Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 3-1-1951 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1951). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3984. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. out 01 a THE BULLOCH HERALD. THURSDAY. FEB. 22, 195J well as top honors at Live Oak. Mr. Saunders keeps are Bound' Is foundation stock he from 'Mixer "Mixer Bound" was bred by procured Modena Wells Stock Bulloch County'. Gilbert Garner, Connersville. rn­ Plantation, � Read as PIcN". In Herd to and Farm. Bray Island PjanlAlIon. GEORGIAPic. of ,It. Top Hog diana. who sold him the C. Leading Florida. Thl. --- Th. H.rald'. L. Ranch. Earlton. _ alter Now ShowIng "Mixer Bound" will head up Indivi­ we�r� :�����adio!":��'t ranch put the outstanding "THE GLASS MENAGERIE" Saunders' herd of when HERALD Emory pure­ purebreds h. ffniahed hIgh Ad. l'HE N.w.paper circuit. BULLOCH dual on the show Jane Wyman. KIrk Douglas bred Hampshire hogs. school 12 to 15 years ..go and has However, Mr. Saunders is not Gertrude Lawrence boa,' was state followed through wIth Hampshlres. This blue blooded the ---- depending on Mixer Bound all ---- saturday boar In In­ He 18 one 01 the Hampehlre STATESBORO BVUOCH COVNTr fair yearling champion for hi. herd .Ires. He Is also better Double Featur. DED1C.4TED to fHE PROGRESS ot AND wuy breedera In Is a source Big diana In then took top hon­ boar Georgia "'Id 1949. Designer," a AGENT" using "Georgia's excellent stock lor 10- 1. CUSTOMS ors in one Florida (air at of breeding � Tampa he two years ago from BADLANDS" NUMBER 16 bought livestock farmer•. When _vialt- 2_ "ACROS8 THE In and then climaxed his cal 1950. Inc III. at 1 :30 MullRdy Farm. .• Elgin. on farm about 12 mtles Cartoons and Serial show record the state Ing his by winning -- -- the- 14 sows 011 Sun.• Mon.• Tu.... lair honors In Florida this year as Most of purebred north west 01 Statesboro. just U. S. 25. you have to talk hogs The picture every Georgian and hog feed. That 18 all Mr. Saun- should see Bloodm�bi�eBack' dera 18 Interested In. "I'D CLIMB THE HIGHEST � 000 MOUNTAIN" Termites Do $50,000,000 In Statesboro On $385 � .' ARTS CLUB Suaan Hayward. Wm. Lundlgan . Dortnitory T.C. INDUSTRIAL 'Fllmed In Georgia In Beautiful HOLDS PLANNING PROGRAM WASHABLE! Technlcolor • The Industrial Arts Club at Damage Yearly! Plan to attend and attemoon Georgia Teachers Ccllege wUl pre­ For show. TT�ee:�:::II�����:cl�lnAuthorized T.e. sent Arrthur chairman of -- Hauleri -- Wed" Thu,..., Fri., Statesboro on Tuesday, Mal'ch 6 BE TERMITES! .---. FLYING ANTS MAY Industrial Arts at . the Department "PAGAN LOVE SONG" (01' its regula I' ostlectlon of whole Teachers College officials today announced -.-------­ State Teachers Georgia Oawega (N. Y.) Eather Howard blood. Williams. for construction of a men's here at an estl- I' Ccllege. In a school-shop planning Technlcolor plans dormitory Baptist Speake For Free and Estimates (Filmed In Ike Minlwvitz, chairman of the Inspeotion 7 m. program at p. Monday. • Bloodbank mated cost of $385.000. If Bullooh Counly pro­ --------------. The Board of Regents of the _ announced today uiat the gram, ---------- • • authorized -PHONE 17- .�\ Bloodmobile will be at the Com- Univeralty System hOB r "��� munlty Center nom 9:30 to 11:30 construction at the earliest possi­ and 1 :30 to 1 :30 In The Thermometer And ask for Jimmy Mangrum SIAM RSTED in tile morntng ble date. President Zach S. Hen- the afternoon. CONTIIItIlNlCAGI::'·�.:.otUO:·· derson Bald. The IB one ot Week Said ••• project Ohnirman of the organizations Last foul' just passed by the regents in the city nnd county arc being Standard Pest Control FOR SALE-Two- and three-bed- Last week's high WI. up to and the Unlverslty Keell to contact their prospcctlve accepted by FOR SALE (Mlac.) room hardwood urged BONDED TERMITE CONTROL houses, floors, ... on Febru­ which donors and have them at the col­ 83 degr Monday. System Building AllthOl·lty. rQCk wool Insulation. weatherstrip­ ANTIQUES- Gone-wlth-the-wind center on Tuesday. with a low of 38 de- 8S a means hot lection ary 19. Issues revenue. bonds wired and ped windows. circulating heat, from $15.00. states that more lamps Small down MI'. Minkovitz grees on Saturday, February of Dr. Henderson se Id collection water heaters. pay­ financing. burnlahed. A very choice are needed If Bul­ than 200 donors 24. for bids fur­ ment. F.H.A_ financed. Simmons he expects an early cull 01 hand-painted china. sliver. COHAMA 18 to furnish her quo­ loch County Subdlvlalon, near For de­ The wee k '. niture In American. hospital. temperature rrom contractors. early Empire. ta of whole blood. tails ... JOSIAH ZETTEROWER. are al fellow", Victorian. Chlpendale. A wide va­ reading. The building will have two sto­ Phone 888-J. from noon till church ser- The Bulloch County Hospital , name "Robert Ripley" and items to thrill and fascinate cuno- evening 1'00111 rlety 01 glaas Item.. bisque Ilgu­ The low ries and 78 rooms, with each CHICKS continues a great amount of high FREE "Believe It or Not" are seekers of all vice. using Iron and cooking the term sity ages. two men. It will rlnes. copper I now need­ accommodating FOil IlENT combination A of oddities, while. blood. It is being Monday. Feb. II 83 50 utensils. Also on special sale. a (In nccepted every­ special showing The exhibit, containing' many be located between Sanford Hall, cd In Korea for the sutte com­ curiosities, and art objects from desperately F.b. 20 80 55 the very good oak bedroom FOR IUCNT. li-room bouse on N. FEATH'ERLIN where after more than 40 years items never before seen except by TuesdlY. present men's dormitory, and this on armed forces. reasonable. YE of the car­ collection, being exhibited Feb. 21 65 56 field. plete and very Coil.. Street. A. S. DODI) Jr. world-wide publication is one of six Wednesday. athletic national tom' under the Ripley'S Intimates, The county chairman states, OLDE WAGON An­ thnt name. auspices 68 students WHEIIlL, Phone .78 or 518 (tt) toon bearlng now on tour under of D. too much the Thursday. Feb. 22 I$'" An overflow of male D. SATURDAY of the Disabled American veto­ auspices "We cannot stress Dr. Louie Newton South Main Extension. Sts· Is since WOI'ld War II caused the col­ tiques. Not so well-known Rlpley's A. V. Funds received rrom volun­ of the need Ior whole Feb. 23 67 37 FOR IUCNT: Untumlahed rans, will be presented In States­ urgency Friday. Today the Statesboro Baptist t..boro. apart. All these reatures ill one rabric unusual ask for the additional practical collcctlon of donations will be us­ know that many citi­ 69 lege to the available Feb. 1. Four amazing boro on afternoon (March tary accepted blood. We Siturday. Feb. 24 38- Church Is host to Regional ment, - Sunday the -Iook·of.linen that blood-some one Crowded conditions plus luxury often the from and zens have dormitory. for Pastors and TYPEWRITIilRS - rooms and electric water Items, originals 4) by The Department of Georgla ed by the State Department given Feb, 25 75 39 Conference Lay­ Royal Type- bath; crease- resistant Sunday. have abated somewhat this YClU', 24 Cohama's were made. some more than one time, all southeast FEB. heater. 231 S. Main Phone .distingui.hes which his drawings D. A. V. This mounted In a of the D. A. V. within time, men. Baptists tram writers, Allen'Adding Machines. 8t.. exhibit. Chapters but the 01'. Henderson as­ Featherlin. You can have casual dresees. but we also know that. many have The rainfall for the week college, here to heal' some of Sales and Service. Rentals. WJG­ 42..J_ (tic) This collection gathered by Rip­ special custom-built trailer, will be the state where the contributions Georgia arc . could not any blou.... sun-back bolero ensem­ not taken of the oppor­ serted, plan growth finest Includ­ TYPEWRITER 'S E. 2'piece on his jaunts to located at the Court House and are to assist them in carry­ advantage was 0.16 Inche•. the South's speakers. GINS CO.. ley perennial made, one men's un- with only ILs present - a-roem fumiahed and countless other out­ disabled to this great ed are 01'. Louie D. DI'. Main St. Phone sair. (S·1-111) FOR IUCNT bles, sportswear strange, faraway lands, contains will be open to the public rree ing on their services to tunity perform Newton, The Is furnl,h- dormitory. apartment with electric kitchen. fit& in a wide color choiceof Cohama·. selfish duty to thetr community Infor",atlon Carl E. Bajea. Dr. George W. Sad­ FOR S� velvet beans, Fuel 011 heat. Front and back wI.hable Featherlin. 36/37" wide. and nation." ed special to the Herald by IeI' and Dr. Boyd Hunt. if ctttzens $4.50 bushel F.O.B. Won·t ship. porch. prIvate entrances.
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