 Montana 11 Classifieds 12 Nomination Form 13 Page | 2 President’s Report G’Day All As this is the last report before the A.G.M. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all club office bearers for their time and help for the 2017/18 season. Also thanks to all members that have helped in any way. Without you all this club would not and could not function. Work at the clubrooms is progressing well and the light at the end of the tunnel is starting to look very bright. It is unfortunate that the project is not finished for the A.G.M. but with a little bit of luck and a stiff breeze it should be finished by Christmas or at the very least the New Year. At the September committee meeting it was decided to go ahead with the parking area and award the construction and earthworks to Bill Mellican and Steve Payne. Both are members and have generously donated their earthmoving machinery for the project. Thank you Bill and Steve. A working bee is being held on Friday 28th of September starting at 10:00 am to remove fencing and the old stables to allow Earthworks to start. Coffee and tea will be provided but bring your own lunch. Calendars are about sold out (only about 40 left!) If you require one (or more) see Natalie or Ken Perrett. Safe and happy motoring to all Regards “Chisel” The Battery Drive is still on. Batteries can be left at the Dillon’s or Chislett’s farm, or at King Cole or call Andrew Serra and he will come and pick up. Thanks to everyone helping with this continuing fundraiser. The price is up at the moment so please keep them coming in. Annual General Meeting and Dinner – Friday 28th September Proposed excursion to The Geelong Revival The Geelong revival is on the 25th November2018. We have a quotation from Warrnambool Bus lines at a cost of Approx $30.00 per head for a full bus of 57 people. The cost of course would adjust higher with less people on the bus. Viability of this trip will depend on the number of members participating and therefore keeping the cost affordable. The bus would be leaving Warrnambool at 7am and would depart Geelong at 4pm with a comfort stop at Colac each way. Partners who are not interested in Revival activities may spend the day in Geelong shopping. Indication of numbers along with a non-refundable deposit would be required by our October meeting. Page | 3 Event Calendar: Sept 2018 to November 2018 Date Event and Details Start at.. Location/Start Point Contact September 2018 Wed 12 Committee Meeting 7.30pm Allansford Club Rooms Coffee Run to Lady Bay Pertobe KFC Th 13th 2pm Rd Ray Th 20th Themar Heights Run 1.30pm Cars needed please. Ken Tue 25th Abbeyfield Run 1.30pm Cars needed please. Ken Fri 28th Working Bee 10:30am Clubrooms Annual General Meeting & 6pm for Dennington Bowls Club Fri 28th Dinner dinner Foodshare donations needed Port Fairy Vintage Weekend has offered a donation of $200 to our club for our support by displaying cars at Railway Place. The Vintage Sun 30th 11:00am Railway place Port Fairy Weekend would appreciate cars driving around the streets at 11am and cars to be displayed at from 11am) KFC 01.00pm Railway place car display 02.00 Cannon firing at Battery Hill Sun 30th Vintage weekend Port fairy 12:30pm Lifeboat station tour at Port of Port Fairy (entry fee gold coin ) 03.00 afternoon tea at Charlies on Max East Jos October 2018 Tue 9th Seniors Week Run 1.00pm Cars needed please. Ken Wed 10 Committee Meeting 7.30pm Allansford Club Rooms Coffee run to Barry Tait Pottery. KFC. 125A Plumber Hill Rd Woodford. Pottery demonstration. Please bring Thu 11 1.30pm a plate. Coffee/Tea available Ray Cobden Spring Festival Depart from clubrooms $2.00 entry fee Sun 21st 10.30am Food and drinks available at venue Please bring your old cars to display Max Jos Fri 26th General Meeting 7.30pm TBA November 2018 Sun 4th Safety Check Day at Ken Perret’s 10am-2pm Naringal East Club Monthly Meetings: Held last Friday of every month except December at the Dennington Bowls Club. Meetings start 7.30 pm. All welcome including prospective members. Bring a plate for supper afterwards. Committee Meetings: Held 2nd Wednesday of every month at Allansford Club Rooms. Start at 7.30 pm. Members can attend. Page | 4 HUMOUR They say Australia has an oil shortage….. A lot of folks can’t understand how we came to have an oil shortage here in Australia. Well there’s a very simple answer: Nobody bothered to check the oil. We just didn’t know we were getting low. The reason for that is purely geographical. It’s Early I Know Last year we had a Christmas Raffle that a lot Our OIL is located in: of members contributed to by donating goods Bass Strait for hamper, cash to prizes or asking businesses East Queensland Shale Fields to donate goods This year we will be doing the same so if you Canning Basin can help in any way would be greatly Perth Basin and appreciated. North West Continental Shelf Contact : Karen Carter 0458692270 BUT our DIPSTICKS are located in Canberra!!! Any Questions??? NOTICE RE NEWSLETTER EDITOR POSITION: As previously mentioned I will not be continuing with editing the WDHVC monthly newsletter after the next AGM. Therefore we will be needing someone to step up and take the position. An assistant editor is also required. The formatting requires a basic knowledge of MS Word and cutting and pasting photos, articles etc. The majority of articles are emailed in. If you are able to take on a position or just want more information please call me on 0438 073 882 or John Nicholson on 0437 938 090 As this will be my last newsletter, thank you to all who have given me positive support over the last few years. Miriam RECENT CLUB EVENTS On the 13th September the mid-week run was attended by 20 club members. They enjoyed a visit to the Lady Bay Resort Hotel. Page | 5 Definition of Patience – 5 years to get to this stage….. At the beginning (an absolute rust bug!) Getting there…… Current State Still to do: rebuild engine and gearbox and overhaul the running gear then reinstate the camping interior. (sigh..) Minutes of General Meeting – 31st August 2018 Dennington Bowls Club. Apologies D Little, K Britton, B Aitken, G Picone, N&M Welton, M Dumesny, A Serra, K Chislett, B Poynton, K Payne, R Dumesny, E Carlson, A Wright .Moved D Irving/J Beks. Minutes of previous meeting as printed in the newsletter; Accepted J Nicholson/B Cuolohan. Business Arising: Nil Page | 6 Correspondence In: Arthur Gallagher,WCC Rates, Member renewals. Newsletters: RACV, Royal Auto, Restored Cars, Wimmera Mally. Out: A Lane, Cards .Moved K Perrett/R Smith. Reports • Treasurer- As tabled be accepted A Cuolohan / D Byron. • Engine Committee: Not that much happening. • Federation Report. Jack gave a synopsis of the last federation meeting. • Club Runs : Hamilton swap meet Saturday August 2018 • September 30th run is to the vintage weekend in Pt Fairy. Leave KFC at 12.30 to travel to railway place Pt Fairy. • 2pm firing of the cannon, open Life boat shed. • October run is to Cobden to the heritage park and the spring festival, Leave from the Allansford Clubrooms 10.30. $2 entry fee.
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