Table1 4/08/2016 Author Title Class/n Acc No 1933 Anchor 100 Embroidery Stitches A /ANC 218 Anchor 100 Embroidery Stitches A /ANC 522 Barnden, Betty Embroidery Stitch Bible, The A /BAR 1705 Bayard, Marie-Noelle Embroidery Techniques & Patterns A /BAY 1905 Beaney, Jan Stitches: New Approaches A /BEA 1659 Bond, Dorothy Crazy Quilt Stitches A /BON 1457 Brull, Sheila Dictionary of Stitches ) A /BRU 161 Brull, Sheila Dictionary of Stitches A /BRU 339 Butler, Anne Simple Stitches A /BUT 892 Butler, Anne Batsford Encyclopaedia of Embroidery Stitches, The A /BUT 1670 Causee, Linda Encyclopedia of Crazy Quilt Stitches & Motifs A /CAU 1563 Chandler, Ruth Modern Hand Stitching A /CHA 2117 Christie, Mrs Archibald Samplers and Stitches A /CHR 1096 Gardner, Sue(Ed) A-Z of Embroidery Stitches A /COU 1452 O'Connor, Susan (Ed) A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2 A /COU 1877 Cowan, Sally Left Handed Stitchery A /COW 2150 Eaton, Jan Complete Stitch Encyclopedia, The A /EAT 401 Eaton, Jan Mary Thomas's Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches A /EAT 1661 Enthoven, Jacqueline Stitches of Creative Embroidery, The A /ENT 97 Enthoven, Jacqueline Stitches of Creative Embroidery, The A /ENT 122 Enthoven, Jacqueline Stitches of Creative Embroidery, The A /ENT 368 Enthoven, Jacqueline Stitches of Creative Embroidery, The A /ENT 990 Hall, Dorothea Good Housekeeping: Embroidery A /GOO 1190 Hein, Gisela Basic Stitches of Embroidery - A Modern Approach A /HEI 1308 Howard, Constance Constance Howard Book of Stitches The A /HOW 200 Howard, Constance Constance Howard Book of Stitches A /HOW 1678 John, Edith Creative Stitches A /JOH 247 John, Edith New Stitches for Needlecraft A /JOH 1425 Montano, Judith Baker Elegant Stitches A /MON 1591 Montano, Judith Baker Floral Stitches A /MON 1735 Morrell, Anne Using Simple Embroidery Stitches A /MOR 929 Nichols, Marian Encyclopedia of Embroidery Stitches A /NIC 241 Nichols, Marion Encyclopedia of Embroidery Stitches A /NIC 361 O'Sheen, Darlene Proper Stitch, The A /OST 2159 Peterson, Grete & Svennas,Elsie Handbook of Stitches A /PET 236 Samples, Carole Treasury of Crazy Quilt Stitches A /SAM 1641 Sayles, Shirley Step by Step Stitchery A /SAY 225 Sayles, Shirley Step by Step Stitchery A /SAY 256 Semco Embroidery Stitches A /SEM 617 Short, Eirian, (Ed) Readers Digest Needlecraft Guides: Embroidery A /SHO 1177 Snook, Barbara Embroidery Stitches A /SNO 119 Stanton, Yvette Left-handed Embroiderer's Companion A /STA 1953 Stanton, Yvette Right-handed Embroiderer's Companion, The A /STA 1955 Thirez & Cartier-Bresson Embroidery Stitches A /THI 13 Thomas, Mary Mary Thomas's Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches A /THO 1064 Thomas, Mary Mary Thomas's Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches A /THO 1274 Thomas, Mary Mary Thomas's Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches A /THO ® 1 Thomas, Mary Mary thomas's Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches A /THO ® 272 Webb, Mary Embroidery Stitches A /WEB 2107 Anchor Anchor Manual of Needlework Ba/ANC 63 Anchor Anchor Manual of Needlework Ba/ANC 425 Anchor Anchor Manual of Needlework Ba/ANC ® 601 Beeton,Isabella Beeton's Book of Needlework Ba/BEE 1052 Bennett, Beverley Shore. Key To Embroidery, A Ba/BEN 404 Page 7 Table1 4/08/2016 Author Title Class/n Acc No Bonando Wanda & Marinella Nava Embroidery: Stitches, Patterns & Projects Ba/BON 372 Brittain, Judy Needlecraft Ba/BRI 294 Brown, Pauline Encyclopedia of Embroidery Techniques, The Ba/BRO 754 Brown, Pauline Embroidery Ba/BRO 804 Caulfield, S. & B. C. Saward Dictionary of Needlework, The Ba/CAU 133 Clabburn, Pamela Needleworkers Dictionary, The Ba/CLA 163 Octopus Complete Book of Creative Needlecrafts, The Ba/COM 1300 Coss, Melinda Reader's Digest Complete Book of Embroidery Ba/COS 687 Cox, Hebe Embroidery, Technique and Design Ba/COX 16 Dawson, Barbara White Work Embroidery Ba/DAW 1081 Gostelow, Mary (Ed) Therese de Dillmont"s Encylopedia of Needlework. Vol Ba/DeD 803 de Denne, Lynette Creative Needlecraft Ba/DeD 879 De Dillmont, Therese Encyclopedia of Needlework Ba/DeD 1351 de Denne, Lynette & Johnson,Margaret Decorating with Stitches Ba/DeD 1429 De Dillmont, Therese Encyclopedia of Needlework Ba/DeD® 5 De Dillmont, Therese Encyclopedia of Needlework Ba/DeD® 1354 Douglass, Winsome Discovering Embroidery Ba/DOU 1020 Eaton, Gay Techniques & Tools of Embroidery Ba/EAT 1986 Embroiderers' Guild of S.A Nimble Needle, The (2) Ba/EMB 179 Embroiderers' Guild of S.A. Nimble Needle, The (1) Ba/EMB 1056 Embroiderer's Guild Practical Study Gro Needlework School Ba/EMB 1384 Embroidery Companion Ba/EMB® 2019 Fry, Gladys Windsor Embroidery and Needlework Ba/FRY 1392 Gostelow, Mary Coats Book of Embroidery, The Ba/GOS 375 Kenrick, Helen Winthorpe Stitchopedia Ba/KEN 1956 Liley, Alison Craft of Embroidery, The Ba/LIL 1664 Long, Sophie Mastering the Art of Embroidery Ba/LON 2128 Marein, Shirley Stitchery, Needlepoint, Applique and Patchwork Ba/MAR 113 Newnes Newnes Complete Needlecraft Ba/NEW 1207 Ollard, Caroline - Intro by Complete Book of Needlecrafts, The Ba/OLL 1055 Passadore, W. Needlework Book, The Ba/PAS 51 Readers' Digest Reader's Digest complete Guide to Needlecraft Ba/REA 1116 Snook, Barbara Learning to Embroider Ba/SNO 295 Spence, A. Creative Embroidery Ba/SPE 132 Swift, Gay Batsford Encyclopaedia of Embroidery Techniques, Ba/SWI 673 Thomas, Mary Embroidery Teach Yourself Book Ba/THO 212 Thomas, Mary Mary Thomas's Embroidery Book Ba/THO 987 Thomas, Mary Mary Thomas's Embroidery Book Ba/THO 1549 Thomas, Mary Mary Thomas's Embroidery Book Ba/THO ® 213 Sarah Whittle Needlecraft Style Directory Ba/WHI 2123 Wilson, Erica Embroidery Book Ba/WIL 371 Andrews, Carol Making Needlework Accessories Embroidered with Bea Bb/AND 1787 Ashby, Daphne & Woolsey, Jackie Why not Embroider Letters? Bb/ASH 1676 Babington, Audrey (Ed) Pincushion Book, The Bb/BAB 1134 Bealing, Wendy Pretty Presents Bb/BEA 682 Beautement, Margaret Approaches to Modern Embroidery Bb/BEA 1309 Book, Christine Stitched in time for Christmas Bb/BOO 1146 Boyles, Margaret Margaret Boyles Book of Needleart Bb/BOY 1395 Bramley, Sylvia Embroidery with Transparent Fabrics Bb/BRA 646 Bragdon, Allen D. Decorative Needlecraft Bb/BRA 1117 Brazier, Joanna Calico House, The Bb/BRA 1439 Brill, Susan (Ed) Pretty Little Pincushions Bb/BRI 2059 Brown, Jean Embroidery In Miniature Bb/BRO 475 Campbell-Harding, Valerie (Ed) Starting to Stitch Creatively Bb/CAM 931 Carroll, M. Making Needlecraft Landscapes Bb/CAR 403 Page 8 Table1 4/08/2016 Author Title Class/n Acc No Carter, Jill Embroidered Heirlooms Bb/CAR 1206 Chipindale, J. & Thorp, K Christmas Stitchery Bb/CHI 808 Clarke, Winifred M Embroidery Book, The Bb/CLA 1021 Coats Festive Embroidery Bb/COA 1303 Coats Embroidery Inspired by Wrought Iron Designs No.1024 Bb/COA 1489 Coats Leaf Embroidery No. 1186 Bb/COA 1492 Colby, Averil Pincushions Bb/COL 1437 Creative Embroidery Bb/CRE 1499 Daumer, Carmen Pincushions for Every Occasion Bb/DAU 1928 Embroiderers' Guild of NSW Creative Art of Embroidery Bb/EMB 1022 National Heart Foundation Embroidery from the Heart Bb/EMB 1681 Essential Guide to Embroidery, The Bb/ESS 1675 Garland, Claire Embroidered Treasures Bb/GAR 1997 Gardner,Sue(ed) The World's Most Beautiful Blankets Bb/GAR 2122 Georgeson, Pru (Ed) Exploring Embroidery Bb/Geo 665 Haigh, Janet Embroiderer's Floral, The Bb/HAI 2051 Harker, Gail Fairytale Quilts and Embroidery Bb/HAR 822 Iles, Jane Needlework Magic Bb/ILE 726 Iles, Jane Needlework Garden, The Bb/ILE 923 Joy of Needlecraft, The Bb/JOY 811 Joynes, Heather Cats in Embroidery Bb/JOY 1236 Kirkham, Jenni Embroidering Cottage Garden Flowers Bb/KIR 1088 Klickmann, Flora Stitchery Annual, The Bb/KLI® 127 Klickmann, Flora Cult of the Needle, The Bb/KLI® 274 Krevitsky, Nik Stitchery: Art & Craft Bb/KRE 1310 Lazar, Shelley Faye Pictures in Needlework Bb/LAZ 839 Marko, Kysnia Embroidery Bb/MAR 353 McCall Needlework Treasury Bb/McC 374 Milner, Sally (Compiled by) Masterworks Bb/MIL 1426 Mitchell, Annette Country Diary Book of Crafts, The Bb/MIT 1399 Montagu, Belinda Group work in Embroidery Bb/MON 1671 Mostaghimi, Lynette Countryside Needlecraft Source Book Bb/MOS 1128 New Look for Needlework, A Bb/NEW 1189 Newman, Jennifer Exquisite Embroidery Bb/NEW 1518 Ollard, Caroline First Steps in Embroidery Bb/OLL 614 Packham, Jo Making Fabulous Pincushions Bb/PAC 1461 Parker, Freda Victorian Embroidery Bb/PAR 618 Pearce, Carolyn Home Sweet Home Bb/PEA 2025 Pyman, Kit (Ed) Made to Teasure: Embroideries for all Occasions Bb/PYM 1101 Riley, Patricia Needlecraft Projects Bb/RIL 190 Sanders, Jennifer (Ed) Australian Needlework Wildflowers Bb/SAN 744 Sanders, Jennifer(Ed) Victoriana Bb/SAN 1500 Sanders, Jennifer(Ed) Surface Embroidery and Smocking Bb/SAN 1501 Scott, Anna (Ed) Blissful Beginnings Bb/SCO 2111 Simpson, Sophie Secret Garden Embroidery Bb/SIM 2158 Snook, Barbara Creative Art of Embroidery, The Bb/SNO 1186 Springall, Diana Embroidery Bb/SPR 286 Stephenson, Jenny Little Book of Heirloom Christmas Tree Décorations, Th Bb/STE 1698 Threads Magazine Stitchery & Needle Lace from "Threads" Bb/STI 743 Stubbs, Una Embroidery Book Bb/STU 717 Vickers, Lois Embroidered Garden, The Bb/VIC 594 Barber, Janet My Fun to Sew Bc/BAR 1526 Beaney, Jan Young Embroiderer, The Bc/BEA 1530 Education Department WA Teacher's Handbook of Needlecraft Bc/EDU 876 Education Department WA Threads & Strands Bc/EDU 1188 Page 9 Table1 4/08/2016 Author Title Class/n Acc No Embroidery & Sewing Stitches Bc/EMB 110 Embroidery Stitches Bc/EMB 111 Embroidery Stitches Bc/EMB 1304 Enthoven, Jacqueline Stitchery for Children Bc/ENT 1529 Fiarotta, Phyllis Sticks and Stones and Icecream
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