FREE COPY THE NEWSPAPER FOR Torremolinos, SOUTHERN SPAIN home to Official market leader Audited by PGD/OJD Pride 2017 June 9th to 15th 2017 www.surinenglish.com The gay community came together for a News 2 What To Do 39 festival where Dana Comment 22 My Home 49 Lifestyle 24 Sport 55 International starred Health & Beauty 44 Classified 62 38 70 on Saturday P24&25 in English Food & Drink Pastimes Family travel to UK to bring back the Spanish hero of London Bridge attack One of the eight victims of last ing for Ignacio’s family who trav- Ignacio Echeverría, 39, died trying Saturday’s terror attack on London elled to London where they re- to stop terrorists with his Bridge was confirmed this week as ceived support from the Spanish Spaniard Ignacio Echeverría, 39. embassy. Ignacio, who worked at skateboard; his death was not The British authorities have faced the HSBC bank in London, has criticism after it took until been hailed a hero after he used confirmed until Wednesday Wednesday for them to confirm his skateboard to try to save a his death. The news brought an woman who was being attacked end to 90 hours of anxious wait- :: EFE by one of the terrorists. P19 British expats in Spain keep a close eye on the UK election results The outcome of the snap election could determine what type of Brexit EU residents can expect MARBELLA DRESSES UP FOR :: AFP At the time of going to press poll- ing stations were still open across SAN BERNABÉ the UK as people cast their votes in the snap election called by Theresa May in April. British resi- The annual fair kicked off with dents in Spain and other EU coun- tries, many of whom were unable fireworks on Tuesday night and to vote due to the 15-year rule, wait festivities continue this weekend P3&42 to see how the results could affect the Brexit negotiations due to start The party atmosphere in Marbella on Thursday. :: JOSELE-LANZA soon. P18 Marbella council gets Revisiting Laurie Lee’s tough on louts, studying Andalucía. A new series new regulations to deter searching for the Spain that antisocial behaviour by charmed the English writer drunken tourists P2 starts in Algeciras P31 22222222 June 9th to 15th 2017 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH Marbella council says ‘enough is enough’ to loutish behaviour and starts to get tough The local authority is are granted at our total discretion, concerned that the and when looking at those we will analyse in detail whether we are resort’s image is being contributing to the improvement damaged by disreputable of the Puerto Banús product or tourists, mostly foreigners, whether we are taking a step back- wards,” he said. especially in Puerto Banús, However, he stressed that this ini- tiative not only needs to be adopted :: NIEVES CASTRO / from the policing point of view but HÉCTOR BARBOTTA also needs cooperation from busi- MARBELLA. Councillors in Mar- ness owners. Some already take into bella are concerned that the re- account the type of clientele they sort’s image and reputation are be- want and the type they don’t, but ing damaged by antisocial behav- others do not feel the same way. “We iour, especially because in recent have to decide where we need to fo- weeks there has been an increase cus our attention,” he said. in the presence of drunken tour- Porcuna admitted that tourists ists in the Puerto Banús area. and customers cannot be selected Javier Porcuna, councillor for at the airport or in the street, but Security, told a press conference he said that “there is a wish to try this week that new regulations are to encourage some people to come now being drawn up to control be- to Marbella and discourage others haviour which is considered anti- from doing so”. social, which includes going shirt- The councillor explained that less in certain places, and that fines the local authority wants to mod- will be imposed on those who do ify the regulation, although this not comply. takes longer, rather than issue a He said this initiative was al- Shirtless tourists in Puerto Banús this week; fines could become more commonplace. :: JOSELE-LANZA decree, because that is normally ready being planned when, on Sun- only done on a temporary basis. day 28 May, ten people were in- not be tolerated.” drunken foreign tourists, the coun- tage of their customers’ antisocial The reports which have to be pre- jured and two British tourists ar- cillor explained that the local author- behaviour. “We are not talking about pared beforehand have already rested, in a hit-and-run incident Keeping checks on bars ity will be keeping a careful eye on using powers which are beyond our been approved, he said. described at the time as an isolated Without referring explicitly to establishments which take advan- means, but there are licences which He stressed, however, that the incident. He stressed that the local author- ity had already decided to reinforce the police presence in Puerto Banús, with six more Local Police Norwegians arrested over officers being assigned to the area. The original plan was for these damage to cancer exhibition measures to be implemented from 13 June to 30 September, but the council decided to put them into :: SUR graphs of local personalities and effect earlier because the Marbella MALAGA. Three Norwegian na- testimonies of cancer. At 5am on Luxury Weekend was scheduled tionals, all aged 20, have been de- Wednesday a street cleaner spot- to take place beforehand. tained on suspicion of vandalis- ted four youths damaging six of Porcuna didn’t give details of ing a charity’s outdoor exhibition the panels. Police were able to de- the instructions which have been in central Malaga. The display cur- tain three at the scene and one given to the police, but he stressed rently running in the city’s main managed to evade capture. The that “situations such as those Calle Larios consists of 60 large exhibition was organised with which have occurred recently will panels with a mixture of photo- AECC, the cancer charity. A damaged panel on Malaga’s main shopping street. :: SUR June 9th to 15th 2017 3 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS council will not be able to re- IN BRIEF inforce the numbers of Na- Town celebrates June fair under tional Police officers, because Half a tonne of hashish the interior ministry in Ma- found in stolen vehicle drid is already only provid- the watchful eye of security CCTV ing partial cover for the sum- mer holidays, and although ESTEPONA there is very good coopera- :: E. P. Police have been giving tion between the council and It is the first time more details this week of an on- National Police headquarters Marbella has made this going drugs operation on the in Marbella, the resources Costa. It began when an off-road available are limited. move to guarantee vehicle, which had been reported better safety for visitors stolen, failed to stop at a police Enforce the existing rules at the widely- attended control in mid-May at Avenida Meanwhile, the Partido de los Andaluces in Estepona. The Popular has called on the event that runs until driver fled leaving the keys in- council not only to increase Monday side. Some 448 kilos of hashish the fines for contravening was found inside. The find set off the regulations but also to :: HÉCTOR BARBOTTA a search which led to the arrest provide more specific details MARBELLA. The annual San of five Spanish nationals and a of what constitutes antiso- Bernabé ‘feria’ is in full swing this British man, all aged between cial behaviour. weekend in the centre of Marbella 29 and 37. The PP suggests that a and the showground on the out- cross-party working group skirts of the resort. However this Dane hands himself in should be set up to review year the good-natured revelry is be- the existing regulations and ing closely monitored by tempo- after being on the run impose harsher penalties in rary CCTV cameras for the first response to “new problems time. FUENGIROLA which are arising”. They also The daytime celebration, on the :: SUR. A Danish man has handed want existing regulations to town’s Alameda and Avenida del himself into police in Fuengi- be applied more effectively. Mar, by the old town, is covered by rola after apparently getting tired At present, fines of between six police-controlled cameras. Mean- of fleeing an arrest warrant in 750 and 3,000 euros can be while, the nighttime fair, near La Fair decorations in Marbella with cameras in the canopy roof. :: J-L Denmark. The 39-year-old man imposed, depending on the Cañada shopping centre, has five approached officers on the sea- seriousness of the offence. cameras operating. fair and the move comes as coun- Cañada, Puerto Banús, the Puerto front in the resort on 21 May, Walking shirtless in the The local authority tried to in- cillors express their increased con- Deportivo marina and Elviria shop- saying that he was wanted in his street, holding outdoor stall cameras last year but didn’t get cern about antisocial behaviour ping plaza. home country on suspicion of drinking parties or having permission in time. This year the harming Marbella’s reputation. The colourful traditional fair, one sexually exploiting minors, rob- sex in certain places are al- green light came from national and As reported last week in SUR in of the biggest on the Costa del Sol, bery and fraud of goods and serv- ready considered offences.
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